Showing posts with label NATO protests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NATO protests. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicago Riot Control Has Always Been Ineffective and Costly.

Take the fight out of Chicago's rioters with some plain water
Chicago, IL—Today I watched some interesting video that I suspect has or will lead to excessive Injury On Duty Injury reports for Windy City’s finest.  I also expect a rush to medical providers and civil lawyers by those who made the mistake of assaulting Chicago cops.
When I was living in Germany 1968-1970, I watched the, Frankfurt Stadt Polizei deal with their hippies and troublemakers.  The cops in Frankfurt always made short work of crowd control with minimal injuries to all.   Was it magic?  Brutality? No!  It was just plain water.
All over Europe they use vehicle mounted, water cannons to quell disturbances.  They soak the troublemakers, who soon get very uncomfortable and very cold.  Police can identify the problem people because they are all wet and shivering.   They only want to go home after a good soaking.  For many of them this is the only time they bathe.
The water cannon can be a little overpowering but those who do not follow lawful orders to disperse can simply be hosed down on the gentle cycle.  Who wants to fight when they are all wet?  A side benefit is that the water will short out electronic detonators and wreck ignition sources for Molotov cocktails for the really evil ones.  Perhaps a few ruined cell phones will make communication more difficult for those riot organizers.
I noticed that Chicago's troublemakers were carrying cameras of all kinds.  The water cannons would really make such photography a meaningful challenge.
The water cannon will also spare cops from unwarranted discipline hearings and indictments bases on bogus allegations.  The Medical rolls will have fewer personnel to deal with and the city’s liability would be greatly reduced.
I hope this post inspires Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats to find a more effective and humane way for cops to protect themselves than wooden batons and stun guns alone.  Imagine how a water soaked troublemaker would dance after being hit with a Tazer Stun gun?