Showing posts with label Self-defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-defense. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Stabbing death at USC results in Murder arrest of a student.

             IVAN GALLEGOS 

Los Angeles.CA-UniversityUniversityof Southern California—According to various reports, a USC frat member stabbed a “homeless” car burglar to death in USC’s Greek Row (700 block of W. 28th Street).  The burglar was caught in the act by 19 year-old Ivan Gallegos and the altercation happened.  You should also know that the USC community is surrounded by a violent ghetto and this is a high crime area.  

Apparently, the burglar threatened to shoot Gallegos.  He either saw or thought he saw a gun in possession of the burglar. The cops did not find one in their nighttime search.   Under the circumstances, this would be a justifiable homicide.  However, the cops generally have a custom of arresting the winners of these kinds of events. They then refer to the loser as the “victim”.  Of course, cops making murderer arrest always get commendations.

So far the matter is being reviewed by The incredibly leftist, Soros funded, County DA, George Gascon.  I would be shocked and surprised if Gascon turned down prosecuting this lad.  On its face, it sounds like prosecution here would be a serious travesty of Justice.  

I live to do the self-defense investigations in these kinds of cases.  The background and criminal history of the dead burglar I’m sure is substantial, sight unseen.  It is unlikely that despite a serious criminal history that a jury would never be allowed to learn about this unless could prove he knew about it before the altercation. 

The bad news is that Gallegos remained the scene and “cooperated“ with police.  That to me suggests he gave the police details that will now be used against him.  I think if he was smart enough to simply say, I want a lawyer he would be sleeping in his own bed tonight instead of a stinky jail cell. He’s being held in lieu of a $2 million dollar bail requirement. 

In any event, I would love to do this criminal defense investigation! 

UPDATE:  This morning 20 June, the LA County DA ruled this case a justifiable homicide and released Ivan Gallegos! End of story!   

Friday, May 26, 2023

Is Obtaining a Gun for Self-Defense a Political Choice?

 Los Angeles--Self-preservation should never be a political issue.  It’s one of our most primal and basic instincts.  We were born to always feel the need to protect ourselves and loved ones from injury and death. 


However most governments are afraid of their own people and have made significant efforts to propagandize and convince people that their benevolent government will competently take over these responsibilities.  As we should know from history, Democide by government is the most prolific form of murder ever conceived. 



Even under the best of circumstances our police are dispatched only to arrive in time to clean up the mess and make reports.  They may or may not, apprehend the killers later.


We’ve also learned shocking lessons from both the Columbine High School and more recent Ulvade elementary school massacres that police refused to confront the deranged killers until long after our precious children have bled out from their wounds.  Even under the best conditions we’ve learned that police were unable to, or simply refused to do what’s expected of them. 


Another problem is that should the police arrive interrupting in-progress crimes they are not clairvoyant and within split-seconds they must figure out just who are the good and bad players.  Far too often police make tragic mistakes during this process. 


Hollywood has bombarded us with thousands of stories where the police arrive instantaneously, never make mistakes, the bad guys are arrested or killed, and the good guys live happily ever after.  Most every American has grown into believing this is somehow reality.  


Ineffective police work is not the exception but the norm.  It makes no difference who should be blamed politically.  The fact is we live in a dangerous world where thousands of criminals and mentally ill people are out there waiting for opportunities to inflict harm on innocent victims.  


If like many people you’ve lived your life in relative safety, thoughts self-defense or fear is not part of your life.  Fortunate people live in safe neighborhoods traveled in nice automobiles to safe places where you attended school or work at your job.


Because of today’s superior public transportation the crime plagued ghetto has suddenly found its way to even the best neighborhoods.  Internet chat has brought like-minded criminals together where they plan and conspire to commit crimes.  Today they are also much more likely to work in teams rather than alone. 


Because of current prevailing political attitudes dangerous prisoners are being released from prisons by the tens of thousands.  People arrested and accused of crimes are allowed to remain free without posting cash bail. 


At the same time government has shut down mental institutions leaving the mentally ill on our streets left to their own devices. 


You now ask, what can you do?  There is no simple answer other than you must become your own first responder. Yes, you must take the law into your own hands because there may be no one else to do this for you.  


You are not Superman, nor do you possess any significant extra-terrestrial powers. You are a mere mortal and without weapons and training you are basically helpless.


Government sometimes, not always offers you non-lethal weapons like pepper spray or electric stun guns that have various defense capabilities. Frankly, most of these things will get you into much more trouble and danger. 


Lethal weapons however, somewhat level the playing field.  If properly employed they will either interrupt an attack or stop it cold.  But first you must make the commitment to use deadly force without hesitation.  Never forget Your goal is not to kill, but to simply stop any further harm being waged against you or your loved ones.  


Yes, let there be no doubt that should you shoot or stab somebody, death can result.  What most people don't know today is its modern emergency medicine save nearly 90% of the people who are shot by various firearms.


By now you're deciding whether to take advantage of your Constitutional Right to possess and carry firearms.  It is a heavy choice, followed by a commitment that you will get the proper training and develop the skill to effectively use a firearm.  You can trust me when I say this is not going to be a difficult learning curve if you pay strict attention to your trainer. 


The only thing I implore you to do, is to never allow politicians to interfere with the basic survival of you and your loved ones.   Survival always trumps obedience to the gun bans of our land.  Either you will give yourself a fighting chance to survive or not. 



Monday, August 15, 2016

I Call This The Safe Traveler!

Chicago, Il--It's small but deadly. A well placed slash or two and an attacker can bleed out in less than a minute.  Folded it's the size of your driver's license and has a profile that will evade frisks and even X-ray equipment if placed properly in a briefcase or purse. 

This is for use in places where politicians have outlawed self defense like the UK and Gun Free Zones.  It was made by Spyderco of Golden, Colorado. The bad news is that they discontinued making this model. Like my American Express card, I don't leave home without it!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Germany’s Immigration Fiasco and its Frightening Consequences for all of Europe

Cologne, Germany—An irreversible political decision was made under the guise of humanitarianism to bring in one million refugees from Islamic nations into Germany.  The political Left did this like they always do to bring in people they believe will keep a majority of poor so the Socialist political agenda is realized and maintained. 

These predominately Islamic refugee immigrants cannot speak German or even English that’s widely spoken in Europe.  They have no job skills other than their cultural military killing related knowledge.  They hate the Western world, its culture, Christian religion and women’s rights.  With rare exceptions, these people can only survive from what they are given or forcibly take from the Europeans.

These Muslims are claiming that the suggestive clothing worn by German women is an excuse brutal rape and robbery.  The Islamists claim they can’t control their sexual impulsivity when women are not covered in Burkas.  Does anyone really buy that nonsense?   
It was New Years and as always in the larger cities German people gather outside to celebrate.  The young women are bundled up in warm clothing that’s hardly suggestive because of those harsh winters. 
This year was different because the crowds included large roving groups of newly arrived, primarily North African Islamic thugs that singled out young German women, surrounded them, ripped their clothing away, beat and gang raped them.  The women were also robbed of jewelry, cell phones, credit cards and cash. A night of planned fun became the worst night of these women’s lives.
The police were powerless to stop this depraved horror and investigating this after the fact in order to bring the thugs to justice is nearly impossible.  The Conservative anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement and some hateful Neo-Nazis accurately predicted this kind of conduct.  The government’s politicians did everything possible to mitigate and cover-up this massive immigrant organized atrocity.  Eventually however the cat was let out of the bag.
Now that hundreds of young German woman’s lives have been irrevocably shattered the German people are waking up that the PEGIDA movement needs massive support.  They know that Germany cannot absorb these savage and hateful parasites.  The quality of lives, property, and physical safety of the German people has been simply gambled away so the Left could maintain political control.
Making matters worse is that law-abiding Germans have no gun rights and few guns.  Understandably sales of those woefully ineffective pepper spray devices right now are through the roof.  The Muslims have already smuggled loads of military grade arms into Europe.   Of course when criminals and terrorists are involved gun control is no more effective than drug control.  Gun Control and the lack of training for Germans have placed them at the absolute mercy of Islamic thugs.
Wherever the Muslim refugees have been placed there have been massive reports of shoplifting, robbery and similar crimes.  The police cannot deal with this large scale mess.  As they evade arrest and punishment the Islamic thugs will only become more prolific and emboldened. 
Germany must immediacy rethink gun control and look to every nation that allows permitted concealed weapons.  The statistics are very clear that those people behave themselves very well.
Germany must beef up law enforcement resources by bringing in trustworthy well-trained American military veterans to assist local police.  Being a veteran that was fortunate enough to serve in Germany I know we can work well together and better protect this nation.
The German people are learning a hard and violent lesson here.  The political Left has fooled them once again.  The refugee invaders are a clear and present danger to Germany.  Angela “Mutti” Merkel and her allies in Parliament’s political futures are now dead.
Immigration from these Islamic nations must cease and everything must be done to remove at least the criminal element, back where they came from. 
The German people deserve the ability to be trained with and carry arms so they can be self-reliant.  Training must include the law and liability of the justifiable use of deadly force.       
Germany must make it clear that any and all immigrants are accountable to laws.  They must behave as guests learn the language and work.  Immigrants that refuse to assimilate properly or behave must be expelled if Germany is to continue as a leading nation.
The German people have a greater than ever reputation for culture and kindness.  These are not the same people that allowed the Nazis to dictate for 12 years and watch their nation get destroyed.  Germany emerged as a new nation with heart, conscience and well-deserved pride.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Uber Ridesharing Service and Their Laughable New Gun Ban

Los Angeles, CAUber has taken the taxi business to new highs or perhaps lows.  The convenient but overpriced service you order and pay for on your smartphone has suddenly banned firearms both drivers and passengers.
The right of self-defense is not something politicians or corporate suits can abridge. Our creator gave us the gift of fear and the instinct for survival. We are all alive because most of us understand  threats, danger and that injury or death is no option.
Some of us have had charmed lives always living and working in safe places where behavior is civilized.  Others have had to live and work where rape, robbery and murder is a reality.  Some of us understand the need to be prepared for self-defense much better than others. 
Uber decreed their fleet of vehicle as “Gun Free” with a press release and a prayer.  Do they really think their policy is somehow enforceable?  I suppose if they find out a gun somehow was in possession of a passenger or driver they can try and retaliate somehow.  If a gun was used by a driver or passenger to end a violent crime, who would give a rat’s ass what Uber thought about it?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Malls Only Encourage and Enable a Future Epic Islamic Slaughter of Their Customers!

Los Angeles, CA—The recent video threat to the Minnesota Mall of America and similar targets has some people on edge.   They certainly should be!
The threat in Minnesota is not foolproof because that state allows for concealed weapon permits and frankly those prohibition signs are being ignored more often by permitted gun owners than the mall operators realize.
Should things get difficult, armed citizens will always follow their training and do whatever it takes to survive. A quick thinking armed citizen could really put a cramp in some terrorist's plans. 
However right now pending the resolution of Peruta vs. San Diego, the draconian gun ban is in place.  All of the densely populated cities of California are Gun Free Zones.  Meaning only those willing to break the law will be armed.
No gun law will ever prevent or deter any dedicated terrorist or criminal from using bombs, gasoline or firearms to murder innocent people.
Terrorists would be far more successful at a Mall such as the Los Angeles Beverly Center shown above.   They have no armed security and the likelihood of facing an armed citizen is nearly zero.  Plenty of people could be murdered before the cops would arrive. 
Eventually the cops will win and the terrorists could claim their 50 virgins in the hereafter.  The mess would be huge international publicity.
Mall security in America has been under the control of gun hating property management companies.  They have long considered armed security an insurance liability nightmare. 
Mall security duties have been reduced to marshaling lost children and the elderly that can’t remember where they parked their cars.   Should they see a disturbance or a crime, they are simply supposed to call the police.
I don’t care what background or training members of mall security departments may have, if they’re discovered with a personal defense weapon beyond lady’s ineffective pepper spray they would be fired on the spot.    
Calls to the police these days would actually be made by shoppers that are all carrying cell phones. The security guards are nothing more that more potential hostages and victims.
The pathetic mall security procedures are all set in stone.  Local law enforcement cannot provide security for private businesses.   They can of course respond to service calls but the cops have no sufficient presence in any mall to immediately engage armed terrorists.
What every mall needs is a well-trained and armed security force to deal with active shooter incidents.  That will never happen without a massive change in our culture.
The only viable solution is to allow the law-abiding people to protect themselves under the already granted right to keep and carry arms.
Before that happens malls will begin TSA style screening of shoppers.  That will end the shopping mall as we know it and simply they will simply surrender their business to

Monday, February 16, 2015

People are Asking Me What I Actually Do For A Living. Here are Some Answers!

From an Undisclosed Location—Ok, that’s a fair question.  The answer is complicated.  I’ll do my best to answer that.
Yes, I’m a licensed private detective but I avoid work that’s meaningless, illegal, or immoral.  My primary specialty is criminal defense and I’m considered an expert in self-defense cases involving deadly force. 
I accept other cases including personal injury cases where liability must be established and fixed.
In 1989 I was recruited to work as a TV investigative news producer.  I did not shut down my agency but agreed simply do the work for TV news like all my other clients. 
On news cases I spend my time finding out what the cops and other authorities do NOT want the media to know about the most high profile murders and such.  I’ve actually reported stories but generally never have the time to do anything but locate and hand over the material and important witnesses for interviews to those familiar TV faces. 
I have been sent to all over the USA, India and Europe on cases.  I speak fluent German thanks to that draft/conscript invitation from President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Germany was a much better assignment than Viet Nam!   I served as a medical corpsman which in addition to personally observing nearly 800 autopsies at Chicago’s Cook County Morgue helps me in homicide cases.
I write this blog for fun.  However, I wish I were sponsored more to travel and report on more of the crime stories around the world.  I do manage to cover a high profile story from time to time.
I love to report on filmmakers and review art, music and of course films.  I’m naturally attracted to crime films and documentaries. 
As my blog visitors know I’m a serious gun Rights advocate.  I’m often called to speak about gun rights on radio, TV or live events.
My latest endeavor is the camera/drone technology.  I value drones for video journalism in a big way.  Unfortunately as much as I’d like to be a somewhat less creepy, Droneie version of that film character in Jake Gyllenhaal's latest movie "Nightcrawler",  so far the FAA, so far has obstructed that new passion. 
My news experience has also given me a specialty in Media Crisis Management.  That’s helping high profile people and businesses deal with a sudden onset of bad publicity connected to serious allegations.
For more fun I like writing, acting (I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA) and making short and documentary films.
This blog has brought me some very exciting cases when my visitors have reached out to me for help.  As you can expect I can’t nor won’t talk about most of my cases due to necessary client confidentiality.
I seem to wear at lot of hats but for me they’re all interesting and fun.  I hope this answers a lot of questions.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Why Prosecutors, Judges and Defense Lawyers fail to Understand Lawful Self-Defense

Los Angeles, CA—In this part of the world where the Second Amendment is redundantly denounced people fall victim to all manner of assaults.  When people refuse to be victims and fight for their lives the Criminal Justice System sometimes takes on an evil role.
We must begin with the players in the criminal justice system.  They are all lawyers.  Over the last four decades I’ve met and worked with a great deal of these lawyers. 
Only a tiny percentage was ever soldiers, cops or any kind of combatants.  They usually have zero firearms experience beyond watching a Hollywood created shooting.  Specifically, that scene where a person fires a gun at another causing the hapless victim to fly backwards over a car and then through a plate glass window.
Nearly all lawyers are gun rights hating liberals that simply don’t understand that guns save lives.  They’ve been brainwashed their whole lives and during their formal education.
Lawyers are by nature intellectual bookworms that have avoided always violence or being around violent people outside their law practices.
Most lawyers come from upscale families and have enjoyed living in safe communities and have never been confronted by criminal assault or even a schoolyard brawl.
Because of their positions in the Criminal Justice System these lawyers delude themselves into thinking they’re experts on the violence they sort out in courtrooms.  Frankly lawyers are far too often the blind leading the blind on cases where justifiable deadly force is involved.
Most shooting for example happen within seconds, at arms length and are not caught on tape.  Twisting bodies moving at breakneck speed, reflexes and fear makes understanding exactly what happened sometimes nearly impossible.
When you add the lies of the participants, witnesses and others falsely claiming to have seen the incident getting to the truth is nearly impossible.
I found that even the victim’s that succeed in surviving a deadly attack by using deadly force often lie to police in order to exaggerate their self-defense claims.  
Wow!  How can these cases be fairly examined, prosecuted or tried?  The answer is monumental and life-changing mistakes are the rule rather than the exception.
Remember forcing a person that justifiably used deadly force to survive to be tried by a jury inflicts massive punishment even if there is an acquittal.
Those accused often lose their life savings, homes, jobs, marriages, friends and reputations while waiting sometimes years to clear their names at a trial.  Bankruptcy becomes necessary further victimizing those wrongly accused.
I’ve seen decent middle-class people who were acquitted leave jail to begin life again in a homeless shelter! 
Prosecutors must take responsibility and understand that the accused must be given the benefit of the doubt.  They can’t cave into demands by family members or community groups for prosecution. 
Prosecutors routinely wash their hands in the accused’s blood somewhat like Pontius Pilate.  They simply shrug their shoulders and say, “Let’s let a jury decide.”
Prosecutors have a very real conflict of interest since the fewer cases they file means a smaller budget and restricting their chance for advancement.  Bankrupting those innocents they can’t convict is a vicious and heartbreaking reality.
Defense lawyers need to recognize their own ignorance and seek out investigators and experts that can actually reconstruct the violent event.
Reflexes, size, strength disparity and coordination of the combatants along with genuine fear and survival instinct all play a part in a violent event and must be weighed.  
In the end we use the reasonable man standard to determine justification.  That includes the reasonable fear involved a violent event. 
I have to ask why any prosecutor would concern himself or herself with some aggressive fool that lost his life trying to victimize another.  That aggression should be the solid evidence of doubt benefiting the accused.
Defense lawyers have a duty to put aside their negative views on weapon and self-defense.  They must recognize their job to protect the rights of their clients to things like Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

L.A. County Sheriff Arrested the Actor who played the Red Power Ranger in an Obvious Case of Self-Defense

Ricardo Medina, Jr. 
Palmdale, CA—L.A. County Sheriff’s officers responded to a Saturday 911 call from Ricardo Medina, Jr., 37 after he reportedly stabbed his roommate. 
Deputies entered the home and found Joshua Sutter mortally wounded after being stabbed by a sword allegedly by the actor most famous for playing the Red Mighty Morphing Power Ranger. 
A Sheriff’s spokesman said that Sutter was fighting with Medina who with his unidentified girlfriend fled to a bedroom.  The dead man then forced his way into the bedroom when he was mortally wounded.
Sutter lived in the home but assuming the sheriff’s department is correct that he stepped up his violence by forcing his way into the safety of the bedroom.  Depending on size or strength disparity use of deadly force to terminate such of an attack was reasonable.
Bail for Medina was set at $1million.  
Since I specialize in self-defense cases this one is right up my alley.  Should the District Attorney senselessly file a complaint or obtain an indictment I know I can help Medina.  I'd welcome a call from him or his lawyer. 
It would be a shame to see this lad’s life be destroyed by an ill-advised prosecution.  Barring solid evidence, a confession or a witness statement this matter should end.
If Medina is forced to stand trial his career is over even if he is eventually acquitted. Americans are supposed entitled to the benefit of the reasonable doubt.  Making a jury determine if the act was justified is a form of prosecutorial tyranny. 
Such a prosecution could easily cost the accused to pay as much as $1 million in legal fees and costs.