Showing posts with label Gun Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gun Control. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Second Amendment: Gun Control for Dummies.


The Second Amendment is not merely a line of text in the Constitution; it is the battle cry of a free people—a shield against the dark inevitability of government overreach. It is the ultimate safeguard of liberty, and without it, freedom will crumble. Today, as political elites and authoritarian forces conspire to strip Americans of this fundamental right, we stand on the precipice of a defining moment in history.

In 1791, the Founding Fathers—fresh from the blood-soaked battlefields of revolution—crafted the Bill of Rights as an unyielding defense of human liberty. The order of these rights was deliberate. The Second Amendment, following the First’s guarantee of speech and assembly, stands as a declaration of power: the people, not the government, hold the ultimate authority in this republic.

A Warning to Tyrants

The Second Amendment was not written to protect hunters or sportsmen. It was forged in the fires of rebellion, designed to ensure that no government—foreign or domestic—could oppress the American people without fear of resistance. It is not merely about self-defense; it is about the defense of a free state.

Tyrants fear armed citizens because they cannot enslave those who refuse to be disarmed. History has proven this truth time and again. Every dictatorship, every genocide, and every atrocity begins with disarmament. Those who claim otherwise are either ignorant of history or complicit in repeating it.

The Founders saw the writing on the wall. They witnessed tyranny firsthand: soldiers raiding homes, confiscating weapons, and silencing dissent. They knew that a disarmed population is a controlled population. This is why the Second Amendment is an explicit prohibition—not a suggestion—against any infringement on the right to keep and bear arms.

The War on Freedom

Today, politicians cloak their disarmament agenda in the guise of “public safety.” They peddle fear, exploiting tragedies to advance their cause. But make no mistake: their ultimate goal is not safety—it is submission. An unarmed population is easy to control. It cannot fight back, it cannot resist, and it cannot hold its government accountable.

Over decades, they have woven a web of gun control laws, each more draconian than the last. They demand registration, licenses, fees, and waiting periods—all designed to whittle away the Second Amendment until it is nothing but a hollow promise. They know the truth: the more hoops they create, the fewer people will exercise their rights.

Meanwhile, these same politicians insulate themselves behind walls, armed guards, and layers of security. They live in fear of the very people they claim to represent. They know that their power is illegitimate and that, one day, the people may rise to reclaim their freedom.

The Second Amendment Is Not Negotiable

Let us be clear: the Second Amendment is not up for debate. It is not subject to the whims of politicians or the fears of the uninformed. It is not contingent upon crime rates, technological advancements, or public opinion. It is an absolute right—a cornerstone of our republic.

The language of the Second Amendment is unambiguous. It does not permit regulation, taxation, or licensing. It does not restrict the arms that citizens may bear. It does not bend to the demands of bureaucrats. It is a line in the sand, and it cannot be crossed.

The Cost of Disarmament

The consequences of disarmament are written in the blood of the innocent. From the Holocaust to the killing fields of Cambodia, unarmed populations have been systematically slaughtered by their governments. To deny this reality is to deny history itself.

Gun control is not about saving lives—it is about consolidating power. Those who advocate for it are not protectors of the people; they are enablers of tyranny.

A Supreme Victory for Liberty

Thankfully, the United States Supreme Court has reaffirmed what we have always known: the Second Amendment is a first-class right. It is not a privilege to be licensed, taxed, or regulated. It is a right that stands as a bulwark against government overreach.

The Court has made it clear: gun ownership is not negotiable. The government has no authority to dictate the terms of this right. The Founders did not leave room for compromise, and neither should we.

A Call to Arms—Literally and Figuratively

This is the fight of our generation. The battle to protect the Second Amendment is the battle to protect freedom itself. We cannot afford to be complacent. Every inch we concede is an inch closer to tyranny.

The Second Amendment is the line between freedom and slavery, between dignity and submission, between life and death. We must defend it with everything we have, for once it is lost, it will never be regained.

Let the tyrants tremble, for the Second Amendment will stand. The people will remain armed. And liberty will prevail.

Monday, December 16, 2024

What’s Ahead for Gun Laws in America? The Simple Truth.

The direction of gun laws in America is clear, thanks to a conservative U.S. Supreme Court, a Republican-controlled Senate, and the Trump presidency. Here’s what we can expect in the near future:

The End of Assault Weapon and Magazine Capacity Bans

By summer, expect bans on so-called “assault weapons” and magazine capacity limits to be struck down permanently. These regulations are on the chopping block due to both executive action and court rulings. President Trump is expected to dismantle many firearm regulations imposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). The reasoning is simple: only Congress has the authority to legislate on firearms—unelected bureaucrats cannot.

Nationwide Concealed Carry

Currently, more than half the states allow law-abiding citizens without felony convictions or mental health issues to carry firearms without a permit. In other states, permits are required but must be issued to qualifying individuals. Within the next two years, it’s likely that concealed carry permits will be universally recognized across all states, similar to driver’s licenses.

The Bruen Case: A Game-Changer

The 2022 Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen set a high bar for gun control laws. It declared that any law infringing on the Second Amendment must align with the historical traditions of the Constitution. This decision has already invalidated many federal, state, and local gun laws. While litigation continues, all gun regulations must eventually comply with the Bruen ruling.

The Reality of the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, but lawmakers often pass unconstitutional laws anyway. It’s the courts’ job to strike them down. Those who oppose civilian gun ownership would need a constitutional amendment to change this. However, the likelihood of repealing the Second Amendment is extremely low, as public support for such a move is far from sufficient.

Public Safety Arguments No Longer Hold Water

For years, gun control advocates have used public safety as an argument to restrict gun rights. The Supreme Court, however, has removed this rationale from consideration. Laws restricting firearms must now be based solely on constitutional principles, not subjective arguments about safety.

In conclusion, the legal landscape is shifting toward fewer restrictions on gun ownership and carry rights. As the courts continue to uphold the Constitution, Americans can expect their Second Amendment rights to remain protected.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Current Status of Gun Control in America

Washington, DC — In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in the landmark case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen. 

The Bruen decision struck down most, if not all, laws that restricted the carrying of concealed weapons in New York State. Additionally, several other gun-related cases that were previously decided contrary to the Second Amendment by various federal circuit courts of appeals are now being reconsidered. These cases involve issues such as so-called assault weapons, magazine capacity limits, waiting periods, age requirements for gun ownership, non-violent felons in possession of firearms, and other related matters.

The Supreme Court granted certiorari, vacated the previous opinions of the courts of appeals, and remanded the cases back to the lower courts for decisions consistent with the 135-page Bruen ruling. This process has been ongoing for the past two years, and these cases are expected to resurface as the Supreme Court reconvenes on the first Monday of October.

In its ruling, the Court affirmed that the Second Amendment means exactly what it says. The Bruen decision effectively invalidated most gun control laws that infringe on the right to possess and carry arms. The Court also made it clear that modern-day public safety concerns cannot justify laws that infringe upon gun rights.

If two-thirds of the American people wish to repeal or amend the Second Amendment, they must go through the rigorous political process required to make that happen.

As a result of the Bruen decision, most gun-related cases will be decided in favor of Second Amendment rights. Anyone charged with a gun possession crime should consider filing motions to dismiss based on Bruen. Currently, the majority of states do not require permits or registration of firearms. In these states, firearms can be carried in public, whether concealed or openly, and there has been no significant rise in crime.

Contrary to media narratives, the Supreme Court has not expanded gun rights but has simply restored rights that were wrongfully violated by various political entities. It's worth noting that many gun control laws originated during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era as a means to disarm newly freed slaves.

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Risks of Open Carry for Handguns: Why Concealment is Wiser.

Phoenix, AZ— For many decades, Arizona only permitted the open carry of firearms, reserving concealed carry solely for sworn peace officers. However, open carry of handguns, in particular, is fraught with risks and is more likely to lead to a breach of peace than firearms carried discreetly.

When you openly carry a handgun, you are more likely to encounter unstable individuals who might confront, complain, or even attempt to disarm you. But there’s an even more alarming scenario: imagine someone sees you with a gun, feels threatened, and falsely reports to the police that you pointed the weapon at them. The police respond to find you openly carrying a firearm, and there’s a so-called “victim” willing to lie under oath. In Arizona, aggravated assault laws, especially those involving gun-pointing, are severe, carrying a mandatory five-year prison sentence without parole.

Even if you know you did nothing wrong, the trial may not go in your favor. The accuser could perjure themselves, and the prosecutor might paint you as a danger to society. With no evidence other than your word, the risk of conviction looms large. Facing such a scenario, many people, fearing the harsh sentence, may opt to plead guilty in exchange for probation or a shorter jail term—yet this still results in a felony conviction and a lifetime ban on owning firearms.

In states that only permit open carry, it might actually be safer to risk violating a misdemeanor law that forbids concealed carry. In a self-defense situation, how you carried the gun won’t be easily proven unless you self-incriminate. Arizona, after 14 years of my lobbying efforts eventually allowed for concealed weapons permits and later removed the requirement altogether. Therefore, there’s no practical reason to openly carry a handgun, as doing so diminishes any tactical advantage you might have in a self-defense scenario. It’s best to keep your firearm out of sight and out of mind.

As one of the first firearms safety instructors in the state, I’m proud to say my students have always acted responsibly. When it comes to long guns, however, situations of unrest may necessitate openly carrying rifles or shotguns. Recent history has shown us examples, such as Korean shopkeepers during the Rodney King riots in LA and that Kenosha riot that showed Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself against three thugs trying to kill him. 

While we must defend open carry laws for such situations, it is generally wiser to conceal handguns to avoid unnecessary and potentially life-altering conflicts. Never forget when you’re carrying a weapon conflict avoidance is rule number one.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

America has fallen.

Washington, DC—Nothing is more sacred than our own lives and that of our loved ones.  Since the beginning of time, human beings have found it absolutely necessary that they obtain and have available weapons to ward off dangerous adversaries.  Then came the politicians and their police with false promises of public safety.  

One certain thing about politicians is that power and control over others is what drives them.  Unfortunately, most humans have the traits of sheep. They would rather others make even their most personal decisions for them.  

Americans were fortunate that a brilliant group of young men risked everything to form a new government in 1776.  They demanded that its people have liberty and freedom above all else.  As a result, we have a Bill of Rights that no other nation can enjoy.  

To protect our freedoms, we were given the right to keep and bear arms.  Our founding father’s knew from experience that freedom was neither obtained nor maintained without consequential bloodshed from time to time.  The right of the people to keep and bear arms was and is very serious and necessary to enforce freedom and liberty.  

Politicians have done everything they can to disarm the American people however they don’t nearly have enough support to repeal the second amendment.  The same politicians have made 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws that absolutely violate the second amendment.  They have succeeded in maliciously imprisoning thousands of American people for the constitutionally protected activity of simply carrying arms.  

We the people were given the absolute right to control the government and not the other way around.  Of course politicians inherently hate this as it limits their own personal greed for power and control.  Throughout history, politicians have redundantly engaged in mass democide.  

Freedom is often equated with anarchy by politicians.  The same politicians regulate and tax every conceivable thing or behavior to death simply because the people are too intimidated to stop this.  In America, the balance of power has shifted simply because the people are afraid of the government when it should be the other way around.  

Today, Americans and those recent immigrants, both illegal or otherwise are fully dependent cowards.  If our Bill of Rights was suddenly on the ballot, most of those rights would be voted away.  Our pathetically ignorant population has no clue about history, political science nor real freedom.  

The politicians have run a scam on the population about the Bill of Rights.  They claim that our rights are collective, not individual.  They further do everything they can to convince us that the constitution is a “living, breathing“ document that changes meaning at their whims.  Of course this is just a convenient work around to avoid the political process needed to change the constitution.  

The second amendment has been castigated, violated and trashed by politicians at every opportunity.  The job of our judiciary is to protect citizens from the government however, they have done a piss poor job as they simply embrace the politicians that appoint or promote them.

January 6, 2001 was an example of the raw power of the American people.  If there was a failure, it was that they did not come to Washington with arms and gallows.  Our tyrannical politicians immediately weaponized, the FBI and every other federal police organization to make war on those who disagreed with them.  

I don’t care who anyone supported for president, the results of the 2020 election were so obviously fraudulent. Joseph Stalin said best, it’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.  Having worked in elections in Chicago for the Democrat party, I can tell you firsthand how votes are easily stolen.   

We cannot possibly have a fair election when people don’t have to provide identification or proof of citizenship in order to vote.  Americans should’ve taken to the streets rather than to allow those 2020 voting irregularities. Democrats used and abused the Covid pandemic as an excuse to successfully tamper with the way we conduct elections.

As a nation, America has fallen.  We can only wait and watch what happens next. History tells us it will be very ugly.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Richmond, VA—The far left has gained control over Virginia’s political scene. They have a Democratic governor and a Democratic legislative majority.  They are all hell-bent on banning certain firearms and an additional bunch of really draconian dictates.

Virginia has both the federal and state constitutions that protect gun rights but that does not make any difference to this bunch of radicals.  Normally it’s up to the judges to decide the constitutionality of laws that are passed.  The courts however move very slow and resolutions take many years.  In the meantime those victimized by bad laws suffer irreversible harm through incarceration and the loss of valuable property and their guaranteed and hard won freedom.  That does not include tens of thousands in legal fees. I don’t think the founding fathers took into consideration that our courts would someday all but grind to a halt when it came to protecting liberty. 
The oath of office the radical leftist politicians have taken is meaningless to these people who are on a mission to destroy sacred Liberty.  They feel that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are somehow outdated and they are smarter then our founding fathers.  They insist upon re-writing the constitution in a way that suits them and nobody else.

That’s however not the way it works and they cannot simply pass laws that violate the Constitution.  In a state where the motto is, “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” or, Death To Tyrants the politicians are asking for extreme retaliation from the citizenry. Will we see politician's homes burned down and assassinations? Tempers are understandably at an all time high.  

As the vast majority of Virginia’s counties are declaring their jurisdictions to be Gun Rights Sanctuaries the same leftist politicians are planing to unleash the National Guard on both citizens and their local law enforcement officials to overcome any resistance.  They are also making contingency plans to shut down cell phones and the Internet so the citizens cannot communicate with each other during weapons seizures.  I can’t begin to imagine the cost in both tax dollars and human lives for them to accomplish their demands.

This shows that they’re really not concerned about Public Safety but about Socialist style public control. Enforcing these unconstitutional laws will bring about more bloodshed than if we simply handed out loaded guns to prison inmates. 

We can only hope that these dangerous politicians rethink their plans and come to their senses before it’s too late. 

Monday, April 06, 2015

The Great Assault Rifle Propaganda Scam!

The more powerful .30 caliber round above the little M-16/AR-15 (.223 caliber) round
Common (.30 caliber) hunting rifle
M-1 Rifle semi-automatic (.30 caliber) used in WW-2 and the Korean War

AR-15 civilian rifle (.223 caliber)
Los Angeles, CA—Nearly three decades ago the Gun Control zealots pulled a fast one on the public and media.  This was right out of Nazi propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels’ playbook.
Goebbels said that,  “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.” We all know now that he was spot on in that observation!
Certain military rifles were called assault rifles.  Perhaps it was a marketing gimmick to make them sound all-powerful and magical.  They were also all fully automatic as in, machine guns.
Soon gun makers exploited the designs of some of these assault rifles for the legal civilian market.  They made lookalike rifles that were only semi-automatic. 
Any similarity of the AR-15 rifle to the M-16 was purely cosmetic.  But these civilian copies became popular with military veterans that were all trained with the M-16.  That was simply because they were somewhat similar.
From the distance the M-16 and the AR-15 are identical.  Looks here are deceiving.  The Gun Control propagandists renamed the military lookalike rifles as, Assault Rifles!  This was a huge semantics scam.
The little lightweight M-16 (.223 caliber) rifles made their combat debut in Viet Nam.  It was a fast firing light rifle suited for jungle combat. 
The Viet Cong enemy in Viet Nam had no body armor and they lived in grass huts.  The more powerful rifle rounds of earlier wars just weren’t needed there. 
Soldiers could also carry much more of the smaller M-16 rounds into combat.
Military tacticians were also savvy enough to know that every wounded soldier required two healthy soldiers to carry and tend to each man wounded.  The lighter round proved very effective this way.
In an urban setting with concrete barriers and body armor availability the M-16 is woefully inadequate.  Low powered M-16/AR-15 rounds have poor penetration ability and can’t stop vehicles or anyone wearing light armor.
Currently, our soldiers in the Mideast should be carrying heavier weapons such as the M-14 (.30 caliber) developed at the End of the Korean War.  Instead they must rely on the weapons better suited for Viet Nam jungle warfare.
American law enforcement chose M-16 style weapons simply because of ammunition availability and the veterans that were hired were already familiar with them.  
Accordingly police agencies were satisfied with using cheap, light body armor that would stop the little M-16/AR-15 rounds.
The ignorant media and public assumed that these lookalike weapons of war were the deadliest ever! They always ignorantly refer to them as “high powered assault weapons”.
The AR-15 (.223 caliber) round proved too underpowered for hunting larger American game animals like deer and antelope.  The animals would get shot and runaway wounded only to needlessly suffer. 
High-powered rifle rounds barely begin at .308 (.30 caliber) and advance upward until the .50 caliber BMG.  Calling a M-16/AR-15 round, “high powered” is indeed laughable.
Assault weapon bans were designed to take out the most popular AR-15 rifles because of their sheer numbers.  
The fact remains the more benign looking wood stocked rifles are still much more powerful.  The American Sniper, Chris Kyle used a bolt-action .308 (.30 caliber) rifle for his legendary, one-shot, one-kill missions.
Just look at the size difference above.  Pictured above is the tiny M-16/AR-15 round (.223 caliber) is compared to the M-1 rifle round (.30 caliber).