Showing posts with label Liberals Conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberals Conservatives. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2017

It’s The Liberals That Are The True Fascists!

Los Angeles, CA—I can never understand how the Liberals always accuse Conservatives of being Fascists.  It’s the liberals that will do anything to force their will on Conservatives. 

Liberals demand that Conservatives pay for the illegal aliens, their medical care and anchor babies.  It’s the Liberals that want to force the Conservatives to pay for their abortions. It’s the Liberals that want to curb free speech calling anything they don’t like hate speech.  It’s the Liberals that want to take the Constitutional protected gun rights of Conservatives by force and violence (Yes, arrest and imprisonment is force and violence).  It’s the Liberals that want to force Conservatives to pay special interest extortionists for their Climate Change Theory.  
Conservatives simply want Liberals to leave their rights, religion and property alone.  Liberals insist on using the full force of the police powers against Conservatives, never the other way around.   

Liberals are violent when they don’t get their way.  Conservatives don’t riot or block traffic. Conservatives don’t want to force Liberals to pay for anything at all.  Conservatives believe in total free speech.  

Liberals need to own up to the fact that they love big government using police powers to force their will on others.   Liberals are the real Fascists…