Showing posts with label Heller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heller. Show all posts

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Liberals Need to Understand Why Millions of Americans are willing to Fight and Die to Preserve Their Gun Rights.

Washington, DC—In the seat of American political power, gun rights have been unlawfully compromised away by our politicians for more than four decades. 
The anti-gun rights attacks have almost exclusively come from the far political Left.  I see dark and nefarious motives here since the political Left detests self-reliance, liberty and freedom except for of course, abortion. 
The Left insists the Constitution needs to change with the political wind without that difficult amendment process.  The idea of the founding fathers had was to prevent our Capitalist form of government from being hijacked by those who would corrupt and destroy the system with a simple majority.
Frankly, many of our Presidents, Representatives and Senators are or have been Socialists, Communists and of course criminals.  Unfortunately most politicians have the desire to control, exploit and loot the property of others programed into their DNA.
Don’t let all those broad similes and firm handshakes fool you.  They carefully craft their images to that of offering benevolence to their constituents, but they are in this for themselves.  They all enter office as middle-class people and manage to leave or retire as multi-millionaires. 
Politicians hate running for reelection and they have conspired at every opportunity to rig the political process.  They invented extensive and complicated gerrymandering and campaign finance schemes they sold voters as necessary for “fair” elections.  Their only goal has been incumbent protection at all cost. 
Governments work better for the citizens when politicians are fighting among themselves.  When they all get along the red flag of corruption is waiving. 
Look out when a Conservative suddenly votes for excessive taxation or compromises our freedom away.  That is a sure sign that bribery or extortion is involved. 
Too many of our politicians would end elections in a flash if they had the power to do that.  They are afraid of the voters especially when they push extortionate taxation, over-regulation or curb our freedom.  They all fear revolution as a reality.
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
There has never been a despotic dictator in world history that did not order draconian weapon laws or ordered weapon confiscation.   Our founding fathers understood this and the necessity for an armed well-regulated population to fight tyranny.
Our politicians created our formal police agencies during the mid-nineteenth century.  Unfortunately the cops were not there to protect anything but the corrupt politicians, their business operations and wealth.
Police officers were strictly hired on the patronage system and were too often used exclusively to victimize their sponsor’s political opposition.   Cops became the bagmen for politicians, extorting from businesses legal and otherwise. 
To legitimize the cops they had to be given an active role in public safety.  In the large urban areas citizens were told to abdicate their responsibilities of defending themselves and families to these “much better qualified” armed government strangers wearing uniforms. 
Americans were told never to take the law into their own hands but to let the cops handle public safety.  Police professionalized their image and training however when responding to urban violence they still have a huge disadvantage.  They can’t tell the criminals from the good guys unlike you and your family members.
That failed and pathetic, “leave it to the authorities” mindset was never so evident, then when a group of skinny Islamic hijackers took over four passenger jets on September 11, 2001. 
When cops respond to calls involving life-threatening violence they still have a tendency to take the losing injured parties to the hospital while arresting the uninjured winners.  The cops are not clairvoyant and we have thousands of wrongful convictions to make this fact abundantly clear.
Our law enforcement system is way over-rated by films and television.  The fact is they only arrive after the crimes have occurred just in time to clean up the mess.  Then they conduct an investigation but again they are forced to guess what the truth may be. 
The only way to insure actual protection for you and your family is through aggressive and positive self-help.  Weapons, training in their use along with the law and liability of the justifiable use of deadly force are your only option for survival. 
That brings us to the National Rifle Association and Second Amendment Foundation.  They are supported by millions of members just like me.  The gun manufactures and dealers have their own National Shooting Sports Foundation to service their political needs.
The NRA’s millions of dues paying members simply demand that our interests and gun rights be zealously and uncompromisingly protected. 
Some on the political Left will suggest to follow the NRA money like there is something evil going on.  The fact is the NRA members and their sympathizers care much more about their safety and liberty than money.  Without liberty money is meaningless.  Our money is far better spent on lobbying for and supporting politicians that protect our rights.
Gun ownership has never been higher in the USA and the crime rate has been steadily declining.   
Since the Supreme Court landmark Heller and McDonald cases, gun laws have been struck down and repealed nearly everywhere. The sky has not fallen. The fact is we are safer than ever.  The guns our in our hands are far more effective than some 911 operator on the phone.  
American gun owners will never again tolerate a Waco or Ruby Ridge holocaust conducted by bucket helmeted, jackboot wearing government thugs.  
The Supreme Court has reaffirmed our rights and those politicians that foolishly try to violate our rights will do so at their peril. Americans have always shown their willingness to shed blood for precious liberty.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Known Justifiable Shooting In Chicago Post SCOTUS’ Heller Case.

Chicago, IL—Four were wounded in the Hellfire unleashed in a Chicago jewelry store on the city’s South side. Three men entered, displayed handguns and announced the robbery.

The store owner, Sergio Vazquez drew his own handgun and fought for his life. When the shootout was over, two robbers were hit by gunfire along with a store employee and a man sitting in a vehicle outside the store. One of the robbers is said to be in critical condition at this time.

Police were interviewing witnesses and participants as well as reviewing surveillance video. Questions remaining is whether police will charge the store’s owner with Chicago’s unconstitutional law that bans handguns? Will the City of Chicago dare violate the Civil Rights of Sergio Vazqez to own a handgun?

More here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dealing With A Gun Ban In Your Own City In Light Of The Heller Case.

Mayor Richard M. Daley has declared himself above the law of the land. He now insists in violating the oath he took to support, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. Daley has become an outlaw.

In order to protect your rights should you be in possession of a banned handgun. Go at once with a witness to your local city hall (don’t bring your gun!) Ask and demand that they allow you to keep and register your gun or guns. Follow up with a registered and receipted letter demanding the same.

Should you be arrested after that for possession or failure to register you have proof that you tried to comply with registration laws but were refused.

No court will be able to convict anyone of mere possession of a handgun ever again. The practice that Chicago has of confiscation and destruction of your gun even if you’re found not guilty is also illegal.

Thanks to the kind folks at Galco Leather for the use of their Lady Liberty Image!

Watch Mayor Daley rant, rave and whine right here!

Breaking News!--The U.S. Supreme Court’s Parting Shot In The Heller Case Was A Bull’s Eye!

Breaking News!--The U.S. Supreme Court’s Parting Shot In The Heller Case Was A Bull’s Eye!

Washington D.C. -- With a historic ruling this morning, the nation’s highest court shot down the 30 year-old District of Columbia handgun ban. Justice Scalia wrote the opinion. Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter and Ginsburg.

The decision is still being studied at this hour by legal scholars but it’s generally accepted that similar bans on guns in Illinois, New York, and possibly a few other jurisdictions have been voided by this morning’s high court’s ruling in District of Columbia vs. Heller.

The questions are does this new ruling affect other bans on so-called assault weapons? Can government charge fees for permits and registrations and require proficiency tests as a condition of keeping firearms.

One thing for sure this ruling is a severe setback to the gun control zealots of the Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center. Their lawyers will be looking for new avenues to ban firearms. Only an overthrow of the government or a Constitutional Amendment will return gun bans to America. Go ahead all you gun- hating Bolsheviks, “Make my day!”

Heller is here!
Read this document on Scribd: 07Heller

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Psychic Heller Gun Case Hotline

I must admit the snakes are having a party inside my head as I try to anticipate what we will get from the Supreme Court tomorrow. I predicted on this blog a while back that the Court would wait until the last possible day to lay this egg. I predicted a 7-2 vote in favor of a D.C. Gun Ban Smackdown. The latter came from my legal sources that read their own tea leaves and not mine.

In less than 24 hours we will be able to read the opinion and only then can we begin to speculate what it will mean for America’s gun owners. We can only hope the Justices don’t deliver some convoluted mess that nobody can figure out or one that will require decades of litigation and clarification.

Those usually in the know say Justice Antonin Scalia will be authoring the opinion. It’s well known that Justice Scalia is a hunter who is familiar with firearms.

Sleeping tonight will be more difficult than for children trying to sleep the night before Christmas. Will we get the present we want or a stocking filled with coal?

Supreme Court Wednesday Heller Hotline.

Sorry folks, not today.

You should know that the death penalty for child rape that does not result in death was ruled to be a violation of the Eight Amendment. That came down in the case of Kennedy vs. Louisiana

Three more cases are yet to be decided by the court including Heller. Those are now expected to be released tomorrow.

Here is a tip from my supreme Court source,Jason Harrow, "while it appears that Justice Scalia has the principle opinion in the Guns case, it is not necessarily a majority opinion. It could be a plurality opinion."

The Supreme Court Heller Case Exposed The Brady Bunch’s True Agenda.

The people of the Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center have harped incessantly that they only seek “reasonable” regulation of firearms. That as they put all of their political might helping the gun-rights hating politicians of the District of Columbia, that want to keep at all cost, the ban on every handgun and any self-defense use of rifles and shotguns. Those weapons must be unloaded, disassembled and trigger locked at all times.

The stated Brady mission was to only ask for reasonable regulation in an effort to conceal their real mission of ending all civilian ownership of firearms and any right to self-defense.

The Brady Bunch has lamented the decision by the Supreme Court long before it has been revealed. It looks like the Brady Bunch will now have to settle for regulation over the conduct of people misusing firearms rather than the firearms themselves. The days of 100,000 women calling themselves the Million Mom March are over.

The Brady Bunch wants this decision to draw an emotional and generous response, filling the gun-hating group’s coffers enough to provide their staffers golden parachutes for their senior years.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Countdown to the Heller Case-Seven Days.

Washington,D.C.--It looks as though I accurately predicted the U.S. Supreme Court would hold Heller for its parting shot, Monday June 23rd.

I have done everything I could to figure out how the court can decide this case. Try as I might I can only come up with is the simple answer. Either there is or is not a right to keep and bear arms. It’s an all or nothing proposition.

Predicting The Supreme Court’s direction is dangerous since all nine members have personal agendas. Far too many of those agendas are not in line with what our founding fathers envisioned.

Can rights be doled out or regulated? The short answer is that rights are rights. Americans that have not lost their rights through due process of law can keep and carry suitable military arms.

What can be regulated is conduct with these arms and that’s already covered by laws against assault, battery and murder.

This may seem like a gun owners, Wish List but it’s not. This is based on the way other Constitutional rights are normally honored by government. Somehow our Second Amendment found itself as an orphan since it was never applied to the states through the 14th Amendment. That’s about to change.

The concept of keeping and bearing arms in America is not something new. That right has just been ignored sometime after 1934. My prediction is that on June 23, 2008 the Second Amendment will be dusted off and returned to a free America.

If Keeping and bearing of arms is a right that means:

1. No more Gun Free Zones will exist in America.
2. No taxes or charges on registration or permits.
3. Permits and Registration must be instantly issued.
4. Gun sales will have no residency requirements.
5. No purchase or transfer waiting periods.
6. No regulation of multiple sales of firearms.
7. Gun Dealers will not be regulated more than any other retail establishment such as one selling alcohol.
8. Barrel length and firing rate will no longer be a concern of government.
9. Proficiency or written testing requirements before possession or carrying of firearms will no longer be required.
10. Any law abiding American will be able to manufacture a firearm and ammunition.

Laws that will survive Heller:

1. Government firearm and or owner registration schemes that don’t deny or delay firearm possession or carrying. (Remember that twice the Supreme Court has held that convicted felon's self-incrimination rights preclude their having to register.)
2. Laws that require majority of age to be reached before purchase or transfer.
3. Laws restricting felon's rights to guns.

The impact of a right to keep and bear arms is that our society will begin to exhibit newfound politeness. Criminals will find that using crime and violence against others will shorten their lifespan. Guns will lose a lot of their glamour and mystique because the common man or woman will be once again able to own and carry them.

I don’t expect that the Supreme Court will use such a broad brush other than to strike down the D.C. Gun Ban. The other issues will come to pass as our local courts litigate pending and new civil or criminal cases using the old and now new law of the land.

Update: The court has at least 20 more opinions due before June 23 including Heller. The court announced they’d meet on Thursday morning which means they will unload some more cases. I still stand on my prediction that Heller will be their parting shot on June 23rd. If anything changes I will have it here first!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Violence Policy Center And Brady Campaign Folks Realize Their Impending Defeat.

Washington D.C.—With the Heller case not yet decided, Brady Campaign Chairman Paul Helmke conceded defeat recognizing 75% of Americans believe that the Second Amendment is an individual right. Helmke announced that he expects the Heller case to be a lost cause for gun prohibitionists.

Helmke hopes the loss will bring about some sort of a political mobilization intended to get a reversal of the Heller case down the road. The gun prohibitionists have hope of still seeing bans on “certain” firearms and other harassment tools for government to use against gun owners.

The gun ban crowd wants to bring in new Liberal, activist Supreme Court judges to rewrite rather than interpret the Constitution. They have high hopes that the reduction of gun control issues in the political arena will help Democrats gain many more seats at all levels of government.

The experience of the NRA’s membership swelling to 4 million after the now expired assault weapons ban was enacted and then dramatically declining once the ban ended is the best example. Their loss of the Heller case may have a similar effect on the gun banners. I don’t expect the gun rights haters to take this defeat without screaming their heads off.

Don’t look for the prohibitionists to search for any real and effective ways of reducing violence. The real joke is these people will never support extended stays for violent criminals as they blame guns for violence rather than the robbers, rapists and killers that misuse All manner of weapons. They only want long prison terms for legitimate gun owners.

The Supreme Court’s Heller decision will be published here at Crime, Guns and Videotape in its entirety. The countdown is only nine days! Of course they could decide this Monday morning.