Showing posts with label General David Petraeus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General David Petraeus. Show all posts

Friday, November 09, 2012

The Benghazi Cover-up is Now at Critical Mass.

Where is Paula Broadwell?  Is she in mortal danger tonight?
Washington, DC—By comparison Nixon’s Watergate scandal is small potatoes.  The Benghazi terror attack cover-up is far worse.  Today General David Petraeus resigned as director of the CIA in the nick of time to avoid giving sworn testimony before Congress on Monday.
We must remember that former President Bill Clinton is the modern standard for high-level adultery.  An intern, Monica Lewinski on company time, was servicing him as he conducted high-level business on the telephone in the Oval Office.  He was not forced to resign even after giving perjured testimony at a sworn deposition.  
The woman who knows all is Paula Broadwell and she is now far away from members of the press who are stalking her.   She is in extreme danger in my opinion.  They will either bribe anyone into silence or kill anyone they fear will blab. 
Paula Broadwell needs to be located and protected before something horrible happens