Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Saturday, March 09, 2013

America’s K Through 12 Education has Become a Pure Propaganda Program

You can see these kids are not buried in books or anything academic.  
In every major city in America our children have been politically groomed with Leftist doublespeak and disinformation.  Our high school graduates understand the joys of Socialism but cannot effectively read or write.  They can’t answer simple question about our form of government and have no clue what the Bill of Rights really says or means.  They have never learned how Socialism failed everywhere.  They can’t tell you much about how America came to exist.
The teacher’s unions designed this system of child abuse and the politicians have given them their blessing.  These children have a future of poverty and pain because they were programed specifically for the welfare/nanny state.  These kids have no choice but to support Socialism because they have not learned about competition, communication skills or how to escape poverty.  They have been molded into incredibly ignorant and parasitic entitlement zombies.
Parents that send their precious children to today’s public schools are seriously putting them at risk.  Home schooling or a private education will definitely increase their chances at a better life.  Our junior colleges and colleges by necessity have become remedial reading centers.  Even a four-year college degree does not even insure a student can write a coherent essay unassisted upon graduation. 
How can we fix this mess?  I believe it’s much too late.  How did we let that happen?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why American Education Gets a Failing Grade

Today I’m going to attack crappy teachers, their unions and blatant tenure abuse.

We have an outrageous dropout rate in America despite offering taxpayer provided classes through high school. When teachers fail our youngsters they set them up for a life of poverty, heartbreak and deprivation. The conventional wisdom is to blame the students and their parents rather than the sacred cows we call teachers.

The teaching profession was hijacked by the politically far Left many decades ago and the ignorance of Americans screams out this fact constantly. The American educational system has been sabotaged in order to fail America.

Being a teacher requires more than reciting lessons and going through the motions of teaching. The problem is that the vast majority of teachers lack the most important skill to keep the students captivated, interested and excited. That is simple showmanship.

Teaching demands that the person giving the class be interested, excited and enthusiastic about the subject being taught. If the teacher has a deadpan delivery few if any students are going to get interested or even want to pay attention in class. Deadpan delivery is failure in the making. When teachers fail out comes the “bell curve” grading system to pretend failure does not exist.

Teachers need to look and act sharp. They need to speak well with energy and excitement. A great teacher has the stage presence of a rock star and can set a fire inside the minds of the students enabling them to master the material.

Teachers need to reinforce the fact that educational success means wealth, comfort and fewer worries in life. They refuse to do that out of allegiance to Leftist political correctness.

Teachers refuse to condemn poverty and ignorance especially in the poorest neighborhoods. Poverty and ignorance is unacceptable in a society outside of prehistoric cave dwellers. The students must be made to understand this.

I have a question for all of my blog visitors. What percentage of your teachers inspired or excited you about anything at all. I know the answer and it’s around ten percent or less. That in itself is an American tragedy.

Any war on poverty begins or ends with teachers. The soldiers for this war must be the best they can be. Teachers must learn to turn the floor of their classroom into a stage and show your students how what you’re teaching them will bring great opportunities into their lives. You cannot teach without humor. A class of smiling students is the class where the gift of knowledge is passed on.