Showing posts with label James Holmes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Holmes. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2012

Like I Said the Joker was Prohibited from Owning Firearms, The Government’s Brady Check System broke down, not the Law

Aurora, CO—The police chief here and the mainstream media redundantly reported what I suspected all along was pure baloney.  With authority and glee they all proclaimed that the firearms used in the Batman Massacre were all, “legally purchased”.  They all said that Holmes had no criminal record and bought the weapons within the law.  I knew that the dealers were careful but any failure was the government’s. 
The truth is that mass murder suspect, James Holmes lied on at least four known FFL# 4473 gun transfer applications.    Those forms are what the government uses to perform the Brady Background checks.   Each lie on a #4473 form is a separate felony crime that can net someone ten years in federal prison.
The truth had to surface sooner or later and now we know that Holmes was a patient of a University of Colorado psychiatrist, Dr. Lynn Fenton.  Dr. Fenton along with the University of Colorado Medical Center and their insurance carrier will have lots of explaining to do over the next several years as litigation both civil and criminal unfolds.
The normal doctor/patient privacy will collapse since the competency or mass murder suspect, James Holmes will undoubtedly be made very public.  We will all learn about his treatment, hospitalization and the drugs he was prescribed.  Trust me, there will be plenty of additional ghastly surprises!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

It was a System Breakdown Not Lax Gun Laws allowed the Batman Killer’s Weapon acquisitions

Aurora, CO.--James Holmes was more than a little disturbed.  We are learning that this troubled lad had raised numerous red flags to his mental condition that were ignored.
When a reporter initially contacted the suspect’s mother after the killings, she relayed that she knew her son was behind the massacre.  In the coming weeks we will find out that Holmes’ parents were desperately trying to get mental treatment for their son.
Holmes was a student in Colorado but a lawful resident of California.  That would have made any gun purchases in Colorado a federal felony crime.  The key evidence here was if he was paying his school out of state tuition fees.
When Holmes filled out the required FFL #4473 form for each firearm acquisition, he did not disclose his past mental health history as required.  Had he done so, the transfer would have been automatically denied. 
The FBI gun transfer instant background investigation failed to disclose his mental health history.  This is much more about the fight between mental patient privacy vs. public safety needs.  Mental health providers routinely withhold vital information from law enforcement, especially in California.
For authorities to say, “the firearms were purchased legally” was overly broad and way too premature.   It could be said that the dealers transferring the guns followed the law.  That’s just not the same thing. 
When Holmes attempted to join a gun club his obvious abnormal behavior was immediately noticed and his membership and dues payments were judiciously declined.
There was no oversight whatsoever of the sale oh his most deadly weapons.   Fortunately they were never successfully deployed.  They were the explosives.  By some miracle Holmes actually warned the police about how he his booby-trapped his apartment.
Explosives are nothing more than a mixture of relatively common chemicals and the connection of a detonation system.  With a little knowhow anyone can obtain and create explosives similar to what destroyed the Oklahoma Federal building.  Frankly there is no way to regulate the sale of bomb-making materials.  Police can only arrest after bombs are assembled and discovered or if a conspiracy to manufacture or use a bomb is somehow exposed.
The true status of the mental state of James Holmes will be made public in open court in the following weeks.  His only viable defense will be based on his inability to appreciate his conduct or to aid his lawyers.  Holmes has been living in a fictional comic book world envisioning himself as the master criminal known as the Joker.
Prosecutors will try and suggest that Holmes is legally sane and will argue the elaborate plans are proof that Holmes is competent.  That will be an uphill battle. 
At this juncture I’m convinced that James Holmes will not be standing trial but sent off for decades of rest and relaxation in a secure mental health facility.
As for this incident being the catalyst for revival of gun control efforts I’d say the public just got yet another sad but important education.  There has not been a mass shooting outside of a so-called Gun Free Zone in decades.  The public would much rather have had an armed George Zimmerman sitting in that theater audience than see so many innocents wounded and killed.
Americans have grown desperately tired of being forced to submit to thugs, rapists, robbers and killers without the ability to employ meaningful self-defense.  The false promise and abject failure of Gun Control has been exposed at every level.  We are also leaning that the long time and total civilian gun ban of Mexico has done absolutely nothing to prevent or even slow down the 50,000 murders there just last year.
Update:  The mother of James Holmes explained that some ABC producer quoted her incorrectly.  That makes perfect sense after the accused the killings on a Tea Party member with a similar name.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Was the Batman Killer, James Holmes a Victim of Government Mind Control Experiments?

Aurora, CO—The entire nation has learned that a gifted scholar, James Holmes somehow went off the deep end killing and maiming scores of movies goers.  
Thankfully these incidents are not something we have to deal with often even with our 300 million plus population and recently reaffirmed gun rights.
Normally when people are involved in horrific event such as the Batman Movie Massacre they have displayed lots aberrant behavior before they manifest such extreme misconduct.  Usually these troubled souls have been arrested, hospitalized or discovered doing lower profile criminal acts long before anything really serious happens.
James Holmes was a gifted student that took a wide turn from a path of excellence to dropping out of his PhD program.  Holmes then commits mass murder and absolute mayhem.  We are all asking ourselves why and no one has rational answers.
There has been a massive local, state and federal investigation into the history of this 24 year-old neuroscience scholar.  So far nobody can even begin to explain the demons that were apparently driving James Holmes. 
I’m now looking into the science of neuroscience as I begin to suspect that the answers may lie there. 
It’s no secret that our government has over the last six decades have conducted absolutely barbaric experiments on human subjects.  They include American military servicemen that were drugged, hypnotized and programmed in every possible way as robotic drones.  
We also now know that the Obama Administration facilitated hundreds of murders including two of our own federal agents via their Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal.  The motive for that effort was simply to create a propaganda advantage for their gun control propaganda efforts.  It has all backfired and now the nation’s top prosecutor is in Contempt of Congress and may face disbarment and worse.
Are the evil architects behind Fast and Furious above using mind control experimentation on a patsy to create yet another propaganda opportunity?  Are we somehow supposed to pretend our own government would never do such a thing? 
Our own government has been caught red-handed doing this over and over.  Lives have been destroyed in the process and government has never once been held accountable.  Is the Obama Administration somehow above this kind of behavior?
We must demand the answers here.
James Holmes may not have to face the death penalty if convicted of the Batman Murders.  Colorado has the death penalty on the books but since 1977 only one man was executed and that was Gary Lee Davis who was given a lethal injection on 13 October 1997.