Showing posts with label Hate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hate. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Eulogy For The Death of Actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Hollywood, CA—27 year-old Jennifer Lawrence was gorgeous, seriously talented and her smile captivated millions just like me. What could possibly go wrong?  
Our nation became even more divided politically as well as emotionally since the 2016 election and Hollywood overwhelmingly chose the loosing side of the Left.  

Lawrence got caught up in the wild clammer and used her ample media face time to promote her raw hatred for our duly elected president and his supporters instead of promoting her work products.  Expressed hatred is never pretty. 

We all have a First Amendment right to say what we please.  However people selling products run huge financial risks of offending large percentages of their customers or in this case ticket buying fans. 

I was a diehard fan of Lawrence.  She captured my full attention when she appeared in, American Hustle. I meet her very briefly at a screening of that terrific film. I then watched her young career soar beyond all expectations. 

Suddenly her latest film, Mother tanked at the box office.  Was it a bad film?  I don’t intend to find out.  I’ve really lost all interest in Lawrence, her talent and would even take a pass at a second chance to meet her again today.

Lawrence has suddenly announced that she would take a break from acting.  The fact is she had nothing on her film calendar for the next two years anyway.  Her agent, Tracy Brennen at CAA will lose a bundle too!

A similar hard lesson was learned by The Dixie Chicks.  They became a Liberal political force that alienated their mostly Conservative, Country Western fan base.   Their rising careers ended right then and there. Their later attempt at a “comeback tour” was yet another disaster. 

Hollywood’s celebrities are quickly shedding huge portions of their fan base with their emotional and hateful political rants.  This Summer’s film box office take was at record lows. 

I don’t believe in boycotts especially of any form of art and entertainment.  I have however reached my saturation point when it comes to me being disappointed by so many entertainers I once admired, appreciated and patronized with my hard earned cash.  

A-List actress, Meryl Streep put herself directly in the political meat grinder during the last Oscar Awards ceremony.  However she was nearly at the end of her career and had nothing to lose compared to Lawrence. 

Jennifer, you didn’t have to die so young.  

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner, The Fallout and Opinions are Mixed

Malibu, CAI weighed in yesterday on this story and I'm somewhat disappointed in many people including some of my own friends.   Many of the comments I received are not fit to print.
Bruce Jenner was an unquestioned world-class athlete and sports hero.  Jenner for the most part enjoyed a charmed life of wealth while he was always in the close company of beautiful women.  Now with a medically facilitated sex change Bruce is now Caitlyn
This non-political story has the political Right and Left taking sides.  That makes no sense to me.  
There was an apparent downside to this charmed life in the form of a life long desire for Jenner to be a woman.  Experts differ on the cause or pathology this peculiar sex confusion phenomenon.   Jenner is not alone since there are apparently millions of similar examples of transgendered people in our world.
The so-called experts have no concrete answers, cure or even an effective treatment for this malady. There are those that call Jenner insane, sick, perverted or worse.  We seem to judge insanity on the failure of people to reasonably function in their daily lives. I don't think anyone could label Jenner that way.  Perhaps those people concerned or worried need to get a life.
Transgendered people are historically non-violent and there is little evidence that they have any negative impact at all on society.  Why are some people concerned enough about Jenner to condemn, complain or hate what Jenner does with the remaining years of his/her life? 
Jenner deserves some slack from everyone.  This thing will play out in a high profile and public manner at least until the novelty wears off.  Jenner will make a mountain of cash that will soon find its way to his/her children and grand children.
Should this transgender situation wipe out an otherwise amazing and productive life?  Is there some reason to believe that suddenly Jenner will suddenly become unkind, evil or even homicidal?  Jenner has an absolute right to present and or promote the new persona “Caitlyn”.   Life is far too short for anyone possibly offended to concern himself or herself with Jenner’s new life. 
Now if anyone can tell me how this Jenner transgender thing will damage society feel free to let me know.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Black Lives Don’t Mater, at Least to Blacks and their White Liberal Masters!

Chicago, IL—Let me say I’m no stranger to the African-American community. As a Chicago cop, I became intimately familiar with the inner city Blacks along with their lifestyle and culture.
The new slogan, “Black Lives Matter.”  Is disingenuous at best when delivered by Blacks and White Liberals.   The few incidents of cops killing young troubled Black young men are only a microcosm of the monumental reality of Black on Black genocide. 
This is not about race or skin color but a cruel, savage and subhuman culture.  That defective culture is a millstone around America’s inner city Black's necks and that’s every bit as evil as slavery!
I learned firsthand that this violent, ignorant and narcissistic culture was and is totally bankrupt.  It’s easy to predict that this group will eventually vanish through self-inflicted genocide. 
This mutant, subhuman African-American inner city stereotype is the product of, Communists, Socialists, and assorted White Liberals.  The teacher’s unions are no small part of this epic disaster.  We can’t really blame the Black victims for this blatant and covert racism  
It’s our social engineers that programed this stereotype from Hell.  The hip-hop generation of ignorant, violent, cruel, drug infested, immoral and incredibly disrespectful creatures are themselves the victims. 
Inner city Blacks are heavily influenced by professional race baiting extortionists like Al Sharpton that pulls the Race Card at every opportunity.   Blacks are taught to channel their hatred to political conservatives and White people. They are encouraged to inflict violence upon them at every opportunity.
This stereotype was nurtured by a public educational system rife with union corruption and solid Communist leanings.  They turned schools into a genocide mills that manufactures criminals, losers, hate-mongers and unemployable people.
Our public schools encourage inner city Blacks to maintain their stereotype by shunning the learning of English.   Instead they strive to maintain the vocabulary bankrupt Ebonics language.  This in itself guarantees Blacks will never succeed in an academic environment or professional workplace.
Nobody can succeed in this world without literacy including solid written and verbal communication skills.  However there are those exceptions in sports, entertainment or operating within a criminal enterprise.  Blacks are encouraged and channeled into the “educational detour” by White Liberals.
The White Liberals have demanded that Blacks be given handouts to keep them totally dependent on government.  It’s much easier to control people with government being their single source for housing, food and medical care.  The terminally dependent have no other choice because of the intentionally engineered ignorance.
It’s incredibly ugly that thousands of blacks can be led to massive protest and violence when cops or non-Blacks kill lawless thugs like Travon Martin or Michael Brown.  The truth is that Black lives never matter as long as the slaughter is at the hands of fellow Blacks. 
Today ignorant Black mothers name their fatherless children with names based either Muslim or African sounding and often misspelled names.  That only guarantees a large amount of employment applications will never see daylight let alone fair consideration. 
There is only one cure.  The Blacks must learn how they’ve been led and bred into this death spiral by clever but incredibly racist social engineers.  They were intended to be nothing more than expendable soldiers groomed by manipulative politicians to fight their Communist revolution.
Blacks have every right to be a big part of the American Dream.  However to do so they must shed themselves of the vile inner-city stereotype. 
Blacks can only succeed through real education, discipline and productivity.  Our public schools have degenerated into nothing more than day care centers that provide free lunches. 
Inner city Blacks need to learn that manners; respect and simple kindness will always give them a much better life. 
It’s a major scandal that Blacks are so far behind in joining the ranks of doctors, lawyers, engineers and college professors.  This is not about genetic inferiority or skin color but a defective manufactured culture.   
My last statement is about hatred.  If the inner city Blacks constantly demonstrate their hatred of each other through war zone style deadly violence, how can they ever expect any other race to accept them? 
Frankly, Whites fear Blacks.  Barack Obama was complaining that in his youth he could hear automobile door locks clicking when he walked by White people.  That fear is absolutely justified.  Survival dictates that we all avoid today’s inner city Black population.
Will we see a cure in our lifetimes?  Sadly the answer is no.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mainstream Media Race Baiting and Pandering more Phony White on Black Crime Stories

Chicago, IL --Not a week goes by in the Windy City without violent Black on White atrocities motivated by racial hatred. The stories are ignored because they’re deemed to inflammatory to publish. If they’re published at all, great pains are taken by the media to conceal the race of the offenders and victims.

However in those rare cases where it’s White on Black crime they exploit those stories for all they’re worth. The problem is most of them are just stories with few facts to back them up. Remember the infamous Tawana Brawley and Duke LaCrosse Players rape cases? How can we forget all the political posturing and race baiting surrounding those cases? How soon the prosecutions fell apart when they were discovered being motivated by, grand litigious self-enrichment plans.

The Florida self-defense shooting by George Zimmerman of that six foot tall football playing gangbanger, Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman, a Block Watch captain is the newest news fable. Zimmerman called the cops to report Martin’s suspicious behavior. At some point he found himself under the imposing 17 year-old being pummeled and bloodied. A shot was fire and Martin was killed.

The press ran with this story with the angelic picture of Martin when he was years younger and smaller. They told of him being armed only with iced tea and a bag of candy. They media never bothered to flush out witnesses that could shed light on the matter and there was at least one independent witness that clearly established a case of self-defense.

Race baiting by national media organizations is still at a fever pitch as they provide fee publicity to groups such as the New Black Panthers to gather large mobs in every major city. To me this is an intentional effort to start a race war. They even provoked a silly response from that dope in the Whitehouse.

George Zimmerman has a price on his head and I suspect that they will kill him before he faces either civil or criminal proceedings in court.

For now the media and the Obama Justice Department wants to make a Civil Rights hero out of Trayvon Martin. Perhaps they can erect a monument in Washington D.C. to their new icon. Perhaps they can use one of his Facebook pictures of him flashing gang signs while wearing baggy pants pulled below his underwear as a model.

Here is the original police report:

Twin Lakes Shooting Initial Report

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Website For Hate Mongers Of The Looney Left!

If you want to see the reality of extreme hatred of Americans who want to preserve Liberty and Freedom in America, the pathetic souls at, have lots of ideas to offer for their vision of America.

They seem so desperate to silence Americans finding their voice and making their Congress aware that they don’t want a Communist United States.

They are a dangerous bunch, which seems anxious to bring on violence against Conservatives. The whack jobs at believe free speech is only for them.

Visit The democraticunderground hate site here.