Showing posts with label Police misconduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police misconduct. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Jodi Arias Freed by Police Perjury, Evidence and Witness Tampering!

Phoenix, AZ—Okay I’m jaded.  I have investigated so many high profile cases over the decades and have learned one sad thing about them.  Integrity among witnesses, cops and prosecutors quickly vanishes.
Being a criminal defense investigator is not like what most people think or understand.  While investigating these cases I soon found myself trapped in a world of lies.  If I can expose the lies my client often goes free! Because of bizarre dynamics, this is anything but an easy task.
Let’s begin with a personal statistic I’ve established about my fellow humans.  A full one-third or more of people routinely lie.  As we know most people in fact can’t seem to tell the truth about something as simple why they’re late for work. 
If this percentage of people can achieve the same result by lying as telling the truth they will choose to deceive.  It’s best described as a form of narcissism or self-empowerment. 
In high profile cases deception is the rule, not the exception!  People lie from every possible side of a case skewing justice along the way!
Whether or not the accused is guilty, those arrested lie most of the time.  They think that lies will help them and they are desperate.  Their friends and family members that find themselves as defense witnesses want to help so they lie too.
For the cops interviewing those people separately, they can easily expose this deception.  Lies told by suspects and their family or friends will nearly always destroy any chance of escaping even an unjust conviction.
Unfortunately many cops have a terrible habit of guessing culpability first and then creating, shaping or forming the evidence to convict those they believe are guilty. 
The best example I can cite here is O.J. Simpson.  The case appeared weak and cops went about to frame a guilty man.  However in the end they got caught and Simpson was freed.    
Cops are in the unique position to remove, move or add physical evidences including DNA to any crime scene.  When they subsequently serve search warrants more opportunities are presented to place damning evidence inside the homes, offices or vehicles of the accused.
Motives for this behavior include seeking professional recognition, fame, or simply being driven to nail the coffin lids on the people they arrest.  Let me say that the percentages of this happening are so much higher than you would ever dare imagine.
We all have made ourselves believe that cops and prosecutors wear the white hats.  After all they are the good guys who can always be trusted never to mislead you, right? 
Ego’s, self-image issues and narcissism are no strangers to cops and prosecutors.  They love the attention they get by publicly demonizing some hapless perceived miscreant.
In high profile cases this begins at press conferences where cops and prosecutors pat each other on the back for the important arrest.  Thus the demonization of the accused begins and the defense is never able to challenge this with equal time. 
By the time the defense discovers any solid evidence they are subject to gag orders by the judges on the case!  Prosecutors often deliberately cross the line so that gag orders are issued.  That in effect insures the public will only hear one side of the case!
Once they bring in the TV cameras inside the courtrooms that suddenly guarantees that lies will become the new truth!  Bad behavior and deception go into high gear! 
Savvy cops know how to play the civilian witnesses by making them feel important.  The cops want to hear only the things that will bolster their cases.  So it’s very easy to ask questions that provide the answers they want to hear the witnesses repeat! 
This often begins with the first eyewitness identifications.  The witness was either a victim and saw a violent crime committed by a stranger.  Their eyes were fixed on weapons, the hands and shocking deeds of the perpetrator/s.
Soon a cop brings a suspect to the witness in a police car.  The witness assumes that the cop somehow found the right person and they want to help the cops. 
What happens next is horrible.  The witness will more than likely identify whomever the cops have brought! After all the witness wants to help the cops whether they recognize the suspect or not.
Identifications made outside of a proper line up suck in a big way.  The so-called, one-on-one identification method is excessively subjective and should be outlawed. 
A high percentage of people will exaggerate or outright lie if they think it will help the police take a criminal off of our streets.  Once the useful idiot/witness gets praise and recognition he or she will become locked into the lie forever. 
Thankfully the mass proliferation of surveillance cameras has stopped many false identification cases cold before they got out of hand.  
With the limelight of TV cameras, and recognition from the likes of TV commentators such as Nancy Grace witnesses abandon the truth and instead gravitate to what’s seems popular at the moment.  
It’s exactly like the intuitive Dr. Josef Goebbels infamously said, “If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”  The media can be counted on to repeat each and every lie until they are set in stone!
When you allow a murder trial like the Jodi Arias case to become a media circus only bad things will happen.    
Today with the Internet and our instant communication keeping a jury away from sensational influence outside of the courtroom is impossible. 
Guilt or innocence is established by a lot of things in America.  Unfortunately too often the truth does not really matter.
This all takes me to my personal motto about the criminal justice system, “If justice happens it’s usually by accident and for all the wrong reasons.”

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why is the Media is Falling For Fake Drone Stories?

Los Angeles, CA—The latest technology tool for newsgathering is taking a propaganda beating from the media.  As incredible as it seems the media is promoting ignorance about camera drones rather than enlightening their audience! 
The little drones are indeed amazing.  They can take sophisticated yet tiny cameras to incredible heights to get inexpensive video and still images in near absolute safety!  
They are definitely a novelty and local police have zero training about these devices.  They have not been around long enough for police and procedures to be developed.  The obvious best policy is to simply leave the drone operators alone. 
Cops seem to want to make arrests for drone use because they know right now they will get substantial news coverage.  However those highly publicized recent arrests of drone pilots have turned out to be absolutely bogus.
Two police helicopter pilots in New York spotted a little plastic drone in the area of the George Washington Bridge.   They chased it and then arranged for the felony arrests of two young men claiming these drone operators endangered the police helicopter!  Their own recorded radio transmissions were solid proof that the cops lied! 
Yesterday a drone pilot was arrested as a Peeping Tom when his drone was “too close” to a medical center where people were believed to be possibly undressing inside.  The fact was that this proved impossible because of reflective material on the glass window.  There certanly were no images of undressed people on the drone's camera!
Since when do people that don’t close their drapes have any reasonable expectation of privacy?
As for the camera drones they have the ultimate “black box” that will show the world in high definition video exactly what it was doing!  We can count on liars being exposed when the images are viewed. 
Many helicopter and fixed wing pilots stand to lose their livelihoods as drone operators replace them.  They have an obvious conflict of interest when it comes to making reports about drone activities.  They want them outlawed for very understandable but ulterior motivation. 
It’s simply about cost and safety.  Even if the little drones crash nobody is going to neither die nor will there be remarkable injuries or property damage.  These traditional pilots can be counted upon to hate multi-rotor drones and their operators.
Propaganda is feeding fear and loathing by the ignorant public.  Nobody stands to gain more from the camera drones that the media and the public that will be able see the world as birds do.  Why is the media falling for the deception of the drone detractors?
Drone journalists are going to be broadcasting and publishing images that were impossible until now.  The camera drones are already bringing us art, beauty, and truth.  There are really no negatives.
People are beginning argue that terrorists will use them for attacks.  They are far less powerful and destructive to aircraft or people than ordinary firearms.  People are letting their over-active imaginations rule over common sense.
The FAA is trying to deal with government concerns that these devices are dangerous.   In the hands of the media that’s true because they may discover waste, mismanagement and questionable behavior of government employees.
Cops are already in a goldfish bowl with millions of cellphone cameras waiting to catch them making missteps.  Now they are being observed from drones too!  Will cops be making arrests of drone operators to intimidate and prevent them from documenting their behavior?  History says that’s a guarantee!
We know from experience that cops have arrested thousands of photographers and cellphone users until the courts ruled that the cops were dead wrong.  Police tyranny may well be a fact of life for many camera drone pilots.  
Cameras are very dangerous instruments because they expose the naked truth.  Camera drones are a new danger that may bring us yet more truth than we can handle.   Human being have shown over and over again that they can’t handle the truth!

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Americans Need Better Legal Protection From Government Criminals

Washington, DC—They say DNA and fingerprint evidence does not lie and that’s for the most part a correct statement.  However those government officials involved in the investigation, collection, preservation and examination of evidence occasionally do some horrible things.  When that happens often it is a perfect crime, because proving such a case is almost impossible.
In 1990, Shirley Kinge was convicted in an arson/murder case that where four people perished.  The investigator involved was truly a Golden Boy, New York State Police Trooper, Robert M. Lishansky.  He was an 11 year veteran of that agency and considered one of their brightest and best investigators. 
Lishansky was lifting prints from plain paper copies of filed inked fingerprint cards with standard lifting tape and then claiming he lifted them at crime scenes.  At crime scenes latent prints are made visible by dusting them with a fine black powder that sticks to the latent print oily material.  The tape is then used to lift the print image and then placed on a white card where it can be clearly observed, photographed and classified for comparison with the prints of potential suspects. 
The prints “collected” by Lishansky always looked identical to those normally found at crime scenes.  However under special, non-routine scientific analysis the chemical makeup of the black material was copier toner, not fingerprint dusting powder!  Lisansky walked into courtroom after courtroom and gave perjured testimony with a straight face destroying lives along the way.  Lishansky was schooled in the frame-up procedure by his police supervisor, David Harding.
While being considered for a CIA position Lishansky’s supervisor David Harding was proving his skills as a secret agent to CIA official.  Harding bragged that he could frame anyone for murder and explained his techniques with some recent examples.  Harding may have been delusional in that he felt that this conduct was acceptable, or was he?  Just what did Harding’s superiors really know?  The CIA blew the whistle on Harding and before it was over he confessed to fingerprint tampering in numerous cases.
Lishansky was convicted and sentenced from 6 to 18 years in prison. Harding was sentenced to from 4 to 12 years.
The real rub here is that the victims of the frame-ups all were put in prison for much longer terms on the basis of the falsified evidence.  Thankfully New York abolished the death penalty or Shirley Kinge would have been sent straight to Death Row.  Kinge was released from prison soon after the tampering came to light.  
Lishansky and Harding were dangerous serial criminals with police badges.  Under the laws of our states and the Federal Government a single incident of evidence tampering and perjury would normally allow for probation even if it involved a death penalty case.  Since this and many other cases involving corrupt crime lab technicians the penalties have not been increased.
We must change our laws to at least make perjury and evidence-tampering crimes carry the same penalty that the falsely accused and prosecuted victim was facing.   Here the cops framing innocents got prison only because it involved numerous cases.