Obamacare is nothing more than a vast criminal conspiracy between
a bunch of corrupt Marxists pals of Barack Obama that met secretly behind closed
doors. There was nothing transparent
about it and few if any members of Congress ever attempted to read the monster
before they voted for it.
The cost was in the trillions of dollars. The real crime is
that it’s lived up to none of Obama’s hype and deceitful promises. Millions that were adequately insured, lost
the policies they had and were forced to pay more for something they did not
need or want.
Obamacare has loads of time bombs and land mines that seem to
be exploding every day. One unexpected
surprise was the millions of inmates in various state prisons. They had in place state run healthcare for
these felons. Now state correctional
health systems are dismantling because they are enrolling their prisoners in
Obamacare. That new burden alone has incredibly
massive cost implications for the entire program.
Promotion for Obamacare and the related Internet Armageddon
website has cost billions more.
They claim Seven million Obamacare signups before the
so-called deadline. That’s really
insignificant when we all know there are 300,000,000 Americans. How’s that in anyway considered more than a
massive failure?
Imagine if instead of wasting all that money they reversed
the last 50 years of massive tax increases to employers for keeping people
employed? Everyone would be employed and
be covered by traditional insurance.
There would be millions of new taxpayers in the process.
Kathleen, you’re now a marked pariah for eternity. As Obamacare implodes and our nation suffers
as a result you will forever be remembered as the face of this plague.