Showing posts with label Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fire. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Drones, Southern California Wildfires and Hysterical Chicken Little Propaganda

Cajon Pass, CA—For the last several brushfires that plagued this severely water parched area, claims were made that drone sightings delayed firefighting efforts.
Like so many reports by conventional pilots there’s never a shred of independent evidence such as videos, photos or the drones themselves.
The overblown and sensational claims of delayed response threatening lives and property are beyond outrageous.
Let me say that everyone is aware that conventional firefighting aircraft must fly well below the minimum airspace altitude. 
Camera drones could conceivably collide with conventional aircraft within nearby airspace.  That could be dangerous. 
Drone operators don’t want their drones destroyed, nor do they want their drones to be responsible for any kind of mishap.  
Drone technology is evolving faster than any wildfire and drones will soon replace conventional aircraft for these sometimes-risky firefighting missions.
Are pilots making up these stories to inhibit and delay drone integration into the airspace? 
Considering that despite numerous of reports of near misses there’s still never been a single collision, video, photo or recovered drone produced.  
News reports of these near misses are sensationally hysterical and terribly misleading. 
The nearly two million multi-rotor camera drones in civilian hands still have a perfect safety record.  No deaths, serious injuries or notable property damage. 
I’m not suggesting that a collision between a civilian drone and conventional aircraft could never happen. 
If the FAA declares wildfire scenes to be No Fly Zones for drones that are not directly involved in firefighting or rescue efforts that would be certainly reasonable.  
Accordingly, seeing a drone operator severely punished by the FAA for knowingly entering the airspace near a wildfire would not offend any reasonable person.
We could however do without the government manipulated, hyped, Chicken Little media reports on this issue. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Last Week’s Los Angeles Downtown Inferno, an Update

Los Angeles, CA—Last week’s fire at the downtown Da Vinci Apartments under construction seemed to me to be an obvious case of arson.  Motives in significant arson cases are nearly always financial. 
The fact that the fire engulfed the entire, well over one million square feet evenly and suddenly indicates, at least to me a very large amount of accelerant like gasoline or paint thinner was used.
Arsonists often mistakenly believe that fires will consume all the evidence of their crime.  The reality is gravity preserves arson evidence.  The temperatures of fires are the coolest on the bottom of structures conserving precious clues.
Investigators are being understandably tight lipped about the things they know.  I also suspect that because the vast amount of real estate involved this crime involved multiple arsonists.
In this case the first arsonist that can get to a lawyer, contact authorities and snitch on everyone else wins!  With compelling information and testimony a, “Get out of jail free” card will undoubtedly be available.
I think it’s very safe to say arrests will be made in this case.  
Released LAFD video shows at least one male being aggressively pulled from the construction fence fire by firemen.  I’m amazed they did not hold him for police.  I’m waiting to hear that strange story for sure.
This fire was faster and more furious than any I’ve seen and that causes me to suspect that as investigators scour the scene that may find one or more bodies of arsonists that burned to death.  If that’s the case murder charges will be certainly brought against anyone connected the arson. 
The fire department just released a video of two men found by firemen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  A mere coincidence? Somehow I don't think so.  
They are suggesting these two are simply witnesses and that’s laughable.  The LAPD and BATFE investigators can’t wait to slap the handcuffs on those clowns and sweat full confessions out of them.  Extensive search warrants will be served I'd be shocked if they don't catch at least one really big fish to fry. 
Right now authorities are simply hoping that these lads are dumb enough to fall for the ruse thinking they might even be treated like heroes. 
Stay tuned because this story is just getting started!  Just who will we see caught up in this obvious conspiracy? 
Here are at least two of the obvious suspects:



Monday, December 08, 2014

Huge Downtown Inferno Rocks Los Angeles Overnight

Photo courtesy of KNBC-TV News
Los Angeles, CA—The City of Angeles was the scene of an overnight structure fire larger than I have ever seen before.  Reportedly over 250 firefighters battled the firestorm since it was reported at 1:20 AM. 
The massive blaze was adjacent to the Harbor #110 Freeway at the 900 block of Fremont Avenue. 
Additionally two nearby commercial high-rise buildings were severely damaged by heat, smoke, hundreds of broken windows and flooding from the sprinkler systems. 
Broken glass and debris could be found all over the neighborhood.  
By mid-morning the fire was nearly out but visibly smoldering.  I sent my drone up from the opposite side of the Harbor Freeway, which apparently was the only vantage point to see the ruins. 
The structure itself, which incidentally is located adjacent to a fire station, was to become the Da Vinci Apartments.  At least one million square feet of prime property was totally destroyed. 
Fire officials have said the blaze is very suspicious in nature and a massive investigation has begun with the LAPD and BATFE pooling their best resources. 
There are no damage estimates available right now but I'm sure it will be well into the hundreds of $Millions.

Reports are coming in that there has been criticism concerning the massive amount of wood used in the construction.  That causes me to shudder what a disaster this could have been had the apartments been completed and fully occupied.  Perhaps this was a cheap lesson in public safety. 
Here is some drone video of what’s left of the structure this morning.