Showing posts with label Perpwalk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perpwalk. Show all posts

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Court Sentencing and Victim Impact Statements are about Showmanship, Not Justice

Cleveland, OH—Prosecutors lobbied lawmakers everywhere to create sentencing extravaganzas.  This is where so-called Victim Impact Statements are made.  Prosecutors have really succeeded in the efforts to change court rules under the popular guise of giving victims a voice.  It sounds like such a admirable effort until you closely examine what its really about. 
Sentencing has changed into nothing more than a variation of the old time-honored Perpwalk for the defendants.  For the victims it’s little more than a perverted form of a Pity Party.
Today admitted kidnapper, rapist and fetus killer Ariel Castro got his turn for the spectacle.  Victim Michelle Knight dramatically told Castro, “You will Face Hell.”
They always begin by parading in the defendant into court in jail garb and chains.  Everyone is already aware of what sentence is coming to be handed out and nothing here ever changes the actual punishment.  In Castro's case it's 1,000 years.  
Normally the defendant is asked to make a statement.  They usually maintain their innocence, mitigate their conduct or transfer blame to others.  Sometimes they are remorseful.  Their words always fall on deaf ears.  I guess there is voyeuristic fun to watch chained up miscreants squirm, stutter or remain arrogant.  It’s all really so pointless.
The victims and or their families are also paraded through the courtrooms, but as pitiful creatures.  They are rarely good public speakers and read from writings they collected on paper.  They often sob, express anger and almost never express sympathy for the defendant.  They are often nervous and very uncomfortable while speaking.   I’ve yet to see a crime victim win fame or fortune as a result of their exposure in these Victim Impact Spectacles. The same is true for obtaining closure. 
Some so-called victims like the estranged father of Ron Goldman try to capitalize on their new fame.  Fred Goldman was a suit salesman who even got the opportunity to become a radio talk show host.  His continual whining about O.J. Simpson could only be tolerated so long and he was quickly and unceremoniously taken off the air.  Goldman never had a second act.  Goldman bitterly returned to his former occupation.  
The word closure is repeated ad nauseam.  Closure is a word picked by prosecutors to coax crime victims to participate in these Sentencing Spectacles.  It’s nothing more than a false promise.  For real victims there is never closure. Time is the only healer, certainly not some emotional post conviction courtroom confrontation.
The use of Victim Impact Statements by prosecutors is for pure political gain on the backs of victims and nothing more.  The Victim Impact statements are here to stay because of the insatiable and morbid curiosity of court watchers.
The three women kidnapped, raped and imprisoned for years have begun to explore the marketability with appearances at events and such.  I wish them well but I’m skeptical that they can break the mold of publicly displayed victimization to find rewarding careers. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Perpwalks and Show Trials are Very Dangerous to Freedom

The ever-popular practice of cops and prosecutors to issue press releases, mug shots and to parade criminal suspects before media cameras is a throw back to medieval times. The public loves to celebrate an infamous arrest and prosecution as they direct their rage towards the accused.

The ever-changing media has made perpwalks more exciting than Hollywood film premiers. Everybody wants to see the latest bogeyman on public display. It’s a source for instant gratification for the morbidly curious media consumers. There is no public policy benefit to anyone as a result of the present practices. On the contrary there is great harm.

The perpwalk and pretrial publicity has made television infotainment programs that channel fear and hate to every person suspected of an infamous crime. The problem is that this vile practice destroys the presumption of innocence and guarantees an unfair trial to the accused.

The practice in so many jurisdictions of letting cameras into courtrooms creates a circus complete with performers rather than a setting where truth and justice is sought.

We do need open courts where the public is welcome to observe every aspect of legal proceedings. I’d even want to see secret Grand Jury rooms opened for public inspection. We don’t need or want Star Chamber Proceedings in America.

We have a free press and what they learn or care to publish is their right. The media should be free to attend court and report on whatever they wish. They can do this without the cooperation of the prosecutors and courts acting as guides to the cases under review. Why should government create the conditions that insure injustice and falsified or exaggerated testimony?

I have no problem with our courts video recording every trial and sharing the events with the media or even posting them online once the trial with a final verdict is over. The public through the media can get to know hate the defendants all they want after the case has been adjudicated. That’s fair enough.

When our founding fathers made the rules for trials they did not have TV, film, video, radio or YouTube. I don’t think they ever took into account that these things we take for granted today would have ever been invented.

Having circus like show trials complete with media pundits is anything but fair or even dignified. Frankly what we do is sometimes downright disgraceful. It’s all fun until you or someone you love has been wrongfully accused. We must change or ways if we are to continue to claim we are a nation of freedom and liberty.