Showing posts with label Festival of Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Festival of Books. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hijacking At The L.A. Festival of Books

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Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—Unfortunately, this event has a small but rather goofy dark side. Some people want to push their own political agendas down the throats of others. I have no problem with political discussion provided it’s germane to the place, time and targeted people.

I met one author who came in with his lovely wife to sell his books and set up a booth to do just that. The author, Neville W. Cramer wrote, Immigration Chaos. Cramer is a retired INS special agent. His premise is a simple one, American politicians will support any immigration enforcement efforts as long as they don’t work.

Okay, opinions are divided between those that do and don’t want laws regulating immigration. Apparently free speech is only welcome by some if they agree with the message. At least one fist fight broke out at the booth stared by an open border supporter.

I can’t wait to read Cramer’s book and can be counted on to review it here. You can learn more about Immigration Chaos right here.

Next I attended a discussion panel called, “Memoir: The KaBoom Generation” . That title was a little spin on baby boomers.

This panel was moderated by writer and TV producer, Sara Davidson and the other panelist were long time music writer, Danny Goldberg and writer, producer and actor Mike Farrell. Farrell is also an anti-death penalty and human rights activist. The discussion was about book writing, entertainment and the trials and tribulations of the panelist while writing their books.

This was an enjoyable panel discussion until the audience was invited to ask questions. The panel was hijacked by five total morons fighting both sides of Mideast political matters. When this began audience members by the scores began racing for the exits. Finally order was restored. If these clowns are so passionate about this matter they should go there and detonate suicide bombs on each other and leave the rest of us alone.

I have to say the panelist handled the troublemakers with absolute grace.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Your Guided Tour of The Festival of Books at UCLA

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—There are few thing to do that are as much fun as meeting lots of celebrity authors. Nearly every publishing company around sends their writers to this two-day event.

The price for this adventure is right, it’s free! However at $3.00 per bottle they will charge you here it’s best to bring your own water!

There are loads of booths and exhibits for the children. I guess we all want to keep the brats away from TV and those nasty video video games these days.

I put up a video so you can see what’s going on.

Here is a little treat from The Festival of Books hosted by UCLA Today

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—Today was the first of the two day Festival of Books sponsored by the L.A. Times and many other organizations. Every author around of any significance is here. They're there pressing the flesh as they sell and sign their books.

I have lots of video and will edit and post it later but wanted to give you a little treat from singer/actress Kristen Chenoweth. She starred in the Broadway smash, Wicked and had a starring role in the West Wing. I’m hoping to figure a way for her to tuck me into bed every night and sing for me! Somehow I don’t think that will happen except in my dreams.