Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Thursday, December 05, 2019

A Review of a Great Film, SYSTEM CRASHER

Writer and Director, Nora Fingscheidt and me...
Los Angeles, CA--Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild I am blessed to get to see a lot of films and meet the creative forces behind them. That’s exactly what happened tonight as I saw a German film, System Crasher.  

It was a project dreamed up by a lovely young film student by the name of Nora Fingscheidt.   The film began seven years ago as a thought that has culminated in an Oscar competing film in the best foreign film category.  The entire cast was captivating. 

The film stars nine-year-old, Helena Zengel as Benni, a young, somewhat abandoned child.  This child is under care of the government and they can hardly cope with her.  She’s a bright girl and is fiercely independent. 

Benni's real problem is obvious she has been denied a two parent household and all of the love and attention that every child deserves. She’s considered a System Crasher. 

Benni has somewhat dangerous meltdowns that makes placing her in foster homes nearly impossible.  Her care givers do the best they can to tame this wild child under the circumstances.

The film also stars, Albrecht Schuch in a compelling role as Benni's assigned Social Worker Escort, Micha.  Micha crosses the line when he becomes personally involved in a somewhat understandable surrogate parental capacity.   

Just like Micha, you can’t help but fall in love with Benni as she travels through some rather horrific misadventures.

I have to say it’s one of the better films I’ve seen and I wish the writer and director, Nora Fingscheidt a trip up to the Oscar podium in February.  As for the young starlet she’s been visiting with none other than Tom Hanks. We will be seeing a lot more of her.

It soon may be available on Netflix. The English Trailer is below.
Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild I am blessed to get to see a lot of films and meet the creative forces behind them. That’s exactly what happened tonight as I saw a German film, System Crasher.  

It was a project dreamed up by a lovely young film student by the name of Nora Fingscheidt.   The film began seven years ago as a thought that has culminated in an Oscar competing film in the best foreign film category.  The entire cast was captivating. 

The film stars nine-year-old, Helena Zengel as Benni, a young, somewhat abandoned child.  This child is under care of the government and they can hardly cope with her.  She’s a bright girl and is fiercely ind

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A lot of people ask me why I love Germany. Here is the answer!

Aschaffenberg, Germany--it was December 1968 when after being drafted by the Army I wound up in this beautiful hamlet.  I was just about 15 miles from Frankfurt and was blessed to be assigned there as a medical corpsman.

It was Christmas time and I was in a strange land far away from home.  I decided that since I was a guest in  this nation I'd act like one. 

I was compelled to learn the customs, language and culture.  I stayed far away from fellow soldiers if for no other reason I liked the elegant German babes better.  

I soon found that the German people were incredibly kind to me.  I made some wonderful new friends and got an education few Americans ever get.  

The 18 months I spent in Germany  was the very best time of my life.  I traveled everywhere I could.  The money exchange rate was four Marks to the Dollar then. It was truly an adventure! 

If I made a mistake it was not staying there and finishing my education in a medical profession in Munich or Berlin.  

I never forgot the kindness and love that the German people showed me when I was so young.  

Over the last 25 years I worked on the Debra Milke Death Penalty travesty in Arizona.  I investigated not on her behalf but was hired by many media organizations to help them cover that nightmare.  

It turned out that I discovered early that Milke was framed and told that to anyone who'd listen. It turned out I was correct once again. 

The Milke case actually got me sent back to Europe three times.  The last trip in December was indirectly because of my involvement with the case.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Germany’s Immigration Fiasco and its Frightening Consequences for all of Europe

Cologne, Germany—An irreversible political decision was made under the guise of humanitarianism to bring in one million refugees from Islamic nations into Germany.  The political Left did this like they always do to bring in people they believe will keep a majority of poor so the Socialist political agenda is realized and maintained. 

These predominately Islamic refugee immigrants cannot speak German or even English that’s widely spoken in Europe.  They have no job skills other than their cultural military killing related knowledge.  They hate the Western world, its culture, Christian religion and women’s rights.  With rare exceptions, these people can only survive from what they are given or forcibly take from the Europeans.

These Muslims are claiming that the suggestive clothing worn by German women is an excuse brutal rape and robbery.  The Islamists claim they can’t control their sexual impulsivity when women are not covered in Burkas.  Does anyone really buy that nonsense?   
It was New Years and as always in the larger cities German people gather outside to celebrate.  The young women are bundled up in warm clothing that’s hardly suggestive because of those harsh winters. 
This year was different because the crowds included large roving groups of newly arrived, primarily North African Islamic thugs that singled out young German women, surrounded them, ripped their clothing away, beat and gang raped them.  The women were also robbed of jewelry, cell phones, credit cards and cash. A night of planned fun became the worst night of these women’s lives.
The police were powerless to stop this depraved horror and investigating this after the fact in order to bring the thugs to justice is nearly impossible.  The Conservative anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement and some hateful Neo-Nazis accurately predicted this kind of conduct.  The government’s politicians did everything possible to mitigate and cover-up this massive immigrant organized atrocity.  Eventually however the cat was let out of the bag.
Now that hundreds of young German woman’s lives have been irrevocably shattered the German people are waking up that the PEGIDA movement needs massive support.  They know that Germany cannot absorb these savage and hateful parasites.  The quality of lives, property, and physical safety of the German people has been simply gambled away so the Left could maintain political control.
Making matters worse is that law-abiding Germans have no gun rights and few guns.  Understandably sales of those woefully ineffective pepper spray devices right now are through the roof.  The Muslims have already smuggled loads of military grade arms into Europe.   Of course when criminals and terrorists are involved gun control is no more effective than drug control.  Gun Control and the lack of training for Germans have placed them at the absolute mercy of Islamic thugs.
Wherever the Muslim refugees have been placed there have been massive reports of shoplifting, robbery and similar crimes.  The police cannot deal with this large scale mess.  As they evade arrest and punishment the Islamic thugs will only become more prolific and emboldened. 
Germany must immediacy rethink gun control and look to every nation that allows permitted concealed weapons.  The statistics are very clear that those people behave themselves very well.
Germany must beef up law enforcement resources by bringing in trustworthy well-trained American military veterans to assist local police.  Being a veteran that was fortunate enough to serve in Germany I know we can work well together and better protect this nation.
The German people are learning a hard and violent lesson here.  The political Left has fooled them once again.  The refugee invaders are a clear and present danger to Germany.  Angela “Mutti” Merkel and her allies in Parliament’s political futures are now dead.
Immigration from these Islamic nations must cease and everything must be done to remove at least the criminal element, back where they came from. 
The German people deserve the ability to be trained with and carry arms so they can be self-reliant.  Training must include the law and liability of the justifiable use of deadly force.       
Germany must make it clear that any and all immigrants are accountable to laws.  They must behave as guests learn the language and work.  Immigrants that refuse to assimilate properly or behave must be expelled if Germany is to continue as a leading nation.
The German people have a greater than ever reputation for culture and kindness.  These are not the same people that allowed the Nazis to dictate for 12 years and watch their nation get destroyed.  Germany emerged as a new nation with heart, conscience and well-deserved pride.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

PEGIDA Goals and Aggressive Muslim Deportation Must Succeed for Europe’s Survival.

Dresden, GermanyPatriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes or in its English translation, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) is exploding in Europe.
Huge demonstrations in Germany have sent some controversial shockwaves throughout Europe that has stood by failing to react to the deadly Muslim threat. 
Is this a hate based movement or terrorized people coming together for simple survival? That depends upon whose opinion you’re examining.
There can be no argument that Muslim extremism follows this group wherever they go.  Beheadings, bombings and extreme senseless violence directed by hateful Muslims against non-Muslims is the rule rather than the exception everywhere.
The Muslims have been invited guests in civilized Western nations for longer then most of us have been alive.  Generally it’s been without major problem until the last 20-30 years. 
Civilization demands that when you’re an invited guest in someone’s nation or home that you behave like one or leave.  Those that don’t behave must be tossed out to preserve the peace.  Many Muslims feel they are somehow exempt from customs, laws and simple decency. 
What about the moderate or seemingly peaceful Muslims?  They and their clerics bear a huge responsibility for the savage acts of the militants. They remain silent and by doing so they are no small part of this pseudo-religious, cult based conspiracy of terror.
Muslim culture currently demands they reproduce like rabbits.  In their home nations medical care was non-existent and children died at an alarming rate because of common childhood illnesses that were eliminated in the West.
One thing for sure, Muslim’s demand far too much of their nations they have decided to inhabit.  They instead see themselves on a dangerous global colonization effort.  Muslims simply don’t belong in a civilized nation. 
The PEGIDA movement would not exist but as a direct response to innocent lives lost in senseless acts of hateful violence.
German Chancellor Angelia Merkel along with other politicians condemned PEGIDA to preserve their politically correct image. 
We are 70 years out of a German period of disgrace, shame and national guilt for Nazi Party atrocities.  Any ethnic conflict is a grim reminder for the German people.
The neo-Nazi’s anti-Semitism has a common bond with Jew hating Muslims.  Neo-Nazis do exist in Germany but have curiously joined with the PEGIDA movement.  Joining with neo-Nazis to combat the Muslim threat is distasteful to most Europeans because of their history of hate.
The neo-Nazi endorsement of PEGIDA tarnishes the image of this organization.  That was not helped by the antics of it’s founder, advertising executive, Lutz Bachmann, when he actually costumed and posed as Adolph Hitler for cameras.
Bachmann quickly resigned from PEGIDA after that huge blunder.
PEGIDA now has a platform to deal with Muslims.  Are these enough to stem the problem?  Frankly I doubt it, in that this is all too little and much too late. 
PEGIDA Mandates:
1.  Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
2.  Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
3.  Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
4.  Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
5.  Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
6.  Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
7.  Demands an increase in funding for the police.
8.  Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
9.  Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
10.  States that Pegida opposes a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.
11.  Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
12.  Pegida demonstration on 12 January 2015
States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children").
13.  Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian coined culture.
14.  Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
Muslim terror and crime is a grim reality in Europe. I favor a policy where all able-bodied law-abiding European citizens take a role in national defense.
That is to train and carry concealed firearms to deal with the Muslim threat.  It is unfair and unwise to keep Europeans disarmed and helpless from the savage armed Muslims that are relentlessly killing innocents.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Obama, Bush and Troubled German/American Relations

Chicago, IL—I have a lot of friends that consider themselves political moderates or even Liberal.  When they saw the wide smile of America’s first Black presidential candidate they somehow fell in love.
After suffering eight years with a horrible president, George Bush many of my friends gambled on this unknown African-American, Barack Obama who they figured could never be worse than Bush.  They all simply wanted change particularly with respect to Bush’s ill-advised wars. 
Bush wore the Republican label and his detractors called him a Right Wing Conservative.  Bush was mislabeled as a Conservative when he was nothing of the kind.  His rhetoric seemed Conservative but that was always just talk.  His actions were Liberal and Leftist.  He was also not very smart.
Bush got us needlessly into two wars that really served no purpose for America.  Attacking Iraq was really dumb.  
Had Bush stayed clear, Iraq and Iran would have made war on each other by now reducing the threat of Islamic thugs from both nations.  They may have killed millions on both sides.  Instead we made both enemy nations stronger than ever.
Too many of our youngsters came home in rubber bags as a result of Bush’s adventures.  Nobody in their right minds wanted us to continue in the Middle East deadly mess. 
Americans were tired of war and wanted to end them and Obama seemed to show signs of ending the conflicts. 
Nearly six years later hindsight tells us Obama made even more war than even George Bush!  The Liberal Bush hating media however refused to expose Obama’s missteps no matter how outrageous. 
Before his election as president I knew a lot about Obama because of my extensive inside knowledge of Chicago and its massive political corruption.  The history of the former lawyers Barack and Michelle Obama was incredibly ugly. 
The circle of Obama’s friends well were known by me as criminals, Communists and hate filled Blacks like their friends Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder.  The Obamas were both very much tied to the politically connected Communist faction in their Hyde Park neighborhood.
Obama was set to recreate America into a new Communist political model.  His entire political effort was High Treason against the American people and the Constitution he swore to protect and defend. 
Three men that exposed massive lies and revealed interesting things about political corruption and technology enabled extensive spying on ordinary Americans and our Allies like Germany.
Julian Assanage, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden.  They all risked their very lives to reveal the unthinkable.  We must be aware that none of these men made a single dime selling their information to enemy nations!  They all did this simply because it was the right thing to do! 
The media turned these heroes into traitors when in fact they were trying to warn us all of unbridled, unprecedented and unparalleled government tyranny. 
When a few government officials have the power of complete intelligence of the private lives of members of every branch of government they are empowered to blackmail anyone they wish. 
There can be no question that Obama and his minions were able to blackmail and compromise Conservative Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.  That gave them the one needed vote to save their otherwise doomed Socialist Obamacare American disaster.
The German people understood well what a horrible president Bush was and gambled on Obama as a new America Messiah.  They opened their arms and hearts to this stranger they once trusted.
Incredibly, Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize without a single accomplishment other than getting elected president!  Wow, he must be wonderful everyone thought! 
Chancellor Angela Merkel learned about Assanage, Manning and Snowden’s troubling revelations.  She blindly assumed that Manning and Snowden were traitors that compromised the security of the free world.  Ms. Merkel would later learn she was misled by the American government.
Edward Snowden desperately needed asylum and was turned down by Germany.  Instead he could only find refuge with our former enemy Russia. 
However Merkel soon learned that her personal cell-phone was hacked by the NSA-FBI’s  “Stingray” computer snooping program!
Now Germany has expelled to Americans for spying on them!  This has damaged a sacred trust between to nations that needed each other.  Obama has managed to divide and conquer two strong allies! 
Edward Snowden’s period of asylum in Russia is set to expire.  Snowden deserves solid protection from Germany.  He did not get it before because Merkel and her government thought that it would damage German/American relations.  She should rethink that decision and open Germany’s arms to Snowden. 
Frankly, Germany is the best place for Snowden at least until a new American President can pardon Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. 
As an American I’m deeply ashamed of the Obama Administration and my citizenship as a result.  I may be seeking asylum myself in Germany if there the continuation of Obama’s criminal conduct.
Every German certainly did not support Adolf Hitler, accordingly this American does not support Barack Obama!
I hope my Liberal and German friends understand exactly why I detest and denounce Obama.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Huge Thank You to All of my Friends from Germany!

Aschaffenburg, Germany—When I was required to serve in the U.S. Army I had the good fortune of serving as a medical corpsman in this lovely town some 30 kilometers South of Frankfurt.
I landed here in December of 1968 somehow escaping a combat assignment in Viet Nam.   I arrived in Germany just 24 years after World War II ended.  Technically I was still part of an occupation army.  Thankfully the deep wounds of war here healing and a real friendship was developing between Germans and Americans. 
This was amazing since Aschaffenburg was the scene of the most aggressive and deadly resistance once the war ended.   Thankfully my predecessors were mush better behaved than the Russian military swine that raped the women and children of Berlin while looting their last few possessions. 
The German people showed me kindness as they welcomed me into their nation, homes and hearts.  Learning about the customs, food and rich culture was a real treat for me.  Learning the language seemed incredibly easy for me but my motivation for that was more about my overactive libido.  There were exceptionally beautiful young women everywhere and fluency in conversation was a big plus in that regard. 
The 18 months I spent in Germany were the best of my entire life.  I only regret returning to Chicago to live.  It would have been better I only visited the USA as an expatriate from time to time. 
I was ignorant of the wonderful educational opportunities that I would have had in Germany.  Back then getting student or worker status would have been a snap.  I did not miss the Army but I really missed Germany. 
My excellent German language proficiency deteriorated because of lack of conversation and I got on with my life as an American.  There were always the doubts that returning the right thing for my future and me.  Hindsight is always so much better and I now see I made the wrong choice.
It was not all bad and I’ve been back several times but now every time I visit I want to stay.  I may yet find a way to visit there more often perhaps working on various film projects and such. 
In more recent years I have met new friends from Germany living, visiting or working in the U.S.  Many are in the film industry.  I cherish these folks too because the have the same elegance and kindness I remember so well.  
To my many wonderful German friends both here in the USA and Germany, I say thank you.  My life is much richer because of you.


Monday, April 29, 2013

The German Government is Still Hunting Old Nazis

Germany's top Nazi Hunter, Kurt Schrimm in on  mission!
Ludwigsburg, Germany--Germany's Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes is located in this picturesque hamlet close to Stuttgart.  
The head honcho of this Nazi-hunting agency is Kurt Schrimm.  Schrimm is on a desperate mission to round up as many as 50 former guards from the Auschwitz concentration Camp believed to still be alive. 
Schrimm will not have to run fast after these guys because the old fugitives are well into their 90’s and have canes, walkers and wheelchairs.  Others are blind, deaf or suffering from dementia. 
What Schrimm lacks is convincing eyewitness testimony of the alleged crimes.  Schrimm will try to make these cases using old Nazi records that seem to place the men at Auschwitz during the time when atrocities were committed. 
Considering name similarities and the hearsay nature of these records this questionable legal quest seems incredibly complicated and flawed. 
There is no Statute of Limitations preventing prosecution but there comes a point in time when the quest for justice is purely symbolic but in reality totally meaningless. 
I don’t suggest for a moment that some or even all of the men were not involved in mass government sponsored murder and kidnapping.   The difficulty will be to separate the criminals from those conscripts that somehow avoided committing atrocities.  There were many cooks, clerks and medical workers within the ranks of the camp staff. 
The last man tried for War Crimes was retired Cleveland autoworker and naturalized U.S. citizen, John Demjanjuk.  Demjanjuk was tried convicted, sentenced to hang and was later cleared by an Israeli Court.  Nonetheless Demjanjuk was rearrested by Schrimm's agents and tried again in Munich and convicted.  He was sentenced to a nursing home where he peacefully died soon thereafter.  The irony was that the old man would have been confined to a bed no matter the outcome of the expensive and meaningless show trial.
Demjanjuk’s case was long fraught with despicable shenanigans committed by the U.S. Office of Special Investigations that essentially framed him with forged documents.  The OSI was struggling for funding and needed to justify its existence as a government agency at the time. 
What the Nazi’s did to fellow Germans, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Communists and Jews was shocking.  Hitler’s regime murdered six million of their castigated minorities but it’s somehow forgotten that over nine million German’s also perished under the Nazis. 
The U.S. Office of Special Investigations and Germany’s Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes has outlived their usefulness.  They need to shutter their doors and fade away like the old Nazis they’ve been chasing. 
It would make more sense to create better safeguards in every government preventing government tyranny and murder under color of law. 
After the Holocaust surviving Jews began to chant, “Never again!  The fact is that history is replete with acts of genocide and government sponsored mass murder.  It will happen again and again as long as humans roam this earth.