Showing posts with label Edward Snowden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edward Snowden. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2015

It’s time For Another Holocaust, This Time in America.

Washington, DC—What’s past is prologue.  We humans never learn from history as we allow politicians to control, plunder, pillage and eventually murder us. 
No Holocaust can ever take place without massive ignorance ambivalence and apathy by the governed.  We are at that point once again.
The most important tool for dictators is absolute power.  That’s usually willingly handed over to despotic politicians that can convince their population that liberty must be somehow balanced and compromised with security.
We once had a Bill of Rights but we surrendered it piecemeal to our politicians.  They somehow convinced us into believing that they needed enhanced police power to insure our safety.
They swayed far too many of us into believing that our thoughts of self-reliance was really just a fantasy. 
Like every despotic government many our own politicians persuaded a significant portion of the population into becoming totally dependent on government for their every need. 
Soon it’s alway a simple situation of,  cooperate with government or stave and die.
For us a huge milestone was reached on September 11, 2001 with the Islamist attack on the World Trade Center in New York.
Our politicians claimed they needed more police power to insure our safety.  We quickly surrendered a massive amount of liberty by accepting TSA tyranny and groping at every airport and train station. 
Adding insult to injury we embraced the Patriot Act and allowed our politicians to steal and squander hundreds of billions of tax dollars to fund their scam.
They never bothered to go through the political process to repeal our Bill of Rights.  Instead we simply turned a blind eye as they worked around and trampled on our hard won freedom.
Yes, this happened under George W. Bush and arguably well before his regrettable reign.
Americans led by the Leftist media were disenchanted with Bush and the Patriot Act and were led to a new, relatively unknown Messiah, Barack Obama. 
Obama was and is unashamedly a product of a Communist inspired upbringing and Chicago’s infamous political machine.  
To most voters anything seemed better than Bush.  Many traditional Liberals seemed only too willing to convince each other that Obama would actually undo the Patriot Act and concentrate on Social Justice.  Perhaps he’d even end our death penalty.
What Obama actually delivered was every bit of Bush’s policy, but on steroids!  That and the most mind-boggling deficit and tax increases ever in American History. 
The massive Socialist, Obamacare train wreck is not part of this, so I’m not even going there.
Some strange happenings were going on in May of 2013 inside a Hong Kong hotel room.  A journalist, Glenn Greenwald along with a small group of German documentary filmmakers were meeting with somebody revealing the most massive privacy invasion in the history of the world. 
A young, bright government contractor placed his duty to the American people over government thugs.  Edward Snowden revealed that a group of government criminals orchestrated the largest violation of Civil Rights in American history.  It was none other than Barack Obama leading this massive betrayal of trust.
Lets examine some reality here.  The Patriot Act, TSA assault on liberty or the illegal NSA spying never exposed or prevented a single known terrorist act.  Some of or politicians will claim otherwise but can never cite an example.
Instead a select group of politicians and bureaucrats had unlimited access to every phone call, text message, email, financial transaction and trade secret of yours or mine. 
These are no less than the tools most needed by extortionists, insider traders and of course dictators. 
Suddenly Obama and his henchmen gained massive power over uncooperative members of the media, Congress and the nation’s judges including the Supreme Court.
It’s been long accepted that, he who controls the information controls the world.  He is Obama and the power he seized is far greater than even Adolf Hitler had over Germany.
If you don’t think Obama has absolute power, simply ask yourself why Snowden is a wanted fugitive instead of our despotic President and those co-conspiring criminals that stole our privacy?
I was amazed last night to see Hollywood honor those brave German filmmakers that brought us the most important documentary of our time, Citizenfour with an Oscar.  Could the tide be changing now?
It remains to be seen what happens.  I know some within the media are beginning to wakeup primarily because Obama running the most secret government in American history. 
It’s really long overdue for our population to rise up, surround the Whitehouse and purge this criminal junta from existence.
We are at a very dangerous crossroad in our history.   Will we fight once again for our liberty or will ours be the next government seen yet again imprisoning and murdering its own population?
As for Edward Snowden, he’s an incredibly brave American patriot and must be treated as one.  We must honor and protect this exceptional lad.

Monday, February 16, 2015

“I’ve Got Nothing to Hide! Who cares if they’ve Got All My E-Mails, Phone Calls and Financial Transactions?"

Washington, DC—The documentary film is called, CITIZENFOUR and may be the most important documentary of our time.  It’s been nominated for an Academy Award. 
The German producers of this film were blessed with incredible access to American hero and NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden.  This was at the time when he was handing over data and documenting the massive criminal acts of our President and high intelligence officials to the Guardian Newspaper.
The only person ever indicted for a crime was of course Edward Snowden. 
Frankly the sheep do not understand that our democracy will never be the same because of our people’s stolen secrets.  Political extortion, financial manipulation is our future since the Genie is forever out of the bottle. 
But for the ignorance of masses, they’d rise up, storm the Whitehouse and immediately hang the occupants for treason. 
Buy a ticket and see this remarkable film.  Then ask yourself why the German government did not grant asylum to Edward Snowden?  Is it because of what Barack Obama may have learned by tapping German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone? 
Team of CITIZENFOUR –  nominated as Best Documentary Feature:
Dirk Wilutzky ( Producer)
Mathilde Bonnefoy ( Producer)
Laura Poitras ( Director)
Patricia Schlesinger ( Commissioning Editor Norddeutscher Rundfunk)
Barbara Biermann ( Commissioning Editor Norddeutscher Rundfunk)
Bettina Reitz ( Director TV Bayerischer Rundfunk)
Hubert von Spreti (Commissioning Editor Bayerischer Rundfunk)
Sonja Scheider ( Commissioning Editor Bayerischer Rundfunk)
Carl Bergengruen ( Managing Director MFG Baden-Württemberg)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Obama, Bush and Troubled German/American Relations

Chicago, IL—I have a lot of friends that consider themselves political moderates or even Liberal.  When they saw the wide smile of America’s first Black presidential candidate they somehow fell in love.
After suffering eight years with a horrible president, George Bush many of my friends gambled on this unknown African-American, Barack Obama who they figured could never be worse than Bush.  They all simply wanted change particularly with respect to Bush’s ill-advised wars. 
Bush wore the Republican label and his detractors called him a Right Wing Conservative.  Bush was mislabeled as a Conservative when he was nothing of the kind.  His rhetoric seemed Conservative but that was always just talk.  His actions were Liberal and Leftist.  He was also not very smart.
Bush got us needlessly into two wars that really served no purpose for America.  Attacking Iraq was really dumb.  
Had Bush stayed clear, Iraq and Iran would have made war on each other by now reducing the threat of Islamic thugs from both nations.  They may have killed millions on both sides.  Instead we made both enemy nations stronger than ever.
Too many of our youngsters came home in rubber bags as a result of Bush’s adventures.  Nobody in their right minds wanted us to continue in the Middle East deadly mess. 
Americans were tired of war and wanted to end them and Obama seemed to show signs of ending the conflicts. 
Nearly six years later hindsight tells us Obama made even more war than even George Bush!  The Liberal Bush hating media however refused to expose Obama’s missteps no matter how outrageous. 
Before his election as president I knew a lot about Obama because of my extensive inside knowledge of Chicago and its massive political corruption.  The history of the former lawyers Barack and Michelle Obama was incredibly ugly. 
The circle of Obama’s friends well were known by me as criminals, Communists and hate filled Blacks like their friends Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder.  The Obamas were both very much tied to the politically connected Communist faction in their Hyde Park neighborhood.
Obama was set to recreate America into a new Communist political model.  His entire political effort was High Treason against the American people and the Constitution he swore to protect and defend. 
Three men that exposed massive lies and revealed interesting things about political corruption and technology enabled extensive spying on ordinary Americans and our Allies like Germany.
Julian Assanage, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden.  They all risked their very lives to reveal the unthinkable.  We must be aware that none of these men made a single dime selling their information to enemy nations!  They all did this simply because it was the right thing to do! 
The media turned these heroes into traitors when in fact they were trying to warn us all of unbridled, unprecedented and unparalleled government tyranny. 
When a few government officials have the power of complete intelligence of the private lives of members of every branch of government they are empowered to blackmail anyone they wish. 
There can be no question that Obama and his minions were able to blackmail and compromise Conservative Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.  That gave them the one needed vote to save their otherwise doomed Socialist Obamacare American disaster.
The German people understood well what a horrible president Bush was and gambled on Obama as a new America Messiah.  They opened their arms and hearts to this stranger they once trusted.
Incredibly, Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize without a single accomplishment other than getting elected president!  Wow, he must be wonderful everyone thought! 
Chancellor Angela Merkel learned about Assanage, Manning and Snowden’s troubling revelations.  She blindly assumed that Manning and Snowden were traitors that compromised the security of the free world.  Ms. Merkel would later learn she was misled by the American government.
Edward Snowden desperately needed asylum and was turned down by Germany.  Instead he could only find refuge with our former enemy Russia. 
However Merkel soon learned that her personal cell-phone was hacked by the NSA-FBI’s  “Stingray” computer snooping program!
Now Germany has expelled to Americans for spying on them!  This has damaged a sacred trust between to nations that needed each other.  Obama has managed to divide and conquer two strong allies! 
Edward Snowden’s period of asylum in Russia is set to expire.  Snowden deserves solid protection from Germany.  He did not get it before because Merkel and her government thought that it would damage German/American relations.  She should rethink that decision and open Germany’s arms to Snowden. 
Frankly, Germany is the best place for Snowden at least until a new American President can pardon Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. 
As an American I’m deeply ashamed of the Obama Administration and my citizenship as a result.  I may be seeking asylum myself in Germany if there the continuation of Obama’s criminal conduct.
Every German certainly did not support Adolf Hitler, accordingly this American does not support Barack Obama!
I hope my Liberal and German friends understand exactly why I detest and denounce Obama.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Edward Snowden Hero or Traitor? It’s Up to You to Decide!

Somewhere in Russia---German Public Television network ADR caught up with Edward Snowden for an exclusive interview.
This interview has been removed form YouTube and numerous other video sharing sites because it is against interest of our rogue government. 
Snowden risked his $250,000.00 per year job, his liberty and very life to expose the most unlawful, vast and Machiavellian government surveillance program in the history of the entire world.
Snowden has proven that while we slept criminals have obtained total control of our government in a secret and bloodless Coup d'état. 
The unlawful NSA spying was not something that any elected politicians ever offered in their campaign speeches.  Had they done so, they would have never gotten elected.
Barack Obama cannot claim ignorance or dare deny responsibility for this multi-billion dollar tax funded criminal government enterprise.
The information contained within the NSA’s unlawfully seized data would allow for:
Agents learning embarrassing personal secrets to blackmail members of Congress, judges, prosecutors, or political candidates forcing them to vote or make rulings in ways inconsistent with the law or public good.
Agents that steal trade secrets from inventors and businesses could enrich themselves selling them to competing businesses all over the world. 
Agents would be able to learn inside financial information on any and all publically traded companies and obtain untold wealth through insider trading.
Can we now be sure for example that Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was not blackmailed into uncharacteristically voting to uphold the Obamacare massive train wreck? 
No American is safe from the worst kind of abuse or monstrous crime carried out by a government that refuses to act within our established laws and Constitution.
We cannot allow our politicians to create and maintain massive programs that violate every American principal or freedom that we ever fought to maintain.  The creation of the Snowden exposed NSA domestic spying program is nothing less than Treason and those responsible for it should be arrested and put on trial.
Edward Snowden is a hero in every respect.  He risked all to expose this and we have a duty to stop this cancer on our government. Watch this video interview while you still can!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Today, Edward Snowden is a Genuine American Hero

Washington, DC--U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon ruled today that the government NSA domestic telephone spying program was a violation of our rights under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.
On June 5, 2013, UK publication, The Guardian dropped the Edward Snowden bombshell that our NSA and various telecommunication companies had a domestic spy program in place collecting our telephone conversations and other data.  This was without the pre-requisite search warrants or even minimal probable cause.
Government snoops can simply access any of our past calls and listen in at will! 
The group Judicial Watch and others, including Larry Klayman filed suit against Barack Obama in the D.C. U.S. District Court seeking an injunction halting the outlaw behavior. 
The Obama Administration claimed this lawless program was necessary to thwart terrorism but the government could not cite a single event where a terrorist act was interrupted because of the program.
Snowden told anyone who’d listen that this was really for gathering intelligence information against political enemies and others targeted by the Obama Administration.   Discovery and abuse of any illicit sexual or criminal activity by would definitely be used nefariously to sway Congressional votes, judicial decisions and control those who may or may not run for public office.  Could this be the cause of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to make a surprise ruling on Obamacare?
We now have government by extortion and blackmail.  Imagine the shameful FBI COINTELPRO program today with this advanced technology!  This is COINTELPRO on steroids!
This phone snooping program was and is  Orwellian and criminal.  Anyone connected to this should be tried as common criminals.  Disgraced former Hollywood private investigator Anthony Pellicano has been rotting in prison for the same behavior for nearly a decade and it will be several more years before he will be considered for release.
Our politicians and bureaucrats have no special legal immunity and those involved should be brought to justice for their crimes regardless of political party affiliation.
Judge Leon found the program was a violation of American’s rights and issued an injunction but stayed it subject to appeal.  This should set the stage for the Impeachment of Barack Obama and criminal prosecution for all of those involved.
Our freedom is much safer tonight because of Edward Snowden who left a lucrative job, risked his freedom and life exposing this tyranny.  We owe Snowden a lot for what he did.  To suggest that lives were jeopardized by Snowden’s leaks is outrageous. Every American is endangered by the Obama Administration's criminal conduct.  
Our job as American citizens is to now take whatever action is necessary to take charge of or nation and bring these political and government thugs to justice.  It may well take more than lip service but the force our founders gave us the right to use under the Second Amendment. Edward Snowden is deserving of our nations highest award for bravery.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Edward Snowden, a Patriot or a Traitor?

Edward Snowden

Washington, DC—The massive $80 Billion communications surveillance program exposed by government contractor turned whistle blower, Edward Snowden is nothing less than sinister.  This program is un-American and clearly violates the civil rights of virtually every law-abiding citizen of the United States under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.  
It appears that our president and several elite selected politicians conspired to embezzle massive tax funds and used them to create this monster spy program in secret.  That’s Capital Treason and that should lead to criminal prosecution at the highest government levels.
As for Snowden he should be invited to appear before Congress and given full immunity from prosecution in exchange for truthful testimony.  The testimony administrators of this program will follow Snowden’s.
We will find out quickly if Snowden is a villain or hero.  He appears to be a brilliant and courageous young man who will well document the abject tyranny of various rogue government officials.
I fear that Snowden will be an assassination target by the Obama Administration that is already trying to label him as a foreign agent and terrorist.   Obama can be counted on to use whatever resources available to kill Snowden rather than capture him.
As for the so-called PRISM operation and its related programs a quick and permanent court injunction will end this lawless cabal.  The lawsuits have already begun and the sworn depositions forced out the defendants including Barack Obama will captivate the world’s attention and ours for many years to come.
Make no mistake unless Obama makes a sudden and successful power grab circumventing the law of the land, he and his presidency will be in total disgrace.  If he can successfully complete a coup we will immediately be in a certain second Civil War.
We must contact our members of Congress and demand immunity for Edward Snowden and a full investigation into the Obama Whitehouse.   I can promise you one thing if that happens.  Obama and his henchmen will claim Executive Privilege and when that fails they will invoke is Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. 
The nation is about to venture into uncharted and dangerous territory and perhaps racial violence as the nation further divides.   To do nothing would guarantee the absolute end to all freedom and liberty in this once great nation great nation.  The blood of patriots has always been the hefty price of freedom anywhere in the world.   What’s past is prologue.