Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sarah Palin’s $$$ wardrobe…”Sarah dahling, you look marvelous!”

Whatever Sarah’s cool threads cost it was worth it! Sarah Palin is a fashion plate and she rocks!

Truthfully, when in American history have we had any politician at all that rang our bell so well?

In the late and great actor Fernando Lamas’ words memorialized by comedian Billy Crystal, “Dahling, you look marvelous!”

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah Plain Does SNL Like The Pro She Is…

New York—Governor Sarah Palin rocked Saturday Night Live last night. We have never had a politician with Palin’s kind of grace and charm in my lifetime. Palin is always a pleasure to watch and hear. If you click on the NBC logo you can see it in a larger format and also see the Sarah Palin rap song skit.

Here is a CNN post script!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Media’s Smear Of Governor Sarah Palin Backfires.

Barack Obama, the admitted cocaine using, empty suit is the Left Wing media’s, Golden Boy. They shamelessly campaign for Obama at every opportunity.

Fooling voters into favoring the Karl Marx slavery platform and elimination of freedom and liberty is the goal.

Unfortunately ignorant Americans buy into the empty promises that reward failure buy into the Obama talking points.

One TV reporter mockingly asked Newt Gingrich a really stupid question about Governor Sarah Palin and got so much more than he ever wanted for an answer.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Dinosaur Democrat Rocked By Palin

St. Louis, MO--Govenor Sarah Palin proved herself up to the task of going head to head with a career politician and terminal Liberal. Viewers couldn’t help but notice Plailn coming off as the real life, Energizer Bunny. It was a great debate. The event was watchable and entertaining.

It's clear that it was Governor Palin under the microscope rather than Senator Joe Biden. Palin did not disappoint. I give Palin an A+.

Joe Biden’s vast experience was really no advantage over Palin’s unchecked charisma and charm. Pailin came off as smart, delightful, refreshing and trustworthy.

I have to appreciate Biden’s gracious interaction with Palin. Biden did not come off as a condescending or in any way offensive. Biden came off as a politician who believes his own polished propaganda.

Tonight Sarah Plain has won the hearts of millions more Americans and I can only expect to see her someday as our President while she is still young.

This debate should sideline any thoughts that Palin could not hold her own as our Vice President. Palin came off as one of us rather than an elite snob. Senator John McCain is really lucky to have her on the ticket.

Obama supporters are heading to the bunkers with no YouTube moments to use against Palin or McCain.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Lies and Doctored Photos Smearing Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin hit the political scene somewhat like a secret weapon. Palin has what most voters have been looking for. Palin has a fresh face and she is a tough Washington outsider who understands middle-America and the challenges of family life.

Palin and her speech sent major shockwaves into the formerly confident Obama Cabal and their reaction was to undertake a giant smear campaign-Jihad. The problem for the Obama’s people is that the public won’t buy into the falsehoods.

Fox News took on the seven most common phony stories generated and here is their audit of the facts.