Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2024

The NRA Is Dead to Me!

Arlington, VA—Wayne LaPierre, who became Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the National eRifle Association (NRA) in 1991, announced his resignation on January 5, 2024, effective January 31, 2024. This marks the end of a shameful reign marred by corruption, greed, and betrayal.

It has become glaringly clear that LaPierre embezzled millions of dollars in dues paid by loyal members for his personal extravagance. During his decades-long grip on the NRA, he used the organization as his personal piggy bank, leaving members disillusioned and betrayed.

The true scope of this misconduct came to light in August 2020, when New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against the NRA. The lawsuit exposed a staggering level of financial corruption under LaPierre’s leadership. It revealed that millions of dollars meant to defend the Second Amendment were instead spent on LaPierre’s lavish lifestyle, sweetheart deals for cronies, and contracts to silence former employees. These allegations include outrageous spending on personal luxuries, no-show jobs, and blatant mismanagement of funds.

The NRA’s once-proud reputation was shattered as members learned that the state of New York had to step in to expose the rot within its leadership. The lawsuit even sought to dissolve the NRA, citing violations of nonprofit laws that destroyed its charitable purpose.

One glaring example of LaPierre’s mismanagement was the NRA’s relationship with Ackerman McQueen, an Oklahoma City advertising firm. By 2017, the NRA was bleeding $40 million a year into this partnership. How much of that money found its way back into the pockets of LaPierre and his associates? The deal was so toxic that the two organizations eventually severed ties—but not before irreparable damage had been done.

Prominent celebrities once proud to stand with the NRA—like Tom Selleck, Ted Nugent, R. Lee Ermey, and Chuck Norris—walked away in disgust, unwilling to be associated with LaPierre’s toxic regime.

Until April 2024 John Frazer was General Counsel and Secretary. He held that title for nine years with a crazy salary of $400,000 a year.  The problem was that Frazer had no experience and only enjoyed the title.   Frazer was reelected as secretary, but he was removed from the general council position by the incoming CEO Doug Hamlin. In 2018 Bill Brewer was hired and seemed to handle the bulk of the legal work for the NRA bleeding the treasury to death.  It remains to be seen what the board is going to do now.  

I have some serious, unanswered questions:

1. What steps has the current NRA board taken to recover the millions LaPierre stole from its members?

2. Who is footing LaPierre’s legal bills? Are members still paying for his defense?

3. Can you tell me why the NRA has consistently been paying millions of dollars to the law firm of Brewer and Associates that hasn’t won a single case for the NRA yet?

4. Why is John Frazer still on the payroll? He was moved from General Counsel to Secretary, yet faces a serious State Bar complaint. Why hasn’t he been removed?

5. What accountability has been imposed on the board members who enabled and protected LaPierre’s cabal?

6. Has the NRA taken any meaningful steps to clean house and refocus on protecting gun rights, or is it still a personal ATM for corrupt leadership?

Members should also be deeply concerned about the NRA Museum, which holds countless priceless exhibits. At this rate, those treasures could be lost in a bankruptcy sale to pay for leadership’s failures.

Until every last parasite is removed, held accountable, and brought to justice, I will not rejoin the NRA. The organization I once supported has been hijacked by corruption, and its current leadership shows no signs of redemption.

Update: I’m hearing the Virginia State Bar complaint against Frazer was dismissed just last week.  

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Liberals Need to Understand Why Millions of Americans are willing to Fight and Die to Preserve Their Gun Rights.

Washington, DC—In the seat of American political power, gun rights have been unlawfully compromised away by our politicians for more than four decades. 
The anti-gun rights attacks have almost exclusively come from the far political Left.  I see dark and nefarious motives here since the political Left detests self-reliance, liberty and freedom except for of course, abortion. 
The Left insists the Constitution needs to change with the political wind without that difficult amendment process.  The idea of the founding fathers had was to prevent our Capitalist form of government from being hijacked by those who would corrupt and destroy the system with a simple majority.
Frankly, many of our Presidents, Representatives and Senators are or have been Socialists, Communists and of course criminals.  Unfortunately most politicians have the desire to control, exploit and loot the property of others programed into their DNA.
Don’t let all those broad similes and firm handshakes fool you.  They carefully craft their images to that of offering benevolence to their constituents, but they are in this for themselves.  They all enter office as middle-class people and manage to leave or retire as multi-millionaires. 
Politicians hate running for reelection and they have conspired at every opportunity to rig the political process.  They invented extensive and complicated gerrymandering and campaign finance schemes they sold voters as necessary for “fair” elections.  Their only goal has been incumbent protection at all cost. 
Governments work better for the citizens when politicians are fighting among themselves.  When they all get along the red flag of corruption is waiving. 
Look out when a Conservative suddenly votes for excessive taxation or compromises our freedom away.  That is a sure sign that bribery or extortion is involved. 
Too many of our politicians would end elections in a flash if they had the power to do that.  They are afraid of the voters especially when they push extortionate taxation, over-regulation or curb our freedom.  They all fear revolution as a reality.
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
There has never been a despotic dictator in world history that did not order draconian weapon laws or ordered weapon confiscation.   Our founding fathers understood this and the necessity for an armed well-regulated population to fight tyranny.
Our politicians created our formal police agencies during the mid-nineteenth century.  Unfortunately the cops were not there to protect anything but the corrupt politicians, their business operations and wealth.
Police officers were strictly hired on the patronage system and were too often used exclusively to victimize their sponsor’s political opposition.   Cops became the bagmen for politicians, extorting from businesses legal and otherwise. 
To legitimize the cops they had to be given an active role in public safety.  In the large urban areas citizens were told to abdicate their responsibilities of defending themselves and families to these “much better qualified” armed government strangers wearing uniforms. 
Americans were told never to take the law into their own hands but to let the cops handle public safety.  Police professionalized their image and training however when responding to urban violence they still have a huge disadvantage.  They can’t tell the criminals from the good guys unlike you and your family members.
That failed and pathetic, “leave it to the authorities” mindset was never so evident, then when a group of skinny Islamic hijackers took over four passenger jets on September 11, 2001. 
When cops respond to calls involving life-threatening violence they still have a tendency to take the losing injured parties to the hospital while arresting the uninjured winners.  The cops are not clairvoyant and we have thousands of wrongful convictions to make this fact abundantly clear.
Our law enforcement system is way over-rated by films and television.  The fact is they only arrive after the crimes have occurred just in time to clean up the mess.  Then they conduct an investigation but again they are forced to guess what the truth may be. 
The only way to insure actual protection for you and your family is through aggressive and positive self-help.  Weapons, training in their use along with the law and liability of the justifiable use of deadly force are your only option for survival. 
That brings us to the National Rifle Association and Second Amendment Foundation.  They are supported by millions of members just like me.  The gun manufactures and dealers have their own National Shooting Sports Foundation to service their political needs.
The NRA’s millions of dues paying members simply demand that our interests and gun rights be zealously and uncompromisingly protected. 
Some on the political Left will suggest to follow the NRA money like there is something evil going on.  The fact is the NRA members and their sympathizers care much more about their safety and liberty than money.  Without liberty money is meaningless.  Our money is far better spent on lobbying for and supporting politicians that protect our rights.
Gun ownership has never been higher in the USA and the crime rate has been steadily declining.   
Since the Supreme Court landmark Heller and McDonald cases, gun laws have been struck down and repealed nearly everywhere. The sky has not fallen. The fact is we are safer than ever.  The guns our in our hands are far more effective than some 911 operator on the phone.  
American gun owners will never again tolerate a Waco or Ruby Ridge holocaust conducted by bucket helmeted, jackboot wearing government thugs.  
The Supreme Court has reaffirmed our rights and those politicians that foolishly try to violate our rights will do so at their peril. Americans have always shown their willingness to shed blood for precious liberty.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Simply Talking About Gun Rights With Europeans Can Ignite a Raw and Emotional Response.

Berlin, Germany—I have some very dear friends in this beautiful and sophisticated city.  I love Europe for may reasons, primarily its civilization, elegance and art.   I am very fond of the European people. 
Most Europeans were not alive between 1933 and 1945.   It’s safe to say that they all lost family members in the Second World War that extinguished 70 million lives before it ended.  At least historically, Europeans know well about government tyranny and violence.
As the European nations were resurrected from that horrible war the new leaders understandably feared armed citizens.  Like their Fascist predecessors they continued to ban or at least severely restrict gun ownership. 
All dictators and politicians love their governing power.  They all seem to fear the people they rule.  They usually seek to disarm the people so they cannot be overthrown when they fall out of favor.
In America our founding fathers realized this and established a Constitutional Right that allows citizens to keep and bear arms.  This is unlike any other nation in that regard. 
America had its problems.  Slavery, a Civil War along with a huge population of people from every kind of competing race, religion or culture pushed together in our largest cities. 
Multiculturalism has been a failed experiment everywhere it has been tried.  People are simply unwilling to adapt to the nation where they or their parents sought to live.  When the cultures clash it generally results in both violence and majority oppression against the minority.
The large American cities all became and still are hotbeds of multiculturalism-fueled violence.
Europe is beginning to learn about the dark side of multiculturalism with the massive migration of Muslims.   Violence has been going on in France, Germany and the UK but it’s being swept under the rug.  Crime statistics are what the government says they are, and as always they are never candid.
The United States has nearly 350 million residents.  But for our largest cities we have a crime rate as low as any European nation.  
The gun ownership rate outside of the major cities is always substantially higher but without any of the big city violence.  
Multiculturalism is problematic, but we’ve allowed the African-American population to create their own lawless society.  All of the brawls happening on streets and in malls these days are posted on YouTube and they exclusively showcase African-American savagery. 
Our prisons are filled with an excess of African-Americans that have committed the most cruel and despicable crimes imaginable.   They have created an unabated culture of ignorance, drug dependence and violence.  This is a very real form of genocide.
Guns are not the problem.   It’s a failure to keep known, violent people behind bars.  It also stems from a grotesque form of tolerance for bad African-American behavior by the guilt-ridden White society. 
In recent years there has been study after study that has shown that the more guns in the hands of law-abiding people the lower the rate of violent crime. 
In the USA the right to not only own firearms but to carry them concealed in public is the practice in all but a few places.  Violence has been reduced as a direct result.
Amazingly Europeans are actually afraid to even discuss gun rights!  If one dare suggest a person should have the right to use a gun to protect, home, business or family there is Hell to pay.  It’s not politically correct.   Free speech in Europe is not nearly as acceptable as it is in the USA. 
As for private gun ownership in Europe, it still exists.  In most places it’s difficult and heavily restricted.  However in the Scandinavian nations one can obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun with a silencer!
In March there will be the huge annual IWA Outdoor Classics fair for Hunting Guns and Outdoor Equipment in Nuremberg.  Tens of thousands will descend on the convention center to see the latest and greatest firearms.  It’s one thing to own them and another to dare suggest gun rights.
European must understand that government has won a propaganda war against gun ownership and rights.  They have been brainwashed into believing that guns not criminals cause crime.  They are somehow convinced that a cop on the phone is somehow better than a gun in their hands.
The Muslims are a violent lot and the body count of their victims grows daily.  They can simply suffer or learn that training and guns will deter the violence or stop it should it begin. 
Europe needs their own National Rifle Association and an honest dialog about how guns actually save lives must begin.
Emotion must give way to reality before the multiculturalism-fueled violence will end.  Self-Defense is a basic human right. 

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Concealed Weapon Legalization Comes to Illinois!

Chicago, IL—Despite rabid political resistance to the law of the land on Gun Rights law-abiding citizens will be finally be allowed to carry concealed firearms for self-defense outside of their homes.
Now the Illinois State Police must establish a procedure to administer the program that will verify training and issue the permits.  The background investigations have already been accomplished since every CCW license applicant must first have a valid Firearm Owner’s Identification Card.   Firearm trainers will be very busy providing the proscribed 16-hour program.
Those carrying guns will be getting a lot of information on safety, marksmanship and the justifiable use of deadly force.  Conflict avoidance still will be your very best choice rather than looking for or inviting trouble.  Some of you will run out of options especially in the violent areas of the state such as Chicago.  
Most conflicts with attackers will end without firing a single shot once the thugs see that you’re armed and ready to use deadly force.  The thugs will either escape or you will hold them for police.
In the event you have to shoot an attacker and you’re lucky enough to survive, I have some solid advice for you in the video below and underneath that there is a .pdf  copy the new law for you to download or share:  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Women Are a New Force in Gun Rights and Ownership

To my male visitors, stand back and meet Natalie Foster!  She has a message about women and guns.   They are here with their hard earned cash and votes.  Watch and listen to what Natalie has to say:

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Whitehouse Propagandists Claim 90% of Americans want Expanded Background Checks. Really?

Protesters across from The George Brown Convention Center in Houston Texas
Houston, TX—The National Rifle Association just held their Annual Meeting here.  Membership of the NRA tops five million.  This meeting hosted a record crowd of over 86,000 folks that came in from all 50 states.   The economy of Houston was boosted along with public safety.  You see most of the NRA members came armed with lawful loaded and concealed weapons. 
As for that 90% claim there were about two-dozen determined demonstrators that can be seen above.  I guess it’s time to wonder where these 90% are hiding.  The answer is abundantly clear that 90% figure is the product of an Obama wet dream.
I was hanging out for a while with none other than Glen Beck at the Eagle Grips booth who seemed to like Mother of Pearl and Ivory grips for some of his personal firearms.

Glen Beck visiting with Paul Huebl