Showing posts with label Lori Voepel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lori Voepel. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

Debra Milke Had A Great Day Today…

The media crush after court

Milke and her legal team

Elevator Selfie With The Woman of The Hour!

Cases before Judge Mroz Today

The Kind of Ankle Bling You Don't Want!
Phoenix, AZ—I was in Courtroom 7D today to watch Judge Rosa Mroz enter her final orders on the Murder case of Debra Milke.
Before the judge took the bench I was greeted by a warm hug from Milke on this extraordinary day.  There were smiles and some tears during this somewhat emotional event.
I asked Milke to show me her ankle monitor she was required to wear since September of 2013.  She called it a sign of her Freedom, rather than an inconvenience.   She lifted the leg of her slacks to show it to me and I took the last picture of that device before a probation officer in a private area of the court removed it.
Germany sent reporters from ARD, RTL and Der Spiegel Magazine.  There were cameras galore when Milke and her lawyers left the court.
Milke will be at a press conference tomorrow morning and I will be in attendance.
Lawyers for Milke will have a lot to say and map out the massive civil lawsuit that was filed last Friday afternoon.