Showing posts with label Nanny State. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nanny State. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Sad Tale About Chicago’s Assisting the Mentally Ill…

Chicago, IL—In Chicago like most cops I had a part-time security gig.  I handled security for the now long gone Continental Trailways Bus Company located at 20 East Randolph.  
I had to deal with pimps looking for runaway girls needed for their stables.  Pick pockets, purse-snatchers, baggage thieves, drug addicts and sex-perverts all loved bus and train stations.   Dealing with this culture took a lot of tough love.  Yes, I had some epic and unforgettable battles that sent lots business to the local emergency rooms and the old 001 police lockup at 1121 South State street.    
There were times I’d encounter people in real need and helping them was often a challenge.  I sent many people to area shelters and places where they could score a free meal.  I’d find vulnerable and desperate runaway girls in need of social services.  I gave the Salvation Army hundreds of customers over the years. 
One day in about 1971, I came into the depot and saw that officers were dealing with a man found removing a brown paper bag containing his life savings,  $70,000.00 from a rental storage locker.  
The man was on a layover from New York to Los Angeles, CA to take a new job as an aircraft machinist.  
A concerned woman saw his cash bag and called the police.  They arrived and the man was very livid and demanded to be left alone. He said he put the bag in a locker because he wanted to walk around and see some local sights.
A sergeant decided that the man should be sent to the Reed Zone Center to get his clock rewound.  In simple English that simply meant taking him to a mental facility for emergency care and observation.  
The fun began!  These mental health referrals always bring lawyers appointed as guardians, court dates and of course mental health evaluations.  The man’s cash was inventoried and placed into the police evidence and recovered property section. 
The court determined that the man was not indigent so his treatment costs, temporary legal guardian should not burden the taxpayers.  What should have been a three-day event lasted three weeks.  A judge ordered that the man’s money be released to the guardian for proper distribution and safekeeping. 
Finally the man was found to be sane and perfectly able to care for himself and was released.   The poor man came back to Trailways in tears and I had a chat with him.  
The hapless man told me he now needed a ticket to return to New York because the new job he’d found in California had been filled by someone else.  He showed me a check made out to him by his guardian for $2,800.00.  He said that they used nearly all of his money for the “services” that they provided him over his three weeks in Hell. 
The poor fellow needed help because no bank would cash the check from the legal guardian.  He now had no cash to buy a bus ticket.  I sent him off to the Salvation Army for help.  I never saw him again.
This was just one more example of just how helpful a Progressive Nanny Government can be.
Like the old 1950’s TV Show, Naked City’s narrator would say, “There are Eight million stories in the Naked City and this has been one of them”. 

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Adolph Hitler’s Remarkable Success Can’t be Ignored

Berlin, Germany—Timing is everything and for one budding world leader he made all the right moves.

Let me say that National Socialism and Adolph Hitler left a nasty scar on this earth that will remain forever. Hitler should forever be remembered as one really evil politician. If we must thank Hitler it will be for the many thousands of miles of film, photographs and documents the NAZI’s left behind that documents their horror.

Hitler was a student of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Hitler was and is a product of the Radical Left wing as was Josef Stalin. Hitler had his own spin on Socialism. The radical Left wing has made a nearly seven decade deceptive campaign to somehow assign Hitler to the Far Right. I guess they don’t want to accept Hitler as one of their own.

Hitler redistributed wealth in grand style and fed the starving people of Germany. He was considered a rising Socialist star as he was selected for Time Magazine's Man of The Year.

Hitler came from the middle class. He studied art, architecture and politics. Hitler served Germany in World War One and earned the Iron Cross for bravery. Hitler was also injured in a mustard gas attack that put him in a Munich Hospital.

Hitler created his own image as a popular public speaker and man of new political ideas. This gifted public speaker could attract a crowd and keep them spellbound. Soon Hitler was making a good living by charging people admission to hear him speak.

Hitler quickly felt the ability to challenge the post World War One German government with an attempted coup d'état. This effort was the failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 waged against the Weimar Republic by some 3,000 NAZI’s.

When the dust settled fifteen NAZI’s and four German cops lay dead. Hitler and some of his cronies were arrested for Treason, tried and convicted. Hitler managed to turn his trial into a spotlight political venue where he characterized his acts as done for the good of the German people. Hitler’s trial became his moment in the sun. Hitler only served about eight months behind bars for his crimes using that time to write Mein Kamph (My Struggle).

Hitler emerged from prison more popular than ever. The NAZI movement was still a minority trying to break out into the political mainstream. Hitler began a wildly successful political campaign using political promises instead of force to gain absolute power. Like all politicians, Hitler promised something for everyone.

One only has to see the numerous historical films of huge adoring crowds that followed Hitler wherever he went. Countless women and girls shed tears of joy just for an opportunity to be momentarily close to the rising rock star of National Socialism.

Had it not been for his ill-advised attack on the Soviet Union Hitler may have survived to be considered the greatest political leader of all times.

As for anti-Semitism and the deportation along with the enslavement of Jews was popular at the time. The elite Jewish financial leaders were blamed for all that ailed Germany. When it came to the Jewish question the secret plan of total liquidation only became problematic when exposed by the Allies at the fall of Germany. I don’t think even the world’s staunchest Jew haters could stomach the idea of the Holocaust. Murdering women and children has no place in any civilization.

Adolph Hitler was genuinely loved by the people of Germany. When government becomes so powerful and all-important to people this is the result each and every time throughout history. Government can never be allowed to grow like the Socialists demand, or people will always suffer. In the end 50,000 million people perished during World War Two. That includes six-million Jews and nine million good Germans.

Political leaders are hazardous for our health and safety. Politicians should be reduced to being simple servants hired to make roads, infrastructure and maintain national defense.

Study every so-called great leader in the world and you will find a total corrupt tyrant behind their phony smiles. Trading liberty for wealth or security is always dangerous and foolhardy.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Government Forced Drug Treatment is a Scam

With the ill-conceived and ill-advised Failed Drug War came the Nanny Jobs Program for the drug rehabilitation industry. Drug abuse treatment is big business and politicians made lots of campaign contributors, millionaires by creating the system of forced drug rehabilitation centers.

The treatment industry’s payroll is huge and their success is limited to making obscene profits. It’s a huge scam that’s been ripping off taxpayers for nearly 40 years.

Substance abusers can be helped but that help is limited to the addicted that seek treatment on their own. From time to time windows open and the addicted voluntarily desire to kick the habit. These windows are precisely the only moment that rehabilitation programs do anything at all.

Forced treatment is strictly a tool that addicts employ to lessen jail or prison time. The addicted prisoners must pretend to be helped or lose their liberty for longer periods. Everyone plays along with the scam.

The politicians behind the Nanny State Concept want everyone in some kind of taxpayer funded treatment. This is all about ignorance or simple fraud.

I have no objection to taxpayer funded treatment but it must be limited to voluntary application. Drug addicts are in far more danger posed by the Drug War than suffering an overdose. The claim that the government is somehow saving lives is pure BS.

The Drug War should end along with the forced drug treatment scam.

Over the last 40 years every time an addict sought help from me, I worked the phones for them. I tried to find treatment covered by health insurance policies or paid for by government. The answer was always the same. The patient must be arrested and sent there by the courts unless he is very rich. Please, someone explain to me how that’s good government policy.

The drug treatment industry likes things exactly the way they are. Politicians take their advice because they are the “experts”. I guess nobody ever considered the obvious and glaring conflict of interest.