Showing posts with label Stolen Valor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stolen Valor. Show all posts

Thursday, February 05, 2015

NBC News Credo--We Make Up the News That We Want You to Believe.

Brian Williams and Josef Goebbels 
New York, NY—NBC News has like all the major networks have lost audience, revenue and credibility in recent years.
Make no mistake; the days of Walter Cronkite are long gone.  When Cronkite said, “And that's the way it is.” that had some real meaning.  Instead today it’s,  “that’s the way we want you to believe it is.”
It was Nazi propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels who said that,  “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”  He used the new media of the day, radio to convince the German people that Adolf Hitler was their savior.  Of course if you heard it on the radio it must be true. 
Likewise Franklin Roosevelt fed Americans what he wanted them to believe in his infamous radio Fireside Chats.  
Soon it was TV that took on the role of indoctrinating the masses. But in the USA they made somewhat an early effort to avoid the Goebbels style of reporting news.
In recent decades NBC has reported all things from a Leftist slant and like the others major news organizations.  They became the de facto Obama Administration’s public relations agency.  They’ve managed to cover-up scandal after scandal plaguing Obama.
We seem to have forgotten how relentlessly American TV news destroyed Richard Nixon on the Watergate Scandal.  The difference was Nixon was a Conservative and was naturally targeted by the Left leaning media.
Now in a senseless moment of stolen valor the NBC News primary news anchor claimed to be in a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq.  That fable took on a life of it’s own but was exposed as being so much baloney.  
Williams apologized suggesting that he misspoke mitigating it like it was some unintended teleprompter error.  In a real world where the truth matters NBC would have removed him the second he crossed the line. 
It remains to be seen what NBC does but they all know that the news media has seen instance after instance where news stories have been invented, slanted and fictionalized.  Do they even care at this juncture?
Williams is the masthead of NBC.  NBC is on a steep decline anyway so whatever they do will be too little and too late to save the network’s reputation.
Similar issues came up with CBS and their former anchor Dan Rather. Rather was spreading libelous propaganda targeting George W. Bush but when he was caught red-handed CBS had to show him the door.
If you see it on TV you can bet it’s a lot of things, but truth is not necessarily one of them.
For those that call themselves journalists and take that role seriously Williams is now as toxic as they come.  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stolen Valor Designated by the Supreme Court as Free Speech

David Grove, Fake War Hero
Washington, DC—Most true heroes I’ve met are somewhat slow to talk about their exploits to strangers. Okay, I will make an exception for decorated politicians. There are cemeteries filled real heroes. There are lots real heroes that have never been recognized for their selfless acts. 

We give medals, admiration and our thanks to those who risked life and limb to save others. Then there is the valor thief who brags about dangerous missions and exploits that never happened. These are total jerks that con their way through life. They do this to get employment, trust and attention from potential sex partners. There is usually some kind of ill-gotten gain involved. 

Thankfully today there are military databases that list those who have won distinguished awards that can be used to expose some of the fraudsters. 

I served my country as an Army Medical corpsman in Cold War Germany somehow escaping combat in Viet Nam. Frankly the only danger I saw came from fellow soldiers that like to get drunk and fight. I don’t know how to explain this, but I’m as proud of my service as I would if I’d have won the Congressional Medal of Honor

I have to admit that I do sometimes think sadly about those brave young souls, my peers, who died perhaps in my place. The Viet Nam War was my war. I was drafted because of it and believed in the concept that our precious and rapidly evaporating freedom was earned at a heavy price. Lady Luck or the Good Lord was looking out for me. 

The Broadway hit musical, Miss Saigon that recreates the fall of South Vietnam tears at my heartstrings whenever I see it or listen to the soundtrack. The Leftist cowards in our Congress double-crossed the people of South Viet Nam and facilitated the holocaust at Pol Pot’s killing fields. I can’t help but imagine the abject terror of those trying to escape on overloaded helicopters sent to evacuate them from the roof of the US Embassy. 

I can’t imagine having such an empty worthless life that making crap up could ever be considered an option. I guess some jerks feel little or no shame being exposed as a valor thieves. The use of stolen valor or for that matter any lie for financial gain should always be a serious crime. 

I also think of an old friend, Joe Foss. Foss was a WWII flying ace that redundantly risked his life in the Pacific in mortal air combat with suicidal Japanese fighter pilots. President Franklin Roosevelt placed the Congressional Medal of Honor, around his neck. Foss went on to become the AFL commissioner, Governor of South Dakota and President of the National Rifle Association

Before Foss died a several years ago he was publically humiliated by one of the incredibly ignorant douchebags employed by the TSA. The TSA screener deemed the pin on the back of Foss’s medal to be a deadly weapon and confiscated it! Foss, who was then in his 80’s, had to summon local police to intervene and retrieve his award. 

Foss was bringing that hard earned medal to a speaking engagement. Joe Foss was more than a hero. He was a patriot, a leader and someone I’m very proud to have known. Speech is protected in this nation, as it should be. However, I admit I’d be the first to look away if a valor thief was getting the beating of his life.

 Learn more about the late and great hero, Joe Foss