Showing posts with label Rezko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rezko. Show all posts

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Fitzgerald Unveils Coming Attractions For Blagogate

Chicago, IL—Suggesting multiple defendants and giving out five pages of information the U.S. Attorney’s motion is revealing. This was necessary to justify a request for an additional 90 days to bring an indictment against the embattled Governor.

Attached to this motion, but filed under seal are additional pages of information to further rationalize the request for more time.

For your enjoyment read the motion below!
blago motion

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Inauguration Interrupted!

Chicago, IL—With more than a month before the installation of Barack Obama as President his world may yet collapse. This as revelations from Obama confidants, convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko and Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich are being aimed at the President-elect.

I’m told other co-conspirators are now heading off their own troubles by providing information about Barack and Michelle Obama’s less than stellar corruption activities. The hemorrhaging has already begun and I don’t think there is a way to stop it now.

A reliable source from the Ogden/Roosevelt area is also telling me there is a Dead Pool on just who will turn up first in the Cook County Morgue over this desperate political mess.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama/Blagojevich Rift Was Nothing Personal…

Chicago, ILBarack Obama and Rod Blagojevich were pals for years. They with convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko were cooking up crooked deals all over the place. Obama’s residence in Hyde Park is one small product of that cabal. Simply take a gander at Michelle Obama’s lucrative board appointments resume.

The problem was that Rezko was cooperating with the feds and that made the embattled Blagojevich a radioactive untouchable to be avoided. Obama needed Blagojevich but not while he and his rapidly forming administration was under the microscope. That is the only reason for the current Obama/Blagojevich rift.

Someone please tell me why Patty Blagojevich collected a huge commission on that Obama real estate deal when she was not the broker selling the property? Was that just another bribe? Reportedly the US Attorney has renewed interest in looking at that specific deal.

There is no doubt in my mind that Senate seat hopeful and Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett was tipped off and that’s precisely why she withdrew her name from consideration at the last minute. Should the wind begin to blow in the right direction look for Jarrett to be the Obama approved Senate appointment ringer after all.

I fully expect the rats at every level to begin biting each other to survive. I fully expect this case to become more far reaching and destructive than the Watergate Affair of nearly 40 years ago.

In the past the mainstream media could control just what got reported, but no more. There are hundreds of bloggers digging right now that can be counted on to expose what the Obama loving mainstream media won’t.