Chicago, IL—Officials here
are saying that the murder rate has suddenly declined to 1965 levels. The same is happening all across the nation.
However having anti-gun or self-defense zealot Barack Obama in the Whitehouse
has brought on a huge surge of never before seen levels of civilian gun
Wow! Those that think that more guns in
the hands of civilians would create massive bloodbaths or worse with the considerably relaxed laws on possessing or carrying them have been proven wrong.
Chicago went from a total gun
ban to “shall issue” carry permits for the law-abiding. The
program has not yet been implemented but prosecutors cannot enforce the bans on
gun carrying by the large population of people possessing state firearm ID cards.
The George Zimmerman shooting and trial was the
greatest PR event against crime ever by sending a highly publicized message to thugs everywhere. That message is that doing the things that
thugs do is now suddenly very hazardous. Thankfully
most thugs are cowards.
With the significant proliferation in people carrying guns for self-defense we are having fewer
murders and also surprisingly fewer gun accidents.
On the issue of safety there
are two contributing factors to the reduction of accidents. One is that people carrying guns are getting
professional safety training. The other
factor is that guns are not being left behind in homes where children may get
their hands on them. Instead those guns are in holsters being carried by their owners.
There are those folks that
still believe gun registration laws are needed.
They really can’t explain why simply because they’ve been brainwashed through misleading political propaganda.
Most people don't know that the U.S. Supreme Court has
ruled twice, exempting felons and those prohibited by law from possessing
firearms from registering them! It’s all
about self-incrimination and the Fifth Amendment. Filing out registration forms violates their
Guns are only left at crime
when a criminal is killed, wounded or captured at the scene. Under those circumstances police have all the
information they need and registration accomplishes nothing!
Gun owners that become
victimized by theft of firearms reports the thefts to police and the serial
numbers are entered into a national database. If someone gets caught with a hot
gun or one with a defaced serial number a jail cell awaits him or her.
The fact is crimes are
incredibly seldom or never committed with guns in possession of their
registered owners.
Gun registration is
meaningless other than to provide political despots a list of people to disarm
or otherwise attack. Newspapers have
also printed the names and addresses of registered gun owners informing burglars
wither homes to avoid or ones where they can steal firearms.
Professor John Lott made the
case for that premise in his book titled, “More Guns, Less Crime.” With all the restrictions lifted since and
the sales of millions more guns Lott has proven to be absolutely correct on
every count!
As Americans we have a duty
to protect each other from a tiny minority of criminals that would victimize
us. We cannot ever depend on the police
arriving minutes or longer after the crime to make any meaningful difference.
The evidence and facts about
gun rights are a lot different that the political propagandists have been
claiming for decades.
To look at the reverse of
this more guns, less crime argument simply look to the UK and Australia where
they more recently in the last few decades outlawed guns. Crime and particularly murders and serious
assaults have skyrocketed since the bans went into effect.
The real facts are that the
gun-rights haters are driven by misguided emotions or a desire to disarm
Americans for nefarious purposes.