Showing posts with label Rahm Emanuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rahm Emanuel. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chicago Politicians Are In A Gunfight With The Federal Judiciary.

Chicago, IL—The Windy City is awash in murder.  The bloodshed is predictable precisely with the weather.  Rain, sleet and snow hampers Chicago’s thugs and soft summer nights are filled with relentless victimization, savagery and carnage.
Chicago’s politicians are all hard corps Liberals and have promulgated every kind of gun ban they could dream up.  Gun laws never impact criminals and always impact the law-abiding.  The results are far more predictable than Chicago’s weather.   The thugs, thieves and rapists are actually emboldened and facilitated by the gun bans. The politicians either don’t get it or they want law-abiding innocents defenseless and in harm’s way.   
The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has mandated Chicago follow the law of the land.  Unfortunately the politicians are just as lawless as the thugs.  These Fascist bastards refuse to release their iron-fisted control over the law-abiding folks as ordered by the court.
The court ordered The State of Illinois and that includes their political sub-divisions like Chicago to end the ban against the law-abiding people from carrying concealed weapons. 
The court took the unusual step of giving the politicians a half-year to create a new law that will respect freedom and liberty. These politicians will steadfastly defy authority.   The deadline will pass and they won’t lift the ban.  The court will lift it for them.
The game will continue with attempts by Chicago and Cook County to create ordinance violations to replace the voided state law.  Taxpayers will be paying the bills for those arrested, prosecuted for the bogus and unconstitutional ordinances. 
The good news is that ordinance violations come with minimum bail requirements, no fingerprints or photographs and no real expectation of jail time. They are less than misdemeanor violations.
The citizens of Illinois will be able to carry concealed weapons as long as they have a standard state Firearms Owner’s Identification Cards.  
Rank and file cops will have little taste or desire to arrest gun- carrying Chicagoans and then face lawsuits under USC1983 for Violation of Civil Rights.  Cops will not be falling on their swords for the glory of Chicago’s lawless politicians.  The vast majority of street cops steadfastly hate the unlawful gun bans themselves.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Rahm Emanuel’s Punitive Gun Control Drive Begins Today!

Chicago, IL-- Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced his effort to ramrod new gun control legislation statewide. The mayor wants to force all law-abiding handgun owners to pay hefty fees. He wants to begin registering and titling handguns like automobiles.

The mayor wants to reduce a Constitutional Right to a licensed privilege.

He claims this will somehow help police solve crimes. The suggestion that this will reduce violence is not supported by any studies or experience within this or any other nation on earth.

I guess The mayor forgot the City of Chicago already has a gun registration program under a vigorous and very expensive challenges in federal court.

The misguided mayor does not know or have even a clue about the following facts:

1. Two US Supreme Court decisions specifically exempted felons from being prosecuted for failing to register a firearm. The requirement violates their rights against self-incrimination.

2. Firearms are simply not left at crime scenes unless a perpetrator is caught, wounded or killed. Tracing such a gun is always worthless to investigators. Gun traces simply never result in arrests or prosecutions.

3. Yet another government bureaucracy must be established. The Illinois State Police are so overloaded now they cannot process the FOID cards that register gun owners.

4. This information is a privacy invasion that historically ends in confiscation schemes in every despotic government.

5. This is just another salvo being fired by gun rights haters against the Constitution of the United States.

6. This is no different than a Poll Tax. Forcing people to pay in order to enjoy a right is dead wrong.

If you live in the State of Illinois call Mayor Emanuel at (312) 744-3300 and tell him how you feel about his latest effort. Then call your state representatives and Senator in Springfield.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Big City Politicians Incite Fear and Loathing against their Own Cops

Chicago, IL—Former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s tyrannical rule of Chicago endangered the lives of cops. How so you may ask? Daley built an economic wall between citizens and cops thorough his extortionate traffic fines.

In the corrupt greed that financed as much as a $1billion in unneeded public works projects like endless miles of dangerous, traffic snarling concrete planter boxes generated campaign contributions from the contractors.

I don’t need to tell Chicagoans about taxpayer flight in avoidance of Tax Tyranny. The reality is depressing to say the least.

The shady parking meter fiasco along with those mercenary fines, have punished every working citizen of Chicago. Imagine trying feed a family during these difficult times. That as you collect parking tickets because the politicians are ever increasingly creative in their zeal to trap you into various violations. Soon your car gets booted, towed and you’re pushed well beyond the breaking point.

Everyone automatically associates this extortion program with the police. That’s even if its civilians not cops writing the tickets. The cops are the hammer the city always uses to victimize the public.

In the old days the local courts had a policy if dismissing virtually every ticket issued if the recipient bothered to show up and contest the citation. That was a PR program designed to protect those who could least afford these fines. That program was ended long ago and the somewhat friendly courts are places that citizens must fear today.

The most serious problems are in the African-American communities. They are the most impoverished and handing them a citation is just not the same as for wealthy folks that can easily pay for private parking at the rate of $35.00 per day.

Of course it’s the police that are required to be the ultimate extortion agents and their enforcement activities are viewed as racial profiling and hate. Of course the cops that don’t do as their commanders demanded face punishment for not citing everyone for absolutely everything possible.

The only way the City of Chicago can survive is to end the extortion. They have not figured out how to build a wall around the Windy City with guards to keep taxpayers from fleeing. The cancer of Tax Tyranny must be eradicated and taxpayers need to see Chicago as a place to prosper or Chicago’s magnificent buildings will soon be vacant.

Instead of being respected, cops are feared like any mob collection agent. Cops presently are not viewed as being there to protect the citizens but to rob them at every opportunity. I don’t think that kind of policy and perception improves the quality of life anywhere.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel can simply plod on making the same mistakes as his recent predecessors. On the other hand he could surprise us all as a great Mayor that returned Chicago to being a great place to live, work and raise children. Imagine all the room for free parking that could have been saved without the hated concrete planter boxes.

A great place to begin a good faith effort is by reducing fines, parking fees and taxes by half.