Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Burning Korans and the First Amendment

Washington, DC—The attacks are here, on our personal liberty and freedoms. These attacks come, not from enemies abroad but from politicians within our own government.

Okay, some religious leader wants to burn Korans and hold a mock trial of Islam. This only came after repeated wholesale murder and bloodshed by Islamist maniacs.

Now the Islamist murderers have stepped up their world-wide terror and our politicians want to curtail American freedom.

I tolerate Muslims that can behave themselves. Islam has made a poor showing as a religion of peace around the world and because of the actions of some of their believers have terrorized millions. I will never tolerate religious inspired or for that matter any violence against innocent victims from any religion or group.

I will never tolerate any compromise on hard won freedoms in America. Here some of our politicians want curb offensive thought, speech, broadcasting and publishing. These are the same politicians that go out of their way to protect the rights of foreign Muslims we allowed to live in America. These politicians are either traitors or complete fools.

If the offended Muslims don’t like burned Korans, or to see the covered with the excrement of pigs they, need to stop inciting this kind of response with their campaigns of murder.

Americans have the absolute right to hate and insult Islam or anyone all they want without government interference.

Just because I defend the right to hate does not mean that I hate anyone other than someone that would injure, kill or violate our freedom. Hate was criminalized in Nazi Germany. Thousand who publicly professed hate or even dislike for Nazi policy were put to death after being arrested and tried in the courts.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Video: Muslims beat girl, 17, in Islamic stronghold of Swat, Pakistan

Swat, Pakistan--I watched this sickening and horrible video of a vicious beating of this girl. Her screams are bone chilling. Her crime or the justification, evidence for this punishment will evade anyone but a cruel sadist.

I can’t imagine what these scumbags would do to Western women if they had a chance. Islam demands this kind of horror and is still considered a religion. Of course the so-called honor killings of women are a way of life. Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

When you watch this video you will want to bomb or burn every Islamic mosque on earth to the ground. It is easy to understand the need for the Crusades.

Watch this if you can stomach the brutality.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Islamic Savages Must be Stopped

TEHRAN, Iran—Nine people including eight women aged 27 to 50 years-old are to be stoned to death for the capital crime of simple adultery.

They were convicted after Iran’s dubious version of a fair trial. They condemned prisoners apparently confessed while under Islamic interrogation.

The condemned face partial burial so they are immobilized during their killing. The women will be buried up to their necks and the man up to his waist.

This is a case where the accusers, government, religious leaders need to suffer this barbaric punishment much more than the people they will kill. It’s time to turn Iran into a giant burned out parking lot. The Islamic savages are much too dangerous to be allowed to live in this world. Let’s vaporize the bastards before they kill us first.

Read more here.