Showing posts with label Josef Goebbels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Josef Goebbels. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Hitler's Hollywood, A Look at the Documentary Film

Hitler’s Hollywood, is a a documentary film about how Joseph Goebbels reinvented Hollywood film making for the Third Reich.

After completely cleansing Jews out of filmmaking, Goebbels used the relatively new media of talkie films to legitimize anti-Semitism and euthanasia as he glorified the concept of people sacrificing their own lives for the honor of the Third Reich.  

Goebbels was able to oversee the subtle mixture of entertainment, art and propaganda to indoctrinate Germany and soon all of Europe.  

There was no television during the Nazi administration 1933-1945 so attending your local movie house was your only option for seeing films. 

Before you could enjoy the Nazi entertainment film at your local theaters they’d show a newsreel (Fake News) film.  There were potentially serious consequences for those movie goers that came to movie houses purposly late avoiding the newsreels. That was seen as a form of resistance by the Nazis.  

This mixture of entertainment, art and indoctrination was not lost on our own Hollywood.  They later used films to legitimize homosexuality, gender confusion along with various societal and politically unAmerican aberrations.  

As we enter the age of YouTube and citizen journalism the mixture of entertainment and diverse propaganda is now in its own Renaissance Period.  Today nearly anyone can create video Media to promote whatever they please.  

Free speech is all about diversity of opinion.   The efforts to control and censor video content has become a hot button in our new media society.  It’s all fun until others want to silence your voice or content.  

As for this Documentary film, Hitler’s Hollywood, the grand and nefarious scheme of creating and shaping popular public opinion is laid out for all to see.  Below is the trailer. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Is There Really a Sudden Fake News Epidemic or has Democracy Finally Come to Journalism?

Los Angeles, CA—The father of broadcast Fake News is Josef Goebbels.  As Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Enlightenment  and Propaganda, he was a pure genius.  Goebbels convinced the entire nation of Germany that what they heard on their newly acquired radios was always absolutely true. 
Goebbels success was not lost on our own CIA, back then called, OSS.  The OSS learned of the amazing power of the radio and soon Franklin Roosevelt was broadcasting propaganda “Fireside Chats” that mesmerized our entire nation binding us together against Germany, Italy and Japan. 

In the last 150 years we had powerful newspapers and soon followed radio and television.  I don’t give a rat’s ass who the news provider may be, they all have their own secret and vested interests that they are selling to the public as news.  

Only the very richest Americans could own newspapers and broadcasting organizations.  We the people were never part of the powerful media.  

Reporters and producers are hired based on the ability to craft news stories but also subject to their employer’s political proclivities.  There were once some Conservative newspapers but they all sold out to the wealthy political Left. 

There are no serious mainstream Conservative news organizations around anymore. Conservatives need not apply for media jobs today unless they can hide their political leanings really well.  

The six corporations that own and operate what we call today, The “Mainstream Media” are Leftist and in editorial lockstep together as one. What they’ve expertly been putting out as news is carefully crafted propaganda.  

Since all the news organizations are in agreement on various issues the public is convinced our media giants must be telling the truth. 

The Mainstream Media honchos all understandably thrive on deals and corruption to make their personal wealth and power grow.  They could care less about their audience/readers or their real needs.  They have very human failings at every level.

It’s been said may times that, “He who controls the information can rule the world.”  Recently that control has now somewhat shifted to, we the people!

Suddenly we have the Internet that can transmit text, pictures and high quality video along with affordable equipment that allows anyone to offer up what they call news!  

Slowly citizen journalists, bloggers and podcasters have cropped up by the thousands! Accordingly the newspapers and news broadcasters began to fail big-time!  Pink slips have rained in everyone of the nation’s Mainstream Media newsrooms. 

Some of the Internet news providers are not so clever or capable of crafting propaganda into their offerings subtilely.  Some are reckless and some are absolute abominations. However, now matter how well you can tell a lie or mislead an audience it’s no less deceitful or evil.  

Lack of experience and education has hampered many Internet journalists who have made somewhat clumsy attempts to sway public opinion.  That too will change as they gain necessary skills. 

Adding to the news mess is Twitter, Facebook and a growing list of places where any troll can put up a somewhat convincing “news” item. The problem is people want to believe some of the crap that is maliciously published and don’t bother to check anything out. 

If that’s not enough confusion there are fact checking websites that have their own political agenda and facts are turned into fiction and vise versa.  The only real way to check facts are to actually interview the newsmakers and require they provide reasonable evidence backing their statements. 

Are we somehow in a worse position now than before the Internet News sources?  No, we are better off because there are trusted bloggers and sincere journalists uncovering lies by government and politicians. Wikileaks, Edward Snowden and Bradley “Chelsea” Manning have been able to expose government tyranny and some really outrageous political intrigue.  

Whistle blowers now have real options that never existed before. Yes, despite the longstanding existence of fake news we are slowly becoming more sophisticated and better informed.  

I think we've seen the last Presidential election where the dying Mainstream Media will be able to maintain any relevance whatsoever.  They shamelessly fawned all over Hillary Clinton and padded the pre-election polls in her favor.  That came for them with a severe price.  

Let me end this with a simple truth, every writer has an agenda and the First Amendment thankfully protects that short of Libelous publishing or broadcasting.  Only the government gets to lie without punishment but at least now we can expose the crap they dish out.  Democracy has finally come to journalism!  

There are lots of qualified people that can gather and report news.  There are more people than ever that can podcast or post video news packages on the Internet.  There is no better time than now to make an Internet news channel of your own.  

Frankly I won’t cry for the losses of our longstanding Mainstream Media fat-cats. They’ve abused their power long enough.  

Thursday, February 05, 2015

NBC News Credo--We Make Up the News That We Want You to Believe.

Brian Williams and Josef Goebbels 
New York, NY—NBC News has like all the major networks have lost audience, revenue and credibility in recent years.
Make no mistake; the days of Walter Cronkite are long gone.  When Cronkite said, “And that's the way it is.” that had some real meaning.  Instead today it’s,  “that’s the way we want you to believe it is.”
It was Nazi propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels who said that,  “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”  He used the new media of the day, radio to convince the German people that Adolf Hitler was their savior.  Of course if you heard it on the radio it must be true. 
Likewise Franklin Roosevelt fed Americans what he wanted them to believe in his infamous radio Fireside Chats.  
Soon it was TV that took on the role of indoctrinating the masses. But in the USA they made somewhat an early effort to avoid the Goebbels style of reporting news.
In recent decades NBC has reported all things from a Leftist slant and like the others major news organizations.  They became the de facto Obama Administration’s public relations agency.  They’ve managed to cover-up scandal after scandal plaguing Obama.
We seem to have forgotten how relentlessly American TV news destroyed Richard Nixon on the Watergate Scandal.  The difference was Nixon was a Conservative and was naturally targeted by the Left leaning media.
Now in a senseless moment of stolen valor the NBC News primary news anchor claimed to be in a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq.  That fable took on a life of it’s own but was exposed as being so much baloney.  
Williams apologized suggesting that he misspoke mitigating it like it was some unintended teleprompter error.  In a real world where the truth matters NBC would have removed him the second he crossed the line. 
It remains to be seen what NBC does but they all know that the news media has seen instance after instance where news stories have been invented, slanted and fictionalized.  Do they even care at this juncture?
Williams is the masthead of NBC.  NBC is on a steep decline anyway so whatever they do will be too little and too late to save the network’s reputation.
Similar issues came up with CBS and their former anchor Dan Rather. Rather was spreading libelous propaganda targeting George W. Bush but when he was caught red-handed CBS had to show him the door.
If you see it on TV you can bet it’s a lot of things, but truth is not necessarily one of them.
For those that call themselves journalists and take that role seriously Williams is now as toxic as they come.  

Monday, August 26, 2013

Can Al Jazeera America Be a Credible Source for News?

Los Angeles, CA-- Al Jazeera America has set up shop on our Cable TV programing.  They threw some serious money around to land some very respected TV journalists for their news offering.  Many people are fearful that Al Jazeera America will be slinging propaganda and disinformation to their viewers.  TV news is a powerful tool that brainwashes human minds rather well.
Need I remind anyone that NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN have been Barack Obama’s personal public relations team?  They never dare ask Obama tough questions and they always speak so glowingly of his Leftist agenda.  They hardly bothered to notice that Obama’s criminal machine unlawfully wiretapped them.  I have long suspected that Obama’s spying apparatus has gathered lots of embarrassing material on top journalists and their families and totally owns most of them today. 
Al Jazeera America is the new kid in town.  I suspect that they want to gain an audience and make money.  Advertisers have been scarce and we will have to see what they bring in the way of ratings.  
I have an open mind here considering what we already have in place is the kind of disinformation machine that would even make The Father of Broadcast Propaganda, Josef Goebbels green with envy. 
We will see in the coming months what Al Jazeera America will be doing.  Can it somehow be worse?  Will they push the Muslim religion or philosophy on viewers?  Many of their 13th Century customs are absolutely horrifying to most Americans.  Will Al Jazeera America stick to reporting the news or will this just be another propaganda effort?  
Let’s give them a chance to expose some of the scandals that the Obama News Network has hidden from view.   My hope is they will become a credible, reliable and important source for news.  Perhaps we should encourage them to do the task that they’ve undertaken.

If they are serious about doing hard news I'd be looking to do some investigative field producing for them!