Showing posts with label Revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revolution. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

The European Union is a Victim of its Own Success!

London, UK—The European Union seemed like a good idea however It became too big for its britches and was ruling Europe with an iron fist.  The EU became absolutely tyrannical.  

This Socialist ruled EU monster was destroying Europe with its recent mandate to allow millions of Islamic, so-called refugees to invade member nations.  Refugees or invaders became the question and its impact was and is purely negative. 
The new “guests” absolutely abhor Western culture, food and the way of life of Europeans. They come with zero job skills, ability to speak, read or write the languages of the Euro Nations. The result has been violent crime, terrorism, social conflict and a huge financial burden on the taxpayers. 

The purpose of inviting the Islamic guests was to pollute the vote and guarantee Socialist control of the Euro nations for generations to come. Socialism only endures with a majority of totally dependent people, void of all self-reliance. 

Now the UK voters have spoken and have broken the yoke of EU slavery!  Now other EU member nations are looking to get out too!  

The obvious parallel for America is reigning in our out-of-control over-bloated Federal Government extorting taxes, dictating to and over-regulating every aspect of our lives.  The EU member nations have lost control and their sovereignty like we have ours!

Americans need to re-evaluate the control of the Socialist controlled Federal Government’s iron grip on our lives and our states. We need not submit like sheep to build and strengthen a Socialist nation our founders would have soundly rejected.

The American Congress is not controlled by Republicans or Democrats despite the labels they wear. They, for the most part are corrupt Communists and Socialists disloyal to America and especially its Constitution.  

As for the UK, I congratulate them as they move forward governing themselves.  Self-reliance, independence and self government has returned to the UK.  Margaret Thatcher would be proud!  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA Abuse is Pure Provocation by Obama’s Lame Duck Government for Civil War.

Washington, DC—The Whitehouse thugs are still reeling from the stunning defeat of the midterm elections. Barack Obama knows his Socialist regime will be ending as opposition led Congressional investigations expose his personal citizenship fraud and massive corruption.

Obama is desperate to bypass Congress with emergency Presidential powers. Provoking Conservative Americans into violence would enable Obama to declare Martial Law. Obama would suspend the Constitution as Lincoln did at the beginning of the Civil War.

The plan appears for Obama to bring millions of illegal aliens into his power struggle as law enforcement agencies and military organizations personnel begin to choose sides.

Am I being an alarmist? We know that the Obama government is flexing Fascist muscles with the outrageous TSA pornscanner and genital groping program. Can anyone show me in history were this kind of government behavior reversed itself without a war of total destruction anywhere in the world?

Americans better pick their side and be ready for what maybe a prolonged period of war, food shortages and massive population control. Obama’s forces have little more than two months time to show their hands. Somehow I suspect the revenge of the Lame Ducks may lead to Armageddon.

Hopefully liberty loving Americans have already stockpiled enough weapons and ammunition. Now’s the time to make sure you have a decent supply of food, fuel, water and medicine on hand to get through several months of a very cold winter.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama Needs A Crisis Excuse To Declare Martial Law And Gain Absolute Power

Washington, DC—The Obama Administration knows they have lost their majority and are facing serious resistance to their agenda. The Obama agenda is grinding to a halt as Americans and some elected officials are discovering the reality that we are in the middle of a creeping Marxist revolution.

Obama will never accept defeat of his agenda and can be expected to do what all Communists do, rule with an iron fist.

Anyone who is not fully aware by now that Obama is a textbook Marxist is either a moron or a total fool.

Obama’s vast entourage is looking to use a force of felons, illegal aliens and even foreign troops to topple Conservative resistance. They are hoping to get a portion of America’s law enforcement and the military to back Obama rather than the American ideal and our Constitution.

Radio, Internet and Television will be subject to total emergency censorship government control.

Obama will promise instant cash, citizenship, and pardons to their new recruits with nothing to lose and everything to gain. The Obama recruited forces will also be rewarded with the spoils of any violent adventures. Real and instant wealth redistribution will motivate the worst possible conduct of criminals and the illegal aliens.

The other day House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi tearfully suggested violence was on the way. Pelosi has inside information of thousands of angry ACORN workers about to lose billions in free money. Pelosi’s tears are real despite the fact she is a big part of the problem. We are in the beginnings of a full-fledged Civil War. This may be the bloodiest war America has yet to experience.

It is time to collect non-perishable food, water and medical supplies for those who have already stocked up on millions of rounds of ammunition.

Is the impending H1N1Flu Pandemic going to provide Obama with the tools he needs to finish the job he started? God help us all

Friday, June 26, 2009

It’s Time For The Smell Of Gunsmoke In America

Washington, DC—The Marxists Gangsters have control of our country according to many Americans including MN Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

When do we storm the Whitehouse, arrest and try that traitor Barack Obama along with his pals for treason? One thing is for sure, our current government is un-American.

What’s the next Obama act of war on the American people going to be?