Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kathleen, You’re Already Gone and We Hardly Knew Ya!

Washington, DC—Kathleen Sebelius, the Director of Health and Human Services is now in route to the failed Government Bureaucrat Cemetery.  She was given an impossible mission to be the skipper of a ship that was doomed before it began.   She was at the epicenter of the largest financial fraud in human history.   
Obamacare is nothing more than a vast criminal conspiracy between a bunch of corrupt Marxists pals of Barack Obama that met secretly behind closed doors.  There was nothing transparent about it and few if any members of Congress ever attempted to read the monster before they voted for it.
The cost was in the trillions of dollars. The real crime is that it’s lived up to none of Obama’s hype and deceitful promises.  Millions that were adequately insured, lost the policies they had and were forced to pay more for something they did not need or want.
Obamacare has loads of time bombs and land mines that seem to be exploding every day.   One unexpected surprise was the millions of inmates in various state prisons.  They had in place state run healthcare for these felons.  Now state correctional health systems are dismantling because they are enrolling their prisoners in Obamacare.  That new burden alone has incredibly massive cost implications for the entire program.
Promotion for Obamacare and the related Internet Armageddon website has cost billions more. 
They claim Seven million Obamacare signups before the so-called deadline.  That’s really insignificant when we all know there are 300,000,000 Americans.  How’s that in anyway considered more than a massive failure?
Imagine if instead of wasting all that money they reversed the last 50 years of massive tax increases to employers for keeping people employed?  Everyone would be employed and be covered by traditional insurance.  There would be millions of new taxpayers in the process. 
Kathleen, you’re now a marked pariah for eternity.  As Obamacare implodes and our nation suffers as a result you will forever be remembered as the face of this plague.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Edward Snowden Hero or Traitor? It’s Up to You to Decide!

Somewhere in Russia---German Public Television network ADR caught up with Edward Snowden for an exclusive interview.
This interview has been removed form YouTube and numerous other video sharing sites because it is against interest of our rogue government. 
Snowden risked his $250,000.00 per year job, his liberty and very life to expose the most unlawful, vast and Machiavellian government surveillance program in the history of the entire world.
Snowden has proven that while we slept criminals have obtained total control of our government in a secret and bloodless Coup d'état. 
The unlawful NSA spying was not something that any elected politicians ever offered in their campaign speeches.  Had they done so, they would have never gotten elected.
Barack Obama cannot claim ignorance or dare deny responsibility for this multi-billion dollar tax funded criminal government enterprise.
The information contained within the NSA’s unlawfully seized data would allow for:
Agents learning embarrassing personal secrets to blackmail members of Congress, judges, prosecutors, or political candidates forcing them to vote or make rulings in ways inconsistent with the law or public good.
Agents that steal trade secrets from inventors and businesses could enrich themselves selling them to competing businesses all over the world. 
Agents would be able to learn inside financial information on any and all publically traded companies and obtain untold wealth through insider trading.
Can we now be sure for example that Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was not blackmailed into uncharacteristically voting to uphold the Obamacare massive train wreck? 
No American is safe from the worst kind of abuse or monstrous crime carried out by a government that refuses to act within our established laws and Constitution.
We cannot allow our politicians to create and maintain massive programs that violate every American principal or freedom that we ever fought to maintain.  The creation of the Snowden exposed NSA domestic spying program is nothing less than Treason and those responsible for it should be arrested and put on trial.
Edward Snowden is a hero in every respect.  He risked all to expose this and we have a duty to stop this cancer on our government. Watch this video interview while you still can!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Obamacare, a Cancer on Our Healthcare, Economy and Way of Life

Washington, DC—Our economy was once sound and people were working.  After decades of expanded entitlements and extortionate taxation American productivity is at a standstill. They can claim unemployment is down but the number of Americans on food stamps is up, way up.
As long as the boot of government is on the neck of every employer in the land there cannot be relief.  Jobs outside of government meaningless jobs programs like the TSA and the Obamacare bureaucracy are dead like Dillinger. Without meaningful employment, health insurance is unobtainable.  Obamacre is a lot of things but free or affordable is not one of them. 
Medical professionals are nearly universal in their disdain for a government cure far worse than the disease. Government officials and politicians want Obamacare for anyone but themselves.  Even the Leftist unions that led the way with supportive propaganda has dodged Obamacare at every opportunity.
When the very officials forcing this bitter Obamacare pill down our throats wouldn’t dare push the poison on their own families and selves how could any American accept this crap in good faith?  WTF is wrong that Americans have not stormed the Whitehouse and purged these despots? How is Obamacare any better then the Kool-Aid of the Socialist Utopia of Jonestown?  Americans need what they don’t have, spines! 
The Obama Administration has this dying monster on life support until after the 2014 elections.  The mainstream media Obama lapdogs have been sidestepping reality at every opportunity pretending along as the abandon any minimal effort at real journalism.
Americans need to stop the Obamacare cancer now. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Only Fix for Obamacare is Total Repeal

Washington, DC—Barack Obama has just surrendered to his fellow Democrats that are desperate to get the Obamacare monster off their backs as they run for reelection.  That being said Obama has made a baby step to create the illusion of a fix that does nothing at all.   It will take Congressional action to implement Obama’s wishes.
Health care in America was working well with nearly full employment.  The biggest single damage to our healthcare system was allowing millions of illegal aliens to walk into any Hospital emergency room and receive treatment.  The cost for this has been passed on to every other patient or his or her insurance company. 
The Obama junta should have done the proven things to rejuvenate jobs and to reserve medical treatment for Americans and legal residents.  Instead Obama took the route of destructive Socialist policies that have worked nowhere in history.
Obama has raised a smokescreen deflecting examination of the real problems and created an impossible dream of affordable healthcare for all.  If you’re unemployed or underemployed affording any insurance is impossible. Obamacare will never work without putting people back to work.
It’s time for a moratorium on the taxation of employers in order to fix our economy and make conventional health insurance obtainable for Americans.  We have charity and social services for the poor or disabled citizens and legal residents. 
The illegal trespassers that are economic refugees must vacate and follow our laws.  We should be helping the people of Mexico to overthrow their corrupt failed government that has created the conditions leading to our immigration crisis.
The best fix for Obamacare is total repeal.   Americans need relief by a solid return to proven American Capitalist principals.  Americans that want Socialism should simply emigrate to the Socialist nation of their choice.  Tax credits are bogus.  Government simply needs to get out of our pockets. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

OBAMAGEDDON! We Must Purge the Obama Junta!

Washington, DC—Barack Obama and his henchmen squandered a staggering amount of taxpayer cash on everything but productivity or our economy.  They’ve made their friends and supporters obscenely wealthy as they’ve driven so many millions of American to the welfare and food stamp rolls.
The Obamas should have been judged by the nefarious and notorious company they kept.  Instead they were elected on empty promises of hope and change.  The Obamas were inside a criminal Chicago cabal.  Their closest associates included Reverend Theodore Wright, Anton “Tony” Rezko, Rod Blagojevich, Jessie Jackson, Jr., William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  Communists, terrorists, swindlers, liars and thugs make the inner circle of Obama’s world.
America was incredibly vulnerable after eight years of the mismanagement of that pretend Conservative president George W. Bush.  Voters and our media handed over the reins of our government to a bunch of Chicago’s more ruthless criminals.
Americans are experts in morally bankrupt TV reality show trash such as The Kardashians, but they can’t even minimally recite much of anything from the Bill of Rights or simply name the three branches of government.  American ignorance and apathy has allowed for this disaster.
The showpiece of this gang of criminals was the Obamacare program.  Rejected by Congress and Obama for their own healthcare solutions, this secretly crafted train wreck has been forced on an unreceptive and unwilling America.
In the process our already troubled health insurance industry was put into utter chaos.  Millions of paid health insurance policies are in the process of being cancelled.  Those that sill have insurance are in total shock and disbelief  after seeing their premiums skyrocket well out of financial reach. 
The massive stress created by this mess has cause employers to find ways to under-employ people to avoid the health insurance issues altogether.  Nearly half of the states have opted out of this monstrosity.  American productivity is at nearly a standstill as a result.
The Obama’s paid a school chum hundreds of millions to create the Obamacare website and the results very predictable.  Perhaps the Obamas should have hired some webmasters from popular pornography sites rather than some pal. They don’t have difficulty collecting billions from their customers or protecting their privacy!
Assuming they could make it work Americans apparently have little interest in the disaster called Obamacare. The massive privacy invasion issues along with involvement with the IRS is right out of the KGB, STAZI or the Third Reich!  
As always sick and injured people will flock to hospital emergency rooms and simply not pay the bills.  I can’t imagine how the health care industry will deal with Obamageddon.
Obamacare is on Life Support and it’s time to pull the plug and concentrate on jobs and productivity.  That will only work with massive tax breaks.  Working Americans are usually insured and not dependent on government.  Obamacare has become perhaps the largest tax money embezzlement scheme known to mankind. 
The second biggest mess is our massive and unconstitutional spying on our allies and ourselves.  The Patriot Act along with the TSA, Homeland Security and the NSA has created a massive government criminal enterprise.  
We were warned by three heroes of our information age.  They told us about the the criminality of our government leaders.  Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning deserve our protection.  We need to protect these men and others like them.
All of Europe embraced the Obama Cabal with loving arms.  Now our European allies elected officials have learned they personal phone calls have been monitored at Obama’s insistence.  As Germany’s Chancellor Angelia Merkel and the others wake up they should be looking to arrest Obama on his very next visit.
America can no longer afford to allow Obama and his henchmen to remain outside of a maximum-security prison.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Crimefile News Editorial The Obamacare Disaster

Los Angeles Emergency Medical Care Waiting Room.  

Obamacare was a overly ambitious Socialist project that could never possibly be realized. It is a bureaucratic nightmare that was spawned in Hell. We must stop this abomination now!
America allowed for a massive healthcare crisis because of the huge invasion of all of Mexico's and Central America's poor illegal immigrants. No emergency room could refuse to provide free services at taxpayers expense for these trespassers.
Obamacare must be trashed and a new effort must made. to allow insurance companies to insure equitably.
We need immigration reform but not what the bolsheviks have suggested. We need to deport the illegals and prevent any more from coming.
Workers are needed and immigrants do deserve green cards if they properly follow the law of the land.
Sneaking past our border guards does not qualify anyone for free medical care, welfare benefits or the right to shape our political policy.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Obama’s Targeting of our World War Two Heroes with Arrest for Resistance Backfires!

Washington, DC.—Today the men are well into their 80s and 90s.  A charity group called, Honor Flights, brought them to The World War Two Veteran’s Memorial.  Once they were proud, strong and brave young men.  Today their physical strength and youth has left them but not their courage or determination. 
We’ve enjoyed over six decades of not being dominated by the Nazi’s and Japanese because of these heroes.  The only threat to our freedom and Constitution now are the Communists and Socialists within the Obama Administration.  They have nothing but utter hatred and contempt for our military veterans. 
With the government shutdown they ordered metal barricades put in place blocking access to the memorial. These men don’t need or want government employees helping them, just simple access to the real estate! 
In effect Obama was holding the monument hostage for political gain in order to protect their Obamacare Socialized Medicine train wreck.  The Obama Administration has always shown its total commitment and zeal to victimize anyone that resists its political dictates. 
The message from cops and DC bureaucrats was threats of arrests for any of these men that dare walk on their own monument property.  The old soldiers broke through the barricade defying the Obama loyalists just as they did the Nazis and Japs long ago. This time the old heroes were in wheelchairs, toting oxygen bottles walkers and canes.
In the end the cops could not stomach their orders to make arrests and the heroes achieved yet another victory over fascism.  That left Whitehouse officials seething with anger.  That also gave one last victory to these fellows who are responsible for whatever freedom we still possess. 
Every day Americans learn more about Obama and his minions.  Obama and his henchmen are dangerous to America and they eventually will be punished for their treason and other serious crimes.  It’s only a matter of time and they will be cowering on the scaffold awaiting their just fate.


Saturday, December 01, 2012

How the Impending Second American Civil War Will Play Out.

During the Clinton Administration tyranny came in the form of the 1994 ban on new sales and manufacturing of certain common firearms.   They did not try and outlaw or confiscate the ones already possessed by Americans. 
Soon there were two serious incidents of violent resistance. There was the Waco Branch Davidians standoff and massacre followed by the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building.  The anger of millions of Americans boiled over they as removed an unprecedented Leftist members from Congress in the midterm elections.
Under the Obama Administration not only are the Leftist desperately trying to establish a far more restrictive gun ban they are now poised to seize the 401 K retirement accounts of millions of hard working Americans to prop up the Ponzi Scheme we call Social Security.  Many Americans would consider this an act of war, at least the ones that have set aside savings for retirement.
The National Defense Authorization Act was obviously created to use against any Americans that disagree with the Obama Administration.  When Conservative Americans begin to disappear it won’t come without serious retaliation. 
Today’s America has never been so deeply divided.  Instead of state borders, Americans are divided by the boundaries of the larger urban areas.  The large Leftwing inner city urban areas are nearly all completely surrounded by Constitution loving Conservatives.   Should a massive insurrection break out the large concentrated urban areas would be crushed in a hurry.
The inner-city entitlement addicted people have no self-reliance skills, internal food, and water or fuel sources. They are tightly concentrated in geographic areas.  During an insurrection they’d soon be fighting among themselves for survival. 
The suburban folks are somewhat more self-sufficient, and likely to have survival staples.  They will be able to trap or shoot small game when normal food supplies are interrupted.  The will also get support from others away from the cities.
Next we have the rural areas that are solidly self-sufficient and politically Conservative.  They control nearly all of the nations food, fuel and water.  Starving off the urban areas would be very easy.  Additionally millions of well-trained military veterans live in these politically conservative areas. 
Needless to say there are no shortages of arms and bomb making resources throughout the vast areas of rural America.  The population there has the skills and discipline to use them.
The federal government would watch the loyalty of the alphabet police and the military to the Obama Administration become seriously strained.  Adolph Hitler insured loyalty by letting his upper echelon SS members keep a great deal of the spoils of their conquests.  Will American law enforcement and military allow themselves to be similarly corrupted?  Certainly some will. 
Right now all over America,  churches, VFW halls along with American Legion Halls are loaded with veterans and concerned Conservatives.  Many of them have been quietly making contingent civil war plans.  
Conservatives have stockpiled millions of weapons and billions of rounds of ammunition over the last four years.  They can be counted upon to already have solid plans in place to disrupt federal government operations, the courts and wipe out any collaborating alphabet police.
State and local police will begin picking sides.  This scenario would bring the greatest bloodbath this continent has ever seen.  The large urban areas would fall hard along with their starving entitlement zombies.
Even with all of the technology it will be impossible for the urban areas to inflict significant damage to vast rural areas especially without food, water, arms and fuel.
The inner-city people have some handguns.  The people in the rural areas have those too but they’re backed up with millions of rifles and shotguns.  The arms, ammunition and military hardware manufactures are all located far from the Leftist controlled cities.
The American Leftists would soon beg Communist China to send their troops and military resources.   With any luck tyrannical Leftist leaders will be dangling from scaffolds everywhere before that happens.
We must remember history, only three percent of American participated in the Revolutionary War.  Determined Conservative Americans don’t have to accept government Tyranny.   They just have to get serious and make Tyranny personally very expensive for rogue government politicians and their appointed bureaucrats. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America’s Healthcare Crisis was a Created Disaster

Washington, DC—Despite claims of open government and transparency the Obama Administration put a bunch of unelected Left Wing lunatics in charge of reinventing healthcare and insurance.  They had a lot of things in mind bout none of them were about the rights of all Americans under our Constitution.
The Obamacare project or that Socialist conspiracy was passed into law by a congress that had admittedly not even read the massive legislative package.  The bill was passed on pure partisanship and 'faith'.  That alone should invalidate the whole mess.
Our Supreme Court will weigh in on this monster Thursday and it already looks as though it’s in for a well-deserved, massive rewrite. 
Now back to the real healthcare crisis at hand.  I said we have a created crisis.  We must examine just what we did that deprived Americans of affordable insurance and healthcare.  
The cost of healthcare has skyrocketed primarily during the last four decades when we through non-enforcement invited millions of criminals, poverty refugees and assorted trespassers to ignore our immigration laws. 
In America no hospital emergency room can turn the sick or injured away because they can’t pay or if they are illegal aliens.  That includes pregnant women about to give birth.  All of Central America knows this and have enjoyed free medical care for decades at the expense of all Americans.
Every medical bill sent to patients or insurance companies must be and is drastically inflated to cover those loses and to insure enough profit to keep hospital doors open. 
The other problem is that we insist upon treating the sick and injured that refuse to cease their sometimes incredibly risky behavior and health habits.  We just won’t say no to anyone.  It’s not fair to force insurance companies to cover drug addicts and violent criminals.  Of course we have a percentage of the population that is horrified of any thought of requiring personal responsibility.  
We must begin by returning Central America’s trespassing medical freeloaders back where they came from. 
I’m not anti-immigrant nor am I a racist.  Hundreds of thousands of aliens have earned their citizenship through military service.  I would not be opposed to a program that would allow the illegals to return to their countries of origin and apply for legal visas and eventually citizenship.  The ability to read and write English on a sixth grade level would be a reasonable entry requirement.  It’s legal immigrants that have made this country great.  
Our telephone systems also need to change.  Press one for English, or Two to get deported.
We should give serious preference to immigrants that can demonstrate skills and abilities that would keep them off the welfare rolls.
As for the so-called Dream Act concept of legitimizing those smuggled into America by their parents I am inclined to consider letting them stay based on school performance and excellent behavior.   Their parents on the other hand should be located and deported.  A Green Card and the path to citizenship must also come with a price such as honorable military service or some similar public service.
The open border Leftist propagandists have, deceptively redefined Immigration Reform.  We need reform all right, which is to reform our enforcement efforts, as Congress originally intended them.
As for American healthcare policy, we cannot begin to deal with this until after we reverse the damage done by millions of impoverished and ignorant trespassers.
Socialism can only exist with a massive percentage of the population being kept ignorant, dependent and poor.  It’s the Socialists that have infiltrated our government that are constantly engineering the failure of our free market and Capitalism.