Showing posts with label TV News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV News. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid-19 is Changing TV News Delivery Forever!

Los Angeles, CA--The Covid-19 catastrophe may well change forever the way TV news is gathered and broadcast.  

The nation’s news operations have been forced to have some reporters work from home.  They’re suddenly gathering news as they conduct their routine interviews via Zoom, Skype and Facetime

The Multi Media Journalist is a mainstay everywhere except where the photographers unions are politically anchored.  That’s all about to change. 

Drones, smaller and cheaper DSLR type cameras are capturing startling video images.  Quality video live streaming has never been so easy.  The technology learning curve for reporters is no longer an obstacle.

The increased efficiency and cost savings connected to news gathering are really monumental. 

There will always be a need for helicopters, and news crews to chase breaking news.  We need to forever end those ridiculous and expensive reporter’s live shots in front of stale crime scenes that serve no useful purpose whatsoever!  

The result of this will be more and better news stories.  More  reporters and producers can be hired with the cost savings. 

News gathered and reported in the field will have a new look of immediacy with the exciting creativity and style of those sucessful modern YouTube vloggers. 

These may be amazing times if actual news replaces those politically divisive talking heads once again.  Viewers want real journalists, not propaganda purveyors.  Perhaps the term, Fake News will finally disappear. 

I’m convinced the talking heads have driven viewers away from their TV sets. 

Lastly let me say that focus groups have led news managers down the same road for far too long.  It’s understandable, they are comprised of idle people that simply don’t have a life!  

Saturday, October 27, 2018

I’m getting really serious about vlogging!

Canon 80D

Los Angeles,CA—I just got a new vlogging DSLR camera.  I already had a decent news gathering video camera, a couple GoPro cameras, an iPhone and four drones.  
I actually have a working video and photography studio in my home. Needless to say, I also have a video editing suite and can post whatever I please on Social media sites.  However now, I really do have all need to regularly produce a very watchable vlog.  

I’m still learning new things every day.  The largest vlogging obstacle is a lack of subject material.  I finally made the realization that the best vloggers can make a story out of a trip to the dentist or even the grocery store watchable and interesting!  It’s time for me to learn how to be an enterprising vlogger.  I must go out and find my stories and share them.  

I do have a huge TV news background working on such stories as The Oklahoma Bombing and Ted Kaczynski, the long sought UNIBOM, serial bomber.   I’ve produced hundreds of news stories on high profile murders and other infamous crimes. 

Running around with a camera in the cities where I spend most of my time seems so lame by comparison!  Then it dawned on me that most of the other people in the world rarely or never have the opportunity to see things through my eyes!  They are in all different parts of the country or world! Yes, it’s all brand new to them! I’ve become jaded and unimpressed with my lame surroundings!  It isn’t my surroundings but me that has been lame! 

Super Vlogger, Casey Neistat who makes $8 million a year from YouTube, takes us to all of his local haunts in Manhattan when he’s not traveling.  Since I only visit NYC occasionally I find it very interesting.  Casey can do a vlog about, doing laundry or riding his skateboard interesting and that is the fundamental art of storytelling.  

It’s not the material, but the vlogger’s ability to bring his or her adventures to the audience. Telling the story with excitement and energy is an absolute must!  However, I’ll skip the Neistat skateboard and the trip to my local hospital emergency room. Sorry, I know there are people that would enjoy that episode, way too much! 

If you’ve thought about doing a vlog to cover your hobbies, travel or business just do it!  I want to tell you that without phenomenal luck the likelihood of you getting rich is similar to winning the lottery.  The reward is in getting to know how to let others far away live your adventures.  That is incredible empowerment! 

You should also know I’m a senior citizen and and I’m convinced vlogging will help keep me young.  Last but not least you can learn the mechanics of shooting, editing and posting your own videos at my own video Guru, Michael Rosenblum’s teaching site, 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The CEO of the New York Times said print news will be dead within 10years...

That’s a sad but realistic view of our society that tolerates ignorance despite our taxpayer funded public education.  

Our massive immigration invitation to the worlds poor and illiterate combined with acceptance of their refusal to learn how to read and write has become a major crisis.

Too many of our own children, particularly Blacks and Hispanics are allowed to reject the tools needed to escape a lifetime of financial dependency.  

Our illiterates are doomed to only receive communication rather than creating and influencing their world.  The future is in clearly creating watchable video.  Government, businesses, news providers and entertainers must cater to our illiterate society. 

Of course video communication is now superior to any other form.  Being able to create exceptional video will be the ultimate influencing skill.  

We must equip our children with the tools and resources so they are not allowed to fail.

The best camera ever is the one you have at the moment.  For billions of people that is the smart phone.  The very young and even our senior citizens can easily master the iPhone and iMovie editing software. 

The versatility of more sophisticated camera equipment and microphones do have distinct advantages.  But we all must begin somewhere.  

There are many special ways of creating watchable eye candy that traps and holds the viewers enabling you to get your messages to the masses. 

Do you really have a choice about learning this amazing technology?  The good news is really satisfying and fun! It’s truly empowering! 

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Big Picture, Why Broadcast and Print News is on Life Support

Los Angeles, CA—I’ve worked in TV news as an investigative freelancer for nearly 30 years.  I never sought nor obtained a formal journalism education but was drafted into TV news strictly for my investigative ability.  I was lucky to be given a, second to none, on the job journalism education by many gifted reporters, producers, media lawyers  and TV news consultants. 
For the last 15 years I’ve watched the slow death of news, as we knew it.  News consumers have left broadcast and print news in droves. They’ve escaped to Internet bloggers and vloggers for their information. 
Left behind are the folks that simply never learned computers or even smart phones.  Because they’re technophobes they’ve become a captive audience for television and print news.  Then there are the illiterate and poor.  Few of these folks are great targets for advertisers other than drug and reverse mortgage companies.
I think print is failing as society has moved away from reading or even writing to video or voice.  Its sad but simple literacy has been on the decline in America since the invention of radio and TV. 
Despite vast technology changes TV news has changed little since the days of Edward R. Murrow.  A TV news anchor sits at a desk and drones on from a teleprompter.  Reporters in the field tell their stories all in identical fashion.  In this mix is nearly zero originality or creativity.  Every channel is virtually the same! To add insult they even run their segments of news, weather and sports at the same time.  Even the commercials are run in identical time slots.
Murrow has been dead for over five decades!  Since then technology and our capabilities have changed dramatically.  Still the suits running TV news are too cowardly to change with the times. 
However ownership of big media has introduced massive amounts of political propaganda.  The endless talking heads claiming to be experts in government do little more than alienate 50% of the audience. Today you get a little news while the talking heads tell you who to hate!  Anymore, it’s never a case of, “We deliver and You Decide. “  It’s more about, we tell you what to think.
The lack of creativity along with the over-abundance of Leftist opinion is killing broadcast news.  The serious decline in literate Americans at the same time is destroying print news.
YouTube has really broken the mold.  They’ve somewhat democratized the process of just who is allowed to produce video content.  It’s true that most offerings are experimental crappy video made by those that don’t yet have a clue.  However some have developed both terrific video making skills and personality.   Over time they’ve learned the craft quite well.
There the Internet standouts that became millionaires like Casey Neistat. They don’t provide news, just diversions and entertainment.  Others run the gamut of the political spectrum.  Nobody seems to provide pure news anymore. 
Because of serious competition TV News business must be like Barnum and Baily’s Greatest Show on Earth, or it will simply fail today.   TV news must learn from talented bloggers like Neistat who can make a creative and interesting story out of something as boring as paint drying.  Our audiences that advertisers count on are not sophisticated or particularly wise.  There is that thing called, the lowest common denominator and they need to be entertained with serious eye candy and music.
If TV news wants to survive they need the millennials.  TV news has no choice but to quickly learn from Casey Neistat and move forward.  
Avoiding controversial editorial opinions is also something that can unify rather than divide and jettison your audience. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Vester Lee Flanagan, II or Bryce Williams was a Hateful and Racist Narcissist

Roanoke, VA—Most of my readers know that aside from being a private eye,  I’m also a freelance investigative TV news producer and have an extensive history working in this field. I’ve been blessed to work with some pretty terrific and talented people over the years.
TV news people are a special breed that thrives on creativity to show their viewers what’s going on in their world.  TV news hires a diverse selection of people where race, gender, sexual preference is controlled by strict efforts to reflect Liberal ideals. They strive to meet strict diversity quotas rather than simply finding the most qualified candidates. Thankfully in the end it all seems to work out.
Saying that I find the minorities they hire to be dedicated and gifted professionals that simply enjoy doing news.  I’ve been on the receiving end of kindness, lifetime friendships and the privilege of simply knowing like-minded people that are different.  We’re not really different because at the end of the day we are all human.
We all watched in horror the endless replays of the live, on air murders of two young members of a smaller market TV news crew doing a routine story yesterday.
Who or what shall we blame?  Political lines were quickly drawn, as Liberals refused to let the victim’s bodies get cold before they beat their Gun Control drums suggesting gun bans would somehow have prevented this.  Really?  From where do those shallow, simplistic and ignorant people come?  Gun rights haters never miss an opportunity to dance on the graves of murdered people.  This is not about guns; it’s all about narcissism, hate and that twisted sense of entitlement.
I think I understand this more than most people.  I’m a white male that never enjoyed that so-called “white privilege”.  I was raised by a variety of caregivers that included my incredibly dysfunctional single mother.  I know abject poverty, evictions, hunger and being embarrassed at school for the large holes in the soles of my shoes.  Necessity forced me to lie about my age, get a job at a local hot dog eatery and an apartment at age 14 in Chicago.   This life experience made me the politically conservative Libertarian that I am today.
If my humble origin sounds miserable and challenging it was.  However it was also an adventure that I survived.  I’ve been blessed with meeting some great friends, mentors and unexpected kindness along the way.  The most important thing I learned is we are not all equal.  Life is not fair and it will never be fair.
Some of us are physically more attractive, richer, smarter and healthier.  Some of us have incredible life challenges and can never escape poverty, hunger, rejection and misery.  
Along with other challenges comes hatred and for some the belief that even the most despicable criminal acts is their birthright to address the wrongs in their lives.  
Vester Lee Flanagan, II was raised in the San Francisco Bay neighbor of Oakland, CA.  Communists, Socialists and militant Gays politically run this area.  Oakland is the birthplace of the Black Panthers.   Avowed Socialist Jim Jones and his People’s Temple mass suicide infamy began in the East Bay too.
The most hateful and violent African-Americans anywhere can be found in Oakland.  The African-Americans here have morphed into a bankrupt, violent, narcissistic and racist culture.  Children raised here will have challenges far beyond other impoverished Americans. Hate is actually programed into their DNA. 
Raising children to avoid personal responsibility and blame anyone or everyone else for failure is the Oakland way.  Using the so-called race card has replaced achievement, competition and positive self-respect.  The males in this society see themselves as race warriors because they’re goaded on and encouraged by local Socialists and Communists.   
Vester Lee Flanagan, II somehow got enough education to seek out a TV journalism career.   Like everyone else this lad began but never progressed out of the “training ground” of small market television.  The pay here is low however the opportunity to learn and hone required story telling skills are great.  Reporters learn here and then move up to the next market.
Flanagan never made it out of the TV news minor league.  He failed redundantly because of all the crap he was fed in Oakland. Having a overblown sense of entitlement will never help a reporter or anyone to succeed.  Playing the race card after failure is professional suicide.  Flanagan made himself unemployable. 
A very telling sign of Flanagan's lack of even simple TV skills was his own video recording of the shooting.  He failed to hold his camera or cell phone horizontally to properly fill TV screens!   
Flanagan snuffed out two promising lives as well as his own.  He changed the life of the Chamber of Commerce woman by shooting her too.  What did Flanagan achieve yesterday?  He gave us more division, hatred and blight. 
 We as a nation must rise above this and demonstrate simple and sincere kindness to each other.  Is it rally that difficult to treat others they way we want to be treated?  Does race, sex, sexual preference or religion really matter?  We all simply need to toughen our skins to deflect insult and learn how to smile spread a little joy around.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Local TV News Has all but killed Itself!

Los Angeles, CA—Television news has been a 60-year exercise in monkey see, monkey do plagiarism.
Today’s TV executives are playing to the lowest common denominator.  The unproductive and ignorant seem to be the current TV news target audience.   Does this serve the sponsors that thrive on financially sound viewer’s buying power?
Is this more about guiding the lame, dependent and ignorant to vote for the Liberal political ticket?  I have no doubt that’s too often the reality. 
It’s not the number of viewers but rather their spending power that counts in the end.  How can anyone sell new cars to brain-dead and impoverished underachievers?
TV news would have died long ago but for lucrative political ads during elections. 
My recommendations?
I will begin with the abuse of the Breaking News label.  Last night’s news is not breaking in the morning.  Are viewers so dumb they can be convinced yesterday’s news is breaking?
The overuse and abuse of silly live shots sending crews to scenes just to be there when nothing is happening is so lame.  Viewers would be better served by more comprehensive and pre-recorded video packages. 
Why are they always broadcasting those gossipy-nosy neighbor reaction interviews for crime stories?  Revealing the results of verified public record checks makes much more sense.  This also leads to finding great people to interview. 
Helicopters and drones are a must to gather images since all news is appearing on screens rather than traditional television.  Drones are much cheaper and in many applications superior and certainly always safer.
Television news must begin to simulcast news on the Internet and when they do their advertisers should be joining them.   Between broadcasts a menu of stories to watch makes sense.  Looking at viewing stats tells us just what stories viewers want to see. 
The overuse and abuse of redundant TV news identification graphics.   They far too often interfere with viewing the video.  A small watermark is more than enough.  
One of my favorite news directors ever developed a slogan her station wisely used, “Less Chit-Chat and More News.” 
I loathe today’s TV news organizations doing crime stories the most.  The reporters are sent out for live shots with police PIO’s that will only release self-serving and often misleading information.
Tracking down and interviewing the witnesses, the accused and their lawyers will tell the whole story.  Only getting that sound bite from the PIO’s makes using reporters unnecessary.  Only a photographer is needed to get the “official” filtered government version.  
Covering news conferences by law enforcement officials live on a big story is always a terrible idea.  The local politicians and the police bosses use the first 15 minutes congratulating themselves and each other while mugging for the cameras.  Too often these things degenerate into a campaign photo-op for politicians.
The most obvious red flag is seeing politicians in attendance at those news conferences.  Would the news audience be deprived if they didn’t hear some mayor droning on about his great leadership being responsible for the solving of a crime?  Let the politicians purchase airtime rather than simply give it away!
TV news unwisely jettisoned their field producers long ago.  It’s almost impossible for a TV reporter doing live shots to flesh out a news story alone.
Does every story deserve a live shot at the expense of content? The answer is greatly limiting the live shots opting instead for significant content.  Talking heads are no comparison to quality video with competent voiceover and meaningful witness interviews.  
TV executives must learn that their audience has already moved on to iPhones and iPads.  Only the elderly, handicapped and least affluent viewers sit in front of TV sets at home anymore.
It’s time for TV news to adapt and regain the viewers that fled traditional TV for the Internet.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Traditional TV News is Watching it’s Final Sunset.

Los Angeles, CA—Journalism school may give you building blocks and give you the polish to craft a news story, but the future of traditional reporting is beyond bleak.
In the end journalist show us in print, photos, audio and video what’s going on in our world.  Can someone that never paid tuition to Northwestern or Columbia or sweated those final exams steal your job?  It’s already happening!
There is no special magic to TV news reporting.  At the most, it’s all about monkey see, monkey do!  
The way to get compensation for reporting has changed dramatically.  It’s your audience that determines how well you’re paid.  Balancing sensationalism with truth to gain and maintain an audience is the difficult challenge.
This past January I took a part-time model and turned her into reporter to cover the Shooting, Hunting Outdoor Trade show in Las Vegas.
I could have done this all myself but it’s much easier when there are two people sharing the duties. 
There has been movement by news organizations to force the reporting, photography, producing, writing, audio and video editing on one person.  Juggling and keeping the equipment is no small challenge.  Adding the hairspray and presentation duties makes for an overload.
Ariel Vitale had zero experience but looked pretty good on camera and could follow simple instructions. She looked every bit the part of a reporter and I did the rest.
Ariel had minimal knowledge of firearms but I told her that she can ask a few questions and the company spokespeople would expertly explain their products.  As long as Ariel could look good, speak well and hold the microphone she’d win. 
I gave Arial a few hints and Arial took over like any journeyman reporter. Here is one of her many stories:
Next is Daniel Soulman.  Daniel is somewhat of a unique reporter.  Daniel armed with all manner of video devices has rained serious criticism on several South Bay police agencies.
Daniel’s work has been a bit rough around the edges. His gift is that that he uses his cameras to provoke cops he felt were abusive or acting unlawfully.  Needless to say many cops have targeted him for retaliation.  
Daniel has used a camera drone to report on DUI checkpoints and recently an officer involved shooting.  The paradox here was he praised the officer that killed the offender. 
I’ve talked with Daniel at length about keeping his credibility by letting his camera tell the story.  I explained to him about using voiceover video in post-production, as is the standard of TV news reporters.
Experience is Daniel’s teacher and his YouTube videos are getting better.  His YouTube channel appeals to an audience of both cops and cop haters.   Oddly enough I see him with a financially secure future doing his specialized reporting on YouTube.
Here is Daniel’s video multi-media (including camera drone) story on the police shooting:
TV journalism is dead.  Video journalism is what’s replaced it. The Internet has both unlimited channels and content providers feeding it.
You might think that Ariel or Daniel are a little rough around the edges but they both could present their stories in an understandable way. 
To be fair to Daniel he needed a little coaching in the editing process but he’s well on his way to improvement.
Imagine if everyone with a smartphone put up news stories with a hashtag on Twitter.  No news organization could begin to compete. 
Blogs like mine must be heavy with interesting video or it will die.  Successful monetization of content will determine is you can make a living.  Making good content alone is not enough.

Friday, March 27, 2015

News Helicopters, Crashes and Costs Vex Television Executives! Camera Drones are the Answer!

 courtesy of AZ Republic 
Phoenix, AZ--It was in July of 2007 when cops were chasing a fleeing pickup truck through the streets of Phoenix.  Also in pursuit were two TV news choppers that were covering this breaking story.
Soon the story of the day changed dramatically and tragically as the two news helicopters somehow collided in midair.  Two veteran pilots and gifted photojournalists that I knew personnaly were killed. 
The financial and personal damages of that event were beyond catastrophic and heartbreaking.   
Since 1960, there were 91 deaths and scores of serious injuries directly related to News helicopters alone. 
Another TV news pilot/reporter I once knew was Karen Key.  She was a young and very attractive lady that gained quite a following in Phoenix.  One day she was arrested by Phoenix police for DUI.  Quickly her news director unceremoniously sent her packing.  Some of her fans thought she deserved better treatment.
Key quickly was hired by another TV news organization in Denver.  In December of 1982 Key was flying to the scene of a light plane crash in Larkspur when the unthinkable happened.  Key and her mechanic were killed in a crash.  The local medical examiner revealed that Key was impaired by alcohol.
Today technology has delivered to us the camera drone.  You can hardly see a film or commercial anymore that was not partially filmed by a camera drone. They add a whole new depth and view of everything.
There are some 7,000 helicopters operating throughout the world.  Highly trained men and women pilot them however when they crash lives and property are lost.
As for the Multi-rotor camera drones there are nearly two million of them out there.  They are in the hands of unregulated civilians including teenagers. To date there has not been a single fatality or serious injury involving a multi-rotor camera drone. That’s despite all the news stories suggesting they could be dangerous.
News organizations worldwide have been decimated financially as their readers and views have chosen Internet providers for their news content. 
Helicopters cost between $1,500 and $2,000 an hour to operate and are the single largest newsroom cost.   The liability issues are yet another factor.
A professional grade, multi-rotor drone with a sophisticated 4K camera and livestreaming capability will cost between $9,000 and $15,000.  There are no fuel costs because rechargeable batteries power them. 
They can be operated with a single pilot doubling as the photographer or with a second person operating the camera with a second controller. 
There is a learning curve for operating the drones and cameras beyond what those selling these things would suggest however it’s not that difficult to safely master.
When drones collide it’s always just another day but for the cost of repairs.  Nobody dies or is crippled.  That’s not to say something tragic could never happen. That’s already been proven to be unlikely.
The FAA has taken on regulation of drones with unprecedented prior restraint tactics.  They have never done that before as they have always created conventional aircraft regulations in the blood of these killed or injured.
Worldwide news directors and editors have no choice here.  Either they embrace the drone technology or lose.  Drones are safe, effective and inexpensive.  The quality of drone video is no less than stunning. 
At this time the drone is not suited to replace every helicopter use in news.  They are not suitable for all but the end or a few glimpses of car chases. They move slower but they can get so much closer to newsworthy events than helicopters.
As for me, the news directors need to know I want to be a drone journalist.  I’d add this to my many years freelancing as an investigative TV news producer.  Whoever pays me can have my services.
The licensing issue right now is in the form of an FAA waiver certificate and operating under their conditions.  Within two to three years there will be some formal licensing at least for drones weighing more than four and a half pounds.
The first wave of drone journalists will be needed to teach those later joining the ranks.
Here is a link to the News helicopter accidents within the USA. 
I shot the story below with zero assistance from anyone.  I used my prosumer video gear on the ground and a $1,500 Phantom 2 drone with a GoPro camera.  I edited this on a small Macbook Pro with Final Cut-X software.

Monday, February 16, 2015

People are Asking Me What I Actually Do For A Living. Here are Some Answers!

From an Undisclosed Location—Ok, that’s a fair question.  The answer is complicated.  I’ll do my best to answer that.
Yes, I’m a licensed private detective but I avoid work that’s meaningless, illegal, or immoral.  My primary specialty is criminal defense and I’m considered an expert in self-defense cases involving deadly force. 
I accept other cases including personal injury cases where liability must be established and fixed.
In 1989 I was recruited to work as a TV investigative news producer.  I did not shut down my agency but agreed simply do the work for TV news like all my other clients. 
On news cases I spend my time finding out what the cops and other authorities do NOT want the media to know about the most high profile murders and such.  I’ve actually reported stories but generally never have the time to do anything but locate and hand over the material and important witnesses for interviews to those familiar TV faces. 
I have been sent to all over the USA, India and Europe on cases.  I speak fluent German thanks to that draft/conscript invitation from President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Germany was a much better assignment than Viet Nam!   I served as a medical corpsman which in addition to personally observing nearly 800 autopsies at Chicago’s Cook County Morgue helps me in homicide cases.
I write this blog for fun.  However, I wish I were sponsored more to travel and report on more of the crime stories around the world.  I do manage to cover a high profile story from time to time.
I love to report on filmmakers and review art, music and of course films.  I’m naturally attracted to crime films and documentaries. 
As my blog visitors know I’m a serious gun Rights advocate.  I’m often called to speak about gun rights on radio, TV or live events.
My latest endeavor is the camera/drone technology.  I value drones for video journalism in a big way.  Unfortunately as much as I’d like to be a somewhat less creepy, Droneie version of that film character in Jake Gyllenhaal's latest movie "Nightcrawler",  so far the FAA, so far has obstructed that new passion. 
My news experience has also given me a specialty in Media Crisis Management.  That’s helping high profile people and businesses deal with a sudden onset of bad publicity connected to serious allegations.
For more fun I like writing, acting (I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA) and making short and documentary films.
This blog has brought me some very exciting cases when my visitors have reached out to me for help.  As you can expect I can’t nor won’t talk about most of my cases due to necessary client confidentiality.
I seem to wear at lot of hats but for me they’re all interesting and fun.  I hope this answers a lot of questions.