Showing posts with label Michael Bloomberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Bloomberg. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson, a Lesson In Sensational Race Baiting and Hatred

Ferguson, MO—Michael Brown lived and died as a bully and thug.  However even bully’s and thugs deserve due process and a measured response to their unacceptable conduct.
Many cops have criticized me for my intolerance for police misconduct in various cases.  Generally I vigorously support police but, they are human and fail miserably sometimes.  As always cover-ups are more troubling then the conduct. 
When Brown was shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson, local troublemakers, all African-American offered up phony stories claiming Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back.  Others claimed that Wilson stood over a prone Michael Brown firing shots into his lifeless body.
The physical evidence quickly exposed the false versions of these so-called eyewitnesses.  
Police and prosecutors went out of their way to hide the evidence and Officer Wilson’s version of events.  This was both necessary and wise.  That allowed the phony eyewitnesses to spread their lies far and wide.  That insured that their deceptive stories were locked in tightly.
The irrefutable forensic evidence horribly impeached the fake eyewitnesses.  Wilson’s version matched the evidence. 
With only the fabricated side of this story being widely told, broadcast and published and as always it quickly became the "truth".
That brought on massive nationwide handwringing, hate and race baiting.  Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and former Trayvon Martin family lawyer Benjamin Crump came into town spreading their unsubstantiated lies and hate.  They wasted no time exploiting the media for their moneymaking opportunity.
The media, as always reported the sensational but invented truth to the masses.  Everyone formed an opinion established by the extraordinary claims of cold-blooded and race based murder by a cop.
In an unprecedented move following the secret Grand Jury presentation prosecutors quickly released photos, reports and the actual testimony by Officer Wilson.  This amazing transparency shows that the case was presented in an impartial way. 
The killing of Michael Brown was clearly a justifiable homicide and not a crime.
The chain of events following this tragic story showcases a much larger problem.  The hate and distrust between African-Americans and the rest of America’s population. That along with the larger problem of massive media and political exploitation.
I asked all of my liberal friends to wait for the real evidence to surface rather than believe the hate fueled gossip.  That was an impossible mission.  Minds were already made up and set in concrete.  Of course they quickly labeled me as a racist.
The media along with the political and professional race baiters should be ashamed of themselves.  They are the ones that exploited this event falsely turning the fatal error in judgment and death of Michael Brown into a hate crime.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Michael Bloomberg is Spending $50 Million to Help Gun Owners!

New York, NY—Billionaire and former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg announced he’s investing $50 million of his own money to castigate firearms owners and the NRA
Apparently Bloomberg has failed to notice that the more discussion about firearms to more popular gun rights becomes.  Each political push after mass shootings has backfired greater than the last!  These days each poll on gun control is better than the last! 
Nearly every public relations experts understands what the late, P.T. Barnum said, “I don't care what they say about me, just make sure they spell my name right!”  Even bad publicity can be good! 
With each discussion of gun control comes research and lots of thought.  In the end the lies, half-truths and deception about guns fails.  What people discover is guns can save lives, especially their own! 
Bloomberg couldn’t help gun owners any better even if he gave the cash to the NRA! 
Bloomberg’s planned mission is as defective as his entire thought process on guns.  In the end I expect we will have much better educated population when it guns and gun rights.  Thanks Mike!