Showing posts with label Hysteria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hysteria. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Drones, Southern California Wildfires and Hysterical Chicken Little Propaganda

Cajon Pass, CA—For the last several brushfires that plagued this severely water parched area, claims were made that drone sightings delayed firefighting efforts.
Like so many reports by conventional pilots there’s never a shred of independent evidence such as videos, photos or the drones themselves.
The overblown and sensational claims of delayed response threatening lives and property are beyond outrageous.
Let me say that everyone is aware that conventional firefighting aircraft must fly well below the minimum airspace altitude. 
Camera drones could conceivably collide with conventional aircraft within nearby airspace.  That could be dangerous. 
Drone operators don’t want their drones destroyed, nor do they want their drones to be responsible for any kind of mishap.  
Drone technology is evolving faster than any wildfire and drones will soon replace conventional aircraft for these sometimes-risky firefighting missions.
Are pilots making up these stories to inhibit and delay drone integration into the airspace? 
Considering that despite numerous of reports of near misses there’s still never been a single collision, video, photo or recovered drone produced.  
News reports of these near misses are sensationally hysterical and terribly misleading. 
The nearly two million multi-rotor camera drones in civilian hands still have a perfect safety record.  No deaths, serious injuries or notable property damage. 
I’m not suggesting that a collision between a civilian drone and conventional aircraft could never happen. 
If the FAA declares wildfire scenes to be No Fly Zones for drones that are not directly involved in firefighting or rescue efforts that would be certainly reasonable.  
Accordingly, seeing a drone operator severely punished by the FAA for knowingly entering the airspace near a wildfire would not offend any reasonable person.
We could however do without the government manipulated, hyped, Chicken Little media reports on this issue. 

Friday, February 07, 2014

News Reporting in this New Candyassed Nation

Florence, AZ—Phoenix television stations must be starving for news today.  They sent crews out to Anthem Elementary School in this not so nearby Phoenix suburb.  It is about a one-hour drive each way for TV news crews responding to this “important” story.
Apparently a troubled 8th grader there sent a text suggesting he did not want to live and put out a list of those he was unhappy with.  Without being specific the Florence police officials told reporters that they determined that the message was ambiguous and not a valid threat.
I don’t suggest for a second that the matter should not be investigated.  It was, and there was no crime.  I’m sure this event deserved some legitimate concern for the depressed lad in question.
Whoever called the media to this event was more dangerous than the kid.  More than that, the decision by assignment editors to make a news story out of this garbage is more troubling.
Whoever called the media in on this was obviously some taxpayer-funded attention-whore trying to appear heroic.
Every eighth grader has bad days and people they don’t like.  Yes, they make lists and want the objects of their angst out of their lives.  At that age kids are just learning about what’s acceptable and what is not.  They also want to push the envelope as far as they can. 
Here there was never a valid criminal event but making such a mountain out of a molehill sends the wrong message to the kids and the TV news viewers.
Must we be at such a state of siege in our schools that we over-react to things like the child who bit his Pop-Tart into the shape of a pistol? 
This is a diverse and divided nation of over 300,000,000 people and there will be killings at schools and all kinds of crimes.   I must ask, is every kid with an emotional meltdown somehow a news story today?
It would be different if a child was injured or there was an attempt at stabbing or shooting.   That certainly was not the case here. 
Do news providers serve any purpose by worrying parents everywhere with non-newsworthy events like this one?
Once the news crews investigated and returned to their stations any intent to actually broadcast this story was really ill advised.