Showing posts with label Ferguson MO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ferguson MO. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

One Bad Act of “Journalism” Deserves Another!

NYT Reporter Julie Bosman lives at 5620 N. Wayne Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60660!  
Ferguson, MO—With outright lies and massive race baiting from the Whitehouse down to the sewers of Ferguson this was an obvious effort to ignite a Race War.  The media could not stop exploiting the shooting death of robbery suspect and thug, Michael Brown. 
Leave it to yet another dying publication; The New York Times to publish Officer Darren Wilson’s private residence information.  The enterprising reporter behind this was a Chicago based reporter, Julie Bosman
Bosman’s intent was obvious; she wanted serious harm to come to Wilson and his new wife.  Her editor facilitated this stupidity.   There was never public benefit to the story.  Perhaps the goal was to later report on the arson and murders of the young Wilson couple.
Needless to say the Wilson’s had to abandon their home for their very lives. 
In a turn of events Bosman’s own home address was published by Internet web-masters sympathetic with the Wilson’s. 
The result of the new tit for tat response was some very understandable panic.  Ms. Bosman has made numerous calls to the Chicago Police Department demanding protection.
Ms. Bosman is very lucky that cops are not dangerous to people like her.  I can’t however say the same for some of the folks that support Officer Wilson that never took an oath to uphold the law.  Yes, this miserable Bosman bitch, better keep looking over her shoulder!  
One thing more!  Her residence:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Major Paradox Of The Bankrupt African-American Culture of Violence

Whether you’re in Ferguson, MO, Chicago, IL or Sanford, FL The Bankrupt African-American culture of Violence lacks any signs of simple humanity. 
Last year it was Travon Martin, this year it’s Michael Brown, two local thugs that were elevated to the sainthood of civil rights heroes by a bunch disingenuous phonies.
They were both shot and killed by non-African-Americans.  One was Hispanic and the other White.
White people will never get the benefit of the doubt should they kill a Black in self-defense. 
When Martin and Brown were killed the African-American race baiters did not wait for the bodies to cool before they duped the willing media into turning these justifiable homicides into senseless Hate Crimes. 
In fairness Martin and Brown were unarmed but both thugs were stronger than their killers.  Both thugs assaulted their victims before they were killed.  
Self-defense laws allow the use of deadly force when there is reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm such as a broken bone or permanent disfigurement.
Professional race baiters such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson always swing into action with their incendiary allegations and hate.  The media knows their ratings will skyrocket when they showcase these stories and sensationalize them accordingly.
And now for the paradox!  Many of our major cities have higher shooting and killing rates than many foreign war zones. 
It’s no secret that today in America Blacks murder Whites more often that when Whites murder Blacks.  When the victims are White the media doesn’t seem to care no matter how vicious or exceptionally cruel the crimes may be. 
Chicago’s summers are never without obscene body counts at the Cook County Morgue.  The victims are nearly all Black as are their killers.  Incredibly too often the victims are tender aged and innocent children.
When Blacks murder innocent little Black children, there is hardly a press mention.  If there is media coverage, it’s only about sadness.  You never hear any demands for justice.  The troublemaking race baiters are nowhere to be seen.  The Obama Whitehouse and Justice Department simply does not care and no investigations are commenced.
There are never any civil disturbances, riots or looting when some Black thug murders an innocent Black child. 
Martin and Brown’s names will be remembered as civil rights heroes but the innocent little Black murdered children are forgotten even before they’re buried.
Any culture that venerates thugs over their own innocent tender-aged children is beyond bankrupt.  It’s downright appalling and sub-human.