Showing posts with label Saul Alinsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saul Alinsky. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Saul Alinsky: The Mastermind Behind America’s March Toward Communist Control.

If you’ve ever questioned how radical left-wing figures like Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders sharpened their political weapons, look no further than rules for Radicals. This infamous manifesto, penned by Alinsky himself, serves as the ultimate guide for dismantling traditional American values. It openly labels dissenters as “the enemy,” a chilling insight into the mindset driving today’s Democrat leadership.

Alinsky’s blueprint leaves no tactic unexplored, from inciting political violence to relentless, subtle indoctrination, all with the aim of reshaping America into a Marxist stronghold. Don’t take my word for it—grab a copy on Amazon and see the evidence for yourself.

Saul Alinsky (1909–1972) was a Chicago-born, “Community Organizer“  and political theorist whose work focused on empowering impressionable fools to fight for social and political change. After studying criminology at the University of Chicago, he became deeply involved in labor organizing during the Great Depression. His methods, blending pragmatism, activism and violence made him a dangerous figure in grassroots organizing.  Throughout the 1950s and 60s the University of Chicago was a hot bed of Communist activities.  

Rules for Radicals Overview:

Published in 1971, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals serves as a guide for Marxists seeking to challenge entrenched power structures and force change. The book outlines strategies to inspire mob action and disrupt systems of authority. Alinsky emphasized the importance of using existing structures and tactics creatively to empower his recruits.

The 13 Rules for Radicals:

1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

Perception of power is often more influential than actual power.

2. Never go outside the experience of your people.

Stick to tactics your group is comfortable with to maintain morale.

3. Whenever possible, go outside the experience of the enemy.

Create confusion, fear, or discomfort in your opposition.

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

Exploit their principles to create contradictions and expose hypocrisy.

5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

Humor and mockery can disarm opponents and energize supporters.

6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy.

Engagement increases when the process is fun and rewarding.

7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

Keep momentum by changing strategies when interest wanes.

8. Keep the pressure on.

Maintain constant action to keep the opposition off-balance.

9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

Fear of what might happen is a powerful motivator.

10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

Ensure actions are sustained and impactful.

11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

Turning challenges into opportunities can shift the narrative.

12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

Offer solutions to avoid being dismissed as merely destructive.

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Focus on a single opponent to create a clear enemy for your cause.

Alinsky’s goals remain obvious, to destroy the American way of life by  grassroots organizing, while reimagining this nation in a true Marxist model. Regardless, Rules for Radicals has left a lasting impact on extremist Left Wing political activism and organizing strategies.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thoughts on Ferguson, Charles Darwin Actually Took Michael Brown’s Life

Ferguson, MO—Michael Brown was an accomplished thug.  He was a large and cruel monster that a just moment before he died was captured on tape terrorizing a shop owner while committing a vicious strong-armed robbery.
Contrary to fanciful thoughts we are not all equal.  Some are smarter, taller and stronger.  Charles Darwin said it best we were not all meant to live and that only the strongest survive.
Michael Brown was born with a birth defect that made him vulnerable despite his superior strength and size.  He was incredibly stupid and at the same time extraordinarily mean. 
Young Brown somehow though that he could engage in a physical confrontation with a police officer and somehow win.    That was an extraordinarily foolish act and it cost him his life.  Frankly the world is a better and safer place without this savage creep. 
Now there are plenty of ignorant supporters of Michael Brown and his evil ways.  They are amassing in Ferguson and are egger for enough misinformation and hatred to spark violence.  The plan is to loot, shoot, bomb, rape and murder their fellow citizens using their inflated claims of racial injustice as an excuse.
Yes, this is all about racism but just who are the racists here?  This is about some African-American’s hatred of White people and their desire to dominate and conquer them.   They have pipe dreams of capturing and taking home the spoils of war along the way.
The problem for these troublemakers is they, like Brown are too intellectually disadvantaged to live.   They somehow think that they can succeed in street warfare simply because they are cruel enough.
What they are not taking into account is that aside from the cops and National Guard they have to overcome thousands of able military veterans in the local population that are well trained and well-armed and only too willing to protect themselves and families. 
If these African-American agitators attempt a dangerous insurrection, their oversight will get their remains placed into lots of body bags.  These are simply the inferior human specimens that Darwin warned us about. 
Often humans work to protect the unfortunate and disadvantaged to survive despite obvious handicaps.  Here they are warning the ignorant, thoughtless and very stupid people to abandon their pipe dreams and to stay home.  Let’s hope that they come to their senses.
If these troublemakers won’t follow that sound advice Darwin just like he did with Michael Brown will quickly take them home.