Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

The European Union is a Victim of its Own Success!

London, UK—The European Union seemed like a good idea however It became too big for its britches and was ruling Europe with an iron fist.  The EU became absolutely tyrannical.  

This Socialist ruled EU monster was destroying Europe with its recent mandate to allow millions of Islamic, so-called refugees to invade member nations.  Refugees or invaders became the question and its impact was and is purely negative. 
The new “guests” absolutely abhor Western culture, food and the way of life of Europeans. They come with zero job skills, ability to speak, read or write the languages of the Euro Nations. The result has been violent crime, terrorism, social conflict and a huge financial burden on the taxpayers. 

The purpose of inviting the Islamic guests was to pollute the vote and guarantee Socialist control of the Euro nations for generations to come. Socialism only endures with a majority of totally dependent people, void of all self-reliance. 

Now the UK voters have spoken and have broken the yoke of EU slavery!  Now other EU member nations are looking to get out too!  

The obvious parallel for America is reigning in our out-of-control over-bloated Federal Government extorting taxes, dictating to and over-regulating every aspect of our lives.  The EU member nations have lost control and their sovereignty like we have ours!

Americans need to re-evaluate the control of the Socialist controlled Federal Government’s iron grip on our lives and our states. We need not submit like sheep to build and strengthen a Socialist nation our founders would have soundly rejected.

The American Congress is not controlled by Republicans or Democrats despite the labels they wear. They, for the most part are corrupt Communists and Socialists disloyal to America and especially its Constitution.  

As for the UK, I congratulate them as they move forward governing themselves.  Self-reliance, independence and self government has returned to the UK.  Margaret Thatcher would be proud!  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Only Fix for Obamacare is Total Repeal

Washington, DC—Barack Obama has just surrendered to his fellow Democrats that are desperate to get the Obamacare monster off their backs as they run for reelection.  That being said Obama has made a baby step to create the illusion of a fix that does nothing at all.   It will take Congressional action to implement Obama’s wishes.
Health care in America was working well with nearly full employment.  The biggest single damage to our healthcare system was allowing millions of illegal aliens to walk into any Hospital emergency room and receive treatment.  The cost for this has been passed on to every other patient or his or her insurance company. 
The Obama junta should have done the proven things to rejuvenate jobs and to reserve medical treatment for Americans and legal residents.  Instead Obama took the route of destructive Socialist policies that have worked nowhere in history.
Obama has raised a smokescreen deflecting examination of the real problems and created an impossible dream of affordable healthcare for all.  If you’re unemployed or underemployed affording any insurance is impossible. Obamacare will never work without putting people back to work.
It’s time for a moratorium on the taxation of employers in order to fix our economy and make conventional health insurance obtainable for Americans.  We have charity and social services for the poor or disabled citizens and legal residents. 
The illegal trespassers that are economic refugees must vacate and follow our laws.  We should be helping the people of Mexico to overthrow their corrupt failed government that has created the conditions leading to our immigration crisis.
The best fix for Obamacare is total repeal.   Americans need relief by a solid return to proven American Capitalist principals.  Americans that want Socialism should simply emigrate to the Socialist nation of their choice.  Tax credits are bogus.  Government simply needs to get out of our pockets. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

American Citizenship is Rapidly Becoming Devalued to Zero

Washington, DC—Our forefathers sacrificed so much so we would have freedom, prosperity and the tools to prevent government from again becoming despotic.   As a nation our citizenship has been the envy of the entire rest of the world.   We have allowed freedom to slip away and the value of our citizenship has rapidly declined.
We built a system where free enterprise created wealth and jobs.  That in turn gave Americans the ability to consume the fruit of their labor. Productivity and excellence was rewarded and accordingly America became the wealthiest and strongest nation on earth.   Today productivity is punished with extortionate taxation at every level of government.
Nearly 100 years passed and Socialists and Communists floated new ideas about government.  These ideas failed in nation after nation but for a few party leaders that could live like royalty through corruption while their citizens were starved, confined and enslaved.  These governments are well known for killing dissidents or anyone wishing to escape from their own homelands.
That did not stop the spread of Socialism and Communism to the USA and our government including the Whitehouse.  Both major political parties are awash with politicians on a united mission, to force the failed Socialist ideas on Americans.  These disloyal politicians all believe the Constitution they were sworn to protect is outdated and irrelevant.
Socialism can only flourish when the vast majority of citizens are totally dependent upon government.  We are at a point where over 50% of the population is impoverished and programed into utter and complete dependence. 
Our Socialists are doing everything they can to increase the population with the ignorant and poor from Mexico and Central America.  The price of admission is simply to break our immigration laws.  Millions more illiterate and unskilled trespassers are being handed citizenship and the right to vote by our Socialist politicians.  That will guarantee a Socialist government in the USA for the next 100 years.
In the mean time our government is moving in efforts to prevent the flight of Americans wanting to emigrate with their assets elsewhere in the world.  The revocation of passports for tax indebtedness has already begun.  At what point does our border patrol begin to use deadly force to keep Americans from leaving?  Don’t say that it can’t or won’t happen because history is redundant with examples proving this point.
In any event our American citizenship is all but worthless today.  Government’s domestic spying is out of control.  Our Criminal justice system has been reduced to show trials.  To make matters worse we are swimming in wrongful convictions because we’ve given prosecutors too much new power. Our free speech is endangered by the very real threat of IRS abuse.  Our politicians have sold Americans on the idea that liberty must be traded for security.  As a result we have morphed into a fascist police state that’s armed with the latest technological super weapons.
Frankly I have no taste for the new America.  Even the Left leaning European nations still understands the horror of fascism and protects liberty better then America.  Americans are fleeing this nation like never before.  
Productive Americans will either have to fight to regain their freedom or submit to slavery.  I just know one thing, each coming day will be darker as our productivity, prosperity and liberty slips completely into a tyrannical Abyss.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

America’s K Through 12 Education has Become a Pure Propaganda Program

You can see these kids are not buried in books or anything academic.  
In every major city in America our children have been politically groomed with Leftist doublespeak and disinformation.  Our high school graduates understand the joys of Socialism but cannot effectively read or write.  They can’t answer simple question about our form of government and have no clue what the Bill of Rights really says or means.  They have never learned how Socialism failed everywhere.  They can’t tell you much about how America came to exist.
The teacher’s unions designed this system of child abuse and the politicians have given them their blessing.  These children have a future of poverty and pain because they were programed specifically for the welfare/nanny state.  These kids have no choice but to support Socialism because they have not learned about competition, communication skills or how to escape poverty.  They have been molded into incredibly ignorant and parasitic entitlement zombies.
Parents that send their precious children to today’s public schools are seriously putting them at risk.  Home schooling or a private education will definitely increase their chances at a better life.  Our junior colleges and colleges by necessity have become remedial reading centers.  Even a four-year college degree does not even insure a student can write a coherent essay unassisted upon graduation. 
How can we fix this mess?  I believe it’s much too late.  How did we let that happen?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Understanding Gun Law Realities in the United States Compared to Europe

The United States is always viewed as more violent and singled out by gun related homicides.   To begin I don’t really think it matters how someone is murdered. Is it any better to be strangled, stabbed, poisoned or beaten to death?
Europe for all but the last 35 years has not had racially or culturally diverse populations.  Everywhere there is diversity culture clash in Europe violence has increased.  The Nanny state of the UK has alarming crime and violence with their immigrant population.  The UK is in such a state of panic they are regulating the manufacture of kitchen knives eliminating sharp points!  The UK's perception of weapons laws are somewhat bizarre. With each new weapon law they make crime escalates. 
The vast regions of the United States have few or no homicides.  They mirror any European nation in crime statistics.  Oddly enough these are areas that are controlled by Republican or Conservative politicians.  They are also filled with productive and self-reliant Americans.  Gun bans and other regulatory schemes such as registration do not exist or are tolerated  in these places.
Then there is the other America.  Larger cities exclusively controlled by Leftist Democrats.  They have every kind of gun ban or regulatory scheme that criminalizes mere possession of firearms.  These are the places that have sensational murder rates. 
On the political map above the red areas controlled by Conservative have few crimes and fewer gun laws.  The Blue areas are Controlled by Leftist Democrats and have every manner of gun bans and gun laws.
Are the people in Chicago made with inferior DNA material?  Are they mutant or somehow sub-human?  Are they born with special genes that make them unproductive, ignorant and violent?  The answer is clearly somewhere in the political landscape.  Crime seems to be revered and accepted wherever Democrats assemble.
In the Conservative areas of the USA there are those notorious gun shows.  Thousands of people can be found mingling together with all manner of firearms.  There’s never a discouraging word or any kind of violence. 
Today the Democrats are dictating policy to the Conservative areas trying to force their failed values and laws on them.  Of course gun bans and restrictive gun laws are paramount with the Democrats.  Someone please tell me why peaceful, law-abiding productive Americans must be saddled with the failed policies of the far Left politicians living hundreds of miles away? 
The vast regions of the USA with few restrictions can match any European nation on crime.  To suggest that the gun rights of Americans create or fuel crime is an outright lie.  We know what happens when you outlaw guns.  That failed policy guarantee’s that only outlaws will have guns.  
Strangely it’s the political Left wing fringe that fears the gun owning Conservatives as somehow a threat. The political Left has been making plans with the NDAA along with FEMA resettlement camps.  We must keep the political Left’s poison, lawlessness and Socialist tyranny away from Conservative areas at all cost. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chicago Public Teachers/Babysitters Strike Mess Needs Debate

Chicago, IL—Teaching is a noble profession however pathetic politicians, unions and a bankrupt African-American culture has gutted every gifted teacher’s lifeblood.
The Windy City’s children’s lives are devalued and destroyed in the process of Chicago’s political creature’s intentional sabotage of productivity and Capitalism. 
There is no room in Chicago’s schools for teachers that will inspire or motivate children to abandon the African-American culture and tradition of idleness, hatred and total dependence on corrupt government.  
Chicago’s public school teachers have little success to show because the children never learn even basic communication skills.  It’s obvious by results that the children are simply warehoused in free day care with free meals to liberate their unemployable single mothers from their parental responsibilities. 
The children are not motivated or inspired.  That’s because Chicago’s school system has seen to it that teachers that inspire, motivate and liberate children from the chains of dependence are never rewarded over those that do not.
The unions protect all of their dues paying members at the expense of the children. 
The fact is that Chicago’s children are no better off attending public schools than if they stayed home watching the likes Jerry Springer, Oprah and Judge Judy on television.
Chicago’s public schools are a sociological disaster in every respect.  Throwing more money at these overly paid, part-time unionized babysitters is, simply a waste. 
I don’t blame the teachers themselves because their hands are tied.  The far Left Wing politicians have negatively affected the entire teaching profession in America for the last several generations.
You can defend schools and teachers all you wish but I must ask anyone a simple question.  What percentage of your own teachers personally excited, inspired or motivated you?  The answer is ten percent or less.  I rest my case.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America’s Healthcare Crisis was a Created Disaster

Washington, DC—Despite claims of open government and transparency the Obama Administration put a bunch of unelected Left Wing lunatics in charge of reinventing healthcare and insurance.  They had a lot of things in mind bout none of them were about the rights of all Americans under our Constitution.
The Obamacare project or that Socialist conspiracy was passed into law by a congress that had admittedly not even read the massive legislative package.  The bill was passed on pure partisanship and 'faith'.  That alone should invalidate the whole mess.
Our Supreme Court will weigh in on this monster Thursday and it already looks as though it’s in for a well-deserved, massive rewrite. 
Now back to the real healthcare crisis at hand.  I said we have a created crisis.  We must examine just what we did that deprived Americans of affordable insurance and healthcare.  
The cost of healthcare has skyrocketed primarily during the last four decades when we through non-enforcement invited millions of criminals, poverty refugees and assorted trespassers to ignore our immigration laws. 
In America no hospital emergency room can turn the sick or injured away because they can’t pay or if they are illegal aliens.  That includes pregnant women about to give birth.  All of Central America knows this and have enjoyed free medical care for decades at the expense of all Americans.
Every medical bill sent to patients or insurance companies must be and is drastically inflated to cover those loses and to insure enough profit to keep hospital doors open. 
The other problem is that we insist upon treating the sick and injured that refuse to cease their sometimes incredibly risky behavior and health habits.  We just won’t say no to anyone.  It’s not fair to force insurance companies to cover drug addicts and violent criminals.  Of course we have a percentage of the population that is horrified of any thought of requiring personal responsibility.  
We must begin by returning Central America’s trespassing medical freeloaders back where they came from. 
I’m not anti-immigrant nor am I a racist.  Hundreds of thousands of aliens have earned their citizenship through military service.  I would not be opposed to a program that would allow the illegals to return to their countries of origin and apply for legal visas and eventually citizenship.  The ability to read and write English on a sixth grade level would be a reasonable entry requirement.  It’s legal immigrants that have made this country great.  
Our telephone systems also need to change.  Press one for English, or Two to get deported.
We should give serious preference to immigrants that can demonstrate skills and abilities that would keep them off the welfare rolls.
As for the so-called Dream Act concept of legitimizing those smuggled into America by their parents I am inclined to consider letting them stay based on school performance and excellent behavior.   Their parents on the other hand should be located and deported.  A Green Card and the path to citizenship must also come with a price such as honorable military service or some similar public service.
The open border Leftist propagandists have, deceptively redefined Immigration Reform.  We need reform all right, which is to reform our enforcement efforts, as Congress originally intended them.
As for American healthcare policy, we cannot begin to deal with this until after we reverse the damage done by millions of impoverished and ignorant trespassers.
Socialism can only exist with a massive percentage of the population being kept ignorant, dependent and poor.  It’s the Socialists that have infiltrated our government that are constantly engineering the failure of our free market and Capitalism.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chicago’s Secret Race War

Chicago, IL—Let me begin by saying that African-Americans born and raised in Chicago have made important contributions to our military, public safety, medicine, arts, entertainment and business.  This is not an attempt to denigrate people on account of skin color.
Nobody knows the truth more than the productive and law-abiding African Americans that have tried to make the Windy City a better place.  This is more about misplaced sensitivities, dangerous and shameful denial.
As temperatures rise here African-American criminals commute from South and west side ghettos to stalk, beat, rob, rape and kill white people on Chicago’s Gold Coast.  This phenomenon is fueled by avarice, greed and simple racial hate.  If they can achieve sufficient numbers unstoppable flash mobs savagely swarm businesses and victims.  
Bank robber Willie Sutton said it best when a reporter asked him, why he robbed banks?  Sutton answered with a smile, “That’s where the money is!”   I won’t discount the fact that it’s no secret that lots of young, affluent white people either live on or visit the Gold Coast.   The Yuppies bring cash, credit cards, I-phones and their exceptional vulnerability that has become attractive thug bait.
Chicago’s predators were created by a racist and Socialist system that was designed to keep African-Americans, ignorant, poor, aimless, dependent and without hope.   That program worked beyond the creator’s wildest dreams.  An underclass exists now that will blindly support more Socialism that will keep them in power for generations.
Here the dangerous predators are all nearly exclusively African-American and their victims are all nearly exclusively white. There are virtually no cases of Whites victimizing African-Americans in similar fashion. 
City officials and local media have engaged in a conspiracy to hide the racial aspects of the Gold Coast’s violent crimes from the public.  Perhaps they don’t want to frighten tourists or damage patronage of hotels, restaurants and theaters.  They certainly don’t dare expose the failed social planning responsible for this untenable situation.   There is a race war going on that’s being kept secret but for various police bloggers that refuse to remain silent.
There are two huge problems that continue to contribute to this frightening metropolitan disaster.  A lack of sufficient police manpower and Chicago’s continued unlawful restraint of the right to meaningful self-defense and self-help facilitates this one-sided war. 
The African-American thugs know the city’s deliberate limitations.   They know they face little risk and the high probability they will escape interference and justice for their vicious acts.
The only way to combat this war is to properly warn the public, immediately increase police manpower through rehiring already capable, trained and equipped police retirees and to legalize self-defense.
The anti-crime plans offered by Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats are supported and put forward only if they can’t possibly work.   

Friday, April 13, 2012

Why Chicago’s Deadly Violence is Nearly the Exclusive Province to African-American Criminals

Chicago, IL—The murder rate has soared in Chicago as African-Americans rage on each other and White people. In nearly every incident the offenders are Black. There are a few Hispanics killing but White people are rarely a part of the Windy City’s violence other than as victims. This is a deadly public health issue every bit as bad as the plague.

Leftist government officials once again tinkered with failed social experiments by dismantling the vertical ghettos like the Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor housing projects. They sent these inhabitants out to the suburbs by the thousands and to all White neighborhoods like Chicago’s Northwest side. Crimes especially murder are exploding everywhere these African-Americans have been placed.

The reason for the increase in violence is a simply a flawed culture not some genetic trait. However, it’s the tolerance for the unique African-American culture of ignorance, hate and violence that fuels the crime. It destroys lives of both the perpetrators and the victims.

Blacks are encouraged not to fit into an integrated society by maintaining a warped value system. It begins with fostering ignorance with their pathetic language, Ebonics. Every third word they use is profane and insulting such as their favorite term, mother fucker. Theft is a way of life along with massive indiscriminate breeding. Traditional American values and standards of conduct are not part of Chicago’s African-American society. Blacks are enabled, encouraged and invited not to conform to the ways of a peaceful productive society.

The news media has done everything possible to cover up the fallout from the Black community. However in recent years there has been an explosion of cheap quality video cameras and every night Black faces of violence are broadcast into Chicago’s homes during the dinner hour.

They’ve tried to blame guns for the culture of murder but the White inhabitants own significantly more firearms and are not turned into killing machines because they own guns. It’s the bankrupt culture, and the tolerance of it that’s the real problem.

Young Black men treat being arrested and pushed through the criminal justice system like White people treat diplomas and scholastic honors. Being sent to jail is somehow considered a bold accomplishment. Rather than being a social stigma a felony conviction is a right of manhood in the African-America big city culture.

Culture tolerance is the new genocide and it’s practiced to the absolute detriment of Chicago’s Blacks and their miserable way of life.

The culture must be shunned, blacklisted and punished or it will continue degenerate in ugliness and misery. Responsible government officials need to de-glamorize bad behavior and begin to do something unheard of in Chicago’s schools. Simply be teaching children that by some conformance, simple manners and embracing education they can gain wealth and actually live the American dream.

Until we attack the rabid, violent and destructive Black culture we will never succeed in bringing kindness, productivity or enjoyment to African-Americans. Frankly they don’t deserve the flawed social programing the political Left has created for them. That programing has been racist and inherently evil.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Tolerance has become a Tool of Genocide in America

Chicago, IL—Let me fist say skin color or religion never has influenced my interaction with my fellow human beings. I harbor no bias or malice against anyone because of being born with a different appearance than my own. Having said that I have a severe dislike for the so-called “African-American” bankrupt and violent culture.

Genocide is an ugly word along with holocaust. The Leftist social engineers of our society have programmed a huge segment of the African-American population for extermination through politically correct demands of unequivocal and forced tolerance for a depraved and sickly culture.

African-Americans have been programmed by the Socialists to be needy, dependent and hateful. This segment of the population has been groomed for disaster. They have been encouraged to demand equality in the job market despite meeting educational and necessary job skills. If they don’t have something they want such as a pair over-priced sneakers or an IPhone they take it with force and violence.

The same is true with encouraging members of this race to be angry, reactionary and criminally aggressive. Pathetic single mothers have been turned in to breeding machines being rewarded for bringing children into this world that are destined to abject failure.

These mothers name their children with monikers that set them apart from White people. They invent African sounding names or names associated with Black separatist organizations or cults. In doing so people working in human resources departments are provided a red flag warnings about the culture of job applicants. I wonder how many qualified job seekers have had applications discarded because of the names given to them by ignorant mothers?

African-Americans view and use the public schools as child day care and free breakfast and lunch programs. Learning takes a back seat since the single mothers don’t value or understand the benefits of a solid education. Instead the mothers demand that the schools and teachers overlook bad behavior, disrespect and gangster habits.

We have created a single parent society through the structure of our welfare payment system. Children’s fathers are not much more than sperm donors. These men are encouraged to be irresponsible as they deprive their children a father or positive role model.

African-Americans are programed to athletic endeavors instead of intellectual activities. The racist suggestion is that they lack sufficient brainpower for any other kind of success. The fact that Black boys and men are encouraged to wear sports gear despite any hope that they will ever compete and become professional athletes. The clothing styles of choice have become more associated with identification with violent criminal street gangs than any sports team.

The sought after professional pursuits of young African-American men are in the world of drug dealing and human trafficking. Both of those occupational roles require incredible cruelty and despicable behavior. If drugs and prostitution were legal, pimps and drug peddlers would have to become businessmen in order to survive. The criminalization of victimless crime on the other hand creates victims.

We are not doing African-Americans any favor by tolerating the culture that American Socialism has created. Any culture that consists of hate, violence, cruelty and a false sense of entitlement is on a collision course with genocide. The Ku Klux Klan in their wildest dreams can’t hurt American’s Blacks nearly as much are they hurt themselves.

We have to begin with intolerance of the modern African-American inner-city model. We have to teach respect, kindness and most importantly the value of educational achievement to African-Americans. We have turned welfare payments into a narcotic more dangerous than heroin. What was to be a helping hand in an emergency has become a way of life.

Millions of African-Americans have been long deprived of self-reliance, self-respect and simple dignity by the Socialists and leftist grooming them as a sub-human species.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Identification requirements for voting and buying a gun should be the same

Click on Image to enlarge
Washington, DC—Possessing firearms and voting are considered rights. To obtain a firearm from a licensed dealer a citizen must provide solid documentation of identification. Falsifying the gun purchase forms carries significant felony punishments. To vote no Identification is required and falsification carries little or no punishment.

Someone please explain to me why there should be any difference in the requirements to exercise these two rights?

Of course the Leftists have had a 60-year lock on Congress. Those Leftists hate gun rights but want to extend to every third world needy trespasser the ability to vote because they’re unskilled, uneducated and needy and all beg for redistribution of the wealth.

Looking at the map above you can see that voter identification is never required in Leftist run states. Just try buying a gun in any state without ID.

All rights should be equal in America. Some rights are more equal than others.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Welcome to the Fascist Republic of America

Washington, DC—Today American’s educational system has replaced history and political science with pop culture. We are doomed to repeat history especially when our friends and neighbors don’t know what’s transpired before they arrived.

Communism/Socialism has been romanticized and legitimized by our educators despite the brutality, misery and despair it has brought nation after nation. The same educators won’t tell you about executing people fleeing from Communist/Socialist governments or taking the children of couples away for adoptions with strangers based on rumors that they were planning to flee.

If you ask our Leftist educators about Adolph Hitler or the Nazis you will be told the big lie that they weren’t Socialists. The first thing Hitler did was to redistribute the wealth. The word Nazi replaced National Socialist.

You can’t have Communism/Socialism and a Bill of Rights like we claim to have in America. Marxists say they are all equal but the government does not answer to anyone and the preferred party faithful wallow in decadent luxury while the people starve. Frankly a good Communist/Socialist is a dead Communist/Socialist.

In China today the super rich never pay a dime in taxes while those who must work to survive are simply slaves. Communism/Socialism is nothing less that legalized slavery.

Socialism is supposed to be the kinder, gentler form of Communism. You can’t maintain Communism or Socialism without fascism. Privacy, freedom of speech and due process protections is always the first targets of Communist/Socialist politicians/dictators.

To get the masses to accept our police state, fear is the primary tool. Frightening the citizenry claiming constant terrorist threats, works. History always shows humans will trade liberty for the mere illusion of safety and security. But soon the government terrorizes those same citizens much more than they could ever imagine.

The citizens of Communist/Socialist nations soon become too frightened to demand that their freedom be returned. That’s when the Socialist politicians/dictators brag that they have a 100% approval rating.

In Socialist nations there is never a division of opinion in their administrations. Dissension is always dealt with in secret mass graves.

Today Homeland Security is spreading fear everywhere through propaganda as they take control of every form of travel. They want you to believe everything they do is for our own safety. The real problem is we need protection from Homeland security, that fascist bitch, Janet Napolitano and her army of unwashed and unemployable TSA thugs.

We can either resist Barack Obama and his appointed traitors or live in a world that even George Orwell could not envision. Beware that behind Obama is an army of would-be Communist/Socialist dictators and many of them are in the Republican Party.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Immigration Amnesty Supporters Simply Want America’s Educated Voters Neutralized, Paving the Way for Socialism

Washington, DC—Make no bones about it we have an overload of disloyal Communists and Socialists within our own government. They are trying constantly to overthrow our Constitution and way of life.

The nations governed by Socialists all have desperately ignorant populations that seem to only survive on the promise of guaranteed food, lodging and medical care. In reality the entitlement driven population always becomes enslaved because they are tricked out of any rewards for productivity and excellence.

Socialism can never survive in a population of educated and self-sufficient citizens.

A reasonable immigration policy would give absolute preference to those immigrants who are educated, speak English, have talent along with something to offer the nation they want to make their home. Above all they must display loyalty to our nation.

America cannot afford to allow the importation of drugs, crime and poverty under the guise of “humane” immigration policy. We must use all necessary force and violence to prevent this deadly invasion to our soil.

Additionally there is absolutely no place for immigrants that insist on changing our government to accommodate the very policies and tyranny they have fled from in their home countries.

Millions of immigrants have brought this nation their talent, skills and culture. They have worked very hard to make this nation great. So many brave immigrants have fought and died for the American way of life in our military along the way. Of course I’m talking about those immigrants who respected and followed our laws.

Well educated people reject Socialism and the ignorant embrace and demand this failed and corrupt form of despotism. Of course our teacher’s unions have propagandized our entire educational system through effective brainwashing. Generation of Americans have been intentionally misled in our own tax supported schools.

Unfortunately we have millions of Americans that were taught to hate what our founding father’s sacrificed so much to give us. They never learned the importance of documents like the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence and our cherished Bill of Rights.

Today too many “educated” Americans don’t understand the benefits of a society where excellence is rewarded and failure is not. They don’t understand just how damaging and degrading the Socialist handout programs are to the human spirit. This is especially true of Americans that grew up never experiencing poverty or deprivation.

Is it just a coincidence that the Leftists are the ones demanding open borders and the end to enforcement of immigration laws?

These Leftists don’t demand freedom or human rights be respected in Mexico and Central America. Mexico has all of the wonderful natural resources that the United State’s has. The corrupt Mexican government refuses any effort at emulating the kind of government their citizens have fled to by the millions.

The only goal of the open border proponents is nothing less then the destruction of the American way of life and to create a one world Communist government.

In a perfect Socialist world there can be no place to escape. The citizens must totally conform and live under the iron fist or be liquidated.

In the 1950’s there was a saying, “Better dead than red!” It was and is so true. Freedom, liberty and the American dream are really worth fighting for and that fight is a never-ending battle. Cemeteries are filled with American patriots that have given all and we must continue this fight until the blight of Socialism no longer threatens us.

We must deport every last trespasser from our land.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Love My Country but I’m So Ashamed of It…

Los Angeles, CA—I sadly watched the 9/11 memorial gatherings and watched politicians and their bureaucrats cashing in on some TV face-time. It’s downright disgusting to imagine we have become such a cowardly nation in the last few decades.

The holster you see above for those that don’t know, it is the required Federal Flight Deck Officer’s holster adopted by the TSA. If it looks useless, you’re right it is. That holster represents a symbol of the new America to me.

I somehow thought after 9/11 we were going to be strong and united in our resolve to protect the freedom that has made America the envy of the world. I expected that we’d go and simply bomb Afghanistan back into the stone-age rendering them harmless while setting an example for the entire Muslim world.

Instead we took the fools-way out by surrendering our liberty and we have created a new and even more powerful government in Afghanistan. We did this with the members of a hateful and bankrupt culture that unilaterally rejects everything Western. We are also doing this in Iraq and now Libya. They will be soon using our own weapons we’ve foolishly provided them against us.

We began a Homeland Security program to rival the Gestapo and Stasi complete with an identical snitch policy. Instead of targeting the proven terrorist demographics, Homeland Security has shifted its focus to Conservative White, middle-aged males that don’t support the current Whitehouse Administration.

My fellow Americans dutifully line up for the human underclass hired by the TSA, just like frightened sheep. Half are unreasonably afraid of terrorists and the other half are too intimidated by the TSA to complain. Some Americans really believe we can’t be safe without first being made miserable and being excessively groped by the TSA swine. This is such a sad state of affairs.

We gave our politicians a blank check to our bank accounts to fight terrorism. Instead we got the absolute corruption that plunged a once healthy nation into bankruptcy.

We have embraced political correctness beyond the point of silliness. We have turned this nation into a pretty lousy place to live and raise children.

Yes, I will hang my head in shame until the brave, working men and woman seize America from the criminals, cowards, Communists and other evil agents that have taken control of our government.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Business Owners: Why Suffer in the USA When You Can Relocate to Avoid Tax Tyranny?

Geneva, Switzerland—In the land of chocolate and cheese corporations pay far less than half in taxes than here. The frugal Swiss government welcomes American businesses with open arms and bargain taxes along with countless other nations.

Our own government run by those Communist and Socialist pretenders refuses to downsize as they chase away every last job from our shore. Our politicians simply don’t get it. Americans are voting with their feet to escape slavery.

Isn’t it better to have 300,000 business paying 15 % tax than 100,000 businesses paying the 35% tax? Now take into consideration the loss of American jobs aggravated by the flight of the businesses. How many American individual taxpayers have we turned into Entitlement Zombies by chasing their needed jobs away?

Cuba, North Korea and the former East German Socialists had the cure for this flight. Anyone caught leaving those nations, are simply shot dead. Will Homeland Security efforts be redirected to holding Americans and their businesses captive to end the non-stop hemorrhage of tax induced job loss? The government monster can’t be forced to feed on itself.

Did we tax away enough jobs to create a vast healthcare crisis by creating legions of unemployed with no way to pay for insurance?

Would America really suffer if we reduced government across the board by 50%? Imagine if we sold just 30% of the commercial real estate acquired to facilitate all that government we really don’t need?

If only we could only end slavery once again by simply lowering taxes the American Dream could be saved. Jobs would return and people would by enjoying employment, health insurance and supplemental retirement. The endless entitlements doled out to the idle would eventually slow to a trickle if we could just bring businesses back to America with some serious tax breaks.

Our politicians will never do this on their own they must be forced by the voters.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

African-Americans and their Culture of Genocide

The Socialists and Communists in our society courted Africa-Americans promising them a free ride beginning in the early 1960’s. The Socialist leaning politicians gave this race a false concept that their future generations were owed a living for past transgressions of slave owners and such. A culture of abject failure and heartbreak was born.

African-Americans were taught that they need to keep an identity and culture separate from that of the White majority. Unfortunately that culture was bankrupt and this effort has constructed a defective racially based program for the ignorant, needy and lawless. It is a culture of failure, despair and doom.

African-Americans were encouraged to avoid meeting goals of success as a way to avoid conformity. They were supported in the pathetic and misguided adaptation of the English language into what they have called Ebonics. A counter-culture of trash talking, ignorant, idle and unemployable savages is what has emerged.

Public schools soon became day care warehouses for single mothers who have made childbearing a growth industry. The more children they have the more taxpayer funded entitlements they are handed. The schools are controlled by the Leftist run, teachers unions that contribute little to inspire Africa-American children to live the American Dream. Instead they are programmed for total failure.

Today’s African-Americans pride themselves as having rejected anything legitimate that would bring them wealth or success. African-American success goals are in the area of sports, Black Entertainment and organized crime.

I can’t imagine what single mothers are thinking when naming their children. These mothers curse their children With culture influenced names that guarantee their future employment applications won’t get a second look.

Racial polarization is more pronounced than ever in our lifetimes. What has happened is nearly an entire race present in America has been deliberately infected with a deadly disease that will eventually eliminate them from the planet. That is nothing less than genocide.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shameful McDonald’s Attack is a Sign of Huge Troubles Ahead.

I don’t know just where this disgusting video record of a cowardly assault was made. I’m sure we will learn soon enough.

Aside for the enormous liability that McDonalds Corporation will have to assume for allowing this cowardly beating, police will be rounding up the thugs involved for a long trip through the criminal justice system.

Three Black female thugs beat kick and ripped out the hair of the helpless victim. The woman is kicked while down and beaten into a life threatening seizure.

The McDonald’s employees only offers token assistance to the victim. The time code of the video tape when compared to any 911 calls will show the facilitation, enablement and obvious criminal participation McDonald’s Corporation in the vicious crime. I suspect this event will cause McDonald’s to re-think their security policies and the cost of the Happy Meal will soon meet the new challenges.

There has been an explosion of Black on White crime in recent years that the major media has refused to report.

In Chicago, gangs of Black thugs regularly organize with broadcast text messages to overwhelm, rob and beat White people in popular stores.

Anytime there are multiple attackers, victims can justifiably and lawfully use deadly force such as shooting the attackers with firearms. The victim’s don’t have to suffer injuries before they use such force.

The sad truth is most civilized Americans have no experience with personal violence or self-defense and think they can rely on police to stop this.

On television or in the movies the cops always respond immediately as if by magic and justice is always done. That impression has redundantly brainwashed most Americans into providing them with a false sense of security.

Our nation is divided and people are choosing sides for another Civil War. It is the uneducated and unskilled poverty class Welfare Zombies against those who have rejected Socialism in pursuit of the American dream.

Working Americans have supported the Welfare Zombies much too well and the process has simply turned to extortion.

Socialism has been a real form of genocide in America as it has turned millions of Blacks into ignorant thugs that only know cruelty, force and violence. Our prisons are overflowing with them to the point of bursting. The nation’s medical examiners understand this reality only too well.

The real problem is the Socialists in our Congress masquerading as Democrats and Republicans who are Hell bent on destroying our Constitution and form of government. They must be stopped and Civil War looks like it may become the only alternative.

It’s the Socialists within our government that created today’s Great Depression and they must be dealt with for their treason. We need to arrest, try, convict and punish these criminals under the fullest extent of the law.

Monday, April 04, 2011

The Berlin Wall Was a Monument to Socialism

(Peter Leibing’s famous picture of the East German soldier Conrad Schumann jumping over the Berlin Wall. Leibing’s photograph of the 19-year-old East German border guard throwing away his rifle as he hurled over barbed wire on his way into West Berlin was taken on August 15, 1961, two days after East Germany sealed off its border with the wall.)

Berlin, Germany—The Russians captured Berlin at the End of World War two. The Nazis were replaced by the Socialist pigs of the USSR. The Soviet soldiers were allowed to rape the women and children of Berlin as spoils of war long after it ended. One horrid form of Fascism was replaced with another. After 12 long years of Nazi rule the people of East Germany had to endure over four additional decades in a captive nation.

The many miles of wall and border guards became a massive public works project of the East German Democratic Republic. They wanted to stop the hemorrhage of citizens fleeing to freedom in the West.

Scores of liberty loving people were legally murdered by East German border guards for merely trying to escape the yoke of that Socialist disease. Additionally thousands were imprisoned and had their children permanently taken away for resisting this nasty form of government.

I find it most interesting that Rudi Dutschke who became the Godfather of West German Marxism student movement during the 1960s, spent the later part of his life fighting a war of ideals against the Soviets. I guess Dutschke had a little buyer’s remorse.

Anyone that thinks Karl Marx had a better idea is either a fool or a criminal seeking to control others and more importantly, their wealth.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Two Hours and a Lunch in Wannsee

Berlin, Germany—On the outskirts of this great city is a resort community known as Wannsee. This place has a large beautiful lake and serves as a summer playground for those who can afford it.

When the Allies invaded Germany a curious transcript was found in the personal effects of a man named Martin Luther. Luther had been imprisoned in a concentration camp but he had been the Under Secretary of the Reich Foreign Ministry.

This transcript was a Nazi secret document that was supposed to have been read and immediately destroyed. Luther violated the order and preserved it instead. That document shed a spotlight on a two-hour, January 20, 1942 meeting where 15 assembled high-ranking Nazis settled the Jewish Question. The question was answered with a plan to exterminate every Jew within their reach.

The meeting was held in a sumptuous and grand Wannsee villa that exists today as a War Crimes Museum. Visitors can stand and walk on the same floors as the panelists did where the Holocaust was planned.

In addition to the transcript there is the supporting testimony of Adolph Eichmann who was instrumental in setting the meeting up. That testimony came in Israel after Eichmann was kidnapped in Argentina and brought before a court to answer for Crimes against Humanity. We know for sure exactly what took place at Wannsee.

The panel of 15 included seven trained lawyers. Presumably that was to make sure that Reich Law and the Nuremberg Laws making Jews, persona non grata were followed.

The Chairman of the Panel was the notorious SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich was Hitler’s number one Hatchet Man. He had special powers of persuasion backed by his ability to exercise deadly discipline on anyone attending. Crossing Heydrich was a really bad idea.

Yet two of the panel members, Wilhelm Stutkart and Martin Luthur balked at the outrageous plan exercising nearly tombstone courage. Others suggested the less horrifying solution such as mass sterilization of Jews. Other panelists were simply intimidated into cooperating with the murders of millions of men women and children.

Some panelists complained that the German war effort was dependent upon the Jews they already conscripted for labor. Killing their workers would certainly have an adverse impact on armament production. That compelling argument fell on deaf ears.

By the time lunch was over these Nazis had their Top Secret marching orders.

Jews and Gypsies were efficiently transported far from Germany on rail lines to special state of the art death camps for mass extermination and cremation. Words like resettled and evacuated replaced kidnapped and murdered in the new Nazi lexicon.

HBO re-created the Wannsee Conference in a accurate dramatic film shot at the actual villa with actors Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci. The film is excellent.

After my visit to the Wannsee Museum I had a wonderful lunch nearby but our conversation was much lighter than that dark one in 1942. Here is some video from my visit there last week. Following further below is the trailer for the movie Conspiracy filmed on location at the Wannsee villa.

More photos can be seen here:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Socialism Can Be So Much Fun!

When enough people want the free ride Socialism promises, they’ve made the bed they probably will have to sleep in for the rest of their lives. Of course any nation could simple get recreated by a Socialist style, coup d'état.

When Socialists gain power they always convince the peons that they need so many more laws for their own good and safety. Perhaps convince is the wrong word, perhaps insist may be a better choice here. This can happen all at once of slowly over decades like it has in the United States.

Since so many the peons will eventually find themselves somewhat uncomfortable or enslaved they too often vote with their feet and find a freer place to live and raise their family.

This is where all those new and helpful laws they enacted come in handy. So many things become illegal nearly everyone becomes a criminal. The police can round up the violators of ration card abuse, curfew violations or fraternization with those counter-revolutionary terrorists. Now they have fertile pool of peons they can create government snitches from. It’s all very simple snitch or lose their family and be imprisoned. Soon everyone is snitching on everyone and government knows all!

The only way out is to slaughter the Socialist Party leaders and return freedom, starting with scuttling all those unneeded laws, frisking checkpoints and phony anti-terrorist programs.

Perhaps we must make snitching socially unacceptable through severe retaliation. I’m not in any way suggesting we protect thugs, rapists or such. It’s very simple here. If the law involved has no victim or personal violence to innocent people snitching must be discouraged.

Anyone helping Socialists maintain absolute power and control on the other hand is fair game for any curbside or extra-judicial punishment at all. Perhaps we can show our displeasure with those traitors working for the TSA Socialist Jobs Program. A good candidate might be someone just like TSA Screener, Butler who was caught on tape trying to seize my camera from me outside of an airport terminal.

Ms. Butler had no legal authority to assault or rob me of my camera under any federal, state or local law. TSA screeners thankfully have no power of arrest. Ms.Butler, did not need any law here because she appointed herself not only judge, jury and executioner but also as a lawmaker!