Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Big Mistake by the Obama Birth Certificate Forger

Phoenix, AZ—Sheriff Joe Arpaio deserves criticism for the treatment of prisoners not convicted of crimes being held in his jail.   Those are arrested people that deserve the presumption of innocence that Joe’s punitive jail mocks.
Joe failed in his selection of a disloyal Chief Deputy that had been a really poor choice.  On the other hand a loyal and fine man was castigated and banished from his administration in error.  Joe is a lot of things and perfect is not one of them.  I have known Joe from before he was elected. 
I do agree with him on many issues. 
I have to respect the science of document examination and the evidence there points to the forgery pictured above.  There are also serious signs that the forger of the Obama birth certificate released by the Whitehouse did not understand codes and numbers associated with the document.  Analysis of the numbers and code revealed that the document is not genuine.  The evidence is more than compelling.
The biggest error came as a result of the age of the document forger.  He or she was obvoulsy too young to be aware of correct terms used to classify what we today call African-Americans.  The creator of the phony document listed Obama’s race as African.  That is a huge red flag because that term was not applied as a race title until well into the 1980’s.  That term and the moniker, Black would have been considered politically incorrect and racist back when Obama was born.  The proper term throughout history until the late 1970’s was Negro. The government did not change this until well into the 1980s.
Additionally the United States government standardized the acceptable terms for all identification documents.  Eventually Negro became an apparent derogatory term that sensitive politically correct Americans abandoned in the 1980’s.
This so-called birth certificate document was the product of a criminal conspiracy.  It needs to be investigated by Congress and the State of Hawaii.   The problem here is politics prevents the orderly administration of justice.  Democratic politicians have total control and are breaking the law by obstructing justice. 
Law and order has broken down in America and the government is now lawless.  All Americans have a duty to insure justice is done.   

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Is it Finally the Beginning of the End of the Obama Nightmare?

Los Angeles, CA—Was this the real revelation Andrew Breitbart was planning to make that he knew would bring down Barack Obama?   Was Breitbart murdered to bring about his silence?

There are still so many questions that need answers.   Things are just not making sense and usually when I find myself confused during an investigation, major things will be discovered.   Frankly the incredible timing of Breitbart’s death and the huge financial stake of Obama’s political campaign places murder right at the top of my list.
Have the people around Breitbart been terrorized into silence?  We’ve heard nothing from his grieving family and precious little from his business associates. 
Obama has spent well over a $1 million in legal fees to avoid producing simple documents like a certified copy of a birth certificate, passport and student loan records.  People only do this kind of concealment to protect dark secrets from surfacing.
So far the courts have gone out of their way to protect Obama’s records from any public scrutiny.  The mainstream media including Fox News has given Obama a pass on this question. 
Despite clear and convincing evidence gathered by investigators and expert’s the allegations of document forgery have been awash with scorn from mainstream media political hacks.
Obama must be a Natural Born American Citizen to hold the nation’s highest office.  If he was not qualified every act, every piece of presidential activity is invalid.  He placed the nation in a constitutional crisis.  This may well have been a crime too.  Forgery and fraud has certainly occurred. 
There is far too mush evidence and efforts to conceal the facts to allow this charade to continue another minute.   It’s time for subpoenas, depositions and the production of records in the matter of Barack Obama’s qualification to be President.
All those responsible for the fraud should be arrested and prosecuted.  This is no small scandal. 
Read the about vetting material used for Obama’s first book in 

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Obama’s Birth and Selective Service Documents Branded as Forgeries!

Phoenix, AZ—Explosive information was released by Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio today about Barack Obama’s purported birth certificate.

Document examiners and computer experts provided exhaustive and detailed information that points to the forgery of the birth certificate posted on the Whitehouse website. That along with a bogus Selective Service card indicates the crimes of fraud and forgery.

Obama’s citizenship has been in question as were his qualification to hold the nation’s highest office.
I don’t care if you love or hate Obama this needs to be fully examined. The credibility of or nation and the political process is at stake. Watch the expert's videos that explain the process used by the examiners.

We need a Special Prosecutor to look at this issue now.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Government, Why Control Entitlement Fraud?

Chicago, IL--In order to collect food stamps, welfare, and those wildly popular cash cards the government won’t demand proof of legal residency or even positive identification of the recipients.
Fingerprinting and a little database management could prevent redundant payments, ineligible precipitants, and alike.  Our politicians can be counted upon to obstruct any effort to contain the fraud.
The direct deposit of funds into bank accounts allows those on the dole to live anywhere in the world as they collect from as many as 50 states.  Grab a few identities along the way and the sky is the limit! 
Around 1970 I learned a trick by a high rolling Chicago lady.  She had furs, jewels and bought a new car every year.  She complained about the cost of her facelift saying everyone was entitled to such elective medical procedures free of charge.   
The woman had at least a dozen names on a mailbox at an apartment where she did not even live. Like clockwork this woman went to the mailbox when the entitlement checks rolled in collecting them.
I learned later she created sham residences in Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana and pulled the same stunt in those states. She complained that her trips to get the checks and cashing them locally were exhausting and interfered with her winter travel to the Bahamas.
The woman spent a lot of time gathering and cashing checks she’d never have to deal with today. Those trips to the mailboxes are a thing of the past since electronic banking is here to stay. 
I dated the woman's daughter who was a student at a local university who went on to a free ride at a prestigious graduate school courtesy of mom's entitlements.
Unfortunately the woman died before the new banking technology made occupation easier than ever.