During the Clinton Administration tyranny came in the form
of the 1994 ban on new sales and manufacturing of certain common firearms. They did not try and outlaw or confiscate
the ones already possessed by Americans.
Soon there were two serious incidents of violent resistance.
There was the Waco Branch Davidians standoff and massacre followed by the
bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building.
The anger of millions of Americans boiled over they as removed an
unprecedented Leftist members from Congress in the midterm elections.
Under the Obama Administration not only are the Leftist desperately
trying to establish a far more restrictive gun ban they are now poised to seize
the 401 K retirement accounts of millions of hard working Americans to prop up
the Ponzi Scheme we call Social Security.
Many Americans would consider this an act of war, at least the ones that
have set aside savings for retirement.
The National Defense Authorization Act was obviously created
to use against any Americans that disagree with the Obama Administration. When Conservative Americans begin to
disappear it won’t come without serious retaliation.
Today’s America has never been so deeply divided. Instead of state borders, Americans are
divided by the boundaries of the larger urban areas. The large Leftwing inner city urban areas are
nearly all completely surrounded by Constitution loving Conservatives. Should a massive insurrection break out the
large concentrated urban areas would be crushed in a hurry.
The inner-city entitlement addicted people have no
self-reliance skills, internal food, and water or fuel sources. They are
tightly concentrated in geographic areas.
During an insurrection they’d soon be fighting among themselves for
The suburban folks are somewhat more self-sufficient, and
likely to have survival staples. They
will be able to trap or shoot small game when normal food supplies are
interrupted. The will also get support
from others away from the cities.
Next we have the rural areas that are solidly self-sufficient
and politically Conservative. They
control nearly all of the nations food, fuel and water. Starving off the urban areas would be very
easy. Additionally millions of well-trained
military veterans live in these politically conservative areas.
Needless to say there are no shortages of arms and bomb
making resources throughout the vast areas of rural America. The population there has the skills and
discipline to use them.
The federal government would watch the loyalty of the
alphabet police and the military to the Obama Administration become seriously strained. Adolph Hitler insured loyalty by letting his upper echelon
SS members keep a great deal of the spoils of their conquests. Will American law enforcement and military
allow themselves to be similarly corrupted?
Certainly some will.
Right now all over America, churches, VFW halls along
with American Legion Halls are loaded with veterans and concerned Conservatives. Many of them have been quietly making
contingent civil war plans.
Conservatives have stockpiled millions of weapons and
billions of rounds of ammunition over the last four years. They can be counted upon to already have
solid plans in place to disrupt federal government operations, the courts and
wipe out any collaborating alphabet police.
State and local police will begin picking sides. This scenario would bring the greatest
bloodbath this continent has ever seen. The large urban areas would fall hard along
with their starving entitlement zombies.
Even with all of the technology it will be impossible for
the urban areas to inflict significant damage to vast rural areas especially
without food, water, arms and fuel.
The inner-city people have some handguns. The people in the rural areas have those too
but they’re backed up with millions of rifles and shotguns. The arms, ammunition and military hardware
manufactures are all located far from the Leftist controlled cities.
The American Leftists would soon beg Communist China to send
their troops and military resources.
With any luck tyrannical Leftist leaders will be dangling from scaffolds
everywhere before that happens.
We must remember history, only three percent of American
participated in the Revolutionary War.
Determined Conservative Americans don’t have to accept government
Tyranny. They just have to get serious
and make Tyranny personally very expensive for rogue government politicians and
their appointed bureaucrats.