Showing posts with label Gabby Giffords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gabby Giffords. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Why Retired Astronaut Mark Kelly is Out As The New Face of Gun Control Propaganda.

Tucson, AZ—Say it ain’t so!  Just one day after railing for a ban on so-called assault weapons, high capacity ammunition magazines and expanded background checks on simple family gun transfers it seems our retired space cadet Mark Kelly was buying the very guns he has been castigating.
Right now gun control has no face since Sarah Brady simply got too old and had to retire.   Gabby Giffords might be a natural choice because she got newfound fame for being the target of an armed madman.   Sadly Gifford’s injuries have robbed her of her ability to handle the duties required.  Currently here is no famous face of a knowledgeable and dedicated gun banner to take on that role.   The right quasi-celebrity could garner a large paycheck along with a high profile.  The gun banners had high hopes that Mark Kelly could fill Sarah Brady’s shoes.
Gabby Giffords was not exactly a supporter of Obama style gun control.  She actually had her own concealed weapon permit but unfortunately she chose to attend that fateful meet and greet event unarmed and defenseless.  The Democratic Party begged her to help them with their cause after the Sandy Hook school shooting.   Giffords and her husband opted for the anti-gun spotlight.  Apparently their personal convictions simply did not mirror their new high profile propaganda effort.
Kelly was suddenly walking the walk and talking the gun control talk. He testified before Congress and Just one day after giving similar testimony before the Colorado legislature he was out buying his own AR-15 rifle.  So much for Kelly’s public whining that no one needs these kinds of firearms.
Kelly walked into Tucson’s Diamondback Police Supply where he purchased an AR-15 carbine, several so-called high capacity magazines and a 1911 .45 semi-automatic pistol. Now they are in damage control mode suggesting he was somehow conducting an “undercover investigation” checking on the gun buying process.   Was law enforcement involved with Kelly’s Spook job?  Apparently that’s not the case.
Kelly has just dashed any hope of any other requests to become the celebrity gun ban advocate.  I guess someone else will have to be found for this coveted high paying propaganda position. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

An analysis Of Today’s Senate “Gun Violence Hearing”

Gabby Giffords

Washington, DC—After two decades of setbacks the gun ban movement was all but dead in America. Concealed carry had swept the nation and the last two standing gun banswere struck down in two separate recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. 
With fewer restrictions and millions more guns in circulation the nation’s crime and gun accident rate has been dropping everywhere but in Chicago.   Of coursetoday the Windy City’s draconian gun ban is on the judicial ropes.
The Second Amendment has reemerged from an avalanche ofpolice raids, arrests and civil rights violations. The Brady Institute was allbut shuttered but for their hope that Barack Obama, a proven gun rights and liberty hater would somehow turn back the tide. 
Recent mass shootings, particularly the Sandy Hook School inNewtown, CT were shamelessly exploited by the political Left and their news media cheerleaders.  Long time Gun Ban Scam advocates Diane Feinstein and Charles Schumer couldn’t wait to dance in the blood of the murdered Sandy Hook children re-arguing old and failed propaganda.
Lost in the argument is the fact that every recent mass shooter was a known mental patient being treated with drugs rather than being institutionalized.  The failures were notbecause of a lack of gun laws but a failed mental health system and thereluctance of medical officials to send in data on their patients.
This time the memory in Congress is crystal clear of how the1994 so-called Assault Weapons Ban Congressional supporters were swept out ofoffice by angry voters.  Apparently thevote for Diane Feinstein’s wet dream is just not there and passage theDemocratically controlled Senate is unlikely. The Bill would not stand a chance in the House if it somehow got out ofthe Senate.
Still Feinstein promised the Loony Left she’d bring hergun-grabbing bill forward for consideration and could not back down.  Today Feinstein and Schumer were unusually subdued as they put their number one sacrificial lamb in a senate witness chair.  The hapless lamb was police Chief James Johnson of the failed Socialist utopia of Baltimore, MD.   He provided his lockstep gun ban support and misinformation to the committee. 
They also brought in former Democratic Congresswoman GabbyGiffords and her retired astronaut husband to garner an emotional response and sympathy.  The poor woman was paraded around like a show pony before the committee. Her attacker was a well-known mentally disturbed man who local officials negligently ignored.  Had they taken reasonable action he’d had been institutionalized.
There were three unstoppable experts that explained thescope and purpose of America’s constitutionally protected gun rights.  The three led by the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre along with women’s right’s advocate Gayle Trotter and gun rights author and lawyer David Kopel.
The sour note came from Illinois Senator Dick Durbin thatcould not contain his hatred for gun owners and advocates.  His target was the faulty 100 round magazine used at the Colorado movie theater shooting. That unpopular and faulty M-4 platform magazine failed making the argument against it mute.   Durbin’sleadership is exactly exactly what went wrong with the Socialist nightmare of Chicago, IL. 
This is not to suggest for a moment that the gun bannerswon’t keep trying.  We must remain constantly on guard.
The gun banners are noticing a new shift by gun owners to protect their rights as the Second Amendment was originally intended!  They have begun to understand, that Americans will not tolerate any more Waco or Randy Weaver style gun raids. 
Our politicians have noticed that their latest propaganda efforts sent Americans to the gun stores cleaning them out of every available gunor round of ammunition. These Americans were and are preparing for war, notfuture restrictions.  Ban our guns if you dare and face resistance unlike any you could imagine.