Showing posts with label Gun Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gun Rights. Show all posts

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Nationwide Concealed Weapon Permit Reciprocity


Los Angeles, CA — California's Penal Code is packed with unconstitutional, redundant, and pointless gun regulations. In the landmark Supreme Court decision, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, 597 U.S. 1 (2022), it was made clear that nearly all firearm prohibitions or regulations regarding possession, transportation, or carrying firearms are unconstitutional.

No other constitutional right stops at state borders, and the notion that the Second Amendment only applies in certain geographical locations is simply absurd.

Since the Bruen decision, gun laws across the country have been steadily overturned. These restrictions and regulations are being successfully challenged in courts everywhere. 

In addition to Bruen, in 2022, the Supreme Court granted review to several appellate challenges to gun laws, vacated lower court rulings, and remanded cases back to lower courts with instructions to revise their decisions in line with Bruen.

There are serious constitutional issues with laws that impose restrictions based on residency, firearm type, magazine capacity, gun-free zones, waiting periods, age restrictions, nonviolent felonies, delays in issuing permits, and charging fees for simply exercising a constitutional right.

The earlier Heller and MacDonald decisions made it clear that the second amendment was an individual right and reinforced its application to the states through the 14th Amendment.  That made it abundantly clear that every state must respect our gun rights.

California has recently lifted its ban on non-residents applying for concealed weapon permits. However, this does not address the long delays in processing permits, the excessive fees, or the other hurdles put in place. It seems like an attempt to avoid civil rights challenges while still making it difficult for non-residents to exercise their rights.

When the Second Amendment refers to the militia, it means ordinary citizens. The military, National Guard, police, and other Executive branch organizations already have unrestricted access to any weapons they need, with no limitations.

The right to bear arms does not limit citizens to ineffective or inferior weapons. There is no restriction on owning technologically advanced firearms, and in fact, there have been no major advances in firearms technology in over 100 years. Cosmetic changes in firearms are often exaggerated.

The popular AR-15, for example, fires a small 5.56mm bullet, originally utilized to wound rather than kill enemy soldiers. The idea was that an injured soldier would require two others to evacuate them, tying up enemy forces. The military also favored lighter ammunition so soldiers could carry more of it.

Today, 27 states allow concealed carry without a permit or registration. States that do require permits generally issue them without unnecessary delays. Unfortunately, a few radical states remain hostile to American civil rights and continue to violate them.    

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Gun Control Laws in America are on Life Support.

Washington, DC--It all but went unnoticed in June of 2022 when the Supreme Court of the United States decided in a six to three decision that declared some 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws as unconstitutional.  Frankly, the mainstream media that religiously supports gun control and did not want to publicize or talk about this at all.  

The case is titled, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen.  It was a 135-page opinion that returned the Second Amendment into meaning exactly what it said.


Since the Bill of Rights was promulgated in 1791 the Second Amendment has evaporated.  The most damage was done during and after, Post Civil War Reconstruction.  Politicians made numerous laws that precluded newly freed slaves from owning firearms.  In the infamous Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court went so far as suggesting that they were horrified of the idea that these former slaves might possess firearms. 


The politicians suggested that public safety demanded curbs on gun possession and carrying. That mindset continued, until finally the High Court lowered the boom.  The High Court for over two centuries has had very little to say about gun laws until the last decade.  Today those, “what about the children” and “we are all going to die” arguments are no longer relevant.  


The Heller, McDonald and now Bruen case has absolutely changed everything. 


The Bruen case was about the refusal of New York to simply issue concealed weapon permits to law abiding citizens.  The court held that New York was being arbitrary, capricious and totally unreasonable with their handling of the permits.


Particularly in the past 50 years lawmakers have restricted gun rights claiming that modern public safety demanded such action.  They've made every excuse that they could to ban every type of weapon possible.  Until now our courts have done a very poor job of protecting American’s gun rights. 


Just to put the militia argument where it belongs you need to understand that the militia was never part of the government. The militia is, we the people. As for the government they already had a robust ability to keep and bear all the arms they wanted including nuclear bombs.


In Bruen the court held that only 1791 era text, history and tradition could be used to impair the right to keep and bear arms. 


Laws and requirement for serial numbers, registration, red flag seizures, accessory prohibitions, age restrictions, carrying arms in public, out-of-state firearms purchases, gun dealer licenses and federal or state gun purchase forms did not exist and therefore were and are unconstitutional today. 


There was a half dozen other gun cases that the High Court accepted jurisdiction over including so called assault weapons, ammunition magazines.  The court simply reversed earlier court rulings and remanded them back to the trial courts with the instructions that they must make new rulings that conform to Bruen.  


You need to know that most American lawyers have not even read the Bruen case because they practice family law, bankruptcy, contract disputes and other matters not involving criminal law. 


The gun rights hating politicians, prosecutors and judges that know about Bruen are doing all they can in a futile effort to slow down the demise of their precious gun laws.  However, they can be facing State Bar problems along with being named in malicious prosecution lawsuits.


We are seeing various federal and state courts following the law of the land every week rendering decisions consistent with Bruen. 


Even Governor Newsom of California finally recognized that the only way he can succeed with gun bans, is to repeal the 2nd Amendment with his idea of a 28th Amendment.  That effort will never succeed in our lifetimes without a successful war. 


Perhaps now we can toughen up soft targets like schools, deal with mental illness and keep those cruel and dangerous criminals in locked cages.   

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Carrying a concealed weapon and the Necessity Defense.

Los Angeles, CA—it’s a crime here for an otherwise law abiding citizen to carry an exposed or concealed or loaded firearm in public places.  Does that violate the Second Amendment? Of course it does, but the well protected Democrat politicians of the not so golden state absolutely don’t care.

The same California politicians released over 100,000 inmates from the prisons and eliminated cash bail for most of those arrested.  Cruel crimes have skyrocketed, the current crime trends involve the thugs working in teams and they’re armed with semi-automatic firearms or worse.  When you see newsreel footage of crime scenes on TV, you see empty shell casings everywhere.   

That sets off reasonable fear and now we must take precautions.  Using Pepper spray as a defense will definitely get you killed.  To have even a minimal chance of survival you need solid training and a suitable handgun with sufficient magazine capacity to defeat even multiple attackers. What that means is that your personal safety absolutely trumps the desires of your politicians.

They set up a gun permit system that’s substantially inconsistent with the June, 2022, United States Supreme Court decision in, New York State, rifle and pistol association Vs. Bruen.  The program is incredibly slow, there are extortionate fees attached, your privacy is invaded and investigators will inform your immediate neighbors. It’s a deal breaker we need never tolerate.  Non-residents don’t qualify at all. 

Your salvation is the, Necessity Defense.  Yes, that’s real.  Will the judges appointed by the same lame politicians recognize and accept that defense? You won’t know until you are in front of these guys charged with a crime.  

There are other factors involved such as sex, size, age, incapacitation or simple disparity of force.  Fear and our basic survival instincts are God given gifts that is our real law. Despite our politicians demands, vulnerable people also deserve a fighting chance to survive.  That means that necessity should always rule.  Lawyers seem to forget this defense.  

Of course the justified self-defense use of even a banned weapon is always lawful.  While our courts and politicians battle out the very broad Bruen decision, I say avoid conflict and skip the permit process.  

Rely on the Fourth Amendment that protects you from unreasonable search and seizure by police. Discreetly carry a firearm and if you need it by all means employ it to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Afterwords, when the police come, you tell them four simple words, “I want a lawyer“ and keep your mouth shut.  Dont let your need to establish your justification or innocence cause you to say anything at all. Save that crap for the courtroom should you be later charged with a crime. 

Never forget rule number one, avoid conflict at all cost.  Rule two is keep your middle finger and your temper in your pocket. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Richmond, VA—The far left has gained control over Virginia’s political scene. They have a Democratic governor and a Democratic legislative majority.  They are all hell-bent on banning certain firearms and an additional bunch of really draconian dictates.

Virginia has both the federal and state constitutions that protect gun rights but that does not make any difference to this bunch of radicals.  Normally it’s up to the judges to decide the constitutionality of laws that are passed.  The courts however move very slow and resolutions take many years.  In the meantime those victimized by bad laws suffer irreversible harm through incarceration and the loss of valuable property and their guaranteed and hard won freedom.  That does not include tens of thousands in legal fees. I don’t think the founding fathers took into consideration that our courts would someday all but grind to a halt when it came to protecting liberty. 
The oath of office the radical leftist politicians have taken is meaningless to these people who are on a mission to destroy sacred Liberty.  They feel that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are somehow outdated and they are smarter then our founding fathers.  They insist upon re-writing the constitution in a way that suits them and nobody else.

That’s however not the way it works and they cannot simply pass laws that violate the Constitution.  In a state where the motto is, “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” or, Death To Tyrants the politicians are asking for extreme retaliation from the citizenry. Will we see politician's homes burned down and assassinations? Tempers are understandably at an all time high.  

As the vast majority of Virginia’s counties are declaring their jurisdictions to be Gun Rights Sanctuaries the same leftist politicians are planing to unleash the National Guard on both citizens and their local law enforcement officials to overcome any resistance.  They are also making contingency plans to shut down cell phones and the Internet so the citizens cannot communicate with each other during weapons seizures.  I can’t begin to imagine the cost in both tax dollars and human lives for them to accomplish their demands.

This shows that they’re really not concerned about Public Safety but about Socialist style public control. Enforcing these unconstitutional laws will bring about more bloodshed than if we simply handed out loaded guns to prison inmates. 

We can only hope that these dangerous politicians rethink their plans and come to their senses before it’s too late. 

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Studio City, CA Jeweler Violently Robbed Once More, and I Blame Liberal Politicians!

Dana Kathryn with Charlie

Studio City, CA—On Ventura Blvd, in this upscale Coldwater Curve Area area are various boutiques that cater to the glamorous local ladies.  One such small business is, Dana Kathryn Jewelry. The owner, who has personally suffered at least three earlier violent robberies, staffs this small elegant shop.  

They say many Conservatives were Liberals that were once mugged.  There is a lot of truth in that statement here.  

The shop’s owner, Dana Kathryn had taken several steps to prevent her business from being victimized.  In addition to an alarm with surveillance cameras she acquired a beautiful German Sheppard dog, Charlie and a gun that may have just saved her life.  

Yesterday two thugs entered her shop, assaulted her along with two customers with a powerful disabling chemical spray.   They then used a hammer to destroy jewelry display cases and they were in the act of scooping up jewelry.  Dana Kathryn was able to produce her gun and fired shots at the men terrorizing her and her patrons.  The robbers escaped by fleeing Northbound on Ventura Blvd.  

Police responded along with paramedics.  All the women were treated for the chemical burns on their faces.  Two women were taken by ambulance to a local hospital.

I don’t know how Dana Kathryn will cope with this latest trauma.  She’s simply trying to earn a living, pay extortionate California taxes and survive. My heart goes out to her once again. I met Dana Kathryn a year ago and she was unhappy with my somewhat Conservative blog that was critical of Mr. Obama.  I bet she’s now rethinking the folly of supporting any Democrats.  

This beleaguered woman took every precaution she could to keep herself and customers safe. Obviously it was not enough.  Los Angeles became a “Sanctuary City” defying Federal Immigration laws.  Additionally California has been releasing thousands of violent criminals from the state’s prisons shaving years of their already, too short sentences.  These policies absolutely have only brought more victimization to California’s citizens. 

These violent mutants are simply out roaming the streets looking for things to steal and people to harm. They’ve been enabled and facilitated by the policies of Liberal politicians in a deliberate effort to make taxpaying citizens more dependent on government for their basic survival.  Of course concealed weapons permits are totally banned for those people living in or anywhere near Los Angeles.   

Californians must resist the criminals and their Democratic politicians if they want to survive. They must ignore those numerous gun laws that blatantly violate their civil rights.  

I suspect that the next time Dana Katheryn enters a voting booth she will vote out those responsible for this crime threat.

Dana Kathryn has my full support, sympathies and best wishes.  She’s now a certified combat veteran in the war on crime.  I hope she stays tough, keeps her shop open and is fully supported by her community.   

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Posters Cause Liberals to Panic In West Hollywood

West Hollywood, CA--This Morning inhabits of this predominately Gay city woke up this morning seeing these Shoot Back posters everywhere.  The send a strong and solid message of resistance to the horror show we now call, The Pulse Nightclub Massacre.

Reaction of panicked local politicians was quick as they ordered city workers to immediately remove them.  The politicians told the media that the posters were way out of character for their residents and sent the “wrong” message.  Wow!  I must ask if they are they really that candyassed? 
I know a lot of Gays, and yes they tend to be Liberal, but on the issue of self-defense they are divided.  There is a large pro-gunfights organization, The Pink Pistols that supports, protects and defends the simple words of the Second Amendment.  They have not lost their sense of self-preservation. 

What I’m horrified about is these same gunrights hating Gays demand that first responders place their lives on the line protecting them from harm!  I ask, why bother when these fools are so unwilling to protect themselves or each other! 

How brainwashed are these people that they have lost all instinct for simple survival. Gays have been the target of countless hate crimes and murders.  They are vulnerable and deserve protection but everyone has a responsibility to resist criminals, bullies and terrorists!  

My Gay friends are just that, my friends. I want then safe and free from harm.  That has to begin with their own sense of survival and desire to live.  

The police don’t have the manpower to begin to protect Americans from attacks by terrorists.  They will respond in time to clean up the mess. I implore my Gay friends to get firearms and the necessary training because their lives may depend upon that.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Another Terrorist Attack, But Will We ever Learn?

Orlando, FL--In light of another mass casualty shooting this time in a crowded Gay Bar we have little choice but to plan ahead for more of the same.

Our ignorant politicians nearly always respond to this kind of threat with every type of failed gun prohibition, TSA style checkpoints and of course those Gun Free Zones. 

We've learned on thing we can’t deny.  Nearly everyone of the active shooter events are stopped either by gunfire by a good guy or suicide of the gunmen. The are only stopped by the type of force they inflict on others. 

As for the TSA style checkpoints at venues, they are a total farce.  Putting unarmed, untrained, un-vetted marginal people in pseudo police uniforms to stop terrorism is laughable.  Additionally this type of faux security makes a mockery of our Fourth Amendment rights to be free of unreasonable searches. 

Any determined armed terrorist/criminal need only display their weapons to totally defeat these search gauntlets. The crowds of people waiting patiently to have their privacy violated are certainly ripe targets for mayhem. 

Shopping malls, sports arenas, theaters, schools or any venue must have a workable and realistic plan. The failed Monkey See Monkey Do response is simply no option.  

The Right Approach

Our cops can’t do this alone.  They're not enough of them, nor can we afford sufficient numbers of them to make a difference. 

We have already in place a huge force of vetted Concealed weapon License holders. They are our veterans, ex-cops, well-trained and trustworthy civilians.  

We need to open our arms to these folks inviting them to bring their weapons and courage to our venues. Somehow we've not learned that gun prohibitions only impact the law abiding folks and never the criminals. 

The right to keep and bear arms is here and is not going away any time soon. Frankly the idea of that right was to allow for better public safety. 

No matter where we stand on guns and gun rights we all claim the same desire to end murder and mayhem. We have failed with the old ideas and new it’s time to try something that works. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Concealed Weapons and Yesterday’s Ninth Circuit Court’s Intellectually Bankrupt Decision

San Francisco, CA—The Ninth Circuit Court’s three judge panel originally ruled that California’s Concealed weapon law was void in light of both the recent Heller and McDonald cases in the US Supreme Court.
California counties and cities issue carry permits except that the jurisdictions controlled by Democrats simply deny them except for a select few politically connected favorites.

Yesterday the full court, at the urging of State Attorney General Kamala Harris revisited the case, en bank.  The full court reversed and allowed for the continued blanket denial of permits.

The case Peruta v. County of San Diego is now been positioned in direct conflict with the Supreme Court and other Circuit court opinions to the contrary.  Here the Ninth Circuit Court simply repealed the right to bear arms through an outrageously biased and defective judicial action. 

The next fight will be in the US Supreme Court and we must now guess who will be confirmed to fill the absence of the late Conservative Judge Scalia.  

However hope is not lost depending on the November elections. Donald Trump has vowed to make sure every law abiding American has a right to a concealed weapon for self-protection through national legislation.  With Obama and his minions this was all but impossible.  

Out Constitution and gun rights cannot be left in the hands of Democrats, Socialists or Communists. We need to remove all of them and those Republican pretenders from every political office in the land. 

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Germany’s Immigration Fiasco and its Frightening Consequences for all of Europe

Cologne, Germany—An irreversible political decision was made under the guise of humanitarianism to bring in one million refugees from Islamic nations into Germany.  The political Left did this like they always do to bring in people they believe will keep a majority of poor so the Socialist political agenda is realized and maintained. 

These predominately Islamic refugee immigrants cannot speak German or even English that’s widely spoken in Europe.  They have no job skills other than their cultural military killing related knowledge.  They hate the Western world, its culture, Christian religion and women’s rights.  With rare exceptions, these people can only survive from what they are given or forcibly take from the Europeans.

These Muslims are claiming that the suggestive clothing worn by German women is an excuse brutal rape and robbery.  The Islamists claim they can’t control their sexual impulsivity when women are not covered in Burkas.  Does anyone really buy that nonsense?   
It was New Years and as always in the larger cities German people gather outside to celebrate.  The young women are bundled up in warm clothing that’s hardly suggestive because of those harsh winters. 
This year was different because the crowds included large roving groups of newly arrived, primarily North African Islamic thugs that singled out young German women, surrounded them, ripped their clothing away, beat and gang raped them.  The women were also robbed of jewelry, cell phones, credit cards and cash. A night of planned fun became the worst night of these women’s lives.
The police were powerless to stop this depraved horror and investigating this after the fact in order to bring the thugs to justice is nearly impossible.  The Conservative anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement and some hateful Neo-Nazis accurately predicted this kind of conduct.  The government’s politicians did everything possible to mitigate and cover-up this massive immigrant organized atrocity.  Eventually however the cat was let out of the bag.
Now that hundreds of young German woman’s lives have been irrevocably shattered the German people are waking up that the PEGIDA movement needs massive support.  They know that Germany cannot absorb these savage and hateful parasites.  The quality of lives, property, and physical safety of the German people has been simply gambled away so the Left could maintain political control.
Making matters worse is that law-abiding Germans have no gun rights and few guns.  Understandably sales of those woefully ineffective pepper spray devices right now are through the roof.  The Muslims have already smuggled loads of military grade arms into Europe.   Of course when criminals and terrorists are involved gun control is no more effective than drug control.  Gun Control and the lack of training for Germans have placed them at the absolute mercy of Islamic thugs.
Wherever the Muslim refugees have been placed there have been massive reports of shoplifting, robbery and similar crimes.  The police cannot deal with this large scale mess.  As they evade arrest and punishment the Islamic thugs will only become more prolific and emboldened. 
Germany must immediacy rethink gun control and look to every nation that allows permitted concealed weapons.  The statistics are very clear that those people behave themselves very well.
Germany must beef up law enforcement resources by bringing in trustworthy well-trained American military veterans to assist local police.  Being a veteran that was fortunate enough to serve in Germany I know we can work well together and better protect this nation.
The German people are learning a hard and violent lesson here.  The political Left has fooled them once again.  The refugee invaders are a clear and present danger to Germany.  Angela “Mutti” Merkel and her allies in Parliament’s political futures are now dead.
Immigration from these Islamic nations must cease and everything must be done to remove at least the criminal element, back where they came from. 
The German people deserve the ability to be trained with and carry arms so they can be self-reliant.  Training must include the law and liability of the justifiable use of deadly force.       
Germany must make it clear that any and all immigrants are accountable to laws.  They must behave as guests learn the language and work.  Immigrants that refuse to assimilate properly or behave must be expelled if Germany is to continue as a leading nation.
The German people have a greater than ever reputation for culture and kindness.  These are not the same people that allowed the Nazis to dictate for 12 years and watch their nation get destroyed.  Germany emerged as a new nation with heart, conscience and well-deserved pride.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Open Carrying of Firearms is a Recipe for Disaster!

Could the woman pictured be shot in the back and have her gun taken?
Phoenix, AZ—There is a significant contingent of gun rights advocates that are enamored with the idea of openly carrying handguns in public places. Yes, I believe it’s a right but is it safe or advisable? 
Let me begin by making it clear that such activity is constitutionally protected.  I have no desire for legislation prohibiting any form of bearing arms by the law abiding.   It’s a choice pure and simple. 
The truth is that open carry is a horrible idea.  I’ve seen the fallout of open carry over and over for decades. The ignorant advocate that seeing an armed civilian is somehow  a deterrent to violence.  Nothing could be further from he truth.
Let’s begin with reality and some cold hard facts. Until the 1980s when ballistic vests became the normal attire of cops more than half the officers killed where shot with their own guns. Better holsters and training has also helped protect our police. The FBI Uniform Crime Reports publishes circumstances concerning the deaths of every cop each year.
Civilians generally get limited training on weapon retention and they certainly don’t routinely wear body armor.
Carrying concealed firearms provide important tactical advantages.  Surprise is by far the best advantage to concealed carry.  Open carriers understandably become an instant target and are at a huge tactical disadvantage.
Carrying an unnecessarily exposed firearm opens the carrier to a host of hazards.  One is that some troublesome and or drunken fools love to provoke anyone they see that’s armed.  These same people love to call 911 and falsely claim they were victims of Aggravated Assault. 
Statements to police from an accuser along with a recovered firearm provide probable cause for police to arrest the gun carrier. Bail, lawyers, bad publicity, conviction and prison time may follow.  This kind of mess is also very expensive!  I know of numerous bogus convictions from that scenario. Ruined innocent lives are no laughing matter. 
If an armed robber sees an exposed gun he may simply shoot or otherwise disarm the gun-displaying carrier. Why give them the advantage?
I would say that exposed firearms may be a deterrent only for a group of armed people.  Also a group means there will be witnesses to derail phony assault complaints too.  But for anyone alone open carry is a nightmare waiting to happen.
There are those people that want to be seen with exposed guns for narcissistic or vanity reasons. Perhaps they want to shock members of the public.  Frankly I can’t imagine that kind of proclivity. I recommend psychiatric therapy for those people.  Unfortunately a number of states only allowed open carry making concealed carry a crime.  What I learned is that an exposed firearm is far more likely to be involved in regrettable incident than a concealed weapon.
Those of you that disagree with me and insist that open carry has some benefit should simply get help.  I don’t think you should be possessing any weapons. Saying all of that I won't suggest for a second that there could be some rare circumstance where exposed carry may have an advantage.  Think very carefully before making that choice. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Things Just Got Serious in Paris, Have We Learned Anything?

Paris, France—One again Islam has spread its gut wrenching, deadly poison on totally innocent people that were defenseless soft targets.
My European friends have all been brainwashed their entire lives that law-abiding people will instantly become murdering bloodthirsty fiends if they were allowed to keep and carry firearms.
In Europe the propaganda war against gun ownership has been won with lies, half-truths and by spreading fear.  Political correctness in Europe today begins and ends with gun rights hatred.
The 12-year death grip that Nazis had on Europe was facilitated by European gun bans.   The established military organizations had no back up.  Instead there are endless unarmed millions of meek sheep waiting to suffer or die at the hands of tyrants.
Thankfully in the United States there are millions of well-armed, trained citizens that will fight for they and their family’s lives.  If the police or military become overwhelmed there is a back up of citizens that will be led by retired cops and veterans. 
Thankfully Barack Obama’s hatred for gun right has caused millions of more smart Americans to obtain and get training with firearms.  It was not fear of a gun ban that caused this but fear of Obama and his Leftist minion’s power grabs. 
The Islamic style attacks such as in Paris could only succeed in the gun ban enclaves like New York, New Jersey California and Chicago.  If they tried that crap in Houston, Phoenix or Atlanta a terrorist attack would be challenging to say the least.
Along with gun rights there is a mindset that was gallantly exhibited by three American lads who happened to be on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris earlier this year.  They first fought for their own lives and saved countless others in the process.
Europe has opened its arms to a “refugee” invasion from Syria.  With an onslaught of millions of military aged Islamic men in a peaceful and unarmed Europe what could possibly go wrong?
It’s a grand recipe for disaster.  Europe is about to change forever.
I began this asking, what have we learned?  Sadly gun control is a political issue rather than one of simple survival.  Politicized by politicians seeking absolute control form their governed.  I doubt anyone has learned much. 

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Open Carry of Firearms, Things to Consider

Houston, TX—Like many people I believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. There is no question in my mind that Americans have the absolute right to keep and carry arms everywhere.  Politicians and some courts differ with this as they attempt to violate Americans rights under color of law.
Saying that, mentioning the foolishness of civilians openly carrying firearms must be discussed and debated.  The debate about the law here is long over for me.  Open carry or any carry is the law of the land.  The debate about the wisdom of open carrying in an urban setting must continue.
Just because you can carry openly should you? 
I say that open carry is incredibly problematic and will put you in prison or worse!  Let’s begin with the worse.  If you’re carrying a gun for personal and family security doing that openly, deprives you of the element surprise needed to survive a violent event.   Even worse, experienced violent criminals can be counted upon to attempt to strong-arm you for your weapon. The tactical disadvantages of open carry are huge.
Other challenges are laid out like mines in a minefield.  I’ve seen the fallout of open carry first hand. Here are just some scenarios:
A gun rights hater sees you with your gun and calls 911.  The story this jerk tells is exaggerated in many different ways because the caller wants to see the police confront you and your gun.  The 911 caller will say, “the guy appears drugged up or drunk” or “The guy looks mean and angry and has his hand on the gun!” or “The guy is paying quick draw in the street!” The police can be counted on to treat the call like it is valid and the potential for disaster here is enormous.
Then there is the town troublemaker who will see your weapon and will try to aggravate you and instigate to the point where something stupid happens.
Last but not least is the malicious person that you may or may not know.  He or she wants to see you in jail and calls 911 saying, “there’s a guy with a gun and he pointed at me and threatened to shoot me!”  The police arrive and see you carrying the gun as described.  With a complainant that continues with this lie the police have absolute probable cause to arrest you for a felony crime of Aggravated Assault. 
They will arrest you, seize your gun and you will spend the next year of your life fighting the lie in court.  Between the huge cost for bail and lawyers, even if you win in court you lose.  Yes, I’ve seen innocent people sent to prison for as much as seven years this way.
If you are arrested for Aggravated Assault there is an 80% chance you will be convicted. Innocence is really irrelevant in today’s American courtrooms.
If you are discreet and keep your weapon concealed you can avoid so many real booby traps that can kill you or ruin your life.  Why would you take the unnecessary risks of open carry?
Saying all of that there are places where open carry is not a problem Events like those put on by SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) or for filmmaking.
I simply ask you to think before you place yourself in harm’s way by openly carrying.