Showing posts with label Gun Free Zones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gun Free Zones. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Unarmed Security is Meaningless Because it Simply Facilitates Violence

Los Angeles, CA-
-As the final preparations are being made for Sunday's Oscar Awards Gala terrorism is a real possibility.  Terrorists love to create havoc during events that draw worldwide publicity.

Having untrained minimum-wage earning workers in pseudo police garb is beyond silly.  Thankfully the LAPD will be out in force with every possible resource to deal with these issues. 

I keep wondering when terrorists will employ mortars for assassination and terror within the USA? That may be old technology but teemed up with small computers those things would have amazing accuracy.  Air surveillance by helicopters or drones is  now more important than ever. 

Our large shopping malls are perfect soft targets because they phased out armed security over 40 years ago.  Before everyone had a cell phone there was an advantage to mall guards with radios.  They could notify their office to call police to deal with problems.  Now anyone can make the call so that became a game changer.  Now other than giving directions to confused shoppers or dealing with lost children they have no function.

The Gun Fee Zone concept works as long as criminals or terrorists are not involved.  Making a super-soft target of any public gathering site is pure insanity.  

Running, ducking and hiding does not save lives.  Armed resistance on the other hand is a proven lifesaver. 

Remember, when seconds count the cops are many minutes away. Once the cops arrive they can't tell the good guys from the bad ones. 

Trained and armed citizens or security people can react and end these unthinkable events on the spot.  

I must ask, why do the mall operators and politicians always  prefere solutions that they know don't work? 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Things Just Got Serious in Paris, Have We Learned Anything?

Paris, France—One again Islam has spread its gut wrenching, deadly poison on totally innocent people that were defenseless soft targets.
My European friends have all been brainwashed their entire lives that law-abiding people will instantly become murdering bloodthirsty fiends if they were allowed to keep and carry firearms.
In Europe the propaganda war against gun ownership has been won with lies, half-truths and by spreading fear.  Political correctness in Europe today begins and ends with gun rights hatred.
The 12-year death grip that Nazis had on Europe was facilitated by European gun bans.   The established military organizations had no back up.  Instead there are endless unarmed millions of meek sheep waiting to suffer or die at the hands of tyrants.
Thankfully in the United States there are millions of well-armed, trained citizens that will fight for they and their family’s lives.  If the police or military become overwhelmed there is a back up of citizens that will be led by retired cops and veterans. 
Thankfully Barack Obama’s hatred for gun right has caused millions of more smart Americans to obtain and get training with firearms.  It was not fear of a gun ban that caused this but fear of Obama and his Leftist minion’s power grabs. 
The Islamic style attacks such as in Paris could only succeed in the gun ban enclaves like New York, New Jersey California and Chicago.  If they tried that crap in Houston, Phoenix or Atlanta a terrorist attack would be challenging to say the least.
Along with gun rights there is a mindset that was gallantly exhibited by three American lads who happened to be on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris earlier this year.  They first fought for their own lives and saved countless others in the process.
Europe has opened its arms to a “refugee” invasion from Syria.  With an onslaught of millions of military aged Islamic men in a peaceful and unarmed Europe what could possibly go wrong?
It’s a grand recipe for disaster.  Europe is about to change forever.
I began this asking, what have we learned?  Sadly gun control is a political issue rather than one of simple survival.  Politicized by politicians seeking absolute control form their governed.  I doubt anyone has learned much. 

Friday, October 02, 2015

Obama and His Media Lapdogs Trolling Against Our Hard Won Liberty and Freedom and Very Lives, Yet Again.

Roseburg, OR—We now know that Christopher Harper-Mercer was a lone wolf, copycat,  wannabe,  Islamic terrorist that targeted Christians for murder.
Harper-Mercer found his hapless and defenseless victims to execute here at Umpqua Community College.  They were supposed to somehow be protected by a single unarmed and equally helpless security guard. 
With security like that, what could possibly go wrong?  That was considered a wise decision made by overpaid, politically left leaning bureaucrats.  They gambled with the lives of these students and lost.  Unfortunately these bastards will escape punishment for facilitating and enabling the terrorism.
Islam is in a constant state of war with infidels and the nations they are invading unimpeded while claiming refugee status.  We must take every precaution to resist terrorist incidents and train to stop incidents like what happened here.
While we are under attack by lone wolves and are under protected by our law enforcement agencies Barack Obama wants to disarm America’s law-abiding citizens. A fat-fetched conspiracy theory you might suggest?
Obama never saw a gun ban he didn’t support and vote for in his political life.  His claims that he wants only minimal changes are disingenuous and phony. 
Gun laws like all laws only impact the law abiding.  More restrictive gun laws have been found to actually enable violence as every large American city run by Democrats lave learned. 
Americans are currently under siege by crime and a massive amount of Islamic and assorted illegal immigrants.  Asking Americans to disarm is like telling us to stop using seat-belts and to throw away our smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.  
We need armed police or security at every school in America supplemented by trained and armed civilians.  Without the right tools we are helpless and always ripe for mass murder.
Obama knowingly lied to the American public about so-called Gun Violence statistics.  They include thousands of justifiable shootings by police and intended crime victims.  They include suicides and accidents including those in our military and police organizations.
The crimes are solid evidence that Americans must be responsible for the protection of themselves and families.
Obama's Lapdog media let him ramble on unchallenged for two days relentlessly parroting his lies and misinformation at every opportunity.
We must at all cost resist those Leftist politicians that will enable and facilitate violent criminals and terrorists by infringing on our right to keep and carry arms.  Our lives absolutely depend on our ability to defend ourselves!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Uber Ridesharing Service and Their Laughable New Gun Ban

Los Angeles, CAUber has taken the taxi business to new highs or perhaps lows.  The convenient but overpriced service you order and pay for on your smartphone has suddenly banned firearms both drivers and passengers.
The right of self-defense is not something politicians or corporate suits can abridge. Our creator gave us the gift of fear and the instinct for survival. We are all alive because most of us understand  threats, danger and that injury or death is no option.
Some of us have had charmed lives always living and working in safe places where behavior is civilized.  Others have had to live and work where rape, robbery and murder is a reality.  Some of us understand the need to be prepared for self-defense much better than others. 
Uber decreed their fleet of vehicle as “Gun Free” with a press release and a prayer.  Do they really think their policy is somehow enforceable?  I suppose if they find out a gun somehow was in possession of a passenger or driver they can try and retaliate somehow.  If a gun was used by a driver or passenger to end a violent crime, who would give a rat’s ass what Uber thought about it?

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

The Final Gun Rights Battles--Campus Cary and Gun Free Zones

Washington, DC—The United States Supreme Court reaffirmed and settled the primary Second Amendment rights issues of all Americans in two somewhat recent cases, Heller and McDonald.
Despite this some arrogant politicians feel they and some of their supporters are above the law.  They still seek to use the full force of government and violence against anyone exercising their gun rights.
It looks like it may take several more years of lower court battles before these determined and lawless political thugs are reigned in.  These cases move ever so slowly through the courts.  
The Second Amendment simply says we can possess and carry firearms.  Impairment of these rights by government is nothing more than a pure Civil Rights Violation.
On their face laws barring Campus Carry or those that allow for Gun Free Zones clearly violate the law of the land.
Campus Carry:
These prohibitions like every law only affect the law-abiding.  The late convicted serial killer Theodore “Ted” Bundy was a very real beneficiary of the bans on Campus Carry. 
Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophilia addict who assaulted and murdered numerous young, primarily college women during the 1970s and possibly earlier.  
On at least two occasions this incredibly clever killer broke out of jail only to continue his raping, slashing and murdering of America’s beautiful daughters. 
College campuses were Bundy’s choice to prey on young, vulnerable and unarmed women.  Bundy, a one-time law student positively knew he’d never find armed resistance on any college campus. 
Just before his execution, after more than a decade of denials, he finally confessed to at least 30 homicides committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978.  Bundy actually beheaded at least 12 of these young women.  The true victim count remains unknown, and could be substantially higher.
I have to ask why some of our politicians insist upon being accessories and enablers to the all of the Ted Bundy’s of America?
Gun Free Zones:
What people and lawmakers seem to forget is that our cops can’t just simply search people for weapons even if they look shady or suspicious.  That is unless or until they actually commit a crime! 
The Fourth Amendment protects foreign terrorists, killers, criminals and the law-abiding equally.  The difference is that the law-abiding respect the various gun bans, even those that violate their rights.
Gun Free Zones are found at libraries, Parks, malls, government buildings and schools.  Accordingly, these are guaranteed soft targets and popular choices for mass shootings.  
This comes after decades of our politicians handing over massive amounts of military weapons and cash to Islamic people that hate our culture and us. 
We’ve meddled in these Muslim nation’s affairs trying to police them.   Accordingly they continually look for ways to murder innocent Americans where we live, work and play.
Aside from dealing with our own existing robbers, rapists and killers we have to deal with military trained and well-armed Islamic assassins.
The public policy of the Gun Free Zone is the product of incredible bliss and ignorance.  This concept deeply flawed and actually increases any potential danger.
Disarming the law-abiding in no way protects them.  On the contrary the Gun Free Zones are in fact nothing more than government created Killing Zones!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Was it Gun Rights or an Epic Government Failure behind the Isla Vista Bloodbath?

Isla Vista, CA—Rather than deal with what really facilitated the savage stabbing, running down with a car and shooting massacre, the usual Leftist suspects seek to politicize the event.  They want to blame the crime spree on the rights Americans have to keep and bear firearms.  Let’s first examine just what went wrong.
This all begins with a failed mental health system and serious medical malpractice.  We used to place mental patients like Elliot Rodger in institutions for public safety reasons.  Modern pharmacology produced wonder drugs that control most disturbed people that exhibit anti-social pathologies.  We’ve emptied out the insane asylums thought our nation controlling them instead with mind-altering drugs. 
Rodger was under psychiatric care for most of his life and had a long history of refusal to take the drugs that would likely keep him under control.  Rodger’s caregivers had a duty to institutionalize their uncooperative patient.  Instead they let his roam free even after they came aware of his threatening behavior. 
The next culprit is the so-called Brady background check required of all gun buyers.  California politicians demanded additional waiting periods to make “doubly sure” that nobody that was prohibited by law could obtain a firearm.   The problem here is that the zeal to protect the privacy of dangerous mental patients sidelined the Brady checks that accordingly failed. 
Finally the police have some serious responsibility here.  Rodger’s family and caregivers redundantly and frantically warned the police of his very real death threats against young women that shunned him.   What the cops did was appalling.
The police had the duty to bring Rodger to a mental health facility for examination by medical professionals.  Instead officers from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff actually chose to play doctor and examine the patient themselves.  Of course the cops did not have Rodger’s substantial medical records to help them make their unprofessional and uninformed medical diagnoses.  
Had the cops simply done their job Rodgers would have gotten treatment and been disarmed.  
One could reasonably argue that even without a firearm Rodger was unstoppable in that he very efficiently stabbed three men to death and then ran four others down with his high performance BMW automobile.  He had three handguns he purchased by falsifying the Brady Background Check forms.  Each purchase was a separate felony that carried a ten-year prison penalty.
There were plenty of safeguards that should have prevented this horrible holocaust.  All of them failed.  Once again politicians want to make Americans defenseless in the name of safety.   The gun rights haters seem to forget we have a Bill of Rights and that the gun bans they seek are simply not surviving various court challenges. 
Perhaps those concerned people need to revisit procedures and laws already in place if they want a real solution.   All the necessary safeguards and laws were in place however the failure at each and every level is mind blowing.
In the next months the families of these victims will hire lawyers and the taxpayers will be in for a huge financial beating over the epic negligence involved at every level.  

Monday, May 26, 2014

Lies and a Cover-Up Now Surround the Killings Committed by Elliot Rodger as Leftists Shamelessly Use this to Promote Their Political Agenda.

Isla Vista, CA—Elliot Rodger was under the outpatient care of a psychiatrist.  His cadre of mental health professionals allowed Rodger to roam free despite his numerous and very public threats to harm innocent women. When they finally tried to intervene it was too little and too late.

Rodger had steadfastly refused to take his prescribed anti-psychotic medications.  Instead of institutionalizing Rodger his keepers knowingly let this time bomb walk our streets.
Rodger’s family repeatedly did all they could to warn police of the very real danger.  We’ve yet to hear their repeated 911 calls they made in effort to get police to have Rodger picked up for a 5150 psychiatric hold and examination.   Police finally contacted the troubled lad and then simply failed to actually investigate and do their job.
California has some of the most onerous gun bans and restrictions found anywhere in the USA.  No sale or transfer of any firearms can take place without waiting periods and comprehensive background investigations of the purchaser. 
The Santa Barbara Sheriff, Bill Brown falsely and outrageously claimed to the media that the sale of and subsequent registrations of three 9MM handguns to Rodger was lawful.  The fact is Rodger lied on the BATFE gun purchase #4473 forms about suffering from mental illness.  More importantly California’s Department of Justice failed to flag and prevent Rodger’s gun purchases over his serious mental health disqualification. 
Each of the Rodger’s three lies on the #4473 form should have resulted in felony arrests and the penalty for each violation would put Rodger away for 10 years in federal prison for each purchase!
When the massacre began, Rodger used simple knives to murder three young men at his apartment.  Next Rodger used his BMW as a deadly weapon to maim four other people.  Finely he used a gun to kill two young women and a man.  A gun was apparently Rodger’s last choice to use as a weapon.  

The laws that effectively keep the non-permitted, law-abiding people from carrying guns did not stop Rodger.  Gun laws never stop criminals.  There was no knife or automobile prohibition and the three dead stabbing victims or those run down by Rodger's car are no better off.  
Of course the political Left is again using this preventable deadly crime spree as an excuse to demand more unconstitutional gun bans despite the fact that California authorities simply did not enforce the laws already on the books. 
California politicians made the entire state a Gun Free Zone.  That assured Rodger that nobody could effectively resist his deadly crime spree.  Thankfully in two separate cases the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has recently shot down the state’s ban on concealed weapons.  Soon intended victims or other lawfully armed citizens will be able to stop armed maniacs like Rodger. 
The victims of Rodger’s violence including his own parents have a lot of people to sue over this horror story.  They have a huge medical malpractice over the failures of Rodger’s cadre of Psychiatric professionals.  They have a equally huge claim against the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department for their failure to take proper action on the frantic efforts of Roger’s father and others warning them of the pending massacre.  Last but not least,  California’s Department of Justice must be brought to book for mistakenly approving the illegal firearm transactions. 
Yes, officials have a lot to hide right now as taxpayers are sure to be paying millions to anyone victimized by Rodger’s rampage.

In the end we must remember that this maniac was stopped by armed men and women risking their lives to protect us all.  Yes, guns save lives.