Andrea "Andy" DelVesco, UCLA coed Murder Victim |
Dimitry Gorim represented Alberto Medina |
Steven Cron represented Eric Marques |
Los Angeles, CA—This was the
initial appearance bail hearing for the two men arrested for killing Andrea
“Andy” DelVesco.
It began with an announcement
by the judge that there would be no photography, video or sketching in court. Additionally that much of the evidence
offered by the DA was privately discussed in judicial chambers and would be
Both defendants had top gun,
privately retained defense lawyers. Dimitry
Gorim represented Alberto Medina and Steven Cron represented Eric Marques. Hiring these lawyers involves paying a very
large retainer up front.
Only a partial story was revealed
by the prosecutor and many more questions remained unanswered. These are simply allegations rather than proof.
Words never uttered in this proceeding were drugs, witness tampering or revenge killing.
For the blow-by-blow description
I made a quick iPhone video that I hope provides a window into the courtroom.