Showing posts with label Judicial Tyranny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judicial Tyranny. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

Concealed Weapons and Yesterday’s Ninth Circuit Court’s Intellectually Bankrupt Decision

San Francisco, CA—The Ninth Circuit Court’s three judge panel originally ruled that California’s Concealed weapon law was void in light of both the recent Heller and McDonald cases in the US Supreme Court.
California counties and cities issue carry permits except that the jurisdictions controlled by Democrats simply deny them except for a select few politically connected favorites.

Yesterday the full court, at the urging of State Attorney General Kamala Harris revisited the case, en bank.  The full court reversed and allowed for the continued blanket denial of permits.

The case Peruta v. County of San Diego is now been positioned in direct conflict with the Supreme Court and other Circuit court opinions to the contrary.  Here the Ninth Circuit Court simply repealed the right to bear arms through an outrageously biased and defective judicial action. 

The next fight will be in the US Supreme Court and we must now guess who will be confirmed to fill the absence of the late Conservative Judge Scalia.  

However hope is not lost depending on the November elections. Donald Trump has vowed to make sure every law abiding American has a right to a concealed weapon for self-protection through national legislation.  With Obama and his minions this was all but impossible.  

Out Constitution and gun rights cannot be left in the hands of Democrats, Socialists or Communists. We need to remove all of them and those Republican pretenders from every political office in the land. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

American Cops have Allowed Themselves to become Political Scapegoats

New York, NY—Cops here like everywhere are being targeted for
violence.  Cops are not the cause of government tyranny.  They are the ones forced by politicians to enable tyranny.
Cops once existed to keep the peace and to stop criminal bullying.  However the politicians have perverted the mission of police into their evil extortion mission.
Politicians hate running for reelection and want others to fund guaranteed eternal employment for them. Those in power have found clever ways of converting taxes, fines and government ATM style programs to fund their reelections.
The only way to stop this is with strict term limits for politicians.  If they can’t run for reelection they lose motivation for extorting cash to fund expensive reelection campaigns.
Switzerland has a smarter idea for their Presidents.  The President there only serves a single two-year term.  Incumbency does not help anyone and if they elect a bad politician the pain from that ends quickly. 
Our politicians especially Democrats are constantly trying to create unnecessary programs for building or anything that will provide cash to government contractors. 
We may need some of these things but our politicians deliberately overfund everything to insure quid pro quo campaign contributions from the contractors. 
The contractors hire lobbyists to convince the politicians we need whatever they’re selling.   The lobbyists are also the ones dolling out the legal campaign contribution bribes.  Buried deep in this shuffle are the taxpayers.
A good example of this is that local politicians have in recent years have found automated traffic cameras to be a huge cash cow for their reelection financing. 
The traffic camera companies run the entire extortion programs and keep the lion’s share of what they collect from the public.  In turn the contractor’s throw maximum contributions to the politicians.  
You should also know that the records of the traffic camera companies are exempt from those pesky Freedom of Information requests unlike government, keeping the press out of our business.  That is just so convent!
Those automated camera and speeding tickets are nothing less than  a strict violation of an accused’s rights to a fair trial.  That’s because they defendant is denied their right to face and cross-examine their accusers.   That along with the fact that the data and photographs produced are purely inadmissible hearsay evidence.  The local judges hold their noses and always allow their courts to be used in this extortion scheme.
Local politicians appoint the judges they know better than to overrule the automated traffic monitoring systems.  Should they do that they will get canned in short order.  
The accused traffic violators can always appeal to higher courts but the extraordinary cost to appeal their fines makes getting any justice impossible.
Incumbent politicians are then guaranteed reelection, juicy retirement pensions along with eternally breathing the rarified air of wealth and power.
Our police have been turned into the enforcement and extortion bullies.  Cops are no longer to serve and protect us but to act as tax collectors.  Remember those that don’t pay their traffic camera fines face towing and arrests.  The guy with the uniform and the gun is now the face of this tyranny.
Then there are laws taxing cigarette and alcohol sales.  The taxes are excessive e4specially in the large cities all run by Democrats.  
That excessive taxation exactly what caused New York’s Eric Garner to begin selling bootleg cigarettes to his hopelessly nicotine addicted sidewalk customers. 
Police were forced by politicians to arrest the tax scoffing Eric Garner just as if he was an armed robber.  Garner resisted and due to his poor judgment and obesity he died during that pathetic arrest.
Politicians have done all that can to make tax-collecting thugs out of cops.  Cops have in turn allowed themselves to be used for political corruption purposes.
Citizens know that contact with the police will take food from their family’s tables and worse.  Police have become a bitter and feared enemy. 
As for cops, they always need to follow their oaths of office including our Bill of Rights. They also need to remember the huge precedent set at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial.   That established that simply following politician’s orders is in no way a valid defense.   A cop’s duty is always to a higher power.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Arias Trial is Void Because the Government Facilitated Witness Tampering on a Grand Scale.

Judge Sherry Stephens and Prosecutor Juan Martinez 
Phoenix, AZ—Let me begin by saying I’m not now nor have I ever been retained as the defense investigator for Jodi Arias.  I’m not her friend or one of her supporters. 
I have however been greatly alarmed by the conduct involved with her journey through the Arizona criminal justice system. How the Arias case became such a high profile circus defies all logic.
This was a no more than passionate event of one lover killing another.  This is not really unusual as homicides go.  
How this became a Capital First Degree Murder Case makes no sense to me at all.  Had there been financial gain involved I may have supported a murder charge.
Arias has already been behind bars for over six years and has served adequate time for a more realistic crime such as Manslaughter. 
She’s been convicted of Capital Murder and now a second jury is going to be wangling with her punishment.  We now know that any attempt at fairness of her murder trial and sentencing phase has been terminally compromised
The prosecution and trial of Arias before Judge Sherry Stephens, was nothing less than a judicial nightmare.  The prosecutor Juan Martinez has substantially lowered the acceptable prosecutor's behavior bar and Judge Stephens has miserably failed to rein him in.   
Judge Stephens succeeded in raising her own celebrity star along with Martinez by making sure national TV cameras were unobstructed as they mugged for them.
The media circus created one more unintended monster; legions of pathetic trolls that formed a media fueled lynch mob.  The results were constant death threats to each and every witness that was called by the Arias defense.  Undoubtedly that influenced testimony and perhaps caused defense witnesses to restrain their testimony or refuse to cooperation.  
The threats were discussed today before the Arizona Court of Appeals and they are the apparent reason Judge Stephens has sealed the courtroom.  This sudden attempt to deal with this mess all comes too little and too late.
The decision to allow cameras into courtrooms for live and contemporaneous broadcast was a bad one.  Video is fine as long as it is broadcast or otherwise published after the trial is concluded.
Too many things and do go wrong including the now apparent unbridled witness tampering in the Arias proceedings.
Arizona has now more than adequately demonstrated that protecting Arias’ rights became impossible.  This cannot be somehow cured or remedied now.  Now there is only one fair thing to do and that’s to cut the losses and free Arias. 
There is a valuable less here for future trials. 

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Murder Conviction and Sentence of Jodi Arias May Be History

Phoenix, AZ—A major time-bomb of sorts is waiting to go off in the courtroom of Judge Sherry Stephens.  This is in the form of a motion that would remove the death penalty from consideration due to serious misconduct.  The shenanigans and misconduct of cops and prosecutors in this case has grown to fill a massive book. 
Judge Stephens lost all control of the the Jodi Arias case from day one.  Stephens has simply turned a blind eye to the misconduct that allowed this murder trial to become one of the more infamous judicial circuses since the Salem Witch Trials.
The latest stunt revealed today was that Mesa police detective Estaban Flores unlawfully shared confidential and court sealed information with his wife.  She in turn allegedly uploaded outrageous videos containing some of the information onto YouTube in efforts to incite public opinion against Arias.
Ultimately, if this is true, Estaban’s police career and peace officer certification is history.  He and his wife probably will now be facing criminal charges brought by an appointed special prosecutor. 
As for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and Maricopa County Attorney’s Office,  it seems that they have from the beginning chronically and deliberately obstructed Arias’ right to a fair trial. 
Everything from withholding evidence, witness tampering, and obstructed communication with the Arias defense team has taken place.  Of course who could forget the grandstanding circus Ringmaster, prosecutor Juan Martinez signing autographs for his infatuated female court watching fans.
That means there is so much more at stake here than lifting the Death Penalty but outright dismissal is now in plain sight.
No small issue is that Arias has been transformed by a runaway prosecution effort into a reviled pariah.  Current jury selection happenings have made it abundantly clear that the jury pool is hopelessly tainted.
There is no chance that the damage could ever be undone.  There is only one solution now That is setting Arias free and that’s exactly what the law requires.
As for the angry mob of mindless court watchers that have made Arias the object of their intense hate?   They can now transfer their wrath to the brain dead officials that let this happen through their redundant, persistent and chronic misconduct.

The 23 page Motion is attached below:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jodi Arias’ Trial and Conviction along with Months of Secret Court Hearings is a National Disgrace

Phoenix, AZ—Jodi Arias was arrested tried convicted and may yet face an executioner.   Her stories about the June 2008 death of her former boyfriend, Travis Alexander varied significantly.  Was it justifiable?  The jury along with everyone else could only guess.  Since when does a guess prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt?
Alexander withstood well over 20 cuts or stabs from a knife and a gunshot wound to his head from a tiny .25 ACP pistol bullet.  He had plenty of so-called defense wounds on his hands and arms.  That means he was putting up a serious and deadly fight with Arias.  Apparently Arias won the struggle.  Who was the initial aggressor?  Was this fight spontaneous or a murderous attack on Alexander by Arias? 
Many people like to believe that they are positive of their favorite theory of what happened during this epic battle that nobody saw.  
Arias lied but innocent people often exaggerate and lie all the time out of simple fear.  Hell, most Americans can’t seem to tell the truth about why they were late for work. 
I don’t really think Arais' lies mean much at all.  She may have tried to cover up her involvement simply to put this horror behind her.  Who in their right mind would want to explain such an event to a bunch of cops?  We’d all want to do whatever we could to make something like this go away. 
Is Arias guilty of Capital Murder?  Hell, I don’t know.  On it’s face it looks like a violent emotional outburst rather than a planned event.  
The repeated stab wounds would have angered Alexander and caused him to fight even more desperately.  It takes a lot of injury to stop a strong healthy human and most of the injuries were superficial and non-fatal. 
The trial of Jody Arias was an exercise in Roman Coliseum style, ghastly entertainment.  Tongues were wagging about this trial coast to coast.  The Arias jury was undoubtedly influenced by the crush of the celebrity pundit opinions despite numerous and ineffective admonishments to avoid the media and Internet. 
The un-sequestered Arias jury could not help but see the hoopla and unprecedented media encampment surrounding the Maricopa County Superior Court during this circus.  We can pretend they were not influenced but we all really know better.
Prosecutor Juan Martinez paraded around like a peacock as he signed autographs for his adoring audience.  The trial became a shameful sham as Judge Sherry Stephens surrendered all of the decorum and dignity American trials are supposed to maintain.  Arias was convicted as the crowds outside cheered louder that what we’d hear at any Super Bowl.  
Since the trial there has been non-stop secret court hearings on this case reminiscent of those infamous Star Chamber proceedings.  This may be an attempt to slow down the publicity cyclone they created, but it’s way too late to un-ring the bell and somehow establish a sudden sense of fairness.  They manufactured a Guilty verdict by popular public opinion rather than evidence.
Arias’ rights to a fair trial have been violated in the gravest extreme.  When an American’s rights are violated by the misconduct of courts or prosecutors the only remedy is to declare a mistrial and to attach jeopardy.  Simply said, it’s time to free Jodi Arias after six years of imprisonment and one of the poorest excuses of a trial in American history.
Judge Stephens and prosecutor Martinez can pretend that they bear no responsibility for this giant farce.  They played to the celebrity crush and facilitated this disgrace.  They both deserve to be purged from the State Bar of Arizona for their misconduct.  They both knew better. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Some Important Tactical Lessons were Learned About Combatting Government Tyranny at the Bundy Ranch

Bundy Ranch, Nevada—About 80 miles Northeast of Las Vegas the scene was a cattle ranch and the sprawling rangeland around it.   On one side were BLM Rangers with battle gear and dogs.  Men and women trying to convince the rangers to leave them, the cattle and the ranch in peace occupied the other side.  Tensions were high as the rangers threatened to shoot the civilians.
Because the area is rural sources for water, prepared meals, ammunition was greatly limited.  The two sides had gathered ready for a very violent conflict. .
The Barack Obama worshiping network media did not want the nation seeing the heavy hand of their Messiah crushing a longtime cattle rancher and his supporters.  That would damage the carefully crafted image they created for him.  They will always avoid humiliating Obama at all cost.   However Social Media and some news organizations covered the resistance movement really well.
Because of Social Media, thousand of civilians understood that a rogue government was waging a terror and harassment campaign against a family under color of law.  Some of them traveled many miles at their own expense and personal risk to protect a targeted fellow American. 
For now the tyranny was halted.  I’m sure that Obama and his henchmen are fuming because of their humiliating failure.   The Second Amendment was exercised effectively and successfully. 
Both sides of the conflict understood that there was absolute resolve by the assembled resistance to begin bloody combat and that threated government agents.  I also suspect that those agents began questioning and perhaps balking at orders from the Whitehouse.  That too may have made a difference that, for now that ended the confrontation. 
Were the defenders of freedom properly prepared?  In this tactical exercise we could see how the raw power of government can quickly take steps against the population.  During this siege the government exercised their ability to quickly shut down cell-phone towers disrupting the civilian communications. 
The Whitehouse also ordered the FAA to declare a No Fly Zone so news agencies could not observe or report on the government siege with helicopters.  Government officials did not want murders civilians to be seen by the rest of the nation live on television.   This FAA No Fly Zone order certainly had nothing to do with public safety!  Entering restricted air space could easily result in a military response including the shooting down of aircraft.   It’s not some idle threat.  
The steps government thugs followed the current tactical blueprint of how they are prepared to deal with civilian resistance to the Obama Junta.  Our rogue government played their hand showing us those things we must expect.  We need not guess anymore what they might do.
We learned that Just having sufficient numbers makes the most important difference.  If you have the numbers pragmatism by the tyrants can rule your side.   
For the most part the government is generally able to control the immediate shipment of food, fuel and medical supplies to any area.  They can control most of but not all the electricity, natural gas, cell-phone communications and Internet. 
The need for water, water filtering material, solar power and generators for communication devices lights are a must.  Wilderness survival skills are second nature to most military veteran and hunters. 
To combat the communications cut off everyone needs to have inexpensive family service walkie-talkie radios available ant any Target, WalMart, Best Buy or for a secondary communication source.  They work for miles and that beats nothing.  There are also citizen’s band (CB) radios and Ham radios and the later can communicate globally.  There are also satellite telephones used mostly by sailors on the high seas were cell phone towers don’t exist. 
Getting overhead video of such scenes inside an FAA no fly zone is a snap these days with those new camera-drones no larger than a small pizza.  They are so small that they are very difficult to spot in the sky or take out by gunfire.  They can observe with HD video and report things that our rogue politicians want kept secret.   The drones are easy to fly and there are cheap versions coming in at less than $1,000.00. 
The use of American military and police against neighbors and relatives has a built-in fail-safe mechanism.  Those people all swear an oath the Constitution and not to any politician.   If they are real Americans they will be able to recognize unlawful orders and must disobey them.  
Unfortunately our government has thousands of armed contractors that function as well-paid mercenaries that take no oath.  The contractors know they will be able to rob, rape and murder unfettered during civil unrest.  We must demand laws be enacted that contractors are never permitted to perform military or police operations within American borders.
Today with Internet capability broadcasting live streaming video reports on the Internet direct from the scene of combat operations is relatively simple.  Of course the opposition will be monitoring the reports too.
The skinny on combat rifles is that the most common and popular combat rifles are ineffective for government resistance.  The .30X39 AK-47 round and the 5.56 MM M-4 platform rounds are carryover from close in jungle warfare in Viet Nam where no real armor was involved. 
Today’s modern military and police armor both for vehicles and body is rated to stop the 5.56 MM and .30X39.  However that armor is very vulnerable to penetration by common WWII rifle rounds such as the .30-06 and the .308.  Most American hunting rifles use the same or even larger rounds and can defeat the light armor, but those guns are greatly underrated these days because don’t look as mean.  I’ll take a 75 year old M-1 Garand over a M-16 anytime.  The FNFAL and M-14 are far superior to most of what our police and military uses.  
Political tyrants are in fact are always the ones pulling the triggers even more so than their thugs.  Whenever possible they should be tracked down and captured.  It’s impossible for them to order any military action if they are missing. 
The most important need is for absolute determination, resolve and courage to preserve our hard won liberty and freedom. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Meet “The People’s Court”

Berlin's Sony Center

Berlin, Germany-Just outside the beautiful and spectacular Sony Center Shopping mall here there is a simple sidewalk brass marker.  It is a reminder of terrible time in history when total judicial tyranny was practiced under National Socialism 1933-1945.  Murder under color of law was the mission of the Chief Justice, Roland Freisler.  
Freisler served in the WWI German Military where he was wounded and captured by Russians.  While in captivity, Freisler embraced Marxism turning his back on his homeland.  He joined the Communist party upon release but once again switched his allegiance joining the burgeoning Nazi Party.  Frisler proved to be quite a social climber.
Dr. Roland  Freisler
Freisler was a lawyer and was later appointed by Adolph Hitler as the People’s Court President.  It has been said that he Freisler constantly proving himself as a super Nazi to counter those who questioned his changing loyalties.

Freisler was ruthless and merciless as he sent over 5,000 German men, women and teenagers to the guillotine or gallows for even the most minor acts of resistance.  Evidence presented before the court was often simple hearsay.   The People’s Court court acquitted only a scant few before it.

Freisler was also one of Hitler’s Judges that made sure everything done by the Nazi government was legal. He was also chosen as one of 15 high ranking Nazis that promulgated the Holocaust at the Wansee Conference during a two-hour luncheon.
Freisler escaped the hangman when he was killed during an Allied bombing raid on February 3, 1945 successfully targeted the People’s Court building.  Rather than take refuge in a bomb shelter Freisler was busy safeguarding case files of those he was trying to murder.
Americans have a strong Constitution that contains a Bill of Rights.  Freisler's spirit is alive today and exists in every courtroom of the world where judges refuse or fail to protect the rights of those unfortunate enough to appear before them. We must make doubly sure that as our judges that lose sight of their duty to protect citizen’s rights are brought to book and harshly punished for any and all tyrannical acts. 

This Brass Marker translated into English reads:
“On this site 1935-1945 was the entrance to the People’s Court.
In violation of fundamental principles of constitutional justice, they condemned more than five thousand people to death.  Freedom was taken from even a higher number that were targeted for persecution and extermination of all opposed to the Nazi regime.”

Learn more about Roland Freisler in this video: