Phoenix, AZ—Sheriff Joe Arpaio deserves criticism for the treatment
of prisoners not convicted of crimes being held in his jail. Those are arrested people that deserve the
presumption of innocence that Joe’s punitive jail mocks.
Joe failed in his selection of a disloyal Chief Deputy that
had been a really poor choice. On the
other hand a loyal and fine man was castigated and banished from his
administration in error. Joe is a lot of
things and perfect is not one of them. I have known Joe from before he was elected.
I do agree with him on many issues.
I have to respect the science of document examination and
the evidence there points to the forgery pictured above. There are also serious signs that the forger of the Obama birth
certificate released by the Whitehouse did not understand codes and numbers
associated with the document. Analysis
of the numbers and code revealed that the document is not genuine. The evidence is more than compelling.
The biggest error came as a result of the age of the
document forger. He or she was obvoulsy too young to be aware of correct terms used to classify what we today call African-Americans. The creator of the
phony document listed Obama’s race as African.
That is a huge red flag because that term was not applied as a race
title until well into the 1980’s. That
term and the moniker, Black would have been considered politically incorrect
and racist back when Obama was born. The
proper term throughout history until the late 1970’s was Negro. The government did not change this until well into the 1980s.
Additionally the United States government standardized the
acceptable terms for all identification documents. Eventually Negro became an apparent derogatory
term that sensitive politically correct Americans abandoned in the 1980’s.
This so-called birth certificate document was the product of
a criminal conspiracy. It needs to be
investigated by Congress and the State of Hawaii. The problem here is politics prevents the
orderly administration of justice.
Democratic politicians have total control and are breaking the law by
obstructing justice.
Law and order has broken down in America and the government
is now lawless. All Americans have a
duty to insure justice is done.