Showing posts with label Paul Huebl Crimefile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Huebl Crimefile. Show all posts

Sunday, March 03, 2019

I now firmly believe that JFK’s assassination was in fact, a successful coup d’état.

Dallas, TX— Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I have finally accepted the notion that our own intelligence community killed JFK.

The single most important reason I was convinced Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone involved the rifle he allegedly used.  The bolt action, Italian 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 91/38 Rifle was a total piece of crap. 

It was clear to me that any reasonably financed group would never rely on that rifle for such an important task.  

Oswald was seemingly living in a state of poverty and bought the cheapest rifle he could find in the Klein’s Sporting Goods, mail order advertisement.  

Had he the money, Oswald could have spent a little more for a far superior rifle that he was familiar with as a Marine, the venerable M-1 Garand semi-automatic battle rifle. 

Oswald seemed to be an easily manipulated fellow who effortlessly traveled to and from the Soviet Union.  Was he really a Castro sympathizer?   This now seems like a manufactured profile cover.  

Oswald may have been working as an employee or more likely a disposable contract agent. 

I now believe that a single, "money shot" killing Kennedy came from a quality rifle fired by a superior marksman from the grassy knoll, wooden fence area.  He was someone acting at the direction of the Deep State

The American intelligence community had and still has a core concept that they, not the American voters are supremely qualified to pick our leaders.

The FBI, NSA and CIA went rogue long ago and are still lawless today.  We’ve learned that from COINTELPRO, Ruby Ridge, the Branch Davidian slaughter, along with the more recent revelations of Edward Snowden and Bradley “Chelsea” Manning.  

The same agencies today, have placed President Donald Trump in their coup d’état crosshairs! 

Our intelligence agencies are solidly above the law since their leaders and operatives have never once been brought to justice for any of their significant crimes! 

Never forget that the JFK assassination files have still never fully been released.  Time locks have been placed on the records to insure nothing damning would be released until long after the government’s culprits were dead and of course out of reach for criminal prosecution. 

Governments cannot be trusted, that’s why our wise founders gave us a Second Amendment! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Immigration, Trump and The Reality of a Political Power Grab.

Washington, DC--For the most part our Congress has been ruled by Democrats for the last 100 years.  Our Immigration laws that the executive Branch's elected officials and their appointed bureaucrats are sworn to enforce have not changed. The votes to change our immigration laws are just insufficient even with a Liberal majority.
So the open borders loving politicians can't get the law changed so they do the next best thing.  That's to obstruct, de-fund and denounce our border law enforcement efforts and employees. 

When the political Left (including Liberals like the father and son Bush team) owns the Whitehouse, educated, self-reliant and law abiding Europeans are turned away in favor of economic refugees that bring, ignorance, poverty, total dependence, crime and drugs from Mexico and regions South. 

Trump has merely said he'd enforce existing laws. Keeping his immigration promises has caused Liberal heads to explode. 

I'm appalled that under Obama European tourists have been forced to provide fingerprints and are subjected to unwarranted humiliation.  The Europeans spend millions of dollars that support many American families. Needless to say America is becoming a piranha for Europeans to visit now.

Democrats are in a rush for grabbing power and know impoverished dependent immigrants from  South of our border will vote for them.  So it's not about humanitarianism but rather seizing political power and shutting out Conservatives. 

We are all immigrants except those Europeans that were always subjected to extreme vetting, medical exams and loyalty testing.  The slightest problems would bring refusal to those seeking entry and they'd be put on boats returning them raptors Europe. 

The immigrants from below our border have been invited to evade our border security and stay here unchallenged.  They are not turned away from our emergency rooms for their violence related injuries or to give birth of their anchor babies. American taxpayers are forced to pay billions as they watched their healthcare system get flushed down the toilet because of impoverished illegal aliens.

Caught up in this illegal immigration horror are impoverished Americans, mostly minorities that must compete with the illegal aliens for jobs, healthcare and the food on their tables.  

Added to this immigration disaster are those invaders who hate our culture, customs and Christianity. They include people that are Hell-bent on harming and dominating Americans in the name of Islam. 

Humanitarianism or political power grab, you be the judge!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

It’s The Liberals That Are The True Fascists!

Los Angeles, CA—I can never understand how the Liberals always accuse Conservatives of being Fascists.  It’s the liberals that will do anything to force their will on Conservatives. 

Liberals demand that Conservatives pay for the illegal aliens, their medical care and anchor babies.  It’s the Liberals that want to force the Conservatives to pay for their abortions. It’s the Liberals that want to curb free speech calling anything they don’t like hate speech.  It’s the Liberals that want to take the Constitutional protected gun rights of Conservatives by force and violence (Yes, arrest and imprisonment is force and violence).  It’s the Liberals that want to force Conservatives to pay special interest extortionists for their Climate Change Theory.  
Conservatives simply want Liberals to leave their rights, religion and property alone.  Liberals insist on using the full force of the police powers against Conservatives, never the other way around.   

Liberals are violent when they don’t get their way.  Conservatives don’t riot or block traffic. Conservatives don’t want to force Liberals to pay for anything at all.  Conservatives believe in total free speech.  

Liberals need to own up to the fact that they love big government using police powers to force their will on others.   Liberals are the real Fascists…

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Current State of Drones, Laws, Regulations, Fear and Loathing.

Washington, DC--it's a painfully slow process for politicians and FAA bureaucrats to accept the need, legitimacy and relative safety of those little civilian drones. 
There was the initial hysteria of passenger jets crashing, mass privacy invasion because of those little drones.  The panic reaction was bolstered with thousands mistaken or deliberately false reports of sightings claiming drone misbehavior.  

Thankfully as the number of drones in civilian hands increased by leaps and bounds, the bogus reports quietly subsided considerably. 

Very recently progress has been made in allowing the commercial use of drones under a somewhat loosened set of rules and guidelines.  Along with the more realistic drone rules the FAA created the Part 107 licensing exemption with a written test for commercial drone pilots.  

They have allowed for considerable expansion of drone use in urban areas for news gathering, filmmaking, property inspection, marketing and photography.  

The FAA still must give a bit on night flights, first person view and use over highways and people. Slowly that too is happening.

The same is needed for low altitude flights below 150 feet near, but not adjacent to airports.  Inspecting a roof of a building with a drone that's a half mile from an airport from 30 feet above should not require anything more than simple caution. 

We've still not seen a single fatality, serious injury or property damage caused by a drone.  This despite nearly four million of them in the hands of all manner of men, women and children. 

Drones are a natural tool for news gathering purposes. Their excellent broadcast quality cameras, safe low altitude flight and minimal expense will save countless jobs in America's newsrooms.  

For news gathering drones are substantially preferable to helicopters in all but those high speed police chases.  The liability issues of drone use is also minuscule compared to that of helicopters. 

Still safety is a real concern along with the upscale price of drones that ultimately keeps their owners cautious. None of them want to see their precious drones damaged or lost.  

Finally superior drone video has become slowly integrated in our nation's TV newscasts.   There is virtually little noise and no pollution emitted from these marvelous little machines.

Hopefully police will begin to use them to document traffic accidents saving time and money.  Drones can cut the time busy streets are obstructed for traffic investigations by two-thirds.  

The Netherlands has been using them to deliver defibrillators to save the lives of heart attack victims.  Drones are excellent tools for use in critical missing persons cases, search and rescue. The benefits of our civilian drones make for a better and bright future.  

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Unintended Consequences of Meryl Streep’s Emotional Golden Globes Rant

Hollywood, CA—Tinseltown was once ruled by some over-emotional Conservatives.  There was a group of Communist artists here that included Lucille Ball that were considered by others as both dangerous and un-American. 
The result of that misguided political activism was a purge that destroyed promising careers in the form of Blacklisting. Today the shoe is on the other foot and the seeming majority Hollywood’s elite are Socialists. They pour millions into Leftist political campaign coffers.  

Today’s Hollywood power structure has little tolerance for Conservative artists.  The industry’s accepted screenwriters bend over backwards making films that display African-American heroism and legitimize the Gay lifestyle. I guess it might be called, Affirmative Action Filmmaking.  

I don’t want criticize anyone’s artistic products no matter their message.  Saying that, I’m a solid and unyielding believer in Freedom of Speech and Thought. 

Free Speech is messy by nature because someone will take offense to the opinions of others.  In recent years America has become a Nation of Crybabies that can’t deal with unfiltered speech. 

Politics has caused untold millions of intolerant people to unfriend people on Facebook. We should be discussing our differences and find common ground. Making friends is a better idea. 

On to the subject of the superb and gifted actress, Meryl Streep.  At the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony Streep delivered an angry and somewhat hateful rant insulting President Trump. She did this within the safety of a venue filled with like-minded artists and legions of bodyguards.

Sports and Art is a sacred common ground that should be free of propaganda and political acrimony.  These are great things that bridge people together. Streep’s emotional Golden Globe Ceremony display divided rather than united America. 

Streep made her millions from audiences that did not give a rat’s ass about her politics.  It’s fair to say however,  when she outs herself politically her entertainment products will suffer a boycott from intolerant people that take exception to her opinion.  Streep doesn’t care because she knows she will not live long enough to spend the riches she already earned.      

However, now all of Streep’s films will suffer somewhat at the box office, iTunes, Netflix and DVD sales.  In the mix of her innocent victims will be fellow, lesser known actors, the film’s investors and that long list of names appearing in the credits.  

Artists have a right to Free Speech and many of them wisely don’t express themselves politically because they don’t want to lose half of their fans that may be offended. Streep and the other Artists/Political Operatives are damaging their industry’s workers and should control themselves. 

Streep owes all those that made her films possible an apology along with repaying their predictable financial damages. 

The past election saw inexcusable violence from the Left and Hillary Clinton’s loss has brought out bad behavior that is usually seen only in Banana Republics. We’d be a laughing stock of the world but too many nations are holding their breath to see how our mess shakes out. 

We Americans all have a duty to block government tyranny, at the ballot box.  America has done that now it’s time to dictate to our elected officials, not the other way around. 

We need to become self-reliant and united Americans once again. We must learn to let each other cling to our earnings, guns and religions. We must learn how to be kind.  

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Is Civil War Returning to America?

Washington, DC—We are a divided nation like never before or at least since the North and South rained carnage on each other not that long ago. 

Donald Trump won the election promising an end to importing crime, drugs, poverty and terrorism through a castrated immigration control system.  The Leftists politicians (that includes both Bush Presidents) never had enough votes to repeal immigration laws so they simply obstructed justice and willfully refused to enforce it.
From Gun rights, free medical care demands and the Global Warming theory, the Left and Conservatives are at constant odds.  

We settled it with an election that Donald Trump won. However the Left can’t emotionally deal with losing and are taking to the streets in some cases like thugs.  It’s laughable as they are all shooting cell phone video of each other’s bad behavior. 

The political venom is getting worse everyday.  The Left is well known for using violence as a political tactic.  It’s only a matter of time before the Soros funded agitators begin arson, bombing and shooting.  The violence will be contained in the larger populated cities where rioters will burn their own homes along with the local businesses they need. 

The police with somehow deal with this with little support from their Leftist mayors and local politicians. It could become an epic mess.

As for the rest of the nation the well armed and trained civilians will backup the cops and National Guard easily crushing the undisciplined and untrained Leftist troublemakers should they try and leave the cities.  

As for a coup d’e tat it just ain’t gonna happen!  The military and police will never side with the Leftists.

In short, a Civil War would simply control the population of the political Left in a big and messy way.    

The real solution of for the Leftists to get back on their meds and calm down.  They need to work within the system and help make this country the greatest place on earth.  

We all must all strive to support each other making sure no innocents suffer.  We all want full employment, health insurance and peace for all. 

Conservatives like me just want our guns, religion and wallets left alone. Communism/Socialism does not work. 

The followers of the political Left should begin to study the ideas of our Founding Fathers.  History is the best teacher.  Join the Conservatives because they’re the ones working for peace and humanity.  Let’s move forward working together in a united and freedom loving nation. 

Meet My Pal, Raj Singh and he will Tell you the Eagle Gun Grips Story!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Even Jessica Chastain Could Not Save This Propaganda Clinker!

Hollywood, CA—The filmmaking business is getting more democratized every day.  The days of only the most powerful studios and talent agencies  producing films are numbered. Cheaper equipment means  more people than ever can make films.  

Alfred Hitchcock was a master of making great films on the cheap.  No special effects, difficult sets or  costumes were used.  Just talented writing and actors made his success.

Some filmmakers enjoy the power of mixing art with political propaganda.  They want to influence the masses rather than entertain them.  That’s exactly what was behind the recent financial film disaster of, MISS SLOAN.

With an estimated $13 million budget, a terrific leading lady (Jessica Chastain) what could possibly go wrong?  The answer is everything!

I’m loving the films finally being produced with female protagonists. When I saw the slick previews I thought this would be something I wanted to see.  However I was spared from seeing this disappointing disinformation package when I found out this was a not so subtile attack on America’s gun rights. 

The previews did not let out even a hint that this was about pushing gun bans that have proven time and again to actually be more dangerous to public safety.  I’m sure not tipping their hand this was a deliberate effort by producers to ambush and brainwash their audience with their tired political message.    

Gun control is a far more complicated idea than most people realize. Gun bans always fail because they only impact the most law-abiding and trustworthy citizens.  The criminals will always continue to obtain and use, gasoline, bombs, knives, clubs, motor vehicles and of course guns.

We all ready know only too well how bans work in America.  The wars on drugs and alcohol never had a meaningful effect on consumption, only the price and staggering corruption.   

The sad truth is that in the gun control Utopias the sheep are unprotected and the wolves reign supreme.  

It serves the investors in this film flop right to have lost their money.  Imposing their will on others camouflaged as art is risky business. 

I don’t fault the actors for this colossal film failure, after all they are paid to perform. I cant wait to see the next film starring Jessica Chastain

I simply love this beautiful and kind actress who will move on to thrill us on the big screen for years to come.  

As for the up and coming filmmakers, those that don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it!   

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Second City Cop, a Great Blog Should Grow Into Video Literacy

Chicago, IL--Chicago cops are represented by the FOP as their collective bargaining agent.  They have lost more ground in recent years for their membership.  The city’s politicians have stolen, squandered and otherwise mismanaged Chicago’s revenue for decades creating a public safety funding nightmare.  

Chicago is the current murder capital of the United states and in the last nine months despite gun bans and draconian restrictions over 3,000 people have been shot here.

Nearly a decade ago with bloggers popping up Second City Cop was Born.  The site is hosted allegedly by a cop who has since retired. He or she has remained anonymous avoiding the wrath of angry police bosses and politicians.   
Second city has done well in calling out misguided management, biased police related media stories and corruption.  In many cases SCC has criticized the FOP for lack of leadership or courage in their representation of cops.  In Short SCC has held the city, lapdog media and FOP accountable for their non-stop mis-steps. 

SCC has also condemned the tireless and constant anti-police race baiting from the likes of Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina’s Church. Perhaps someday SCC can take a look into the funding of Pfleger’s activities and his personal enrichment through use or abuse of his donor’s funds. I suspect he can be easily exposed as a professional instigator. 

The SCC site receives tens of thousands of hits every day.  The readers are politicians, reporters, bureaucrats and of course Chicago’s cops.  The real story is found in the massive amount of reasonably screened comments they receive.   Beat cops are free to call attention to to police related issues they find troubling.  

SCC is not monetized through advertising I suspect to protect the host’s privacy.  That’s a shame because SCC would be raking in some real cash as a result.  I’d love to see SCC become video literate and perhaps employ a video journalist/retired cop to put embedded videos on the site.  A picture is worth a thousand words and video does so much more! 

Such a SCC reporter could bring balance to the propaganda some call journalism published and broadcast by local media/bedmates of Chicago’s despicable politicians. 

That video journalist could expose through public court records the criminal past’s and motives behind the career criminals that falsely accuse cops of brutality and other misconduct. That reporter could ask for tips and information from the public that would aid wrongfully accused cops in protecting their careers and pensions. 

Such a video journalist needs real TV news experience along with police training.  That VJ could attend City Council and Police Board meeting giving an inside video view of the shenanigans. I suspect that SCC has laid a great foundation to become a well-financed and best source for news about Chicago’s public safety issues.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Cooking With Crimefile!

Los Angeles, CA—While Im here visiting the Left Coast I have to make myself a meal or two.  I like making simple Stir-Frys and this is how I do it.  It’s simple, quick, easy and very tasty!  I thought Id show my visitors just how I do it!  

Monday, August 22, 2016

A Film Review; The People Vs. Fritz Bauer

Los Angeles, CA—I heard the buzz about this German entry in the various film festivals.  It sounded very intriguing and something I should see. 

When the Second World War ended Germany went about the business of cleansing the nation of the Nazi stains and war criminals. There were two competing German interests, one was the somewhat closeted but still committed Nazis within the government and the other was the mindset that this ugly chapter of history needed final burial.
Exacting justice for war criminals by the new Germany was really a half-hearted effort at best so soon after the war.  It was more about letting other nations do what they must to track and put the old Nazis on trial. 

The three most hunted war fugitive Nazi criminals were Martin BormannJosef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann.  This amazing story about Adolf Eichmann’s capture was hidden by the German government for more that a decade.

The protagonist  here was a closeted Gay, German Jewish lawyer, Fritz Bauer. Bauer was a political activist before the war opposing the Nazis rise to power. When the Nazi’s gained control Bauer was arrested but somehow escaped the grim fate of so many other Jews. In 1935 Bauer emigrated to Denmark and later Sweden.  Bauer teamed up with Willie Brandt who would later emerge as Germany’s Chancellor. 

Amazingly Bauer re-entered Germany as a prosecutor and judge in the Frankfurt/Hessen courts. He took up chasing the old nazis and became a pariah of the Nazi sympathizers. Bauer also fought long and hard for compensation for the victims of the Nazi regime while receiving constant death threats.  

Bauer risked being arrested for treason by handing over information about Adolf Eichmann’s living a quiet and modest life in Argentina to Israeli Mossad agents.  Bauer knew that if he shared the information with German authorities that Eichmann would be tipped off and flee avoiding capture. 

Bauer’s superiors tried to unsuccessfully manipulate and control Bauer by exposing his gay activities in Denmark.  Homosexual activity was a criminal offense at the time. 

Enough about the history and now let’s talk about this terrific film. 
Bauer was masterfully portrayed by actor Burghart Klausner.  Bauer’s trusted prosecution associate, a fictional character, Karl Angermann was really well played by Ronald Zehrfeld.  Angermann helps Bauer but he’s caught up in a romance with a transgender cabaret singer, Victoria, convincingly played by Lilith Strangenberg

Angerman’s career becomes threatened when German intelligence agents produced compromising pictures of him and Victoria getting it on at her club.  That came after Bauer warned him to stay away from Victor/Victoria. 

The film’s script came from Lars Kraume and Oliver Guez. The words on the page were brought to the screen in an excellent way under the direction of Lars Kraume.

This chapter in History deserved to see the light. Overall it’s a great film and a serious contender for the Oscars.  This is a film that definitely should not be missed

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the incredibly talented star of this film, Burgart Klausner last year after he appeared in Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks.

Visiting with Burghart Klausner at The Villa Aurora Pre-Oscar Reception  
See the trailer here!


Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Film Review of a Great Thriller! This Last Lonely Place

Los Angeles, CA—I see a lot of films most of which are really forgettable.  I have a policy of only reviewing films that I totally enjoy.  This one certainly meets my criteria!  It’s called, This Last Lonely Place staring Rhys Coiro, Xander Berkeley and Carly Pope. 
The Humphrey Bogart Estate through Santana Films, produced this film, both written and directed by Steve Anderson.  It’s a Noir style film of the kind I always enjoy when the story is terrific as this one.

Military veteran Sam Taylor (Rhys Coiro) is an L.A. taxi cab driver on his last scheduled shift before leaving for Hawaii to hopefully reunite with his ex and two young daughters. He picks up a fare, Frank Devore (Xander Berkeley) and the tale begins.  Devore is a troubled investment banker with a lot of questionable cash.  Soon they are joined by Devore’s hot mistress, Faye Gardner (Carly Popeand this surprising plot thickens. You will be taken for an unforgettable and wild night ride through Iconic L.A. neighborhoods.  Telling you anymore would spoil everything! 

The cast and crew delivered this fast paced story to the screen in top form.

Let me also say that this low budget film was an outstanding example of blowing away any big money projects.  The late Alfred Hitchcock had a gift for doing great things without building huge sets or creating over-blown special effects.  This films moves on very well with an amazing script.  

I see many quality films that don’t get the publicity-hype and distribution they deserve.  Accordingly too often, the film audiences will miss some real gems.  This film was made in 2014 and is only now getting released.  

May I suggest finding where this film is playing and seeing it very soon.  You wont be sorry!  I will purchase the DVD when it is released for my personal film library. Please share this with your friends.

View the trailer:

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The horrible Cold Case of a Murdered/Missing child in Phoenix, AZ.

Phoenix, AZ--A sad story I worked on two decades ago.  My investigation was funded by the Disney owned TV show called,  The Crusaders, Two tender aged twin boys with sadistic monsters for parents were victims of epic abuse and torture. One child vanishes after a severe beating and the other is cruelly beaten until a court takes him away for his own safety in Boise, ID where the parents relocated.

The mother was finally arrested and convicted for felony child abuse against the surviving brother of that lad became my client.  The man who prosecuted Charleen showed me the heartbreaking photos of the surviving twins injuries as tears flowed down his cheeks. Today Walter hose is deceased and Charleen Hose is institutionalized for dementia. The boys's remains have never been located.

Reporter Donna Rossi from KPHO in Phoenix revisited this nightmare with Montana private investigator Michael Toth.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Combating Wrongful Convictions, Redefining Criminal Defense Investigators and powers.

Phoenix, AZ—Most of my blog visitors know I’m a longtime criminal defense investigator and have worked on many high profile cases helping the wrongfully accused.  

The defense and prosecution is supposed to have parity and equal treatment in the courts but it’s all just pretend.  There is a huge laundry list of issues that work against the accused before their trial even begins.  
One thing that troubles me is seeing the same prosecutors in large jurisdictions working every day before the same judges.  They literally sometimes even sleep together. When a criminal defense attorney comes to their court he or she is an outsider and often treated that way. 

The police have enormous powers to gather evidence such as the Grand Jury subpoena.  They can arrest those who obstruct investigations, tamper with witnesses and can most importantly obtain search warrants.

Defense investigators should just like cops be able to surreptitiously record conversations with suspects, cops and witnesses. 

Defense investigators need similar powers.  Search warrants enable nearly, always instant cooperation for records, documents and physical evidence.  For defense investigators important evidence they learn about is often destroyed or concealed before it can be seized denying fair trials for those accused of crimes. 

Defense investigators are often at odds with police and cannot rely on their assistance. In some cases police attempt to meddle in the defense investigation and that corrupts witnesses and the evidence itself.  Unfortunately sometimes police officers engage in criminal activity in order to convict the innocent. That goes double when it’s a police officer wrongfully accused of a crime! 

Let me suggest that defense investigators trained and licensed should be given limited police powers to arrest criminal suspects and seize evidence. The courts should provide evidence lockers and laboratory testing away from police crime labs to avoid conflict of interest.

Just my opinion and thoughts.  The benefit is that this simple reform another step to fairness in our deeply flawed criminal justice system. In the end it will save millions in cash and a few lives.