Showing posts with label Political correctness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political correctness. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why Donald Trump Will Be The Next President

Los Angeles, CA--Those with less than honorable motives have distorted real public opinion on the immigration issue for decades.
Now comes Donald Trump.  He has vowed to remove all the immigration trespassers. This will bring him a landslide of votes from both parties.  For sure he will get the Conservatives that have not had a candidate worthy of voting for, for decades!
When you examine the issues like I have you will see why Trump can’t lose! 
The single largest offender has been the major media that took the route of faux political correctness aiding the political Left. 
Communism and Socialism can only survive with an unproductive, ignorant and needy majority lower class. Needless to say without out those votes those two evil political cancers would die.
The obscene profits of large businesses are somewhat protected by a massive force of cheap labor.  Job competition always depresses wages. Big business supports the political campaigns of every pro-Amnesty Republican.  Money talks and nearly all of our whore politicians are listening.
Why does Immigration Amnesty seem to be the only solution anyone can think or talk about to deal with this problem? 
That answer is simple, Congress knows only too well that the voters don’t support a change to federal immigration laws! 
Illegal immigration has brought us massive, ignorance, poverty, illegal drugs, violent crime and diseases that we had eliminated on our soil long ago.  There is just no getting away from those facts.
Our jails and prisons are loaded with immigration trespassers that have committed really despicable crimes. We really can’t afford this.
Health care: 
Our entire healthcare system has been undermined and destroyed by many millions of border trespassers.  Their diseases, massive childbirth explosion, violent criminal activities have inundated emergency rooms everywhere. 

Those $20 aspirins and Band-Aids is nothing more than the insured and paying patients subsidizing freeloading illegals.
Primary Education:
The invasion of non-English speaking illegals has likewise devastated our public schools.   The quality of American education has been sadly diminished every year.  This is intolerable.
Nobody wants to see anyone homeless and hungry. Yes, our social agencies feed and house illegals.  Entitlement funding for our own poor was never intended feed the entire world. 
Who suffers the most from the invasion of illegal aliens?  Poor White, African-Americans and legal immigrants must fight for jobs and any entitlement scraps with the illegals.   This is usually a pro-Democratic voting block.  However they understand their plight and who is responsible for it.
Angry taxpayers, especially conservatives have really had enough of this immigration mess.  Republicans leaders have lied to them as the media has constantly fed them pure pro-illegal immigration propaganda. 
This is not about racism but law, structure and simply ending the massive hemorrhage of taxpayer’s money to trespassing freeloaders.
Our immigration policy has been nothing  less  than criminal obstruction of justice by public officials that have enabled this immigration disaster.
There is a solution to the immigration mess. Mexico is a corrupt and tyrannical government that has made an otherwise great country unlivable. That government must be overturned.  The Mexican people that want an American style economy and government must fight for it. 
We should support a Mexican revolution and then Mexico could succeed in building a great nation.  So great that they’d need a wall to keep us Gringos out!
One thing that would really help, would be by ending the Drug War.  Take the Drug profits away and that would destroy the current corrupt Mexican government in a day!
Many of the tresspassers will resist or hide but most will self-deport.   
I am in favor of allowing better legal immigration provided those allowed in have no diseases, criminal records and can read and write English.  No special preference should be given to Mexicans over those from other nations.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Confederate Flag's Image and Meaning…

Charleston, SC—It’s never the losers of wars that write the history books.  With glee, the winners demonize the losers at every opportunity in anything published about the conflicts.
Our Civil War was much more about a heavy handed federal government and states rights than slavery.  Personally, I abhor the concept of slavery.  
Today that same federal government has made slaves out of every taxpayer.  They take more than half of what we earn and reward corrupt businesses that bribe politicians. 
The slavery of the Negro is distant history. Nobody alive today owned slaves or were slaves except for taxpayers of every color.
The Confederate flag represents among other things thousands of brave young American men that gave their lives fighting for their country.   It’s not a symbol of racism or hate. 
Saying all that, ignorance and propaganda has relentlessly maligned the flag over the many years at least to African-Americans it has become a symbol of hate. 
We will never be able to educate the millions of misinformed people of all races about the flag.  There is not a reason to bother educating them today.
Under the circumstances the flag has be defiled and misinterpreted beyond hope.  Accordingly removing it as an effort of political correctness will not harm society.
Rewriting history is what people do.  There is no cure for propaganda and ignorance in humans.
If it makes African-Americans and the ignorant happy,  removing the old Stars and Bars from government buildings, it’s a small price to pay to co-exist peacefully.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Equality, Race and Culture Always Collide Despite the Social Engineers.

Los Angeles, CA—In an location with more representation of clashing races and cultures than any other I’m searching for answers.   When looking for race relation solutions political correctness is an obvious problem, not a solution.
First I must debunk the biggest lie ever told.   All men are not created equal! What should be said is that basic kindness demands that we treat each other as equals.
To suggest we are all created equal actually is a very brutal reminder to those with less than the best genetic gifts. We all know only too well what traits or physical improvements we’d rather have.  Plastic surgeons along with companies making skin lightening and hair straightening products have never done better. 

Cultures can be respectful, peaceful and productive.  They can also be intolerant, destructive and barbaric.  I’m sorry but I insist the latter cultures are a sub-human species. 
The peaceful and productive humans must employ extreme measures rooted in our survival instinct to annihilate the cruel and destructive sub-species.  
California’s prisons are filled with the sub-species humans placed there because of despicable, cruel and unthinkable acts.  Blacks and Hispanics far outnumber whites or Asians when it comes to senseless and cruel violence.
Poverty can never provide an excuse for inflicting rape, murder or any form of violence on innocent victims.
Does inferior genes or culture cause horrible behavior?  This is the question that scientists have tried and failed to answer.  Some answers have come in the form of the theory of Eugenics and somewhat proven through bioengineering. 
Traits and characteristics can be programmed in plants animals.  When the same is suggested for humans is where delusional denial parts with reality.  Some people still refuse to accept the truth. 
If we were all truly equal there would not be taller, smarter, stronger or more attractive people.  Then there are those that have an uncanny ability to create wealth. 
Are Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered humans another sub-species?  The scientists have never unequivocally determined if this is a choice or genetic error.  These traits have no relation to productivity, intelligence or cruelty.  Frankly I’m dumbfounded why anyone would bother to worry about these traits. 
Simple kindness dictates that we must simply make an effort to tolerate, appreciate and embrace all but the cruel and barbaric.   Of course we should make every effort to set a good example and help the kindness challenged people around us that there is a better way.
I care not what anyone thinks, I won’t let anyone dictate to me that I must accept, employ or associate with violent, cruel people of any race, creed or religion.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hollywood has exiled Archie Bunker, Dirty Harry and Paul Kersey

Hollywood, CA—Let me begin with a disclaimer.  I don’t suggest for a second that bigotry; hate or genocide should be glorified or be made acceptable in our society.  The fact is these ugly things are a part of our world and writing them out of film scripts is not going to cleanse us of these human imperfections.
Books and films are about the life-changing events on this earth.  By necessity we must show evil, hate, violence, war, heroism, peace and love because these are the human realty. Police investigations go wrong and innocent people are convicted.  Sometime justice happens.  All of these things give us the ability to tell the stories that need to be told. 
We must always try and preserve the truth of the human experience.
The only brave filmmaking soul left that seems to escape the political correctness police is Quentin Tarantino.  However, should Tarantino ever make a film that shows Gays in a less than stellar light he will find himself permanently exiled to the Cornfield.
How bold it was for Clint Eastwood to bring us Dirty Harry in 1971.  That legendary scene where he guns down a gang of African-American bank robbers would never see the light of day in today's Hollywood.  The bank robbers would have to be white to satisfy Hollywood’s PC cops.
Archie Bunker graced the small screen with lots of racial and homophobic insults.  The idea was to give the audience a slice of life for a poorly educated bigot in a modern society.  In the end Archie was very human and just somewhat misunderstood.  The Archie character was just more ignorant than mean spirited.  
Today the Paul Kersey character from the film Death Wish would have to be African-American and his antagonist’s white supremacists! 
Hollywood has created a false Fantasy Land that eradicates anything that would offend minorities or Gays.  I say that telling the truth is always better and perhaps we need more scripts where we extol the contributions made by the minorities we are trying to protect. 
We do see to neglect the real heroes that are Women, Minorities or Gays.  An example of a good film in that regard was Dallas Buyer’s Club.   They allowed Homophobia to be seen and Jared Leto’s transgender character came off as a genuine hero.  Perhaps that film could be made because in the end that film the homophobic bigots looked foolish.  
We must face the facts that Gays, women and minorities can be evil and not be afraid to show that in films.
When we make a film about police work today we reverse the racial demographics of the cities depicted.  That kind of pandering is so overtly outrageous it makes the film a sick caricature of reality.  Sanitizing scripts in the name of political correctness is an affront to art and truth. 
Today’s Hollywood would never allow a scene like this:

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Dick Wolf, Chicago PD and Fantasy Television

Chicago, IL—Dick Wolf’s TV series about Chicago police is pure entertainment.  Other then the uniforms, vehicles and landmarks any resemblance to reality ends the second the first actor’s lips move.
Let’s begin with the pretty cops and well-pressed uniforms.  The casting directors found actors that look better then most cops.  None seem to have authentic Chicago accents.   The story lines are fairy tales from writers of the political Left persuasion that don’t have a clue about police work or social reality especially in Chicago.
Let’s move on with race.  Chicago PD is political correctness in overdrive.  I’ve yet to see a single African-American criminal!  African-Americans are represented on this show only as heroic and dedicated good guys.   
Nothing changes the reality that the Cook County Jail, and Criminal Court calls within the City of Chicago are 90% plus African American.   Chicago’s white community is much better behaved and by comparison, barely represented at all in the criminal justice system.   
It was laughable to see the latest episodes where they deal with a group of terrorist bombers.   The cops begin suspecting Muslims but the bad guys turn out to be white, anti-government/Obama racists.  Only Conservative whites are capable of evil in the minds of Wolf’s scriptwriters.
Chicago has had terror bombings going back the Haymarket Riot. The bombers were all Communists and pro labor Anarchists.  Then there were the 1960’s Weathermen like Barack Obama’s bomber pals, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.   After that, the Puerto Rican FLAN terrorists of the 1970s and finely those, Anti-NATO, Left Wing loonies and would be bombers that are on the way to the Big House as you read this. 
Let’s face Dick Wolf’s African-American’s are not capable of simple evil.  They don’t terrorize people in organized flash mobs or knock out games victimizing elderly white people for kicks.  They don’t hate, inflict cruelty or do anything wrong at all.
The Chicago PD TV series will never make an African-American a serial rapist or killer.  If the portray an African-American in trouble at all they can be counted upon to pour every kind of mitigating circumstance on him or her possible.  The African-American arrestee must be turned into a folk-hero like the Jean Valjean (Character) from Les Misérables.
You won’t see the police hiring or promotions reality where the least qualified are the people promoted strictly because of affirmative action and raw political influence  
The show is nothing more than a politically correct fantasy hour depicting a Liberal law enforcement paradise that does not exist.   The show is pure PR for the current Mayor whose brother is arguably the most powerful man in Hollywood.