Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Conservatives, Republicans Or Tea Party Activists?

Fox News has become a default group support place for fear and loathing of all things Socialist. The message from Fox News is really mixed and confusing. From that Leftist Showman, Geraldo Rivera, the Liberal news Anchor, Sheppard Smith, the, regulate them to death style Progressive, Bill O'Reilly that believes he’s somehow a Conservative to that genuine Conservative, Glen Beck.

The Fox personalities are all over the political map. The ratings demographics provide true insight about how Americans really feel. Fox, a cable outlet takes the lead with the others far behind. That alone should send a loud and strong message to the politicians.

Fox News seems to be at odds with the Obama Administration policy in general. But, Glen Beck seems to be the only one who has really studied Political Science. Beck has a grasp of history and understands what’s happening.

The mainstream Republican Party has gone progressive years ago and does not have its Conservative identity anymore.

The Democratic Party has embraced Socialism and Karl Marx despite the massive failure of that form of government.

The Tea Party folks are a bunch of Conservative and Independent voters that have been disenfranchised and are tired of constant government extortion. The Tea Party people are victims of Bait and Switch promises of today’s American politicians.

The disgust Americans have for Congress and our politicians is at an unacceptable level. Obama has done one wonderful thing. He has caused massive educational efforts to understand the American process by the American people. Can we get rid of this despot before he destroys America?

The people do not like what they are learning because they want the American the founding fathers gave us not this Socialist Hope and Change manure they have been fed for decades.

The Republican Party needs to go back to its roots and expel the George Bush’s and John McCain’s that have abandoned Conservatism. It’s time for the small government, low tax mind our own business liberty lovers to get control of their own lives. The benefit would be a strong economy and good jobs for everyone.

Wars are always the product of Progressive Leftists that can’t accept the Swiss model of minding their own business. It is time for peace.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Was CNN’s Susan Roesgen Fighting For Obama Or Reporting News?

Chicago, IL—At Chicago’s Tea Party CNN reporter, Susan Roesgen waded into the crowd to spin the event as anti-government. I guess she thinks anyone that wants to protect the Constitution along with its liberty and freedom must be anti-government. Roesgen also called the event anti-CNN and proclaimed it was being led by Fox News.

Roesgen could not grasp the concept that excessive taxation also takes liberty. Taxation to the point of slavery is anything but freedom. There is a strong argument that today’s working Americans are slaves to corrupt politicians and their contributors. I thought we outlawed slavery long ago.

The problem with Roesgen was that she did not like the answers to her questions and chose to pick fights with the demonstrators. Roesgen became emotional and unprofessional as she tried to advocate the Barack Obama talking points to demonstrators. It was lousy TV news but great TV.

I imagine the public referendum results on this battle of the cable news outlets are in the latest ratings on Tax Day.

FOXNEWS 3,390,000
MSNBC 1,210,000
CNN 1,070,000

Fox News played Roesgen’s confrontational clip over and over as a solid demonstration of perceived CNN’s pro-Obama bias. CNN is playing to their own smaller audience and they have every right to do that because the ethical matters of traditional journalism have gone by the wayside.

True journalism gave way to subtle slanting. Over the decades the subtle slanting became full blown advocacy. News as we knew it is dead and today we have a free-for-all. Perhaps it’s more honest. They can report and we will decide.

I have to say in the final analysis if news presenters and writers would all disclose their bias instead of pretending the public would be better served. Saying that I can’t condemn Susan Roesgen for her bias.

Captured video by a bystander:

Here is the CNN story: