Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Sunday, July 26, 2009

For Sarah Palin, Now The Fun Begins

Fairbanks, Alaska—Firebrand Conservative Sarah Palin is now free to begin a real campaign.

With a never ending onslaught of phony ethics allegation by loyal Obama Communists, Sarah Palin was silenced and nearly forced into hiding. The allegations all had to be fought with expensive lawyers and of course all complaints were utterly without merit.

Conservatives know that the far Left loonies are terrified of Pailen’s ideas, motivational ways and her downright glamorous appearance. Palin brought the only excitement to a really lame Presidential race. The problem was she’d have only been Vice President.

Conservatives rightly rejected John McCain since his Senate votes were most often in lockstep with Obama and Clinton. McCain was no more a Conservative than Colin Powell.

Palin was and is a real breath of fresh air in American politics. She knows what it is like to actually struggle in our economy, and is a proven champion of liberty and freedom.

With Palin now out of the Governor’s office she has regained her rights to speak to all Americans yearning to be free from the yoke of extortionate taxation and ridiculously over-bloated government.

Palin can now concentrate on exposing the false promises of the Obama Communists of a free ride on the backs of the so-called rich and working class taxpayers.

Sarah Palin understands what made America great and seems unyielding in her zeal and energy to secure this nation from our enemies without and within America. Palin can bring out the voters who sat out the last election.

Palin will continue to loved by Conservatives and hated of those who despise truth, justice and the American way.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Sarah Palin Can Save America

Alaska-- Governor Sarah Palin has announced her resignation as that state’s chief executive.

Palin has been a target for the Communists, Socialists of the Democratic Party. She has also been a target for the pretenders of the Republican Party. The Republicans have turned over the leadership of the Party to big government, heavy taxation, so-called, moderates like Both Bush Presidents, McCain, Romney and Giuliani.

The sharp Left turn of the Republic Party away from every Conservative value has neutered this organization from ever mounting a serious campaign on behalf of American Conservatives. It’s time for a Conservative political party to emerge from the wreckage of the last national election.

American needs a Conservative who has lived on the economy and the needs of most working taxpayers.

Phony ethics complaints and a smear campaign by the Left Wing media were set in to high gear against Palin. They saw her as a real and popular threat to their Communist idealism and assonated her character. The attacks were brutal, cold and bogus. The Palins suffered a half million dollar debt in legal fees defending the Governor’s reputation.

Real Conservatives love this great lady. I will never count her out as someone that can place this country back on the track the American founding fathers intended.

Instead of a Vice Presidential candidate Palin would have been overwhelmingly supported by Conservatives for President. With the pretender, John McCain leading the ticket Conservatives stayed home.

The Governor has resigned, I hope gearing up for even greater opportunities to defend and protect her fellow Americans.

I wish Sarah Palin every possible success and America’s success moving back to freedom, free enterprise and a country where excellence is rewarded and never punished.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fixing Our Presidential Election

The likeminded national media has shamelessly carried Barack Obama as their standard bearer. The time for even pretend fairness has ended.

Every conceivable smear was unloaded on Sarah Palin whose entry into the Presidential mix brought real excitement and total fear to every Obama supporter in the land.

Armies of Left Wing TV producers loaded Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson with every trick question they could dream up as a way of discrediting Sarah Palin for their interviews.

The media stacked the deck of tonight’s Vice Presidential debate with a moderator who is a ringer. She has a financial interest in the outcome of the debate and election with her pro-Obama book she’s publishing. The debate will give every possible advantage to Joe Biden. After the debate the media can be counted upon to declare Biden the winner.

Obama supporters will do absolutely anything to get their way with this election. Every conceivable fraud, dirty trick, lie or threat is not off limits.

Acorn has been busy with other groups creating millions of bogus voter registrations facilitated by voter registration laws that encourage fraud. This election will find the ballot boxes filled with fraudulent votes.

Billionaire George Soros and every other Communist has overloaded the Obama Campaign war chest with propaganda funds used to mislead voters.

Will they use bullets to achieve what their money and phony ballots can’t achieve? I think the answer is obvious. This will prove to be the most polarizing election of our collective lifetimes. I fully expect to see the worst.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sarah Palin Has Clean Hands In Bailout Mess

The only candidate who has absolutely clean hands of any responsibility in the Wall Street bailout mess is Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.

Unlike Obama, Biden and McCain Sarah Palin is not owned by the lobbyists and the crooks who created the mess. Sarah Palin is the one Americans will trust the most to give us real change. Sarah Palin deserves the trust of all Americans.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Each Nasty Smear Of Sarah Palin Sinks Obama’s Campaign Further

Destroying a middle-American hockey-mom is A lot tougher than the desperate and despicable Obama supporters ever thought. They’ve been taking any and every molehill and tried to turn it into a mountain.

The molehill I like the most is that Sarah Palin wanted her brother-in-law fried from his position as a state trooper. It’s matter of record that among other deeds, this dope used a police Taser gun to electrify his own ten year-old son. We would all really hate Palin if she did not take steps to protect her nephew and the public.

Reporters’ trying to trick the 44 year-old mother of five during an interview has a particular smelly odor to it. Sarah Palin is the first major political candidate that can really bring the change that other politicians only promise.

Aside from her obvious leadership skills, Sarah Palin most positively and properly reflects the average American more than any politician seeking a high office in my life time. Sara Rocks!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Inside Scoop Of McCain’s VP Choice

I know you’re all wondering how it came about. I have the “exclusive" video of just how this went down!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Congressional Incest and Inbreeding Makes For Horrible Presidential Candidates!

The Congress of the United States has its lowest approval rating ever. If you mention the simple word Congress it makes any American frown. We really hate this group of collective whores.

Becoming a congressman was never intended to be a career. It was for Americans who live and work in our economy to spend a few years serving their fellow Americans and return their district and the economy they were sent to protect. That has all changed for the worse.

Being a member of Congress is a dull job of staffing committees and hearing endless testimony from people supporting or working against various laws and handouts to special interest groups. Most of our politicians don’t arrive in Washington D.C as millionaires but nearly all of them leave very wealthy.

Sitting in congressional committee hearings does not prepare anyone for being Commander and Chief of our armed forces or President. The position does expose these legislative types to foreign aid and issues of international relations but you can get this experience in many other ways including universities. Being a member of congress brings members every level and kind of corruption and evil influence possible. Lobbyists from every kind of business and foreign governments are there to grease palms and sway loyalties away from an American ideal.

Congress is the last place we should go looking for Presidential Candidates. The constant inbreeding brings the worst of the political genes to our political conventions. This is the reason why our presidents can barely scrape a tiny majority of the relatively few Americans that bother to vote anymore.

Governor Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh Alaska air in comparison to what we’ve installed in our Whitehouse in many decades. The lobbyists don’t own her or her family. Palin’s agenda seems to support what and why America exists. I have all the faith in her should she have to take over filling her Vice-Presidential role that she is smart enough and honest enough for the job.

Palin knows how to delegate responsibilities and rely on others for special experience. I don’t think this lady will simply wait for a crisis before Palin has hands on knowledge and skills for the ultimate role as the most powerful world’s leader.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Brings Youth, Beauty and Excitement to this Dull Presidential Race

Dayton, OH--My expectations were not very high for McCain’s choice of a running mate. I fully expected a boring, pretend Republican, white-bread male to be named for the number two spot.

McCain got the message that his liberalism was a liability and looked for and found someone with the right stuff, Alska's govenor Sarah Palin.

Palin has a strong history of supporting gun rights, fiscal conservatism and the right to life. She sounds too over-qualified to be one of today’s Republicans.

Palin has never been corrupted inside the Congeressional cesspool and brings no baggage with her.

She clearly understands the challanges and needs of today's middle class American families.

Palin’s own son along with John McCain’s are in harm’s way defending and protecting in our nation’s military. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have zero investment in our armed forces.

The Republican ticket just got a giant shot of Geritol. For you younger folks, Geritol was a special medicinal tonic that promised our parents they could stay young and attractive. I don’t think that product really delivered but Sarah Palin seems to be the right medicine for this presidential ticket.

One thing I noticed and liked about Palin was she came out in a skirt instead of the usual Democratic dykewear pants suit.

Now I support the Republican Presidential ticket.