Los Angeles, CA –Today the
NTSB ruled that the FAA may continue to ban any commercial use model aircraft,
unmanned aerial vehicles or drones.
We are anxiously awaiting the
FAA’s long overdue and final regulations on the drones that have become so
popular primarily to photographers.
The ruling leaves in tact the
incredibly vague, subjective and overly broad language in it’s provision, “No
person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner as to endanger
the life or property or another.” This language
could allow for some judge to find that the mere flight of a device to be
This is amazing since despite
that there’s never been a single death or serious reported injury involving a
multi-rotor camera drones.
If the unreasonably intrusive
requirements recently imposed on filmmakers granted drone operation FAA permits
are a sign of things to come this industry is doomed at least in the USA.
For now the use of drones by
hobbyists is still legal. However should
payment for images be involved the FAA may bring the full force of government
on those who dare.
We will have to see just what
damage the FAA will do to the burgeoning civilian camera drone industry. I’m not confidant that they will be measured
or reasonable to filmmakers, the news media or photographers. Now there are more reasons to avoid producing
television programming or motion pictures anywhere but inside the United
Should police or the FAA ever
attempt to question you about your drone activities or financial arrangements,
never lie to them. Instead tell them you
want a lawyer present before you answer any questions. Frankly without your admissions, lies or
other information their investigations will be severely crippled.
Here is today’s ruling:
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font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display:
block;"> on
Scribd" href="https://www.scribd.com/doc/247020214/Comercial-Drone-Appeal-Ruling" style="text-decoration: underline;"
>Comercial Drone Appeal Ruling