Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

It is time for a little satire on the FBI, I couldn’t help myself!

J. Edgar Hoover clung to the FBI director’s chair like a barnacle on a battleship from May 10, 1924, until his final micromanaging breath on May 2, 1972, a nearly 48-year reign of wiretaps, blackmail, and stylishly ominous fedoras. He outlasted eight presidents, proving that he didn’t just serve under them he obviously had dirt on all of them:

1. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Probably too quiet to be blackmailed.

2. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)  No relation, but still got bossed around.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)  Tried to rein him in. Failed.

4. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) Called the FBI a Gestapo. Not wrong.

5. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) A general, yet still no match for J. Edgar’s dossiers.

6. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) Well let’s not get into that.

7. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) The only guy who might have been as ruthless as Hoover.

8. Richard Nixon (1969-1974) Paranoid, but Hoover was two steps ahead.

Hoover was the ultimate deep-state puppet master, holding onto power with an iron fist and an extensive collection of blackmail files. His FBI wasn’t just a law enforcement agency it was a PR machine that turned G-Men into crime-fighting legends, all while Hoover made sure Hollywood knew who the real boss was.

And then he died.

Since then, the FBI has gone from fedoras, trench coats and Tommy guns to a rainbow-colored clown parade of bureaucratic diversity hires and woke HR memos. Once the nation’s top communist hunters, they’re now the official political hit squad for the Democrat Party. If you’re a Clinton, an Obama, or a Biden, congrats the FBI is your personal cleanup crew. If you’re a political opponent? Well, expect an early morning raid with CNN mysteriously on-site.

The days of square-jawed agents taking down mobsters and spies are long gone. The FBI is now a flaccid, metrosexual bureaucracy that couldn’t bust a jaywalker without checking first if it’s a protected class. Hoover may have been a tyrant, but at least he ran a competent one. Now? It’s just a taxpayer-funded joke that gets less funny every day.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Studio City, CA Jeweler Violently Robbed Once More, and I Blame Liberal Politicians!

Dana Kathryn with Charlie

Studio City, CA—On Ventura Blvd, in this upscale Coldwater Curve Area area are various boutiques that cater to the glamorous local ladies.  One such small business is, Dana Kathryn Jewelry. The owner, who has personally suffered at least three earlier violent robberies, staffs this small elegant shop.  

They say many Conservatives were Liberals that were once mugged.  There is a lot of truth in that statement here.  

The shop’s owner, Dana Kathryn had taken several steps to prevent her business from being victimized.  In addition to an alarm with surveillance cameras she acquired a beautiful German Sheppard dog, Charlie and a gun that may have just saved her life.  

Yesterday two thugs entered her shop, assaulted her along with two customers with a powerful disabling chemical spray.   They then used a hammer to destroy jewelry display cases and they were in the act of scooping up jewelry.  Dana Kathryn was able to produce her gun and fired shots at the men terrorizing her and her patrons.  The robbers escaped by fleeing Northbound on Ventura Blvd.  

Police responded along with paramedics.  All the women were treated for the chemical burns on their faces.  Two women were taken by ambulance to a local hospital.

I don’t know how Dana Kathryn will cope with this latest trauma.  She’s simply trying to earn a living, pay extortionate California taxes and survive. My heart goes out to her once again. I met Dana Kathryn a year ago and she was unhappy with my somewhat Conservative blog that was critical of Mr. Obama.  I bet she’s now rethinking the folly of supporting any Democrats.  

This beleaguered woman took every precaution she could to keep herself and customers safe. Obviously it was not enough.  Los Angeles became a “Sanctuary City” defying Federal Immigration laws.  Additionally California has been releasing thousands of violent criminals from the state’s prisons shaving years of their already, too short sentences.  These policies absolutely have only brought more victimization to California’s citizens. 

These violent mutants are simply out roaming the streets looking for things to steal and people to harm. They’ve been enabled and facilitated by the policies of Liberal politicians in a deliberate effort to make taxpaying citizens more dependent on government for their basic survival.  Of course concealed weapons permits are totally banned for those people living in or anywhere near Los Angeles.   

Californians must resist the criminals and their Democratic politicians if they want to survive. They must ignore those numerous gun laws that blatantly violate their civil rights.  

I suspect that the next time Dana Katheryn enters a voting booth she will vote out those responsible for this crime threat.

Dana Kathryn has my full support, sympathies and best wishes.  She’s now a certified combat veteran in the war on crime.  I hope she stays tough, keeps her shop open and is fully supported by her community.   

Friday, May 11, 2018

Hitler's Hollywood, A Look at the Documentary Film

Hitler’s Hollywood, is a a documentary film about how Joseph Goebbels reinvented Hollywood film making for the Third Reich.

After completely cleansing Jews out of filmmaking, Goebbels used the relatively new media of talkie films to legitimize anti-Semitism and euthanasia as he glorified the concept of people sacrificing their own lives for the honor of the Third Reich.  

Goebbels was able to oversee the subtle mixture of entertainment, art and propaganda to indoctrinate Germany and soon all of Europe.  

There was no television during the Nazi administration 1933-1945 so attending your local movie house was your only option for seeing films. 

Before you could enjoy the Nazi entertainment film at your local theaters they’d show a newsreel (Fake News) film.  There were potentially serious consequences for those movie goers that came to movie houses purposly late avoiding the newsreels. That was seen as a form of resistance by the Nazis.  

This mixture of entertainment, art and indoctrination was not lost on our own Hollywood.  They later used films to legitimize homosexuality, gender confusion along with various societal and politically unAmerican aberrations.  

As we enter the age of YouTube and citizen journalism the mixture of entertainment and diverse propaganda is now in its own Renaissance Period.  Today nearly anyone can create video Media to promote whatever they please.  

Free speech is all about diversity of opinion.   The efforts to control and censor video content has become a hot button in our new media society.  It’s all fun until others want to silence your voice or content.  

As for this Documentary film, Hitler’s Hollywood, the grand and nefarious scheme of creating and shaping popular public opinion is laid out for all to see.  Below is the trailer. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mrs. Clinton or Barry Obama won't dare mention a word about this Hate Crime!

Charlotte, NC-- Rioting thugs beat, rob and strip naked an innocent white man in a parking garage.  When gun rights hating Liberals demand to know why Americans need large capacity magazines for their firearms this is exactly why.  It's unfortunate that some well armed citizen was not there to stop this cold. This was no protest but a racist insurrection by opportunistic and vile thugs. I see this as terrorism and a war crime.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The European Union is a Victim of its Own Success!

London, UK—The European Union seemed like a good idea however It became too big for its britches and was ruling Europe with an iron fist.  The EU became absolutely tyrannical.  

This Socialist ruled EU monster was destroying Europe with its recent mandate to allow millions of Islamic, so-called refugees to invade member nations.  Refugees or invaders became the question and its impact was and is purely negative. 
The new “guests” absolutely abhor Western culture, food and the way of life of Europeans. They come with zero job skills, ability to speak, read or write the languages of the Euro Nations. The result has been violent crime, terrorism, social conflict and a huge financial burden on the taxpayers. 

The purpose of inviting the Islamic guests was to pollute the vote and guarantee Socialist control of the Euro nations for generations to come. Socialism only endures with a majority of totally dependent people, void of all self-reliance. 

Now the UK voters have spoken and have broken the yoke of EU slavery!  Now other EU member nations are looking to get out too!  

The obvious parallel for America is reigning in our out-of-control over-bloated Federal Government extorting taxes, dictating to and over-regulating every aspect of our lives.  The EU member nations have lost control and their sovereignty like we have ours!

Americans need to re-evaluate the control of the Socialist controlled Federal Government’s iron grip on our lives and our states. We need not submit like sheep to build and strengthen a Socialist nation our founders would have soundly rejected.

The American Congress is not controlled by Republicans or Democrats despite the labels they wear. They, for the most part are corrupt Communists and Socialists disloyal to America and especially its Constitution.  

As for the UK, I congratulate them as they move forward governing themselves.  Self-reliance, independence and self government has returned to the UK.  Margaret Thatcher would be proud!  

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Big Bend, TX--With the sudden death of Supreme Court Judge  Antonin Scalia we can count on Barack Obama to appoint a gun grabbing Communist to the court.  That would shift the court 180 degrees to the Left. 

It remains to be seen if foul play was involved in Scalia's death however at 79 he reached life expectancy for males he was however considered in good health.

My guess is we are a year away or less from a second Civil War as the Left will destroy our hard won freedom. We can try to wait and see but by then it will be too late.  Arguably any appointment could face delay by the Senate but should that happen the unrest will be severe.  

Obama has prepared his Homeland Security just as Hitler did with his SS.  They've been given huge resources and more than a billion rounds of ammunition to use against guess who? 

Internment camps are ready along with thousands of coffins for those that dare resist. I see absolute doom on the horizon.  

Can Obama's effort to appoint a Communist pal like Eric Holder to the court get derailed? Delayed perhaps but it's unlikely he can be stopped.  Martial Law can't be far behind. 

We fought for freedom before but will our young men and women even understand the importance of protecting our Bill of Rights enough to fight for them? 

Will any future election in America ever be trustworthy?  

Food, arms, medicines and ammunition will begin disappear from our shelves.  God help us all! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

“Crazy” Ted Kaczynski Was Not Insane! He was Clairvoyant!

Lincoln, MT—In 1978 a two-decade bombing campaign began that untimely took three lives and maimed some 23 people.  Ingeniously hand constructed bombs were delivered, mailed or otherwise planted targeting people involved with advanced technology.  It was an effort to intimidate those involved to obstruct and discontinue their efforts.
I worked on this massive investigation myself for among others, ABC News.  The FBI dubbed the bomber as the, "UNABOM" (UNiversity & Airline BOMber).  Their agents meticulously reconstructed the bombs in their investigative process that consumed many of their entire careers.   
Everyone was trying to guess the reasoning behind this frightening serial killer’s actions.  The New York Times received a somewhat strange letter on April 24, 1995.  The author promised "to desist from terrorism" if the Times or the Washington Post published his manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), in which he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization. 
That manifesto eventually led to the unmasking of the man responsible, Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski.   Kaczynski was a genuine Harvard educated egghead with a PhD in mathematics.  Kaczynski was so beyond brilliant he did not fit into our society.  He shunned anything involving technology including automobiles.   He took up residence in a tiny shack and spent countless hours at his local library. 
Friends were elusive to Kaczynski who limited his human connections to two women in the small hamlet of Lincoln.  One was the librarian and the other headed the local Chamber of Commerce.
Kaczynski was not pleasant to be around primarily because of his lacking personal hygiene and unkempt appearance.  Most people avoided this eccentric fellow.  Once Kaczynski’s own brother David tipped off the FBI the so-called UNABOM suspect’s mad world came to a halt. 
This was a huge news story at the time and I was once more working with ABC News network reporter Bill Redeker.  I worked with Redeker before on the Oklahoma Bombing case and on both of these stories and our reports came way out on top.
A picture of Kaczynski soon emerged and the consensus was that he was simply crazy.  His redundantly re-published manifesto was anything but an easy read.  However to me Kaczynski’s message was clear and hauntingly ominous.
Technology was about to strangle all of society in a world far worse than George Orwell’s 1984!  Both Orwell and Kaczynski were absolutely right in their prophecies.  Government and select corporations now have the massive power to see and hear whatever they want almost anywhere they want. There is no privacy and there is no escape from those in power.  Between Google, the NSA and thousands of smaller government contractors we are in a police state that would make Adolf Hitler a very jealous man.
Right now in Oregon there are some brave men that are challenging the federal government’s authority to seize and control public land.  Decades of family business are at stake.  Now the government is about to crush this protest just like the BATFE, FBI and our military unlawfully did to the men, women and children in Waco, TX during the Branch Davidian Massacre.
Already in Oregon the Feds have compromised cell phones, deployed listening devices and drones to selectively locate, ambush and even kill one protester so far. 
The question remains as to how far this kind on tyranny will continue.  Will the federal enforcement agents follow their oaths of office or remain loyal to tyrannical government bureaucrats instead. 
We have learned from history that despots like Hitler maintained control by allowing his thugs to seize and keep citizen’s personal property, money, businesses and land.
Keeping government enforcers on the side of the citizenry always fails under despotic regimes.  Corruption always rules.  Today we have a totally corrupt government and our elected and appointed leaders are controlled by greed for power and money.  They don’t give a rat’s ass about the people that elected them.
Kaczynski saw the power that technology would give politicians and had the vision to understand that eventually life, as we knew it was on a track straight to Hell.  Kaczynski unsuccessfully tried to stop this but nobody would listen.  
Our Second Amendment to keep and bear arms has been completely hijacked.  It was meant to give the people defense parity with our government.  We allowed this important right to become meaningless.   The government has the power and technology to murder far beyond anyone’s worst nightmare.  The small arms we have are no match for our government’s current killing tools.
Kaczynski was a lot of things, but crazy he was not.  His warnings went ignored as we laughed him off.  I for one am not laughing anymore.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Things Just Got Serious in Paris, Have We Learned Anything?

Paris, France—One again Islam has spread its gut wrenching, deadly poison on totally innocent people that were defenseless soft targets.
My European friends have all been brainwashed their entire lives that law-abiding people will instantly become murdering bloodthirsty fiends if they were allowed to keep and carry firearms.
In Europe the propaganda war against gun ownership has been won with lies, half-truths and by spreading fear.  Political correctness in Europe today begins and ends with gun rights hatred.
The 12-year death grip that Nazis had on Europe was facilitated by European gun bans.   The established military organizations had no back up.  Instead there are endless unarmed millions of meek sheep waiting to suffer or die at the hands of tyrants.
Thankfully in the United States there are millions of well-armed, trained citizens that will fight for they and their family’s lives.  If the police or military become overwhelmed there is a back up of citizens that will be led by retired cops and veterans. 
Thankfully Barack Obama’s hatred for gun right has caused millions of more smart Americans to obtain and get training with firearms.  It was not fear of a gun ban that caused this but fear of Obama and his Leftist minion’s power grabs. 
The Islamic style attacks such as in Paris could only succeed in the gun ban enclaves like New York, New Jersey California and Chicago.  If they tried that crap in Houston, Phoenix or Atlanta a terrorist attack would be challenging to say the least.
Along with gun rights there is a mindset that was gallantly exhibited by three American lads who happened to be on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris earlier this year.  They first fought for their own lives and saved countless others in the process.
Europe has opened its arms to a “refugee” invasion from Syria.  With an onslaught of millions of military aged Islamic men in a peaceful and unarmed Europe what could possibly go wrong?
It’s a grand recipe for disaster.  Europe is about to change forever.
I began this asking, what have we learned?  Sadly gun control is a political issue rather than one of simple survival.  Politicized by politicians seeking absolute control form their governed.  I doubt anyone has learned much. 

Saturday, August 08, 2015


Washington, DC--Hillary Clinton's constant corruption has created an real opportunity for the Lame Duck First Lady to stay in the Whitehouse for as much as another eight years.

Suddenly the Obama Justice Department has begun an investigation into the Clinton e-mail activities thar clearly are at least technical violations of law.  Any prosecutor could present a case to a Federal Grand Jury and secure a multi-count indictment against Clinton in a heartbeat. 

That would creat an instant opportunity for the overly ambitious Mrs. Obama to step up and offer herself up as the party nominee.  Democrats will see it as a way of gaining two more terms of Omana rule. But would she actually do that? I say sure she would! 

Friday, May 01, 2015

Black Lives Don’t Matter Especially When Other Blacks Murder Them!

Baltimore, MD—Saying that, “Black lives matter.”  is disingenuous at best.  The display of rage and anger every time some black career criminal dies fighting cops during arrest situations is always epic.
Such is now the case with that career drug dealer, Freddie Gray who unfortunately died after an arrest by Baltimore police.
What goes nearly unnoticed are the thousands of Blacks murdered by other Blacks in this nation.  Certainly the media dare not publish the statistics in every major city in America.
When I was a Chicago cop I learned about the African-American violent and bankrupt culture first hand.  In the Windy City African-Americans were and still are the minority.  When it comes to crime however it’s a different story.
My duties took me to the Cook County Jail and observe that 90% of the inmates were Black.  The same was true for every Chicago violent felony court call.  Last was the Cook County Morgue. There was always a never ending sea of Black murder victims.  They were shot, cut, strangled, stabbed or simply beaten to death.  This was and still is a very routine end of the line for Chicago’s young Black males.
The White communities of Chicago don’t generate even remotely the savagery of African-Americans. 
The Whites that understand the truth of the Black Culture of Violence do what they can to avoid Blacks.  They don’t want to hire, live near them or associate with them in anyway.   This is in concerns for their very survival. 
Should Whites dare to express their understandable fear of Blacks they are branded racists.  Is that really racism?  The media never acknowledges the dangers surrounding African Americans so many White people in nice neighborhoods remain ignorant of the very real peril posed.
There is no shortage of African-American apologists with high profiles.  They condemn the reaction of Whites that refuse to accept violent Black behavior as some legitimate reaction to being poor or the ancestors of slaves.  I say hogwash.
Tolerance to ignorance, indifference and misdirected hate has done no favors to the Blacks of this nation. On the contrary it’s made matters worse.
Public schools tolerating Ebonics over English and accepting the refusal of their students and their mothers to escape poverty is beyond unacceptable.  Notice I said mothers excluding the fathers. Where are the fathers?  Far too many African-American men are little more than sperm donors.  That separate scandal simply fuels massive poverty and pain for their children.
Our tolerance for the modern African-American culture is nothing less than genocide.  All American’s need to come together to end this fatal African-American cultural disease.
This is not about genetics or skin color.  It’s about senseless violence, disrespect for life and the absence of kindness.  
We may be embarking on a very long and hot summer.  Social media is a huge new weapon for violent riot organizers.  Violence, division and hatred may bring unprecedented pain to our nation this summer.  It’s always the minorities that suffer most from the aftermath.

Friday, April 03, 2015

No Lie Was Off Limits to the Late Sarah Brady in Her Quest to Disarm Law-Abiding Americans.

Baltimore, MDSarah Brady had been the face of Gun Control in America for more than three decades.  However today at age 73 she has succumbed to a bout of pneumonia.  

Brady became the convenient standard bearer for the forces that hate all guns and gun rights.  This after a armed madman wounded her husband James Brady who was President Ronald Reagan’s Press Secretary during a 1981assassination attempt. 
Brady led a very deceptive campaign that was intended to incrementally outlaw all firearms.  She cleverly began to change firearm adjectives and successfully demonized firearms based on simple cosmetics.
Like Brady most Americans were ignorant about guns.  She renamed all the firearms that looked somewhat scary as assault weapons. 
Assault rifles were actually classic military combat weapons and were by that definition all fully automatic.  That meant one pull of the trigger could cause the weapon to fire until it was empty.   
Assault weapons were really machine guns already banned by federal laws.   Machine guns were already unpopular because they extravagantly consume expensive ammunition.  
What she did was redefine millions of semi-automatic rifles and pistols confusing anyone and everyone that they too were machine guns. 
She succeeded to get the so-called Assault weapons ban passed into law by a single vote. The law lasted ten years and the crime rate soared anyway.
When the law expired millions of the formerly banned guns were suddenly purchased and the crime rate began to drop like a rock.
Brady always pretended she just wanted to go after the scary guns when she really wanted every last law-abiding American defenseless and helpless to criminals or government gone wrong.
Brady redundantly invented her own statistics, overstated claims of gun deaths and injuries.  She used FBI Uniform Crime Reports that lumped justifiable killings by cops and citizens as Homicides suggesting they were all murders.
She cleverly called the ATF gun trace requests as crime gun incidents.  ATF routinely traced any and all found weapons or whenever their ownership was questioned. To suggest those guns were involved with criminal events was another very bold lie.
Brady published a grading list for jurisdictions on the basis of their gun laws.  The paradox there was that the “A” list states with gun bans or draconian restrictions had the highest murder rates.  The “D” list states had few gun laws along with little or no violent crime. 
Finally Brady ran out of lies and all but a few states passed laws allowing the law-abiding the right to carry concealed weapons.  Her landmark Assault Weapons Ban was allowed to expire.  Courts nearly everywhere have reasserted Constitutional Second Amendment rights.
Brady was clearly humiliated into her obvious forced retirement.  she quickly dropped out of sight.  
Brady's dream was forced registration of all firearms so government agents could locate and confiscate them later with the next laws she’d hope to champion. 
Brady somehow convinced politicians that pre-purchase background investigations would insure criminals and mental defectives would be unable to obtain weapons.  Another expensive failure! 
Phony identification and purchasing fraud efforts routinely overcome the expensive and ineffective Brady check system.  Of course the Brady checks created every kind of obstacle for the law-abiding especially those with similar names to convicted criminals.
Nobody wants to see armed criminal and mental defectives on our streets.  They are and always will be out there.  Well-trained and armed law-abiding people are the only way control cowardly criminals.  There will never be enough cops to do this. 
Sarah Brady ran a successful but deceptive scam on America that gave her a huge financial reward and sainthood among her gun rights hating disciples.
I will not mourn the loss of Sarah Brady.  I do however mourn the loss of those who were murdered because they were enjoined by unconstitutional laws to defensive weapons. 
Government must stop insuring that only violent criminals are armed.