Chicago, IL—The State of Illinois like lots of jurisdictions
in America want to over-regulate our rights to keep and bear arms. Additionally they want to make us pay or face
arrest and imprisonment for not submitting to their unlawful extortion demands.
The politicians and bureaucrats want to force gun owners to
pay for their bogus gun control bureaucracies that they create to invade our
privacy and diminish our rights. That’s
absolutely a lawless exercise.
The U.S. Supreme Court settled a similar issue long
ago. Southern politicians placed a tax
on people that were voting. There were
simply called Poll Taxes. The detractors
of these taxes argued in court that they were intended to deprive poor people from
voting in elections. Poll Taxes were
outlawed after the Supreme Court ruled that the right could not be taxed.
We have a specific Constitutional and clear right to keep
and carry firearms. For governmental
agencies demanding payment in order to enjoy that right is nothing less than criminal
extortion and racketeering.
We must enjoin these lawless politicians and their appointed
bureaucrats from their criminal and punitive efforts to rob us of our rights
with these extortion demands.
Frankly no gun registration or firearm permit law demanding
payment is proper. If our politicians
had their way they tax us on each breath we take or word we speak. There becomes a point when we must tell them,