Enjoy the good, the bad and the ugly side of Hollywood!
Showing posts with label Hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollywood. Show all posts
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Friday, November 03, 2017
Hollywood’s House Of Cards is collapsing before our very eyes!
Hollywood, CA—The longstanding casting couch institution here is destroying some lucrative careers and perhaps $billions before the dust settles.
If they weren’t directly involved in the sexual extortion too many executives winked at the conduct. That makes them either accessories or enablers.
Now they are all in an incredible mess. One thing for sure there will many forced retirements. There will be lots of luxury Hollywood homes put up for sale as income vanishes.
They can’t stop residual payments however there will be fewer showings of films connected to those disgraced predators.
There are new opportunities for up and coming agents, directors, actors and executives opening as we speak.
Will Hollywood change? After all them movies we all enjoy are loaded with sex, violence and bad behavior.
I think the next Academy Award Ceremony will be far more subdued. Hopefully with much less Hypocritical rhetoric.
We’ll just have to wait and see.
Monday, June 01, 2015
Goodbye Bruce, Hello Caitlyn! Turning a Curse into a Money Tree.
Malibu, CA—The tale of this
Olympic hero, Reality TV star and suddenly iconic transgender personality Caitlyn
Jenner is sensational to say the least.
Transgender or transsexual
men were and are a curiosity that is most often the butt of jokes and
ridicule. However we barely notice the millions
of women that are obviously unhappy with their gender assignments.
The sight of women dressed in
sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers sporting short hair without any makeup is very
common. Women that are unhappy with
their gender don’t seem to suffer any stigma whatsoever when they dress like men. They are usually accepted for their talents,
social skills and contributions to society.
Lesbians seem to be considered acceptable in society while homosexual or transgendered
men are usually stigmatized.
Gender confused men that are
cross dressers or transsexuals never escape notice unless they can somehow pass
unquestionably as women. Most often they
are unemployable, finding themselves victims of violence or the subject of significant
societal oppression.
When you think about this
gender confusion is downright sad.
Jenner recently said that along with some fabulous physical gifts from
God came this huge transgender challenge.
Was this a challenge or perhaps
a curse? It’s clearly a curse but Jenner
has ridden this mess with the strength and endurance of a true Olympic champion.
Jenner clearly has some really
skilled physicians that gave her at least an outward feminine appearance
that almost any 65-year-old woman would envy.
In a perfect world every
human would be satisfied with the sex assignment of our birth. If anyone hasn’t noticed we are not in a
perfect world.
When you think about men
hating their natural sex assignment really have a tough time. To feel normal they must dress and look the
part of women. Their sexual preference
is often not tied to their desire to be women.
They unquestionably must have uniquely difficult challenges and
incredibly problematic lives.
There are those religious
people that insist that Gays and transgender people are sinners. I’m personally of the opinion that our God
does not give a rat’s ass about such things but rather how we treat those
around us.
If there is a God that we
will meet on Judgment Day, I’d to think that our kindness and honesty or lack
thereof would determine what’s next for us.
Today however, it’s all about
Caitlyn Jenner who has come out in a carefully orchestrated publicist’s
dream. She’s now a worldwide curiosity
cashing in on a sensational and entertaining spectacle.
Jenner was obviously prepared
by a cadre of beauticians and put before the camera of the gifted celebrity
photographer, Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair magazine.
Now Jenner will be invited to
walk every red carpet anywhere dressed by the most influential women’s designers. The already rich Caitlyn Jenner will now become
definitely and defiantly richer.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Celebrities, Fans, Stalkers and Killers
Monday, August 26, 2013
Why Are Hollywood Casting Directors Allowed to Commit Criminal Extortion?
Los Angeles, CA—For those that don’t know this I am a member
of SAG-AFTRA. That’s the union that
represents actors and other talent for motion pictures, broadcast and web
related entertainment.
My union has worked to fight extortion when it involves sex
in order to work but they’ve failed miserably to prevent actors from being
forced to pay cash. Young actors are
usually broke and desperate as they try and compete for various roles.
Only a small percentage of actors have agents and those
without agents have to get roles before agents will notice them. In order to get seen and considered actors
must audition with casting directors for he less important parts. If you don’t get the small parts you can
never compete for the larger roles.
The problem is the casting directors have set up a criminal
enterprise and gotten away with it.
Actors are met with solicitations the moment they enter casting offices
for acting classes. The classes just
happen to be run by the casting directors!
For the most part the classes are simply a sham but those
paying for the classes get parts and the others don’t. If actors don’t pay the casting directors
they simply don’t get to play!
There are very serious civil and criminal penalties involved
but casting directors have been escaping any and all scrutiny by law
enforcement. The most obvious crimes and
torts involved are extortion, restraint of trade and criminal racketeering.
I ask why is a demand for sex in order to win an acting role
and different than a demand for cash?
Actors want to work and making waves by asking the casting directors to
end their extortion will in effect blackball the actor out of business forever!
Acting classes are absolutely necessary. Actors must run through the repetitive
process of learning lines, speaking them understandably and timing the
dialog. There are lots of issues that
actors must overcome to avoid becoming caricatures rather than the
characters. However it should never be
the casting directors running the acting schools! That is an obvious conflict of interest.
I ask where has the LAPD, FBI and California Department of
Justice been? I know that is impossible
for them to work undercover to dismantle this criminal racket without first
joining SAG-AFTRA.
The victims here are young actors that are often struggling
to avoid homelessness. They are
understandably afraid to complain about the people that have the power to
banish them from acting altogether.
Law enforcement has not been effectively been able to deal
with this institutionalized decades long crime wave. Perhaps SAG-AFTRA and the talent agencies
need to recognize their responsibilities in this area.
The Los Angeles City Attorney, Mike Feuer is asking that
actors come forward if they have paid for classes or acting workshops run by
the casting directors. If you’re an
actor and have the courage to report the casting scoundrels send an email to
Feur’s assistant at karla.cortez@lacity.org.
The only way to stop this crime is not tolerating it in the
first place! Perhaps sending a bunch of
these miscreants to Club Fed for a few years might send a strong message!
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
There is Life After Police Work! This Retired Policewoman Rocks!
![]() |
Lorraine Iwan |
Los Angeles, CA—For those that don’t know I’m a member of
the Screen Actor’s Guild. I attended a
SAG function a couple of years ago in Hollywood and met a hopeful young lady
actress. Her Name is Lorraine Iwan and
she happens to be a retired New York city policewoman.
I don’t know how old Lorraine is but she seems way too young
to be retired. She packed her bags and relocated in LA LA Land so she could
bring a little reality to cop dramas but she can also sing!
Hollywood is a tough place to compete and make a living as
an entertainer. Lorraine was out making
the rounds trying to get noticed. Her
credits are slim right now but I think that’s all about to change! I really
hope that Lorraine get’s a top Hollywood agent and can see her dream come
She just posted this video and I’m sure you’ll agree with me
that there is life after police work. Rock on Lorraine!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Having Fun In Los Angeles

I have some dear friends in Berlin and one of them is coming to L.A. next week and I thought that I’d create a buzz with a video staring Jack Fry and Hollywood.
Some background on these ladies shown above: Andrea Fleckenstein is affectionately called “Strudel” by me. Christine Fleckenstein, her daughter is likewise been named, “Baby Strudel”. Both of these ladies are incredibly fun, elegant and gorgeous. Baby Strudel is not just pretty, but also a well-regarded dentist in Berlin.
After Jack and Hollywood appeared in the film they were gracious enough to tell me what they thought of my lady friends and the specter of an impending visit.
Jack has a website and tours the nation with his show. With any luck you may be able to coordinate a time and place to catch his act at www.theycallmemisterfry.com sometime soon.
On a side note I can’t imagine how lucky Jack’s students are to have a real showman that can captivate their attention. What American teachers seen to always lack is excitement and showmanship. Droning on like Ben Stein’s character in Ferris Buhler’s Day off as he calls out, “Buhler? Buhler?” is what kids expect these days.
Here is that welcome video Jack and Hollywood made for Strudel and Baby Strudel.
Friday, April 06, 2012
Filmmaking is Slowing Becoming Democratized Through Technology

The current system is awash in criminal racketeering, restraint of trade and anti-trust activities. There are about five talent agencies that currently determine what films will be made and who will act in them.
Actors hire agents to represent them and get them work. However, the agents have somehow reversed this to them hiring the actors. The talent agencies tell the studios what films they can make and just who will act, direct, shoot or write.
Massive amounts of money are gathered in what’s considered risky investments to make films. The talent agencies seem to control the cash flow. More importantly they control the movie theater owners and just what films will hit the big screen. The Agencies had the ability to intimidate, bully and control the screen owners and exactly what films will see the light of day.
However this system is changing at the talent agents can’t do anything about it. The large flat screen TVs are here with fabulous sound systems. They are in homes with the best snacks, and that important pause button for bathroom runs.
In our home theaters we don’t have to deal with traffic, parking, rude theater patrons, or the noise of others. Americans are waiting for Blu-Ray disks rather than go out to the theaters and pay through the nose for popcorn, candy and sodas.
The only thing that keeps people going to the movies is the Hollywood hype selling the films and the fact that if anyone wants to see a film quickly they can’t buy, stream or rent them until after they grow hair in the movie houses.
The film theater is an endangered species. It’s only a matter of time and they will be no more. The industry has tried to pump life into them with novel concepts of serving dinners with a movie. That idea quickly fizzled with crappy and over-priced food.
It will be impossible for the talent agencies to control Amazon.com, Netflix, Wal-Mart, Costco and the others that rent, stream or sell films to the public.
Currently half of the cost to make each film spent on advertising and publicity. With the Internet filmmakers are learning they can create their own buzz to inform consumers of their films. YouTube, is loaded with trailers today and it’s the best place to learn about available films.
In days gone by a film would be produced, hyped and shown in a theater for a limited time. Television would buy them for their commercial driven programming and that was the end of a film’s life.
Now every film made can be reproduced cheaply and be available for any consumer at any moment. That means by simply sending out reminder advertising motivates people to rediscover films they enjoyed in the past. What that means is a film now can generate income from now until eternity.
Adding to this mix is the reality that quality films can be made with cheaper equipment and that filmmakers can no longer be controlled by the talent agencies means there will be more, not less films to enjoy.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Belgium Star, Noemi Schlosser Shines Over Chicago!

Somehow I developed a new friend on Facebook who is a gifted actress/comedienne fresh from Antwerp, Belgium. Noemi Schlosser has recently been in some projects put up in Chicago’s Lincoln Avenue Theater District.
I was hoping to grab an interview from this gal in Chicago but it just didn’t happen. The good news is she paid a visit to Hollywood and I snagged an exclusive interview with the stunning thespian.
Additionally I had the good fortune to show her around town. I took her to places like Marilyn Monroe’s grave, The Screen Actor’s Guild and the Los Angeles Art Museum for an entire day.
Any time spent with a stunning woman who’s half my age is indeed quality time!
Noemi is working out the details for a performance at Chicago’s Palmer House as I write this. I predict big things for this gal that you all will be seeing and hearing about in the future.
Sit back and check out the exclusive interview Noemi granted to Crimefile News at the Los Angeles Bat Cave.
Friday, August 05, 2011
Acting is Addictive, Fun and for Some Profitable

Everything begins with understanding the business and pulling off the biggest con job of your life. You must learn to become someone who exists only as words on a page. You’re not mimicking other actors that have developed the character but reinventing yourself into the role. This is a learned behavior that requires training. Most of the training is really about taking the stage and making it your own.
Auditions give good and confident actors incredible control. You control that scene and you can own that part along with a fat payday.
To be ready for that audition actors take their scenes and script sides to their acting coaches. They recruit other actors to play the opposite rolls. They rehearse, block and bring their scenes to the coach’s stage. This is when the magic happens.
Right now long time working actor, Graham Beckel is enrolling students for his class. Come by and audit his class to see what this gifted teacher is all about.
I know at least two Chicago cops with Screen Actor's Guild cards cards that might consider spending their furloughs in L.A. for this training. Actors playing cops make a lot more than real ones.
Meet Graham right here:
Friday, July 15, 2011
American Criminal Trials for Fun and Profit!

Pictured above, actor Rob Lowe and sergeant Drew Peterson
Joliet, IL—Retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson has sat in jail on a murder charge for well over two years waiting for a fair day in court. Our founding fathers were wise enough to give him and all of us the presumption of innocence. That presumption has been hijacked, at least from Peterson long ago.
The case against Peterson for murder is based on what’s always been inadmissible hearsay evidence in any American courtroom until the Illinois Legislature made a special law just for him. The untested law would allow the second and third-party gossip of the very people profiting from the death of Peterson’s third wife to be admitted to a jury.
The problem with the Peterson case is the use over-hyped and sensationalized trial material for fun and profit. Tabloid court news spinning organizations like that of Nancy Grace’s win big ratings and cold hard cash bringing viewers on board to watch Peterson get totally trashed.
Now a film based on a very poorly researched and written book is in production. Hollywood plans to tell America that Drew Peterson is a scoundrel and murderer before any jury is ever seated. Of course the pre-trial publicity has made Peterson the scorn of the true-crime addicts that don’t have lives. This is the same group that can’t seem to get enough Casey Anthony hate out of their system.
Countless Americans have died on battlefields so we could have a fair criminal justice system. Today too many Americans want their favorite media celebrities to tell them who is guilty, based on unsubstantiated chitchat and hateful sound bites rather than vetted evidence in a court room. This process turns any high profile case into a perverted sporting event for a large population segment of dysfunctional true-crime addicts.
As for the Peterson trial itself assuming that ever happens, thankfully Nancy’s Grace’s cameras are barred from all Illinois courtrooms.
Making a film and lots of profit after the trial would be fine. Making a film based on the outcome of a fair trial would be reasonable. Portraying Peterson as a cold-blooded wife killer before a jury has a chance to weigh and test the evidence is outrageous.
Making profit on the name and likeness of a private person who has simply been accused of a crime is dead wrong. Making a reasonably truthful film reflecting the trial outcome after the fact based on public record is another matter altogether.
As for the profit of Peterson related material reasonableness suggests that if Peterson would be convicted he’d have no right to any portion. If he’s acquitted or a court rules that indictment was improperly brought by a defective hearsay statute Peterson should have his right to profit from his name and likeness protected.
As for the gossip-mongering true-crime swine, they will only be satisfied with a trial by Tabloid TV along with the public torture and execution of Drew Peterson.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Hollywood’s Leftist Film Making Control Can Be Sidestepped

I’ve had big problems getting the film produced because it involves a Black serial rapist that stalked and attacked scores of pretty White women. The rapist was arrested after a prolific wave of sexual cruelty and beat all of the charges in court on a legal technicality.
The rapist was freed only to select the wrong beautiful young White woman for his horrible violence. She was an off-duty recruit policewoman and she was somehow able to stop this predator forever.
I had several offers to make the film if I would agree to change the race of either the rapist or his victims. They told me that the audience could not handle the explosive racial reality of this real 1973 event. I refused to make theat change and as a result I’m still in search of funding for this project.
The Big Hollywood talent agencies control everything from the casting, production and distribution of films. They are deeply committed to the far Left of politics and fight to control the standard for political correctness in film making. That is starting to change.
Today the art and science of film making is much more common and the price for the equipment to make films has dramatically decreased. Chicago or any large city in the world can replace Hollywood as the film capitol.
Yes there were a few films that were made violating the rules of Hollywood and had great success. Death Wish and Dirty Harry gave American’s a different idea on fighting crime. You can count the films with a conservative or politically incorrect point of view on your fingers.
There is a lot more to Conservatism than being tough on criminals that are in real stories played out in history that deserve to be brought to the silver screen.
More and more the movie theaters are being replaced by the home theater. Distribution is becoming democratized by the DVD and other digital forms. The movie theater owners are getting desperate to attract and keep patrons anyway they can. Like never before money talks, even Conservative money.
There is a somewhat small group of Conservatives in Hollywood and I met many of them at a dinner honoring Medal of Honor winners at the Reagan Presidential Library a few weeks ago. For me attending this event was a treat of a lifetime. Meeting he greatest living military heroes and the best of Hollywood honoring them in one place was way beyond cool.
Money for Conservative themed movies will make a difference in the political climate and our culture.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Investing In A Feature Film May Be A Good Idea Today.

Los Angeles, CA—As our economy s being flushed down the toilet along with our retirement and 401K plans we look in other directions for our money that's left. Whereever we put our money it is risky these days.
Movie investing in considered somewhat risky but people do that and sometimes do it very well. For it to work you need a very trustworthy bean counter that will protect the investors.
Not long ago I was chatting with actor James Woods about my own film offering on the life of the late but heroic Chicago Policewoman Ann Leybourne, Come Friday. This amazing story still needs to be told and hit the big screen.
Woods told me about former LAPD cop, Joseph Wambaugh’s 1979 film he was in, The Onion Field. Woods played LA cop killer, Gregory Powell.
At the time Wambaugh was disillusioned and pissed off at Hollywood after they took one of his better books, The Choirboys and made an unsalable and unwatchable movie mess of it.
There were hard feelings at the time and Wambaugh wanted to tell the intriguing and horrific 1963 saga of two career criminals that abducted two LAPD detectives after a traffic stop. The two killers were able to abduct the detectives and brought them to a Bakersfield, CA area onion field. One officer, Ian Campbell was executed by Powell and his sidekick, Jimmy Lee Smith. The second detective Karl Hettenger somehow managed to escape and eventually testified against the two kidnapping-killing thugs.
Wambuagh crafted this compelling story into a book and screenplay and nobody in Hollywood wanted to touch it. The onion Field sat undisturbed for years until Wambuagh was able to get retired cops to invest in the project. That had never been done before. Even more than a great feature film was born, the old coppers made a handsome profit.
Woods should have won an Academy Award for his portrayal of the despicable killer Gregory Powell. Woods was absolutely unforgettable as he played the hateful murdering bum who is still alive in a California prison today. Powell now 84 years-old credits Wambaugh's movie about the crime for his never getting a chance at parole. Fellow killer Jimmy Lee Smith was paroled in 1983 but kept violating and getting returned until his 2007 death at age 76 while in LA County custody on yet another violation.
The cop killing duo originally were sent by a judge and jury to suck some gas at San Quentin but the California Supreme court prevented that from happening.
As for the surviving cop, Hettinger lived with severe bouts of depression, always ashamed for having run from the scene. The LAPD bosses wrongfully treated him as a coward.
Later in life, Hettinger seemed somewhat better adjusted. He won an appointment as a Kern County supervisor in 1987. Hettinger died in 1994 of cirrhosis of the liver, at 59 having never really escaped from that terrible onion filed.
As for Come Friday which is about a beautiful young, recruit policewoman, Ann Leybourne and a cunning career criminal, serial rapist and a kidnapping gone very wrong. That story needs to be told. Perhaps as James Wood’s suggested the funding may come from an unusual source like retired cops.
I can be reached through My profile about Come Friday.
A side note: That wildly popular TV series The Twilight Zone sat in a lonely file cabinet for nearly 13 years before someone took a chance and produced the series.
Here is the story behind Come Friday.
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