Showing posts with label Government follies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government follies. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arizona Has Decimated the Liberal, Feel Good “Gun Buy-Back” Schemes!

Guns from a recent Tucson Buy-back event. 

Phoenix, AZ—In Phoenix and Tucson there is the Large City Disease called Liberalism.  For some reason the larger cities of our nation attracts the Looney political Left and their facilitation of poverty, crime and ignorance. 
Between the larger cities are the smaller ones and the rural areas inhabited for the most part by hard working, law-abiding, and taxpaying productive people. 
The political Right controls the productive and peaceful areas.  The Left abets violence, dependence and ignorance in the places under their control.  It’s is a simple fact that per-capita violence, crime and despair is always over the top in large cities run by the Left.  The collective self-esteem of big city inhabitants is usually right in the toilet.
The Left hates gun rights preferring that their intended victims cannot endanger criminals.  The bans against possession and the carrying of firearms; serves as nothing more than a “Mugger Protection Act”. 
The Left renamed numerous ordinary firearms as, Assault Weapons demonizing them.  Gun safety is a term for handling firearms in a way to avoid accidents.  The Left has renamed that as, "Sensible Gun Laws.”  Their so-called Sensible Gun Laws are simply bans of every description and obstacles that only impact the law-abiding people. 
The Left has found a terrific way to waste tax money and sometimes involve sponsors from the community.  They are the gun buy-back events.  These government gadflies invite anyone and everyone to exchange unwanted guns including toys for tax money!  No questions are asked as they hand out the cash, sneakers and debit cards.  Leftist media collaborators give the politicians free face time while promoting the massive waste.  Then the Liberals all pat each other on the back as the collected firearms are destroyed by wasteful fools.  
Arizona found a great way to stop the ineffective and wasteful buy back events.  They simply created a state law forbidding the destruction of the collected firearms.  Any firearms collected for any reason by state or local government agencies must be sold to law-abiding citizens.   
Phoenix and Tucson can deal with crime by sending the tax money to schools, police agencies and foster parents.  That might actually work to reduce crime far more effectively than these gun buy-back charades.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Los Angeles Gun Buy Back Program Makes Fools Feel Good

Los Angeles, CA-- Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa with his appointed police chief, Charlie Beck along with other city politicians seem to love the silly idea of gun buy backs.

The program was recycled Saturday here at six locations by city officials. They offered gift cards from Ralph's Supermarkets or Visa. A mere handgun would fetch $100.00 while a so-called assault rifle would garner $200.00. As always, there were no questions asked as they handed over the plastic currency to the anonymous participants.

As always, most of the guns collected are worth far less than what officials paid for them. These buy backs attract gun dealers from everywhere who see the opportunity to make a small profit unloading what they can’t otherwise sell.

In some cases burglars were paid for the proceeds of their crimes turning the LAPD into an illicit fencing operation.

Close examination of the junk collected always shows rusted, broken and totally unserviceable firearms. Toys always somehow turn up in the collections. There are only a few exceptions where decent and even collectible firearms are turned in for the bounty.

Yes, there were cases of departed grandfather’s old guns being sold off. You could make a very weak argument that fewer guns are in closets that could be later stolen and misused.

The big question I always have that the media refuses to ask is, who pays for this expensive feel-good scam? The taxpayers nearly always eat this cost in most jurisdictions where these things are done. Of course this only happens in parts of the country where governments are run into bankruptcy by Liberal politicians. Any claim of corporate sponsorship rings hollow when you take into account their “charitable” tax breaks for their less than generous participation.

Do taxpayers still have the money for such meaningless and extravagant programs in this tough economy?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chicago’s Parking Meter Extortion Can Be stopped!

Chicago, IL—The brand new parking meter kiosks are everywhere now. They accept cash and credit cards. Your failure to feed these monsters will get you in a world of hurt. It’s pure and simple extortion. Chicago’s weather has not been agreeable with these machines. They have been freezing over.

I have an idea! Perhaps we can help these devices with simple spray bottles. That will melt the ice for sure. Insert the nozzles into any and all openings and simply spray the ice away! I’m sure this will be helpful to the sensitive electronics inside!

Do this for your city!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Love This Scam!

States like California run by Liberal do-gooders think they’re doing something wonderful. They put a punitive refundable tax on beverage containers encouraging people to return them for recycling.

Entrepreneurs have answered the call for recycling! They collect the cans and bottles in the sates with no such tax and unload them in the Socialist Utopias. They’ve been making millions from those well-intentioned governments. They are paying far more in refunds than they have collected for the imported containers out-of-state. That's what you call success!

Don’t let anyone tell you that we don’t live in a great country.

Get in this while you can, learn more here!