Showing posts with label Janet Napolitano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Janet Napolitano. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Has Political Correctness has Finally Killed America? The Donald Sterling Holocaust

Los Angeles, CA—80 year-old billionaire, lawyer, real estate developer and L.A. Clippers owner, Donald Sterling was really just victimized by felonious unlawful electronic eavesdropping of a private conversation.  He made a bigoted sounding statement on that recording. 
Sterling himself is no stranger to bigotry.  Being Jewish has exposed this man to various forms of discrimination his entire life.   Jews are still considered the most despised group of people that ever walked the face of this earth.  Anti-Semitism is indeed ugly and no less offensive that any other forms of intolerance.
Ironically Sterling’s ownership of the Clippers makes him highly dependent on African-American basketball player’s personal excellence in order to realize a profit from his substantial investment in the team.  Such an investment is a sure sign that despite something said privately in a moment of frustration shows that Sterling actually embraces and values all the African-American players in his team.
Sterling’s offhand and illegally recorded remarks made to this married, old geezer’s much younger former girlfriend, Vanessa Stiviano were and are offensive. 
Sterling remarked to Stiviano that he did not want her to bring blacks to the games.  Was Sterling referring to some specific blacks or every African-American?  Nobody seems to care; they just want to see Sterling treated like a War Criminal.
Most of us have said regrettable things at one time or another especially in private.  Did we really mean the things we said?  Thankfully we don’t always believe everything we say when we’re annoyed.  Too many of us don’t always choose our words as carefully as we should in public let alone in private.
The revelation of the audio recording of Sterling exploded within the media and African-American dominated sports world.  Many multi-millionaire African-American sports figures reacted like a bunch of whinny crybabies or sissies.  The media wildly fanned the flames with today’s divisive propaganda machine.
The same can be said of the professional Race-Baiters like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson that live for TV news face-time condemning any and everything they can.  We seem to forget that that is exactly how they make their living.
We somehow lost sight of simple common sense and allowed this non-event to reach epic proportions of insanity.  So far, Sterling has been banned from the NBA for life and fined $2.5 million.  Some still want to see this fellow forced to sell his team.

Adding more injury to this insult is that the gutless wonders at UCLA refused a $3 million donation from Sterling for much needed kidney research.  How many lives will that cost in the name of political correctness? Somehow I smell Janet Napolitano's involvement here.
In the end this event has done nothing to improve race relations but it has only made things worse.  Whatever happened to simple forgiveness?   I guess that old saying,  “Sticks and stones” has lost all relevance. This is a sad time for a dying nation. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Pay Big $$$ to get Frisked, Fondled and Insulted by TSA Thugs?

TSA Worker
Chicago, IL— In my early adulthood going to a Bears game at Chicago’s Solider Field with girlfriends included a small bottle of brandy and a blanket.  The blanket was used to keep warm while concealing certain enjoyable other mischief during the game.
Back then going to a major sporting event was a lot of fun.  However in recent decades sports teams and certain venues have begun an effort to frisk patrons. 
I hate this despicable effort frankly we’ve fought wars so we’d never have to submit to this kind of crap.   The majority of patrons are too young and just don’t understand the serious implications of what they are willingly accepting.
At first this was about bringing alcohol into the venue but quickly expanded looking for snacks and finally for concealed weapons.  Private security guards who avoided being too invasive or authoritarian did the searches.  Frankly it was more about revenue for their food service contractors than anything else.
I have little interest in going to sports events because of the cost, miserable traffic, and parking issues.  Technology has come to my rescue!  My terrific big screen high definition LED flat panel television allows me to see the games at the best possible vantage point. 
My snacks at home are better, a lot cheaper and don’t involve standing in concession lines.  Frankly I take great delight in staying home and avoiding all of the negatives involved while I lounge on my own very comfortable furniture.
Now the TSA with their cancer like spread over our everyday lives is trying to take over sporting and concert event security.  Even the sheep that have been brainwashed into believing the TSA has some anti-terrorist value are personally uncomfortable near the TSA’s dim-witted and snotty workers.  
Seeing TSA workers at airports is bad enough but tolerating these otherwise unemployable douchebags at an entertainment venue simply kills my enjoyment and spirit.   Who needs a skunk invading their picnic?
I simply won’t attend any event or fly where submitting to searches like a criminal is required unless I have no other options.   Nearly every airline has been put into bankruptcy by the TSA because people have avoided TSA tyranny.
The entire tourism industry has taken a huge financial hit from the Gestapo like TSA and now we have an additional 500 traffic deaths every year because of people like me that refuse to fly when traveling lass than 500 miles.
As Americans we need to draw a line in the sand where our personal liberty is concerned.   We have the power to vote with our wallets and purses.   We can simply stop attending any event where the indignity of frisking is involved.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Is Janet Napolitano Jumping the Good Ship Obama?

Waving goodbye to Barack Obama

Washington, DC—Until now Janet Napolitano’s personal reputation was considered somewhat clean.  Yes, the rumors about her lesbian relationship with a subordinate under her in both Arizona and at Homeland Security were never exactly a secret.  I think we can all separate her suspected Gay sex life from those more important issues of integrity.
The Obama Administration is fraught with scandal primarily in the areas of obstructing justice.   The law enforcement activities presided over by Napolitano was simply gutted when it comes to immigration enforcement, border protection and removal of dangerous criminal aliens.  Isn’t that what Homeland Security is all about?
There’s an old saying, “if you lay down with dogs you will wake up with fleas.”  I imaging Napolitano is itching all over about now considering the mutts she’s been around.
I guess taxpayers must get used to paying billions for our border cops and their equipment to simply remain idle as we invite the ignorant, poor and some very nasty criminals from our Southern hemisphere to have their way with all of us.    They can of course enjoy our paying for their medical care, schools as they become addicted to our entitlements reserved for citizens and legal residents. 
Whether you agree or not our immigration laws were enacted by Congress and are the law of the land.  Presidents or anyone that prevents enforcement of the law are committing a serious impeachable and felony crime.  Napolitano is directly in the food chain of those conspiring to break the law.  That should in and of itself make Napolitano beyond uncomfortable. Especially when you consider she prosecuted hundreds if not thousands of people for these offenses while she was the U.S. Attorney for Arizona.
Consider the current litany of lawlessness of Obama’s Attorney General, Napolitano would be first to get scapegoated pushed under the bus.  The Fast and Furious scandal, the New Black Panther voter intimidation cover up and now the mass shutdown of immigration enforcement shows absolutely massive corruption.
Napolitano has become loathed over the TSA and their despicable mistreatment of air travelers.   There no shortage of photos depicting Napolitano as a Nazi war criminal all across the Internet. Was Napolitano just following orders to bankrupt the airline through tyrannical traveler abuse? Or was she acting alone?  Napolitano can retire and disappear now or face the music later as she sinks with the ship.
Currently a sex scandal is rocking Homeland security and it’s brining on lots of negative attention to Napolitano and her circle of gal pals.   What an opportune time for her to say goodbye.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More on the TSA and its un-American Assault on Liberty, Privacy and Dignity

TSA Thug named Butler    From Video by Paul Huebl
Washington, DC—Most Americans surrender, line up like sheep and allow the despicable practice of the TSA's amateur security workers as they have their way with our personal property, bodies and even our children.  They abuse us tolerated simply because Americans are to intimidated to defend themselves.
Despite hundred of billions of dollars and this illusion of security the TSA has not stopped a single terrorist event.  The known post 9/11 efforts to disrupt air travel have been stopped by alert passengers that understand their duty to protect each other.   The TSA is in itself a meaningless exercise of the absurd.
Our government puts these poorly vetted, trained or educated unemployable losers in police style costumes with gold badges.  The reality is they should have put them into red jumpsuits and saved taxpayers a bundle rather than allow this officious masquerade. 
Here are three videos.  One is a musical satire hit piece from, Without a Face, Twisted Sexual Assault.  The second is from a political opponent of former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi named John Dennis.   The third video is that of a shocking encounter I had with an African-American TSA bimbo named Butler, trying to seize my camera and prevent me from shooting video outside of Terminal 2 at LAX.
Grab the popcorn, sit back and by all means enjoy the entertainment:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TSA Tyranny Has Cost More American Lives Than the 9/11 Attack!

Washington, DC—Make no mistake what American has unleashed upon itself is tyranny in its purest form.  Our reaction to the airplane hijacking of the 1970s and the massive property damage and lost lives of 9/11 has left our liberty and freedom in a shambles.
We once had a Fourth Amendment that guaranteed protection against unreasonable search and seizure.  They created a “voluntary” method of getting Americans to waive these rights.  They argue that you could choose not to travel or enter government buildings and avoid the indignity and privacy invasion.
Suggesting this waiver is somehow voluntary is beyond bogus.   Because of our absolute need for gainful employment many of us must fly or take trains.  We are forced to enter government buildings responding to tax audits, court subpoenas and other matters that the government demands.  There is no practical method to avoid the TSA except that shorter travel within our borders can be accomplished by driving. 
Now, here is the big rub.  We are learning that because of the TSA tyranny Americans have avoided spending billions on air travel and that has put nearly every airline in bankruptcy.   The hospitality and tourism business has suffered enormous losses significantly contributing to the general decline in our economy.
In addition to the huge cost to businesses, taxpayers have to support untold billions in TSA costs.   We pay big money to be insulted, abused and sexually groped by the creepiest people ever masquerading in law enforcement uniforms.  Our property is being stolen and our privacy is gets invaded daily by the TSA thugs.
Now the human lives being lost are finally coming to light.  Officials are now saying that there are about 500 additional highway deaths every year attributed to people avoiding air travel.  Of course for every death there are many more crippled for life in these TSA avoidance accidents.  We cannot ignore the massive property damage to the automobiles either.
At this rate we kill 3,000 Americans every six years.  That’s no different than having a 9/11 style attack twice per decade.
Had we simply trained and armed every pilot and taken steps to keep illegal aliens or people with passports from unfriendly nations off our planes we’d face very little in the way of threats to our air travel.  Instead we waged war on American travelers and made air and now train travel unnecessarily miserable.
We would be far better off to scrap the TSA entirely but for a force of armed air marshals.  American travelers are much more observant and absolutely every attempt to disrupt travel has been dealt with by fellow passengers without any TSA assistance.
We must stop the TSA from killing us.  It is abundantly clear now that the threat, death and destruction from the TSA exceed that of terrorism.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why the TSA Cannot Protect Air Passengers from Terrorism

You've been selected for special screening, bend over!
Washington, DC—It began with a rash of incidents by deranged people that wanted to be flown to Cuba or that celebrated case of D.B. Cooper in 1971 where an extortionist escaped by parachute with some $200.000.00 to a presumed death from exposure. 

The response from the FAA was never to interfere with hijackers no matter how easily they could be over-powered. This was the same way bank robbers are dealt with at banks. The give them what they want and hope for the best is nothing a recipe to encourage more of the same.

The results of the FAA security program were indeed predictable and lots of planes were diverted to Cuba. Soon the FAA took extreme steps to secure planes from passengers carrying firearms eventually even banning pilots and sworn off duty cops from carrying guns.

The FAA suspended the American right against unreasonable search and seizure by allowing poorly educated and trained unarmed security workers to rummage through passenger’s carryon belongings. Many of these security workers had criminal records or were illegal aliens!

That did nothing to stop terrorism simply because that’s an impossible mission. That was proven with the 9/11 hijackings and murders of 3,000 Americans and billions of dollars in property damage.

The TSA was originally set up by government knowing full well that this would not and could not end or even reduce the threat of terrorism. It was an effort to create the illusion of safety and security because politicians felt Americans needed to be reassured they could be safe on airplanes.

The TSA was formed with the unemployable people living on the margins of society. Frankly, who would want such a job? They were given the mission of inconveniencing, aggravating and harassing passengers into believing this somehow was a legitimate effort for their own protection.

Getting law abiding Americans in line has never been a problem and that’s all the TSA could hope to accomplish. Dealing with and controlling determined terrorists beyond anyone’s ability.

1. Bombs can be concealed in nearly anything such as candy, pillows, toys and electronic devices. Explosives are made from common chemicals that can’t be discovered without extensive scientific examination.

2. Planes can be attacked with short-range missals or even conventional firearms during takeoffs and landings.

3. The massive crowds lining up to enter security screening are never protected. Someone could get in the line with a powerful device hidden in a large suitcase and destroy a terminal and kill hundreds.

4. Air cargo cannot be properly examined before it’s placed on an airplane.

5. The TSA has many criminal types employed. They steal routinely and aid drug dealers in the movement of large amounts of narcotics. They will take money to help terrorists if they don’t already have a sleeper cell in their own ranks.

6. Small general aviation planes can easily be turned into guided missals flown by fanatical pilots to down commercial jets.

Okay, it’s now obvious that we are really not safe. What can we do to improve our odds and return sanity to air travel? The TSA is nothing more than a pathetic and extravagant joke on America, our troubled airlines and tourist industry.

We should defund and disband the entire TSA immediately in favor of a much more effective program.

The only meaningful security comes from trained and armed law enforcement officers that can react immediately to a real or suspected threat. The second, line of defense are able bodied and alert passengers that are willing to accept responsibility to deal with a terror emergency.

All Pilots should be trained and armed. All trained and certified law enforcement officers should be armed even while off duty while flying. Additionally certain selected private licensed and trained security professionals should be armed while traveling.

We need to keep all people with passports from nations hostile to America off out planes. Law enforcement needs to profile passengers based on behavior and past experience for follow up interviews.

The TSA has victimized the public long enough. This un-American response to terrorism must end if for no other reason it’s ineffective. That have not stopped a single terror related incident but ordinary members of the public have.

How much more abuse are we willing to take?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The TSA is Fighting to Prove its Relevancy Through Media Spin

You've been selected for special screening, bend over!
Washington, DC—The TSA is right on top of the IRS when it comes to fear and loathing.  The TSA has wasted billions on the illusion of security through their program of privacy invasion, theft and sexual assault.
Flying today America has all the fun, glamour and excitement of experiencing the police booking process for criminal suspects.   The TSA has brainwashed the public into believing they are effective and necessary despite the fact they are neither.
The TSA has their own internal propaganda machine that will blitz the media with press releases to justify their existence to the public.  Whenever one of the millions of passengers that flies daily forgets that they had a legal self-defense weapon in some case brought to the airport the TSA spin begins with disinformation.
“Today a man was arrested after he attempted to bring a loaded gun on to an airplane”, proclaims a press release.  What’s left out of their self-serving information was that the middle-aged man had no criminal record, known agenda for terror or other evil motivation.  The man, simply forget to remove the weapon from his bag.  Often it’s a retired cop or security professional.  The TSA’s zero tolerance policy and pettiness is never reflected in their propaganda material.
Likewise when drug offenders are discovered the TSA never reminds anyone that are not there for drug enforcement purposes.  The TSA is always looking for any way at all to cause the arrest of passengers for publicity purposes.  Their hope is that the public is brainwashed into believing that without the TSA we’d all be dead.
Frankly the TSA screeners do miss a lot of guns and knives that are intentionally introduced by their own testers.  The fact that undiscovered weapons are never involved in incident or terror and mayhem is very telling about the actual need of the program.
The fact is that the TSA has yet to derail a single terror plot since their arrival more than a decade ago.  The FAA private security contractors were far less intrusive and no more effective than the over-hyped, over-funded and self-promoting TSA.  Until the mid 1970's we had no security screening whatsoever in our air transportation system. 
America is in an economic crisis.  We need to generate jobs and a good place to begin is in the tourism and hospitality industry.  Billions of dollars have been lost because people hate the TSA’s behavior and refuse to fly. 
We must return fun to air travel.  Most Americans have never experienced what it was like to fly decades ago.  It was an enjoyable experience for nearly everyone.   Instead of the evil eye passengers were greeted with smiles and great service.  Your friends would meet you as you stepped of the airplanes instead of camping out by baggage claim.
Why fly and subject yourself to abuse, humiliation and indignity?  

Sunday, May 06, 2012

The TSA Monster is Spinning out of Control!

Washington, DC—The TSA is a rogue patronage agency set up to pretend the government is protecting Americans by stealing their liberty, privacy and dignity.  They hired the unwashed, dull-witted otherwise unemployable to enforce a zero-tolerance policy that has bankrupted nearly every airline and many tourist related businesses.
In our post 9/11 world despite billions spent on the TSA they have yet to derail a single terrorist event.  Ordinary American plane passengers have learned how to protect themselves stopping a handful of minor incidents.
The TSA loves to brag about the number of pocketknives and a few guns uncovered in carry on bags by forgetful passengers.  There has not been one instance where they can claim they uncovered a weapon destined for a crime.  The forgetful passengers are mercilessly punished for their failure to remember because of insane zero tolerance policies.
As Americans line up like frightened sheep most dread the thought of these creepy people handling their personal belongings.  The TSA screener’s proclivities to steal from, humiliate and dominate passengers are beyond horrible.
Considering we once had a Fourth Amendment to preclude exactly what the TSA is doing this is total government tyranny.   We’ve allowed these creeps to grope our children’s genitals and ours.  At what point do we say enough and begin fighting back?
The TSA is growing like a deadly cancer on every form of transportation including our highways.  They’ve surfaced at sporting events and will be coming soon to your summer family picnic like skunks.  
We have to begin by telling our politicians what we want instead of allowing them to dictate the destruction of our Bill of Rights.  Are Americans too cowardly to speak up for themselves? Have we arrived to the point of letting these soulless jerks put their hands in our pants?
We must begin by honoring the millions buried in veteran’s cemeteries that gave their lives so we would not have Nazi style checkpoints and a police state.  If we don’t resist now our liberty is doomed.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why Do We Waste So Much Money on Cop Costumes for TSA Workers?

Washington, DC—We created the TSA in an effort to reduce terrorism in our commercial air transportation system. They have yet to claim a single event where their multi-billion dollar efforts have paid off. The only successful anti-terrorism efforts have been as the result of passengers taking the law into their own hands.

These people are not law enforcement officers. They have not met standards required of law enforcement officers such as intelligence testing, medical examinations or stringent background investigations. More importantly they have not attended nor passed the required training programs of law enforcement officers.

Our government has created a theater of illusions called the Transportation security Administration. TSA programs to stifle terrorism are acceptable only if they are ineffective; violate the rights Americans and they allow people with passports from unfriendly nations to fly in our airplanes.

Part of the TSA security illusion was to make the marginable people hired to screen baggage look like cops. We all know they are part of a government make work, jobs program. We know they are not cops so why the expensive masquerade? We could save a bundle by putting these people in orange jumpsuits with big TSA letters on their backs. They have ID cards to prove they are baggage screeners why the gold police style badges? Those badges are very expensive.

We really don’t need the TSA. We could replace the screening with some legitimate profiling by sworn and trained cops. We could arm the pilots and some selected crew members. We should encourage local cops with standard training to fly while armed for half-price fares.

We could replace the TSA with real meaningful security. By the way did you know the pilots who are armed must now carry their service pistols in cumbersome locked security boxes? I guess the idea is for the pilots to use the boxes as they would a club. I guess giving hijackers a headache beats nothing.

By request here is a little ruhbarb I had with a TSA bitch two years ago at LAX...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Government Tyranny Has Not Stopped Terrorism

Washington, DC—There are terrorists in our world but your chances of being a casualty have always been more remote than being struck by lightening.

Our politicians have gone on a wild a spending orgy as they have suspended our rights under the Fourth and Second Amendments.

The TSA and the billions blown on crap that does nothing more than fill political campaign coffers with contributions from government contractors. The TSA has not stopped a single terrorist attempt but more than once alert and brave airline passengers have.

We have allowed the Congress and various state legislatures to trade our hard won liberty for the illusion of security. That also comes with a staggering price tag for taxpayers.

What we’ve done is to invite government tyranny which is much worse that the terrorism and they enslaved us to pay for the police state we allowed them to create.

The Patriot Act violates our privacy as the FBI and BATFE has routinely engaged in despicable criminal conduct such as the deadly, Fast and Furious and Gun Walker scandals.

Have we have forgotten how government thugs waged war on the Branch Davidians because they peacefully exercised their Second Amendment rights at their house of worship in Waco, Texas? The phony tip that they had an unregistered .50 caliber machinegun was never substantiated. Our Government murdered scores of men, women and children. Calling the shots of the Waco Massacre was none other than Eric Holder.

The TSA bureaucracy is truly a meaningless exercise since terrorists with either a boat or a truck could launch a small ground to air missile targeting our commercial aircraft at low altitudes during takeoffs and landings. That’s precisely what happened to TWA Flight 800 off of New York. The Clinton Administration covered that up to avoid giving credit to our Muslim enemies.

We have to say no to Barack Obama and his Chief Liberty Hater, Janet Napolitano. We must do whatever it takes to win back our stolen liberty. The problem is history says that can’t be done without some serious bloodshed. If that’s what it takes, so be it.

What we have now is a police state and terrorism.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Real Reasons behind the Secrecy of the TSA “NO FLY LIST”

Washington, DC—What’s the big secret about the No Fly List you ask? If you’re thinking national security your dead wrong. It’s all about government intimidation and control over airline passengers.

The TSA wants any and all resistance to their policies and procedures stopped cold. They created the list as a way to intimidate airline passengers from expressing their opinions for fear of winding up on that dreaded list.

The TSA has taken arbitrary power onto itself to deny anyone from entering commercial aircraft. You only learn of the TSA action as you begin the boarding process.

The TSA knows full well that anyone can file a court challenge once they learn they’ve been banned from flying. By keeping the list secret, no matter what they will inconvenience you and cost you money before you can get help from our courts.

The TSA punishes whoever they please without any Due Process. Provided you present no threat to the public the TSA will be ordered by the courts to remove your name from the list. There has never been a court action against the TSA defeated with respect to their list.

If the TSA No Fly List was a public record as it should be we could check our names and get any confusion cleared up before we fly. The TSA hates that idea entirely.

The real truth is that there has never been a terrorist stopped from flying inside the United States because of the existence of the bogus No Fly List.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

An Airliner Hijacking With a Different Ending.

Los Angeles, CA--As we relive the horror of 9/11 and deal with the tenth anniversary of the murder of some 3,000 Americans we have to think about handing these threats in the future. I will tell you a long forgotten story that had a much different ending.

The only hijacker ever shot on an U.S. airliner, was on September 15, 1970 on board a TWA, Boeing 707 jet. The flight left Chicago for San Francisco, but gunman Don Irwin, 27, seized the plane just after an L.A. stopover. Irwin threatened flight attendants in the aft galley with his gun demanding the plane head to North Korea.

This particular plane was in no way equipped or even able to make such a journey. This hijacker was not quite as clever as he thought.

The pilot J.K. Gilman was informed of the hijacking and was aware that Robert Denisco, a Brinks guard was sitting in First Class wearing plain clothes. Capt. Gilman quickly used the telephone to ask a First Class fight attendant to tell Denisco what was going on and to, “tell him I said to go back and shoot that Bastard!”

I tracked down and interviewed Denisco, a Viet Nam combat veteran who was now living in Chicago just after the 9/11 attacks for ABC World News Tonight. Denisco’s saga was absolutely amazing to hear.

Denisco like everyone was horrified by the events and had a lot to say about the inability they had to deal with the attack. My interview with Denisco lasted well over an hour.

Denisco took the captain’s request seriously springing into action. He kept changing his seat slowly moving in the direction of the aft Galley. Stopping whenever he found an empty seat he look back and move a few more rows until he was right at the Galley. The gunman never noticed the Brink’s guard.

Denisco was thinking quickly and felt that he needed maximum cooperation from the passengers and flight attendants. So rather than to just jump up with his service revolver he did so yelling at the gunman, “Police Officer, drop your weapon!” Of course he was not a cop but under the dire circumstances who’d care.

The gunman suddenly spun pointing his gun in the direction of Denisco and the guard fired a single shot striking Irwin in the abdomen. Denisco quickly seized Irwin’s gun and the plane was able to make a safe landing. Through modern emergency medicine the hijacker survived the shooting despite being critically wounded..

The follow up to this story should have inspired a motion picture but that never happened.

The FAA immediately began construction of the first Air Marshall program. When they sought a person to lead this new agency they offered the job to the shy Brinks guard. Things were suddenly really going well for Denisco and Brinks did not want to lose their hero. Day’s earlier they brought him to O’Hare airport to a meeting or perhaps more of a gathering of various officials.

They brought Denisco to the podium where they had a speakerphone and took a call for him. It was President Richard Nixon calling and he wanted to talk to the hero!

Brinks loaned Denisco to the FAA for several years where he related his experience to trainee air marshals.

Things took a curious turn at the FAA. They decided that people like Denisco could no longer be trusted with firearms on airliners! They promulgated regulations that disarmed even sworn and trained cops! Pilots were disarmed and as expected only the hijackers and federal officers would carry firearms in the future.

Later the anti-gun zealots during the Clinton Administration were looking for any new ways possible to take American’s gun rights away. They started with anyone ever convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence. Then they extended the lifetime gun ban for anyone convicted of childhood delinquent acts that constituted a felony.

This time they seized the gun possession rights of none other than the retired heroic Brinks guard because of a joyriding episode he was involved with a lifetime earlier. That deed put him in front of a strict Juvenile Court Judge.

Today our government has not made us even a littler safer. They have only had great success in waging a war of degradation, humiliation and tyranny on American travelers.

The TSA has not stopped a single terrorist event despite spending hundreds of billions. There were some attempts made by a shoe bomber and more recently the panty bomber. Those terrorist efforts were halted by ordinary citizens, not TSA or law enforcement officials.

What have we learned since 9/11, you ask? Not much.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Approaching the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 and All We’ve Accomplished was the Surrendering of Our Liberty…

We were already a Nation of Cowards and too frightened to allow passage into our government buildings, airports without suspending our Constitutional rights. Instead we search each other like criminals. We didn’t trust the pilots that we count upon to safely transport us with firearms to combat airplane hijackings.

Had we allowed the pilots their right as citizens to carry a gun or for that matter those disarmed sworn police officers that were passengers on two of the four planes 9/11 would have been just another day.

The TSA program and other “safeguards” will never work to prevent mass murder and mayhem committed by terrorists. The government’s “fix” has been intrusive, humiliating, and un-American. Despite massive and lavish efforts they have yet to stop a single terrorist event.

The massive amount of cash we must hand over to support these liberty stealing security programs has gone straight down the toilet along with our privacy and freedom.

None the less most Americans feel so good after an exhaustive groping by some unemployable slug working for the TSA. Anyone that thinks the TSA program can have any effect at all on terrorism is nothing less than a complete fool.

Terrorists by their nature seek heavily populated, soft targets. They simply sneak in killing and destroying during surprise attacks. Even if you could protect one or more venues terrorists will always find another one to inflict their horror.

Somehow Americans seem to think that terrorists need sophisticated or exotic weapons that are difficult to obtain. Gasoline and explosive fertilizer are cheap, virtually impossible to regulate and incredibly deadly.

Attacking a crowded shopping mall, convention center or tourist magnet is hardly a difficult challenge. No amount or searching, snitch programs or government efforts could stop a motivated terrorist.

On the other hand armed Americans with minimal training could better deal with terrorists as they commence an attack. Calling 911 and waiting for the “authorities” to act will bring help too little and too late.

The best example of government response to a terror attack was when two twisted teens attacked Columbine High School. Responding to numerous and desperate 911 calls the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department sent their officers to parade around the school with the jackboots and bucket helmets until every last victim bled to death. The cops finally entered the school only after the two whackjobs took their own lives.

Had there been even one minimally trained and armed teacher, janitor or cafeteria worker in the school, lives could have been saved.

We have learned nothing about combating terrorism and have let politicians steal massive amounts our cash, along with our precious and hard won liberty.

I can’t help but despise people who willingly line up like helpless sheep and submit to anything the government tells them. I can’t help but think of how it took only a handful of Nazi guards to coral a thousand concentration camp inmates into the gas chambers.

Even more disgusting was the reality that other camp inmates would knowingly assist the Nazis commit mass murder rather than to fight for their own lives.

It’s really very simple once you study history enough to know that the greatest mass murderers on earth are always governments. Sooner or later every government in history turns on their own people.

The only way to insure survival is to ferociously resist any government attempt to take any liberty for any reason. The moment right to keep and bear arms, is suspended or eliminated you soon can expect to be on the receiving end of government terror.

Friday, June 03, 2011

More TSA Terror-The Real Danger is Our Own Government Tyranny

Phoenix, AZ—The TSA is at it again. The TSA thugs grope a woman who begs for help from the police. The immediate response from the TSA goons was to obstruct the efforts of the woman’s son to document the event by making a video recording. They make a phony clain that shooting video at the airport is somehow a crime.

There is no law of any kind that prohibits video recording in any of our civilian airports. The TSA’s own regulations for their baggage screeners make that fact abundantly clear. Even the audio gathering in a public area is reasonable because those talking have the choice to simply shut up since they know there is a live video camera. The TSA workers have no expatiation of privacy.

Why must we tolerate this kind of assault on our American freedom and liberty? In the last 235 years so many Americans have given their lives in mortal combat to prevent the formulation of a police state in America.

Don’t be deterred from resisting the TSA. Video record these out-of-control thugs where ever and whenever you can. The TSA needs to be stopped cold. The suspension of the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches must end. If not perhaps it’s time for gun smoke to once again fill the skies over this land. Freedom is worth dying to protect.

Watch the latest outrage here:

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Snitches are Vital to Barack Obama’s Police State

Dallas, TX—Barack Obama’s answer to Heinrich Himmler wants Super Bowl fans to become Homeland Security snitches. Janet Napolitano brought her plan to recruit busybodies and others that don’t have a life to become her secret police to the Super Bowl.

The Gestapo was a relatively small organization that relied on a huge snitch network during the 12 year Nazi Reich horror. Government clerks simply read the snitch reports and dispatched the Gestapo officers who quickly rounded up those turned in by their neighbors for resisting National Socialism.

There will always be those despicable people in our world that turn their neighbors and family members in for fun and profit. They need to be identified, exposed and severely punished by American patriots.

I’m not suggesting that robbers, rapists and killers should not be exposed but the new Homeland Security program is clearly looking to get a handle on resistance to their political efforts to fundamentally change America into a Socialist form of government. We all have a duty to report real crime to local authorities.

Homeland security has been deliberately vague on the type and scope of information they’re looking for other than to say, suspicious. That is a sign that they want petty details in volume to selectively use against counter-revolutionaries and patriots.

We must dismantle, de-fund and decapitate Homeland Security while we still can. This organization’s direction is absolute control over Americans and the total destruction of our sacred Bill of rights. The TSA’s full frontal assault on our Fourth Amendment is just Napolitano’s opening act. This is no small threat. What’s past is prologue.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Expect Janet Napolitano To Bring More Grief To Traveling Americans

Moscow, Russia-Today’s airport bombing has nothing to to with passenger screening but you can bet the Obama Administration’s very own Heinrich Himmler, Janet Napolitano with have some new ways to destroy the air travel industry.

Here’s some video:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Homeland Security Needs You!—To Snitch.

Right: The official Gestapo Badge of the Thrird Reich.

Washington, DC—For those that don’t understand how the Gestapo worked inside the Third Reich you can simply watch the Homeland Security propaganda campaign that’s underway in America.

When the Nazis were in power in Germany, Heinrich Himmler ran the SS and the Gestapo or secret police. There were never enough Gestapo agents to investigate German resistance but that was never a problem.

The Nazis made all the little busybodies of the land feel important by making them defacto Gestapo agents. People that had no life of their own were recruited to spy on their neighbors and send reports of their suspicious or subversive activities into the local Gestapo offices. Clerks would then take the reports and file them into dossiers on each citizen.

Serious allegations like spreading rumors against the Reich, making criticism of Nazi officials were immediately turned over to Gestapo agents who rounded up the accused.

Once in the Peoples Court a death sentence could be handed down on the basis of written reports by snitches rather than sworn testimony. Sometimes people were held without trial for years or simply sent to concentration camps.

Children were instructed at their schools to report their parents. Imagine you ground you child for simple juvenile misbehavior and your angry kid makes up a lie for revenge? The Gestapo knocks at your door, arrests you and makes you child a ward of the state. The allegation may be read in a court and the Nazi judge could send you to the guillotine or hangman’s scaffold. The lucky ones went to the concentration camps.

Homeland security today is blanketing retailers everywhere with video messages and soon our schools will be assisting Homeland Security in deputizing your children to spy on you. They are collecting information about guns, ammunition and people showing distrust for the government.

This is a great way to shut up critics. The government officials will be able stand back and say how popular they are since nobody is complaining.

Janet Napolitano is the Heinrich Himmler of our time. What’s past is prologue.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Homeland Security’s Plans for Americans, the Best is yet to Come.

Washington, DC—Before Janet Napolitano left Arizona as Governor she entered into a massive corrupt contract with a company called Redflex for robot speed cameras on the highways.

Redflex had great lobbyists that knew how to grease the political wheels to fleece Arizona’s drivers out of millions of dollars. Thankfully, Napolitano is gone and now so are her cameras. Left behind are the sordid campaign contributions and junkets at five-star hotels for Arizona’s politicians.

For the robot camera system to work, longstanding rules barring hearsay evidence were sidestepped to allow this so-called evidence to be used in courtrooms. This was and is a violation of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments of our Constitution.

Politicians thrive on the power of money under their control. Few politicians avoid special perks and corruption when it comes to government contracts.

Politicians and their bureaucrats love making government grow because of simple corruption too. They can abuse the patronage system to hire their friends and relatives for jobs that taxpayers never wanted or needed.

Barack Obama, his Congressional henchmen and Napolitano have their sights set on increasing the reach of their police state.

Under Homeland Security’s fear-mongering propaganda campaign they-re trying to convince Americans that we need to expand search checkpoints beyond airports, train stations, bus stations and publicly owned buildings.

Napolitano and her gang now want to search patrons of what they’re calling soft targets. They are the privately owned (at least for now)major hotels, shopping malls, concert venues and sporting events. This is tyranny in its purest form.

Democrats love any and all, make work jobs program they can invent. Just think of the massive contracts for thousands more of those pricey backscatter X-Ray pornoscanner machines they can buy.

Americans so-far have willingly lined up like sheep at the airports to be groped, x-rayed and insulted. They certainly want to be safe when they shop of go to a hotel or shopping mall. Homeland Security is now ready to extend their police state like a noose around our necks.

Will Congress resist the massive corruption of additional patronage power, cash bribes and extravagant perks to resist this security scam? No, there’s not a chance. Get ready to get in many more search lines.

So far the courts have refused to affirm our rights against unreasonable search and seizure. Of course, these same courts have thrown up their own searching gauntlet to people doing business with our courts. In doing do they now have a cowardly conflict of interest. If the other checkpoints are unconstitutional so are their own.

As for ma I have one thing to say, “Give me liberty or give me death.” I don’t want to live in a Country with more checkpoints than Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich. I hope my fellow Americans would rise with me to use whatever force and violence necessary to preserve our Bill of Rights. It is long past the time when we must arrest, try, convict and hang our politicians for treason.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Every American Airport Has The Right To Evict The TSA

Washington, DC—The ineffective and dysfunctional TSA has turned into an rather nasty instrument of oppression against American travelers. The TSA has focused on insulting and provoking passengers rather than investigating terrorism.

If the TSA has their way, soon every airline will become bankrupt and the world’s tourism industry shut down causing millions more Americans to be unemployed.

The TSA has become over-bloated, arrogant, over-priced and downright hateful. There is not a single case of terror known to have been foiled by the TSA. American passengers have proven to be much more effective air marshals than even the few TSA air marshals flying our skies!

Congressman John Mica, (R-FL) has just reminded the heads of more than 150 airports in writing, that they have the power to evict the TSA and replace them with their own security people.

Mica says the TSA’s security program has evolved into a form of “Kabuki Theater”. Mica is the incoming chairman, of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Monday, November 15, 2010

What to Do with Those Unwanted TSA, Naked X-Ray machines

Washington, DC—The politicians in our Congress never met a government Contractor whose products they did not love. It’s the contractor's contributions of course, that keep them in the Congressional gravy train for life.

Our government bought loads of these horrifically expensive, back-scatter X-Ray machines to use in the War against American Airplane Passengers. Oddly enough when Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano unveiled the machines for the media she declined an opportunity to personally demonstrate how they would be used.

These machines need not hit the landfill. Instead they can be rerouted where they belong in the hundreds of prisons in America to be used on criminals.

I think that the special wing of Club Fed used to house corrupt politicians, government officials and lobbyists should get them as soon as possible.